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image: Vincent van Gogh Portrait of the artist 1887 Musee d'Orsay, Paris Copyright RMN (Musee d'Orsay) / Gerard Blot

Masterpieces from Paris:

Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne and beyond

4 December 2009 – 18 April 2010 | Exhibition Galleries


The National Gallery of Australia is proud to present one of the most extraordinary exhibitions ever held in Australia. Soon, you won’t have to travel to the Musée d’Orsay in Paris to see masterpieces by Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Paul Cézanne, Georges Seurat, Pierre Bonnard, Emile Bernard, Claude Monet, Maurice Denis and Edouard Vuillard; you can visit them in Canberra.

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Vincent van Gogh Portrait of the artist 1887
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
© RMN (Musée d'Orsay) / Gérard Blot

image: Ningura Napurrula Untitled 2006 (detail) National Gallery of Australia, Canberra Purchased 2009
Copyright the artist licensed by Aboriginal Artists Agency, 2009

Emerging Elders

honouring senior Indigenous artists

3 October 2009 – 14 June 2010 | Project Gallery


Elders play important roles in Indigenous communities. They are admired and respected as keepers and enforcers of law, stories and culture. They guide communities today as they have done for generations, and their ability to visualise significant stories gives rise to some of Australia�s most dynamic and stunning contemporary works of art.

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Ningura Napurrula Untitled 2006 (detail)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Purchased 2009
© the artist licensed by Aboriginal Artists Agency, 2009

image: Frederick McCubbin Arrival of the Duke and Duchess of York, 1901 c 1908 (detail) National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

Last Impressions 1907–17

14 August – 1 November 2009 | Exhibition Galleries


Frederick McCubbin is one of the foremost Australian Impressionists, most well known for his images of the bush. This exhibition traces the radical changes in his work after he viewed the works of the European masters JMW Turner and Claude Monet in London. It includes a diverse range of joyous Australian paintings, from the bush to city life, interiors and portraits.

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Frederick McCubbin Arrival of the Duke and Duchess of York, 1901c 1908 (detail) 
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased with the assistance of a special grant from the Government of Victoria, 1979

Timothy Horn Glass slipper (ugly blister) 2001

sculpture + assemblage

16 May – 13 September 2009 | Project Gallery


Reinventions: sculpture + assemblage includes some of Australia�s most significant established artists, such as Rosalie Gascoigne, Robert Klippel and Colin Lanceley, with those of a younger generation like Neil Roberts, Ah Xian, Tim Horn and Ricky Swallow. What the artists share is a fascination with reinvention�with taking old materials or established ideas and finding fresh, distinctive and poetic ways to express them.

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Timothy Horn Glass slipper (ugly blister)  2001 
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra  Purchased 2002

Eva Hess Contingent 1969 cheesecloth, latex, fibreglass National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Soft sculpture

24 April – 12 July 2009 | Exhibition Galleries


Soft sculpture reveals the ways artists use unconventional materials to challenge the nature of sculpture. See works made from cloth, rope, paper, hair, leather, rubber and vinyl; works that are fluffy, squishy or bent; or that droop, ooze or splash.

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Eva Hesse Contingent 1969 (detail)  National Gallery of Australia, Canberra  Purchased 1973  Courtesy the Estate of Eva Hesse, Galerie Hauser & Wirth, Zürich

Lionel Lindsay Siesta 1924 wood-engraving Bequest of Alan Queale, 1982 Courtesy of the National Library of Australia

Silently stirring

21 March – 8 June 2009 | Childrens Gallery


Many artists are attracted to ideas of movement, change and transformation, and animals and beings (real and mystical) are favourite subjects when depicting these ideas in works of art.

Silently stirring explores these themes through prints, drawings, photography and sculpture from the national collection.

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Lionel Lindsay  Siesta  1924  wood-engraving National Gallery of Australia  Bequest of Alan Queale, 1982

Jeffrey Smart Wallaroo 1951 National Gallery of Australia, Canberra © Jeffrey Smart

Ocean to Outback:
Australian Landscape Painting 1850–1950

3 August 2007 – 17 May 2009 | NGA Touring Exhibition


To mark the 25th anniversary of the National Gallery of Australia, an exhibition of treasured works from the National Collection. Ocean to Outback: Australian Landscape Painting 1850–1950 has been curated by National Gallery Director, Ron Radford AM and celebrates the rich history of landscape painting in Australia.

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Jeffrey Smart Wallaroo 1951 National Gallery of Australia, Canberra © Jeffrey Smart

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec La Clownesse assise: Mademoiselle Cha-u-ka-o [The seated clown: Mademoiseille Cha-u-ka-o] 1896 colour lithograph National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Degas’ world
the rage for change

24 January – 3 May 2009 | Orde Poynton Gallery


Degas’ world, an exhibition of European prints from the Gallery’s collection, includes prints by Degas and his contemporaries including Bonnard, Cassat, Cézanne, Daumier, Gauguin, Manet, Morisot, Pissarro, Sisley, Toulouse-Lautrec and Rodin.

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec  The seated clown: Mademoiseille Cha-u-ka-o 1896     National Gallery of Australia, Canberra Purchase  1977

Clarice Beckett  Hawthorn tea gardens c##1933  Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide  Gift of Sir Edward Hayward, 1980

Misty moderns:
Australian Tonalists 1915–1950

20 February – 27 April 2009 | Project Gallery


The first major exhibition on Australian Tonalism, a movement championed by Max Meldrum in the first half of the 20th century. It includes 82 evocative works by Meldrum and others including Clarice Beckett and Percy Leason, Roy de Maistre and Roland Wakelin.

Misty moderns is an Art Gallery of South Australia touring exhibition.

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Clarice Beckett Hawthorn Tea Gardens c 1933
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide Gift of Sir Edward Hayward, 1980