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How to clean the three dirtiest items you touch every single day

Luckily, there are easy ways to clean all three.

5 rules of great bathroom design

5 rules of great bathroom design
When it comes to bathrooms, it pays to get the design right – after all, it’s one of the costliest areas to remodel.

11 things you can throw out of your kitchen right now

11 things you can throw out of your kitchen right now
You can have a streamlined kitchen in the time it takes to boil pasta.

8 rented home styling mistakes

8 rented home styling mistakes
When you live in a rented home, your styling options can be limited. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of what you’ve got!

How to dog-proof your garden design

How to dog-proof your garden design
After years in the business, and with two border collies of his own, landscape designer Daniel Tyrrell shares 4 ideas for dog-proofing your design.

16 ways to upgrade your space for free

16 ways to upgrade your space for free
If renovating is totally out of the question, and even buying new furniture will stretch the budget too far, there are still ways to freshen up your home without spending a single cent.

5 interior design elements that cause bad vibes

5 interior design elements that cause bad vibes
Get out your sage leaves! Here’s a quick look at superstitions in the interior space that are said to bring bad juju.

10 small kitchen updates that make a big difference

10 small kitchen updates that make a big difference
There are small upgrades you can do on a shoestring - or for nothing at all.

4 interior design trends that are so over

4 interior design trends that are so over
Sometimes you have to pull the pin on trends that have lingered a little too long...

Top 5 tips for arranging your flowers like a florist

Top 5 tips for arranging your flowers like a florist
Make your own arrangements shine with these top tips from an expert florist.

10 ways to upgrade your house without moving

10 ways to upgrade your house without moving
10 expert ideas to refresh your home, inside and out.

On display: Bermuda 22 Mk II by Eden Brae Homes

On display: Bermuda 22 Mk II by Eden Brae Homes
A COMPACT floorplan doesn’t have to equate to living without the amenities of a modern lifestyle.

9 cleaning hacks for people with cats and dogs

9 cleaning hacks for people with cats and dogs
Because you love your dog, but your dog loves mud.

9 things you didn’t know you could clean with vinegar

9 things you didn’t know you could clean with vinegar
Vinegar is a natural and cheap disinfectant. Time to put this pantry staple to work.

Should you iron your clothes or steam them?

Should you iron your clothes or steam them?
Pressing question: which process is better for your clothes?

5 ways to create a stress-free home using Pantone colours

5 ways to create a stress-free home using Pantone colours
Colours can be soothing when styled the right way in your home.

7 ways to spider-proof your house and garden

7 ways to spider-proof your house and garden
With news of a serious increase in numbers of spiders, here are some proven methods for keeping the crawlies at bay.

How to make a small bathroom look bigger

How to make a small bathroom look bigger
Expert tips from a builder, handyman and stylist.

10 simple daily tasks to help combat clutter

10 simple daily tasks to help combat clutter
Adopt these small habits everyday and you’ll be on your way to getting clutter under control.

How-to: natural ant repellent

How-to: natural ant repellent
Protect your picnics and home this summer with this natural insect repellent.

5 tips to decorate your home like a stylist

5 tips to decorate your home like a stylist
Give your home a chic update with these simple and clever decorating ideas!

How to make natural cockroach repellent

How to make natural cockroach repellent
Banish the creepy-crawlies with this easy to make organic repellent.

7 ways to snake-proof your house and garden

7 ways to snake-proof your house and garden
Warm weather = unwelcome reptilian visitors.

How to make natural grapefruit cleaning spray

How to make natural grapefruit cleaning spray
Grapefruit seed extract is a natural antibacterial.

5 ways to create a breezy beach-inspired home

5 ways to create a breezy beach-inspired home
These simple decorating tips show you how.

How colour can affect the mood of a room

How colour can affect the mood of a room
Use colour psychology to create your perfect room.

How to make natural lavender, vinegar and vodka disinfectant

How to make natural lavender, vinegar and vodka disinfectant
Use it to clean all over your house.

How to make haloumi cheese in an hour

How to make haloumi cheese in an hour
Learn how to make your own yummy homemade Greek fried cheese.

Recipe of the day: Grilled scallops with lemon, olive, caper and parsley butter

Recipe of the day: Grilled scallops with lemon, olive, caper and parsley butter
This light and fresh seafood dish is perfect for a relaxed dinner.

How to grow windowsill salad

How to grow windowsill salad
Low on space? Don’t let that stop you from growing your own salad veggies.