Australia rallies around injured Polly the pig after attack in Nimbin

Posted February 14, 2017 17:34:11

Donations from across Australia are being made to help Polly the pig recover after an attack on her and a flock of chickens in the northern New South Wales village of Nimbin.

Two men were charged with bestiality, torture and beating and causing the death of an animal, after the incident that left Polly severely injured and seven chickens dead late last year.

Audio: Robyn Francis talks about Polly's recovery (ABC News)

The alleged offenders are in custody and due to reappear in the Lismore Local Court later this month.

In the meantime, Polly's owner Robyn Francis said almost $5,000 had been raised through a crowdfunding campaign to help pay for vet bills and surveillance of her permaculture farm.

Numerous donations of fruit and vegetables have also been flowing in since Christmas.

"It's restored our faith in human nature," Ms Francis said.

"The support has been overwhelming … not just support for Polly, but the community coming together to show support for each other."

Ms Francis said Polly was being treated with antibiotics and herbal medicines as well as extra love and care.

"We've been rebuilding her trust," she said.

"It's been terribly distressing to see her terrified of everybody, but she has regained her trust and we've been giving her lots of treats and time to rest.

"She was pretty much lying down for a month and just getting up to eat. "

Ms Francis said Polly had been recovering well.

"She's very sweet, very lovable, a little bit sneaky. She has a nice sense of humour and like all pigs she loves her food," she said.

"The last two or three weeks she's started to feel a little more like her old self and she's started to cock up her ear again in her little cheeky way.

"When she's a little more restored she'll be going back to work ploughing the gardens for us."

Polly will turn 12 in June, and Ms Francis said she was expected to live for at least three more years.

Topics: animals, nimbin-2480