autonomist Marxism

Seven theses on workers' control - Raniero Panzieri and Lucio Libertini

1958 article on workers' control, from an autonomist Marxist perspective.

Federici versus Marx - Gilles Dauvé

Silvia Federici

A critique of some of the ideas of autonomist Marxist feminist Silvia Federici by Gilles Dauvé.

Definição de composição de classe - Zerowork

Uma definição, hoje clássica, de "composição de classe".

Notas sobre composição de classe - Kolinko

Texto do grupo comunista libertário alemão Kolinko, abordando a atualidade e importância do conceito de composição de classe.

A rede de lutas na Itália - Romano Alquati

Exposição do conceito de composição de classe, ferramenta teórica e prática que visa favorecer o movimento autônomo do proletariado. Partindo das conexões materiais e sociais (geográficas, produtivas, educativas, subjetivas...) colocadas pela classe capitalista, o proletariado cria suas próprias conexões, sua própria autonomia de classe, podendo se tornar capaz de se opor ao capital num nível mais radical.

Back to the future: Italian Workerists reflect upon the Operaista project - Steve Wright

Drawing upon the transcripts used in a book consisting of interviews of people involved in the Italian operaismo and autonomia movements, Steve Wright explores issues and debates around immaterial labour and post-Fordism, to the nature of subjectivity and the role of workers’ enquiries and co-research.

Communism: some thoughts on the concept and practice - Antonio Negri

Thoughts on communism by autonomist Marxist Antonio Negri, first presented at the expensive conference on the Idea of communism in London, March 2009. Translation by Arianna Bove.

Science and Dogma: The Marxist Perspective

An introduction to the Marxian approach to science and ideology.

The Social Theories of Karl Marx in the Twenty-First Century

This essay was inspired, on the one hand, by the growing interest in Marxism along with the proportional ignorance of the real nature of the movement; and on the other by the scarcity of accurate, relatively approachable, and contemporary introductions to the subject. It is written with the intended audience of any intelligent and curious reader, and I have attempted to avoid technical language and jargon as much as possible. The piece is meant to present not only the essential content of Historical Materialism, but indicate to what extent the theory is still useful to us today, as a resource for anyone seeking to understand Marx’s contribution to science and the revolutionary movement.