state socialism

The May days: Barcelona 1937

CNT barricade on the Ramblas, May 1937

Interesting collection of writings on the May days in Barcelona: the combination of the "civil war within the civil war" as workers fought back against a counter-revolutionary Communist Party takeover.

The SPEW and me

A brief catalogue of my encounters with the lesser spotted subspecies of the British Trot in the wild. Careful it may bite you.

What Problems in Bolivarian Venezuela? What Tumeremo Massacre?

While the left press continues to praise the "Bolivarian Revolution," it has brought the country to the edge of a humanitarian disaster. Here are just a few of the problems, and not even the major ones. And then there's the Tumeremo massacre...

Bolshevism or communism - United Workers Party of America

1934 article by the council communist UWPA and the National Committee of the Communist League of America, Left Opposition on the question of a new Party and a new (Fourth) International.

International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 11

The Volume 1, Number 11 (September 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

News from Bolivarian gangland

Written a week before the shocking murder of 28 miners in Tumeremo, Venezuela by the 'El Topo' (The Mole) gang with the evident complicity of police and military, this article provides some background to the current wave of violence in the country. The Bolivarian government seems more hesitant to work with the opposition National Assembly, elected December 6, 2015 with 2/3 support among 3/4 of the voters than with the growing mega-gangs and the corrupt military...

How Lenin led to Stalin - Workers Solidarity Movement

Lenin led to Stalin

Good short account of how the foundations of Stalinist terror were laid by the policies of Lenin and Trotsky in the early days of the Russian Revolution.

The postmodern left and the success of neoliberalism

The international Left promotes its own image rather than engaging in the bitter reality of resistance against neoliberalism. It does not need to believe in postmodernism because it is postmodernism.

Why the KKE is not an alternative for Greece

An outline and critique of the Greek Communist Party (KKE)'s politics by RageAgainstCapital from an Anarchist perspective.