
Pregnancy Symptoms

It is illegal to discriminate against pregnant women in the workplace.

Fired over morning sickness

A New Zealand woman has been awarded compensation after she lost her job due to her morning sickness.

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Miscarriage & Loss

My memory vessel teaches how fleeting it can all still be.

Memory Vessel

On a windowsill at home is an oval-shaped clear glass container with a bird as a lid and a collection of tiny items inside – shells, leaves, seedpods, flowers, more shells. Each item is small and perfect and has a matching twin for company. To someone else, this object that fits in the palm of my hand would appear just a decorative "thing", but I know otherwise.

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Pregnancy Health

Switching to e-cigarettes while pregnant is not a safe option.

E-cigarette vapour 'damaging for babies'

Pregnant women who smoke may harm their babies' brain development if they turn to e-cigarettes to satisfy their nicotine craving, scientists have warned.

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Prepare for Baby

Names with rapper cachet might hit the spot for your baby name choice.

Baby names from hip hop and rap

If hip hop and rap are your music genre of choice, you might want look to your favourite artists for baby name inspiration.

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 Eric and Lisa Sadiwnyk.

Pilot tells passenger he is about to be a dad

Your plane's arrival time, the weather, the seatbelt sign being turned on - they are all things passengers expect the pilot to make announcements about when sitting onboard a plane.

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