Digits phone verification
Digits phone verification

The Future of Identity

Finally, user onboarding that helps you grow your app.

Get Digits

Incredibly Simple

Old Way of Signing Up

Old way of signing up

DIGITS Way of Signing Up

Digits' way of signing up

Email and password signup is a technology that has not been innovate on in decades. Signup forms are cumbersome and repetitive. When users forget their credentials and fail to sign in, you can lose customers.

Digits empowers your users to sign up or sign in to your app using their phone numbers -- an identity that they already use everyday -- without the pain of dealing with passwords.

Onboarding that Users Love & Trust

While social sign-in skips passwords when users are already logged in, many users are cautious to give up their entire social history to an app they just downloaded. Or, they might forget their social sign-in credentials and fail to engage with your app!

By using our SMS verification in lieu of passwords or social sign-in, your users can sign up or sign in to your app in two simple steps -- without the fear of giving up their social data.

Digits onboarding
Forget captchas

No More Clunky Captchas

Easily authenticate users without the burden of captchas. You'll have full control over the quality of your user base and give users the best in-app experience.

Digits SMS

SMS at Your Immediate Service

Phone-based signup and sign-in has been limited to large companies -- until now. With Digits, you gain SMS capabilities simply by plugging into Twitter's trusted infrastructure.

Blends Perfectly into Your App

Digits theming

In just a few lines of code, you can solve all your authentication needs and focus on building amazing experiences for your users.

We understand how crucial your app’s sign-in experience is to growing and retaining your user base. Digits can already be launched from any button anywhere within your app to optimize that experience.

You can match Digits exactly to your app’s ambience so your onboarding flow looks indistinguishable from your app. The look and feel of your background, call-to-action button and select text are all customizable.

Consistent Experience, Mobile or Web

Digits for iOS and Android

Digits is supported on both iOS and Android.

In just two lines of code, you can make the Digits flow on Android completely seamless for your users by prefilling their phone numbers and automatically reading the confirmation code from the SMS.

Bring your mobile service onto the web

Bring your mobile service onto the web with just a few lines of code. Users can even sign up for your service directly on your site with their phone numbers.

With our single-sign-on support, users only have to log in once on the web to engage with all of your services powered by Digits.

Digits web login

To learn more, check out our docs for iOS, Android or Web.

The Most Seamless Verification Experience for TV Apps

Logging into apps on Apple TV has been a subpar experience for users for many years. Social logins aren’t typically supported on tvOS while traditional email and password login is tedious given the nonstandard input style.

No phone-based sign-in for TV apps have existed. Until now.

Logging into Apple TV apps has never been easier

With Digits, users can easily and safely log into your Apple TV apps via a completely seamless experience. All it takes is a few lines of code. Logging into Apple TV apps has never been easier.

To learn more, check out our docs for Apple TV.