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The story of "In fact"

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George Seldes: "Tell the Truth and Run"


This film excerpt was from the 1996 Academy-Award-nominated documentary feature film by Rick Goldsmith,Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press. .

For more information on the film or to get a DVD, go to:


We've been running excerpts of the film "Tell the Truth and Run"

It's about the life and work of George Seldes who was one of the first people to expose corruption in the news business.

His reward: Regular people loved his books. The newspapers ignored him.

So he started his own newsletter: "In fact." Howard Zinn, Ralph Nader, Daniel Ellsberg and many others subscribed to him.

- Brasscheck

Brasscheck TV's answer to the normal human question: "What can I do?"

For more George Seldes videos, click here

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