UNITY (union of asylum seekers) rally, Glasgow 7/10/06

Climate change could displace millions of people. Can fascistic responses be inoculated against? The second of two pieces looking at climate migration, anti-migrant populisms, and no borders...

Emiliano Zapata

A detailed look at one of the most iconic rebels in history: Emiliano Zapata by Peter E Newell. Chronicles the development of the Mexican revolution in southern Mexico.

On the morning of December 9th, the autonomous social centre Kulturhuset, Jönköping was targeted with some kind of explosion, though with limited damage. The attack took place only weeks...

Invitation to join a workers' intervention at Heathrow airport


Women on strike in Reykjavik, 1975

A short history of the strike, or day off, by 90% of women in Iceland for equality with men on 24 October, 1975, written by Steven Johns.