NiE 2016 Earth and Beyond education kit. Online pic for promotional use.

Education kit Inspire with the wonder of space

The Sun, the Moon and the Milky Way. There is so much to know and learn about space and our place in it. Our Earth and Beyond education kit explores all this and more.

2016: VCE Maths Methods

2016: VCE Maths Methods
Prepare for the Mathematical Methods exams using a Growth Mindset Approach, writes Craig Blake

2016: VCE VET Hospitality

2016: VCE VET Hospitality
Create a grid or checklist that contains all elements from the units of competency that are appraised in the VET Hospitality, writes Pat Murphy

2016: VCE Literature

2016: VCE Literature
How can I do well in this exam? Mary Purcell’s exam preparation guide has the answers

2016: VCE Product Design and Technology exam tips

2016: VCE Product Design and Technology exam tips
It is crucial to know and understand Product Design Factors, their parameters and how important they are when designing products, writes Keith Thompson

2016: VCE Computing — Informatics

2016: VCE Computing — Informatics
Boosting your confidence is about aligning your knowledge and skills with your effort, writes Robert Koren

2016: VCE Physics exam tips

2016: VCE Physics exam tips
Teacher and author Craig Tilley offers lots of bright ideas to help students prepare for the VCE Physics exam

2016: VCE Media

2016: VCE Media
Most important of all are the skills required to manipulate, interrogate, analyse and synthesise knowledge, writes Jo Flack

2016: VCE Specialist Mathematics

2016: VCE Specialist Mathematics
Look carefully at the results from last year’s examination and workout why so many students gave an incorrect response, writes Elizabeth Burns

2016: VCE Visual Communication Design

2016: VCE Visual Communication Design
Take your time to review your achievements so far and see the connections between areas of study, writes Christine Lloyd

2016: VCE English

2016: VCE English
Go over all of your work from the start of the year, making notes as you go, suggests Andrew Doyle

2016: VCE Legal Studies

2016: VCE Legal Studies
By referring to a range of resources, good students demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject, writes Jules Aldous

2016: VCE Chemistry

2016: VCE Chemistry
Read the assessment reports from the past three years to avoid errors made by previous students, writes Christopher Dwyer

2016: VCE Physical Education

2016: VCE Physical Education
Rob Malpeli’s coaching tips will help you reach the finishing line in winning style

2016: VCE Studio Arts

2016: VCE Studio Arts
It is vital that you use correct terminology relevant to the selected art form, writes Brigid Weereratne

2016: VCE Business Management

2016: VCE Business Management
It is vital that you prepare for the exam by familiarising yourself with the requirements of the task words, writes Debra McNaughton

2016: VCE Psychology

2016: VCE Psychology
Time management and planning are an essential part of exam success, writes Shirley Barker

2016: VCE Further Mathematics

2016: VCE Further Mathematics
The revised study design has greater emphasis on the Core component, writes Gary Motteram

2016: VCE Health & Human Development

2016: VCE Health & Human Development
Practise brainstorming, seek feedback and read exam questions carefully, writes Andrew Beaumont

Leading light on youth issues

Leading light on youth issues
Thomas Velican has won a VCE Leadership Award for his youth advocacy that’s seen him working with local and state governments and a Royal Commission

Work experience program

Work experience program
Interested in a career in the media? Find out more about our Work Experience program and how to apply. Applications for 2017 are now open

Sara is a VCE Power-house

Sara is a VCE Power-house
VCE Leadership Award recipient Sara Elhouli is kicking goals in the western suburbs by encouraging more girls to play footy

Tiny town, big impact

Tiny town, big impact
VCE student Georgia Lee works hard to make sure isolation and drought don’t deter students from reaping the benefits of living in a small town

VCE student first among equals

VCE student first among equals
VCE student Elizabeth Vu is working to make the world a better place through her leadership on refugees, fair trade and social justice

VCE student is a top act

VCE student is a top act
VCE student Jake Kirby believes theatre can create stronger communities and help young people deal with such issues as dyslexia

2016: VCE Studio Arts

2016: VCE Studio Arts
It is vital that you use correct terminology relevant to the selected art form, writes Brigid Weereratne