Good Weekend is the premier magazine of quality journalism in the country. Every week our stories are the talking points of dinner parties throughout Sydney and Melbourne. They are stories that define the times we live in and are essential reading for those seeking to be on top of culture and debate.

Every Saturday, Good Weekend is inserted into Australia’s most well-respected newspapers, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age – must-reads for 1.1 million Australians in two major states.

A confident leader in the inserted magazine market, Good Weekend offers a rare balance found in no other magazine; an even male/female readership and a mass-reaching vehicle with premium appeal. Delivering a dedicated, loyal and reliable reader base, Good Weekend is regularly invited into the sanctuary of the weekend, offering advertisers a unique opportunity to play a part in our readers’ weekend routine.





On Sale: Saturday, 12 November 2016

Good Weekend's iconic annual 52 Weekends Away issue launches Saturday 12 November with a revamped, more sophisticated look. 52 Weekends away is the definitive, independent guide to short Australian getaways.

The categories have been streamlined - urban, coast, and country—while adding a key for particular interest groups. It's all designed to encourage lots of dreaming and planning about adventures to come.

Download more information on the Good Weekend 52 Weekends Away issue




47% Male
53% Female
Social Grade
  • 36% Social Grade A
  • 25% Social Grade B
  • 19% Social Grade C1
  • 14% Social Grade C2
  • 7% Social Grade DE
  • 12% Less than $40,000 per year
  • 21% $40,000-$79,999 per year
  • 14% $80,000-$119,999 per year
  • 24% $120,000 or more per year
7% S.I.N.K.S
9% D.I.N.K.S
18% Families
46% Empty nesters
  • 31% Managers
  • 5% C-Suites
  • 15% Business Decision Makers
  • 3% Technical Trades
  • 3% Community & Personal Services
  • 6% Clerical & Administrative
  • 2% Sales
Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT | People 14+ for the 12 months ending Aug 2016 | Nielsen Online Ratings Aug 2016.

Print readership

  • NSW
  • VIC
  • Total

Print overview

Good Weekend is the No. 1 newspaper inserted magazine in the country for talking to the lucrative ‘A’ Social Grade market. Good Weekend is delivered like a newspaper and received like a magazine. It is therefore able to provide the high-level branding, strong design and involvement of a much-loved magazine. This provides enormous opportunity for advertisers, as Good Weekend penetrates the time-rich sanctuary of the weekend, forming an essential part of our readers’ leisure routine. Good Weekend is inserted into The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald newspapers, which deliver to the two most important economic markets: • 57% of Australia’s population live in NSW & VIC* Good Weekend readers are*: • 78% more likely than average to be Social Grade A • 51% more likely than average to earn $80k+ Download the Good Weekend Deadlines and / or the Good Weekend Rate Card
View Good Weekend ad specs
Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT | People 14+ for the 12 months ending Aug 2016 | Figures are Average Issue Readership.


Nerissa Corbett
Brands and Audiences Director, Prestige
Fairfax Media
+61 (02) 9282 2096 Email Nerissa Corbett
Lauren McIntyre
Brands and Audiences Manager, Prestige
Fairfax Media
+61(02) 9282 1064 Email Lauren McIntyre