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News media corruption:


One story not being used to promote the "War on Terror" (0:54)

14 year old knocks out TV news liars (13:25)

A close look at Trump (21:54)

A popular chant in Ferguson (0:30)

"Act Like An Insider" - Or Else (9:21)

Anderson Cooper CIA grad (09:04)

Another look at the Bundy Ranch (14:22)

Are shooting events being staged? (36:03)

Black “riots” vs. white “riots” (2:50)

Bogus news reporting in action (2:36)

Boston Bombing and the private contractors (5:05)

Bradley Manning: Forgotten Man (15:55)

Bread and circuses (1:22)

Bribed to betray the people (13:21)

Child-Sex Ring run by Republicans (56:41)

CIA/Cheney/Fox: Torture? What torture? (8:28)

Crisis creation: 1981 style (13:10)

Duped! (01:17:09)

Facts about Castro and Cuba (28:00) NEW!

Fox News enlightens us with strategy against Muslims (8:43)

Fox news host makes joke about being homeless (4:55)

"Fuck it. I quit" (0:48)

Healing our sick culture (30:00)

Hero? Really? (1:13)

Highest rated show pulled for being anti-war (7:03)

How propaganda in the media works (3:56)

How the media elevates scammers (01:15:19)

How Trump won (14:31)

If you believe in doing serious research (28:48)

It takes a lot to get people to suck down poison (2:40)

Journalism infiltrated by CIA? (13:21)

Journalists silenced, Americans in the dark (14:27)

Jubilation as Tripoli India? (1:09)

Kerry: We need more propaganda (6:59)

Lying with satellite pictures (3:53)

Major 9/11 US news media fraud (01:57)

Major warhawk calls for peace and the US news media ignores him (04:39)

Making sense of the election (28:13)

Manufactured "news" straight from war zone (15:09)

Missing planes - again (6:54)

MSNBC boots winning show for offending "Washington" (10:00)

Network Newsreaders and Other Airheads (1:44)

News anchor quits Russia Today on air (1:15)

"Obama makes Bush look moderate..." (13:38)

Off-the-hook censorship at PBS (08:18)

Ooops - Common knowledge make it to the news (0:30)

Paris, NYC, ISIS and other brainwashing stunts (33:49)

Rip and read news reporting (02:36)

Sony wasn't hacked by North Korea but we need cyber regulation anyway? (3:26)

Spreading the truth before the Internet (12:34)

The "Magic" Confession Note (5:50)

The Boston-ization of Paris (6:41)

The champion of the free press (10:46)

The death of Robin Williams (8:49)

The ever-unreliable news media (12:27)

The FBI vs the Truth (06:22)

The history of the press (04:06)

The Kennedy assassination and the shut down of the media (6:59)

The media explains what's wrong with the media (3:58)

The Media is Controlled (1:35)

The news about the news (06:27) NEW!

The news media loves billionaires (06:32)

"The Palestinians cheered" hoax (06:56)

The press is not free in the US (12:58)

The truth about war reporting (05:52)

"They've always been lazy" (10:38 )

Unraveling Sandy Hook (1:32:13)

Using language to deceive (3:56)

Where stupidity glorified and crooks run free (1:46:07)

Who's Really Behind the War in Syria? (50:09)

Why America is the greatest country in the world... (4:48)

"You're country is just not that into you" (44:44)

"Your thoughts are not your own" (47:32)

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