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We offer a range of annual copyright licences to suit every size and type of business, from SME’s through to large corporates. You can choose from either comprehensive or selective copyright coverage. Our Business licensing team can also come up with a tailored solution designed specifically for your business.

These are our key licences:

CopyrightAccess Licence This licence is suitable when your business is using published material from magazines, journals, websites or books throughout the business or photocopying newspaper articles.
NewsAccess Licence for business Digital use of newspapers. For example, this will enable your employees to scan in an article that they see in a newspaper about your business or its competitors and share it with their colleagues
ContentAccess Licence for PR and marketing firms For public relations or marketing firms wishing to copy and distribute press clippings to clients and staff
Licences for press clipping agencies Specifically designed for companies providing press clipping services to businesses
Funeral directors and crematoria Delivering funeral, bereavement, remembrance or related services to the public in a funeral home or crematoria.


Is your Organisation Infringing Copyright? PDF | 111kB
Introduction to Copyright Law in Australia PDF | 72kB


Please contact our Business Licensing team on 1800 066 844 (toll free within Australia) or 02 9394 7600. You can also email us at