state socialism

Market socialism, self-management and the case for workers' co-ops - Darrow Schecter

This is a chapter 'self-management and the case for workers' co-ops' from Radical theories: Paths beyond Marxism and social democracy (1994) by Darrow Schecter. This study is being shared for critical consideration.

Social populism - arena for cross-front cooperation

In the past 20 years, various attempts to make coalitions between the left and right have taken place in Poland. The involvement of supposedly left wing or anarchist groups with the far-right have been treated in various publications. These have involved such organizations such as the Anarchist Federation, the August 80 union or ATTAC. It seems that after many years of discussion, some leftists keep falling back into this cooperation.

Wobblies call for Morning Star boycott

Clydeside branch of the Industrial Workers' of the World (IWW) union call for a boycott of leftist daily newspaper the Morning Star over allegations of mishandling domestic abuse reporting.

Democratic centralism, the Workers Opposition, clandestine opposition movements, the crisis in the party, Kronstadt and the end of the revolutionary period in Russia - Michel Olivier

A short essay on the left opposition in the Bolshevik Party in Russia from 1919 to 1927, focusing mostly on the Democratic Centralists and the Workers Opposition.

State capitalism in Russia - Murray Bookchin

Murray Bookchin

Murray Bookchin's critique of the USSR's economy as state capitalist. Published in Contemporary Issues 7, Autumn 1950 (under pseudonym M. S. Shiloh).

State capitalism: the wages system under new management - Adam Buick & John Crump

Adam Buick and John Crump's book critiquing the post-revolutionary Russian and Chinese economies as state capitalist.

“Castro turned his back on anti-Francoists”: interview with Octavio Alberola - Aitor Azurki

An interview with ‘Interior Defence’ (D.I.) organiser Octavio Alberola in Basque journal Argia by Aitor Azurki, translated by Paul Sharkey, where he talks about how the Cuban communist leaders turned their backs on the Spanish resistance and maintained good relations with right-wing dictator General Franco.

Gay in the gulag

Historical information about the repression of gay men in the Soviet Union in the wake of the government's re-criminalisation of homosexuality in 1933, after its decriminalisation in 1922. Trigger warning for sexual violence.

On the construction of socialism - Nikolai Osinsky (Valerian V. Obolensky)

In this text first published in the journal of the Bolshevik left communists, The Communist, in April 1918, Osinsky attacks Lenin’s economic policies (which he attributes to Lenin’s erroneous support for the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty) from a “left” perspective that champions working class supremacy in the “organization of production” (in the economic councils, etc.), advocates a policy of rigorous nationalization and promotion of “heavy industry” (coal, steel, railroads), and concludes that economic reconstruction cannot be directed towards Russian “self-sufficiency”, but must be oriented towards the goal of the victory of the international proletarian revolution.

On the fate of the state: Bakunin versus Marx - Paul McLaughlin

An article in which Paul McLaughlin compares the role of the State in Marx and Bakunin's thought. He concludes that Marxism is statist in ends, not solely in means.