1 November 2016

Sectarian tensions rise in Iraq as Mosul offensive enters third week

By Jordan Shilton, 1 November 2016

Iraqi government troops entered the eastern outskirts of the northern Iraqi city Monday amid ongoing warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe facing its residents.

US-backed Islamist rebels launch offensive in Syria

Aleppo, Mosul and “war crimes”

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Democrats step up campaign against FBI director

By Patrick Martin, 1 November 2016

Democrats have focused much of their attack on Comey’s intervention on demands that he release information supposedly connecting Trump to Russian President Putin.

Political warfare explodes in Washington

The FBI intervenes in the 2016 election

Leaked documents detail how Wall Street bought the Clintons

More on the 2016 US elections »

Unifor announces sell-out agreement with Ford Canada

By Carl Bronski, 1 November 2016

Unifor leaders acknowledged there are “bad things” in the proposed deal with Ford and elements they “don’t like,” but refused to say anything more about them.

Unifor rams through another sellout deal at Fiat-Chrysler

Unifor prepares pattern sellout for Ford Canada workers

Philadelphia transit workers go on strike

By Alan Whyte, 1 November 2016

The nearly 5,000 transit workers are seeking improvements in pensions and resisting management demands for increased health care costs.

India-Pakistan cross-border barrages heighten South Asia’s war crisis

By Keith Jones, 1 November 2016

India’s BJP government calculates that it can exploit the war crisis to strengthen its hand against Pakistan while stoking reaction and rallying support at home.

Mine explosion in China kills 15 workers

By Peter Symonds, 1 November 2016

The mine disaster in southwest China took place as President Xi exhorted a conference of safety inspectors to improve safety standards and reduce industrial deaths.

New York: Rikers Island prison guards found guilty in beating and cover-up

By Sandy English, 1 November 2016

Four guards at New York City’s Rikers Island prison complex were convicted of brutalizing inmate Carl Williams in 2013 and falsifying records.

West Virginia: OxyContin maker dashes efforts to address opioid epidemic

By Brad Dixon, 1 November 2016

Recently unsealed court records shed light on the measures taken by Purdue Pharma to defeat efforts by state officials in West Virginia to limit the sale of OxyContin.

UK: Dorset NHS management pushes health cuts amid growing opposition

By Ajanta Silva, 1 November 2016

Dorset’s NHS management aims to downsize two major A&E departments, children units, maternity units and more than a half a dozen community hospitals delivering inpatient care.

New Zealand pseudo-lefts hold protests to denounce Russia

By John Braddock, 1 November 2016

The rallies were an attempt to whip up support for the US-led intervention in Syria and its reckless confrontation with Russia.

Australian poultry firm Baiada to close Victorian plant

By Will Morrow, 1 November 2016

The National Union of Workers is working with the company to try to enforce an “orderly closure” of the Laverton facility.

Australia: Widespread exploitation of backpackers and overseas labourers

New in Arabic

مؤتمر الخامس من شهر تشرين الثاني، تحت شعار رؤية الاشتراكية في مواجهة  الرأسمالية والحرب ، والسعي لبناء حركة جديدة مناهضة للحرب الإمبريالية.

Eric London و Joseph Kishore, 12 أكتوبر 2016

ستستضيف جامعة واين ،في مدينة دترويت في ولاية مشيغان،  مؤتمر مناهض للحرب، ينظمه حزب المساواة الاشتراكي، والحركة الدولية للشباب والطلبة المناضلين في سبيل االمساواة الاجتماعية تحت شعار " رؤية الاشتراكية في مواجهة الإمبريالية والحرب".

New in French

La guerre politique éclate à Washington

Par Patrick Martin et Barry Grey, 1 novembre 2016

L'annonce de nouvelles «mesures d'enquête» contre Hillary Clinton par le FBI a fait éclater à la surface le violent conflit qui fait rage au sein de l'État et de l'élite dirigeante des États-Unis.

L'EJIES de l'Australie tient sa première réunion générale à l'Université de Melbourne

Par EJIES (Australie), 1 novembre 2016

La réunion était l'aboutissement d'une lutte de deux ans et demi par l'EJIES pour établir un club étudiant à l'université.

New in German

In Washington eskaliert die politische Kriegsführung

Von Patrick Martin und Barry Grey, 1. November 2016

Die Ankündigung des FBI, neue „Ermittlungen“ gegen Hillary Clinton einzuleiten, hat die schweren Konflikte an die Oberfläche gebracht, die innerhalb des amerikanischen Staats und der herrschenden Elite toben.

60 Tote bei amerikanisch-saudischem Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen

Von Bill Van Auken, 1. November 2016

Bei dem jüngsten Luftangriff wurden mindestens 60 Zivilisten getötet. Im Vorfeld waren Berichte aufgekommen, in denen vor einer schweren Hungersnot gewarnt wurde.

