<i>Creepy crawlies be gone!</i>
media_cameraCreepy crawlies be gone!

7 ways to spider-proof your house and garden

With news of a serious increase in numbers of spiders, we’re bringing you proven methods for keeping the crawlies at bay.

Fun fact? Bees are more deadly than a lot spiders. Most spiders are harmless and are keeping your home free from other insects. Regardless, no one likes a spider hanging around the house — pun intended. Read the following to help keep your house and garden eight-legged critter free.

Remove webs

Regularly checking for and removing spider webs from about your house and garden prevents spiders from lurking about and reproducing.

Oils & candles

Spiders don’t like the smells of strong odours such as cinnamon, eucalyptus and citrus. Use cinnamon candles and spray eucalyptus and lemon/orange oil in areas where you often see webs.

Fill in gaps

Spider-proof your house by filling in the gaps between walls and under doors where possible to prevent spiders from moving in.

Limit lighting

Insects are attracted to lights — spiders eat insects. Turn off lights in unused rooms to create a less-than-ideal environment for spiders.

Cats & dogs

Many dogs and most cats will chase anything that moves — these energetic types can be good spider deterrents.

Apply insecticide

To prevent spiders from entering your house, apply an insecticide to the perimeters of your home. You can get these at a number of home and garden depots or alternatively you call in pest control who will do this for you.

Maintain a clean house

Spiders love hiding in little nooks and crannies of clutter. Vacuum regularly to prevent spiders from moving in. Also keep piles of wood and other debris in your garden to a minimum and store these as far as possible from your house.

Originally published on homelife.com.au | Words Charlotte Thomson

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