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Pauline Hanson strikes back at One Nation's WA candidates who are complaining about a controversial…
The half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is dead after being reportedly assassinated by…
Phone records and intercepted calls show members of Donald Trump's presidential campaign had…
Martin Scorcese's obsession with the spiritual human condition surfaces once more in his latest feature, Silence.
A 65 per cent hike in the price of ice-cream might not sound like a great idea, but what if it could add years to your life?
Children now spend more time online than watching TV, according to a survey of young Australians aged six to 13.
Australian scientists have discovered the structure of a protein responsible for multi-drug resistant bacteria.
More than 60,000 mines have been abandoned across Australia, according to a report that raises concerns about how land rehabilitation is managed.
A stoush about housing affordability erupts in Parliament after the Premier announces she has hired former Reserve Bank…
Origin Energy finally bites the bullet and wipes more than $1 billion off the value of its stake in the $25 billion APLNG…
Rabbit owners are being urged to make sure their pet is vaccinated, as the South Australian Government prepares to release a new strain of the calicivirus.
Michael McCoy, one of Australia's leading landscape designers, follows owners and their garden transformations.
Mindfulness meditations specially tailored for parents, kids, teenagers, uni students and teachers.
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triple j Hack: The stuff that matters to young Australians >
Western Australian farmers have had to take extreme measures to save their livestock from drowning.
Donations from across Australia are being made to help Polly the pig recover after two men brutally attacked her.
Not all activity on online dating sites is genuine. In fact, romance scams cost Australians more than $25 million in 2016.
A couple celebrating 75 years together has revealed their secret to a lasting relationship - not having kids.
Meet Andrea Boyd - the only Australian working on the International Space Station flight control program.
An influx of refugees are struggling to find housing, and the Government is being called upon to address the issue.
Jan Gehl used 'people-centred' design to transform the 'boring' and 'utterly dead' Melbourne of the mid-1980s.
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