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With the European Union’s ratification, the Paris Climate Accord is ready for adoption

Posted by Patrick Hayes, Climate Intern on October 6, 2016

The last hurdle to formally adopting the Paris Climate Accord was cleared this week with the EU's endorsement. Twenty-eight EU nations have simultaneously ratified the agreement, crossing the threshold of representing 55 percent of global emissions.

The Paris Climate accord calls for nations across the world to commit to reducing emissions in order to curb rising global temperatures, rising sea levels, and shifting weather patters. In order for the Accord to take effect, at least 55 countries accounting for at least 55 percent of global emissions must adopt the agreement. Before this week, 62 countries had signed on accounting for only 52 percent of emissions.

With the EU ratifying the agreement, bringing twenty-eight nations on board, the 55 percent of global emissions threshold is surpassed! With this step conquered, the Paris Climate Accord may go into force as early as the next U.N. climate conference in November.

Human health is threatened by rising global temperatures, rising sea levels, and more frequent extreme weather leading to flooding, and the Paris Climate Accord is a strong step towards curbing the effects of climate change by ensuring the reduction of global CO2 emissions.

The addition of the EU's commitment is a big step in the right direction, but more nations are needed to sign in order to reach the goal of keeping the rise in world temperatures below a 2 degrees Celsius increase over levels in pre-industrial times.

Human health depends on a healthy climate; we must keep working to unite nations towards a cleaner future.


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