UFO sagt erneut Streiks ab und bettelt beim Lufthansa-Vorstand um Gehör

Von Dietmar Henning, 1. November 2016

Selten ist ein derart unterwürfiges Schreiben wie das von UFO an Lufthansa veröffentlicht worden. Es ist eine Bankrotterklärung gewerkschaftlicher Konzeptionen.

Kommunistische Partei Chinas wird von inneren Krisen erschüttert

Von Peter Symonds, 1. November 2016

Das chinesische Regime ist mit nachlassendem Wirtschaftswachstum, wachsenden Klassenspannungen und Washingtons aggressiven Versuchen konfrontiert, China zu schwächen und zu unterwerfen.

Other Languages


The 2016 US election and the crisis of the two-party system

1 November 2016

The bitter conflict within the political establishment following FBI Director James Comey’s intervention in the election has exposed the deep crisis of bourgeois rule in the US.

Earlier Perspectives »

November 5 Antiwar Conference

Socialism vs. Capitalism and War
The SEP and IYSSE schedule November 5 antiwar conference in Detroit

The November 5 conference, “Socialism vs. Capitalism and War,” and the building of a new movement against imperialist war


Vertebrate species populations in dramatic decline

By Philip Guelpa, 1 November 2016

A study by the World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London projects that by 2020 vertebrate species populations will have dropped by two thirds since 1970.

Book Review

The political anatomy of pseudo-left war propaganda
Part one

By Eric London, 1 November 2016

A Road Unforeseen employs postmodernist political categories and identity politics in constructing an argument for war in the Middle East.

Making the case for war in Eastern Europe
Robert D. Kaplan’s In Europe’s Shadow

Mehring Books

Philosophy and Politics in an Age of War and Revolution
A lecture delivered at the Goethe University in Frankfurt

By David North, 25 October 2016

Hundreds attend lecture by David North in Frankfurt, Germany

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: the Americas

1 November 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Vote by Chicago teachers on concessions contract begins today, after postponement

By Kristina Betinis, 31 October 2016

Strikes end at Libbey Glass in Ohio and Jim Beam in Kentucky


Another apologia for Obamacare from the New York Times’ Paul Krugman

By Kate Randall, 31 October 2016

Obamacare: The reality hits home

Two weeks before the US election
Government announces huge Obamacare premium rises for 2017

Sixty killed in new US-Saudi war crime in Yemen

By Bill Van Auken, 31 October 2016

Sri Lanka: New anti-terror measures lay foundations for police state

By Nanda Wickremasinghe, 31 October 2016

Australia: Murdoch columnist blames young people for inability to purchase homes

US-Russian war tensions mount over Eastern Europe and Syria

Thomas Piketty in Sydney: Data on social inequality, but no solution

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

US SEP presidential candidate addresses Sri Lankan audience

By our correspondents, 31 October 2016

Sri Lankan students and workers discuss US SEP’s election intervention

SEP candidates hold successful meetings in run-up to November 5 anti-war conference

By our correspondents, 29 October 2016

Socialist Equality Party presidential candidate denounces US escalation of Iraq War

By Jerry White, 19 October 2016

War and the 2016 US elections: SEP candidates launch final election tour

20 October 2016

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

25 years ago: Largest general strike in South African history

Millions of black South African workers staged a powerful two-day general strike on November 4-5, 1991 to protest the apartheid government’s attacks on their living standards.

More »

50 year ago: Florence flooding kills 149, destroys historic patrimony

On November 4, 1966, a flash flood swept through Italy’s historic city of Florence and its surrounding areas, killing 149 people and destroying or damaging invaluable Renaissance art and literature.

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75 years ago: Cetniks and Partisans clash in Yugoslavia

On November 1, 1941 the Serbian Cetnik forces under the nationalist Draza Mihailovic launched surprise attacks against Uzice and other positions held by Yugoslav Partisan units led by Tito’s Communist Party.

More »


100 years ago: IWW members killed in Everett Massacre

On November 5, 1916, armed sheriff’s deputies killed five members of the revolutionary-syndicalist and anti-war Industrial Workers of the World in Everett, Washington.

More »

Arts Review

American Pastoral: A film version of Philip Roth’s novel

By David Walsh, 29 October 2016

Certain Women: A certain anger at America’s coldness, loneliness …
… And Christopher Guest’s Mascots

New in Arabic

WSWS publishes Arabic translation of call to conference against war

Posted here is a translation into Arabic of “The November 5 conference, ‘Socialism vs. Capitalism and War,’ and the building of a new movement against imperialist war,” the October 12 Perspective on the WSWS.


Berlin exhibition—“Mass Shootings: The Holocaust from the Baltic to the Black Sea 1941-1944”

By Verena Nees, 28 October 2016