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In A Flash
Harold E Edgerton (1903–1990) & Split-Second Photography
31 October 1998 – 15 March 1999

Dr Harold Edgerton was the inventor and developer of modern flash photography which made possible the type of stop-action imagery now routine in newspaper and television sports reportage. Edgerton's spectacular and stylish photographs were revolutionary and novel when first published in the 1930s and 40s. His studies of ultra-fast moving figures and objects, motion sequences and collisions reveal more than the eye can see.

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Wall to Wall
14 October 1998 – 26 January 1999

Detail: Martin Sharp and Tim Lewis, The unexpected answer (Yellow House) 1973 National Gallery of Australia

The theme of this exhibition, 'collecting, collections and display', celebrates the range and depth of the Gallery's permanent collection, with hundreds of works of art from the Gallery's storage areas displayed in a deliberately uncharacteristic and dense hang.

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Dance Hall Days
French posters from Chéret to Toulouse-Lautrec
27 June – 18 October 1998

Detail: Nover France working c.1900 'Absinthe Vichet (Vichet Absinth)' 1900 Gift of Orde Poynton Esq. CMG 1996

Dance halls such as the Moulin de la Galette and the Elysée Montmartre were popular venues in late 19th century France, attracting everyone from aristocrats to young working girls.  To advertise such venues and their entertainment, a thriving poster business developed, which contributed to a widespread enthusiasm for this new 'art of the street'.  The exhibition, Dance Hall Days, features key posters which evoke the excitement and freneticism of the age.

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detail: Nover France working c.1900 'Absinthe Vichet (Vichet Absinth)' 1900  Gift of Orde Poynton Esq. CMG 1996

Rosalie Gascoigne
Material as Landscape
4 July – 27 September 1998

Detail: Rosalie Gascoine, Suddenly the lake, 1995

Rosalie Gascoigne makes works from found objects using simple techniques such as fragmentation, assemblage, repetition and compression to respond to her environment. Her works have a lyrical and metaphorical relationship with the landscape which evokes pleasure and poetry in the object in their associative power.

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Pablo Picasso
The Vollard Suite
25 July – 10 September 1998

Detail: Pablo Picasso, Sculpteur et modele agenouille [Sculptor and kneeling model] 1933

The Vollard Suite contains many themes which reveal Picasso's obsessions, including the classically derived subjects of the Minotaur (the man–beast) and Pygmalion (the artist obsessed with the model). Picasso once said of the role of an artist, `it's not what the artist does that counts, but what he is'.

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Beauty and Desire in Edo Period Japan
6 June – 9 August 1998

Detail: Utagawa Kuniyasu Edo 1794–1832 Courtesan with umbrella c.1820s National Gallery of Australia

This spectacular exhibition featured woodblock prints, paintings and kimonos from the 17th century to the late 19th century. It explored  the image of woman as an aesthetic ideal through some 100 works by more than 35 artists, including Hokusai, Hiroshige, Utamaro, Sharaku, Moronobu, Harunobu, Kiyonaga, Kuniyoshi and Yoshitoshi.

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Read My Lips
Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Cindy Sherman
6 June – 9 August 1998

Detail: Cindy Sherman Untitled film still #3 1977 National Gallery of Australia

Read My Lips showcased three important contemporary artists. Jenny Holzer's posters and LED signs accost passersby in the street. Barbara Kruger uses slick advertising formats to deliver unfamiliar messages. Cindy Sherman's photographs explore images of women common in film and fashion photography, fairy tales and high art.

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Everyday Art
Australian Folk Art
25 April – 21 June 1998

Detail: Misses Hampson, 'The Westbury quilt' 1900–03 National Gallery of Australia

The National Gallery of Australia has included folk art in its acquisitions policy since the Gallery's inception. The Gallery's holdings constitute arguably the most important collection of folk art material in this country. It represents a cultural practice accessible to everyone and with something to offer those seeking to understand the human need to make objects.

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Natural Causes
Ansel Adams & American Landscape Photograph
7 March – 21 June 1998

Detail: Ansel Adams, Mt. Williamson, Sierra Nevada, from Manzanar, California 1944

Ansel Adams (1902–1984) is one of the most celebrated and influential 20th century landscape photographers. The exhibition title reflects the place of Adams's work in a tradition of brilliant American photographers of the sublime natural landscape and Adams's role as an ardent conservationist.

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New Worlds from Old
19th Century Australian and American Landscapes
7 March – 17 May 1998

Detail: Eugene von Guérard, North-east view from the northern top of Mount Kosciusko 1863 National Gallery of Australia

Landscape is undoubtedly one of the most popular and universally loved themes in the history of Western art. This exhibition presents the broad sweep of landscape painting during one of its most exciting eras of development — the 19th century.

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A Genius and his Impact
17 December 1997 – 15 February 1998

Detail: Rembrandt, Young Woman in Bed 1647 National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh

Rembrandt: A Genius and His Impact
is a rich and rewarding exhibition, offering a choice of paths for exploration and consideration. Rembrandt the master painter is the star attraction.

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