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  • Everyday chemicals cost us billions

    Hormone-disrupting chemicals cost the U.S. $340 billion annually in health care expenses and lost wages. These chemicals can be found in electronics, car seats, makeup and food packaging among other consumer products. Learn more about hormone disruptors and tips to reduce exposure here.

  • PSR/NY opposes natural gas pipeline next to nuclear power plant

    On a recent tour hosted by PSR/NY, health care professionals and emergency planners had a first-hand look at the dangerous siting of the Spectra AIM gas pipeline only 105 feet from the aging Indian Point nuclear power plant. The threat of pipeline rupture to the integrity of the plant poses enormous health risks. PSR/NY is asking construction of the pipeline be halted immediately.

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  • PSR citizen-lobbyists push for ban treaty at the UN

    On October 17, PSR's delegation to the UN First Committee​ arrived at UN headquarters in New York​. From left: Claire Drake, David Drake, DO​; Martin Fleck; Ira Helfand, MD; Clay Whitehead MD. Not pictured: Shannon Gearhart, MD; Alfred Meyer; and Cathey Falvo, MD. The delegation traveled to the UN to work with International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), educating diplomats from many nations to cosponsor the resolution supporting negotiations toward a nuclear weapons ban treaty to commence in 2017.

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  • Volunteers needed at PSR's DC Office

    Have a morning, afternoon or a full day or two each week you'd like to engage in constructive work for Physicians for Social Responsibility? We'd love to have you. Our staff is small and can always use extended family to help get projects done.

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Nuclear Weapons

Join our campaign! 159 nations favor eliminating nuclear weapons based on their humanitarian impact. If you agree, click here.

Environment and Health

Join PSR's new campaign, Clean Energy Saves Lives. Each month you'll take one simple action, educating your community and urging state decision-makers to opt for clean renewables and energy efficiency.

Safe Energy

The Safe Energy program focuses on protecting public health, taxpayer dollars, and national security by preventing the construction of expensive, dirty, and dangerous new nuclear reactors.

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Sign up for our webinar, October 26, to learn how energy efficiency in the home reduces hospital emergency room visits and missed days of school and work, while providing safer, more affordable housing for families.

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Please urge Secretary of State John Kerry to vote "yes" at the UN in support of negotiations to ban and eliminate nuclear weapons. The vote is expected VERY SOON.

In the Spotlight

Speaking Tour: Heat Advisory

PSR's Dr. Alan Lockwood visits Chicago on Oct. 27 to highlight the health effects of climate change and speak about his new book, Heat Advisory.

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Fracking Resources

Learn about the impacts of hydraulic fracturing on human health, communities, and the planet.
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