
2016 VCE exam guide — Specialist Maths: Read the new Study Design carefully

This year is the first year of the revised VCE Mathematics study design.

With the increases importance of data analysis, Probability and Statistics has been included as an area of study in Specialist Mathematics and some previous content no longer required.

Some of the language of probability and statistics will be familiar to you from the Mathematical Methods study but it is most important that you read the study design carefully and make sure that you understand each word in the design, know the key knowledge and can perform the key skills.

While there is not as much material available for this new section of the study, various organisations have prepared sample questions so make sure that you access these.

It is always very informative to read the examiners reports from the previous years’ examinations.

Note that this year, it being the first year of the revised study design, there are obviously no comments on the new section of the course.

Last year, there were eight Multiple Choice Questions with a less than a 50% correct response, a marked downturn from the previous year when only three questions had a similar result.

Perhaps the questions were a little harder, but this poor performance needs addressing.

All of you must develop techniques which ensure that for you, the distracters do not what they set out to do: distract you!

Look carefully at the results from last year’s examination and workout why so many students gave an incorrect response, analyses these responses and note the pitfalls. Learn from their mistakes!

Click here for examples.

Elizabeth Burns is a MAV (Mathematical Association of Victoria) councillor



Exam 1

When: November 4, 9am-10.15am

Reading: 15 minutes

Writing: 1 hour

Worth: 22 per cent of study score

Exam 2

When: November 7, 11.45am-2pm

Reading: 15 minutes

Writing: 2 hours

Worth: 44 per cent of study score