autonomist Marxism

A party of autonomy? - Steve Wright

Steve Wright's analysis of the Leninist tendencies remaining in Italian Operaismo and "explore, in a critical manner, the debate over the party-form played out within and around the groups of Autonomia Operaia during the late seventies".

Review of Storming Heaven - Sergio Bologna

The veteran autonomist Bologna reviews Wright's book, which traces the history and development of autonomist Marxism.

The Tribe of Moles - Sergio Bologna

Sergio Bologna's work on class composition through the unrest in Italy during the 1960s and 1970s.

Class composition and the theory of the party at the origins of the workers' council movement

Sergio Bologna on the composition of the working class and the role of the revolutionary party in the German movement for workers' councils at the start of the 20th century.

Nazism and the working class - Sergio Bologna

Italian autonomist Sergio Bologna discusses the rise of Nazism and its relationship to the German working class.

Food, famine and the international crisis - Harry Cleaver

This article by Harry Cleaver describes the technological development and introduction of high-yield grains into South-East Asia as a method of controlling class struggle.

Throwing away the ladder: the universities in the crisis - George Caffentzis

George Caffentzis' article on the development of class struggle in American universities since 1960.