
Crisis of family and friends: Working class experiences from west London

In warehouses, factories and other low-paid workplaces in west London we’ve had various conversations with fellow workers about how they live. We've also had experiences at home, where we flat-share with other workers from different countries. Facing the breakdown of the family and various forms of personal crisis we thought of writing an article about it for our paper, WorkersWildWest. Please feel free to criticise and contribute!

Federici versus Marx - Gilles Dauvé

Silvia Federici

A critique of some of the ideas of autonomist Marxist feminist Silvia Federici by Gilles Dauvé.

The Bronx slave market, 1950 - Marvel Cooke

Unemployed domestic workers seek employment, New York 1937

Fascinating series of reports and first person accounts of the markets in New York City where unemployed African-American women would be hired by white housewives to perform domestic tasks at extremely low wages.

A Spoonful of Sugar: Childcare, Work and #Budget2015

An analysis of the changes to childcare and paid parental leave in the 2015 Australian Federal Budget

Elis died of slave-like life in agency center

Crowded "dormitory" provided by agency company in Hong Kong, with workers sleepi

An Indonesian migrant domestic worker recently died in a Hong Kong work agency hostel. We re-post an article from WKNews that examines the collusion between Hong Kong authorities, the Indonesian government and private agencies and the effect it has on the situation of Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong.

On elder care work and the limits of Marxism - Silvia Federici

Text by Silvia Federici on elder care and its relationship with capitalism, feminism, and the left.

Domestic workers organized in the IWW 100 years ago

Excerpts from a letter detailing an IWW domestic workers union a century ago.

Learning to struggle: my story between workerism and feminism - Leopoldina Fortunati

An interesting account of an Italian Marxist feminist of her experiences and development in the autonomist and feminist movements in Italy in the 1970s.

Dear Jamie Oliver...

Response to celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's latest comments on the diets of the poor, how modern day poverty isn't real, and our f*cking massive TVs, from food blogger Miss South.

The main enemy - Christine Delphy

The main enemy - Christine Delphy

Delphy critiques Marxist accounts which place feminism secondary to economics, and instead offers a materialist feminist account which takes seriously concepts of production, reproduction and class.