autonomist Marxism

TPTG's conversation with George Caffentzis

Interview with George Caffentzis on Zerowork, Midnight Notes, autonomist Marxism and American social movements, amongst other things.

A libertarian Marxist tendency map

This tendency map was produced by Chris Wright for, now part of the library - it is designed to trace some of the important tendencies in libertarian Marxism. Contains a brief written history with links to key individuals, groups and publications, and a graphic map.

An Interview with Harry Cleaver

Interview with American autonomist Marxist, Harry Cleaver.

The Inversion of Class Perspective in Marxian Theory: From Valorization to Self-valorization

An article on contemporary Marxism by US academic Harry Cleaver.

Introduction to Antonio Negri's Marx beyond Marx

Harry Cleaver's beautifully written introduction to Antonio Negri's autonomist classic, Marx Beyond Marx.

Reading capital politically - Harry Cleaver

Reading Capital Politically - Harry Cleaver.

Harry Cleaver's seminal work on forming a practical, political interpretation of Marx's Capital.

The Subversion of Money-as-Command in the Current Crisis

INTRODUCTORY NOTE: This paper was written for and prsented to the Conference on Money and the State at FLACSO, Mexico City, Mexico, July 14-17, 1992. The Conference was organized by John Holloway and brought together a number of people from Mexico, the United States and Europe to discuss theoretico-political issues of money in the crisis. Several of the papers presented to that conference (including this one) were subsequently published as Werner Bonefeld and John Holloway (eds) GLOBAL CAPITAL, NATIONAL STATE AND THE POLITICS OF MONEY, London: St. Martin's Press, 1995. The following article, with the same title, appears on pp. 141-177 of that book.

Supply Side Economics: The New Phase of Capitalist Strategy in the Crisis

New Right economist, Milton Friedman.

Cleaver's analysis of the development of New Right economic theory in the early 1980s with the idea of not merely criticising it, but of reading "it as the battle plans of the enemy in the class war".

Texas Archives of Autonomous Marxism

List of content in the Texas archives of autonomist Marxism.