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Kansas City

  • PSR Kansas City Dinner

    PSR Kansas City leadership recently held a dinner meeting with Dr. Lynn Ringenberg, President of the Board of Directors for PSR National. Pictured from left: Lynn Ringenberg, MD, FAAP; Ann Suellentrop, MSRN, Chapter Director; Richard Gibson, CPA, PSR National board member; Dr. Jennifer Ashby; and Dr. Yolanda Huet-Vaughn, President of PSR/KC Area Board of Directors.

  • PSR Kansas City Commmemorates Hiroshima/Nagasaki

    PSR National President Dr. Lynn Ringenberg (center) joined PSR Kansas City members at the International Fast for a Nuclear Ban Treaty event at the Kansas City Plant to commemorate the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to call for a ban on nuclear weapons.

  • PSR to EPA: Protect health, slash carbon emissions

    Climate change is one of the greatest threats to health in the 21st century, making it urgent that we slash carbon emissions. The EPA's proposed rule to limit carbon emissions from new coal-fired power plants gives us an opportunity to do just that. Barbara Gottlieb, PSR's Director of Environment and Health, testified before the EPA, calling on them to pass a strong rule.

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  • Big Win in Kansas City. Nukes on the Ballot!

    Our PSR chapter, their local coalition partners, and supporters around the world are celebrating a tremendous win. After months of delay and obstruction the Kansas City City Council voted to put our citizen's initiative on the ballot. In April 2013, voters will have a chance to raise their voices for peace and sanity. Our Kansas City chapter played a key role in this long and ground breaking battle. Power to the People!  

    Read more to find out why this is important.
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Focus Areas

Latest News & Events

  • Hiroshima, Nagasaki, a contemporary Crucifixion
    August 7, 2015

    A report on local Hiroshima/Nagasaki commemorations sponsored by PSR Kansas City.

    Source: National Catholic Reporter
  • Clean power plan
    August 5, 2015

    A letter to the editor from PSR Kansas City member Everett Murphy, MD.

    Source: Kansas City Star
  • Nuclear threat
    August 6, 2014

    A letter to the editor from PSR member Dr. Joe Douglas.

    Source: Lawrence Journal-World

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Make a difference in the challenge to confront global warming and prevent nuclear war and the development and use of nuclear weapons.

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  • Pediatric Environmental Health Toolkit Pediatric Environmental Health Toolkit

    The Toolkit is a combination of easy-to-use reference guides for health providers and user-friendly health education materials on preventing exposures to toxic chemicals and other substances that affect infant and child health. Read more »


Ann Suellentrop, Program Director; Richard Gibson, CPA, Executive Director
1865 S. Pyle St.
Kansas City, Kansas 66103
913-342-0587 (h)