People 1
People 2

Own Your Mobile Graph

Deliver unique social experiences with phone contacts.

Get Digits

Mobile Graph that Builds on Its Own

Mobile graph node
Mobile graph edge user 5 3
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph edge user 5 2
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph edge user 5 0
Mobile graph edge user 5 1
Acquaintance Mobile graph user 5
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph edge user 4 0
Mobile graph edge user 4 2
Mobile graph edge user 4 1
Mobile graph user 4 Real friend #2
Mobile graph edge user 2 3
Mobile graph edge user 2 4
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph edge user 3 5
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph edge user 3 1
Mobile graph edge user 3 4
Real friend #1 Mobile graph user 3
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph edge user 2 2
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph edge user 2 1
Mobile graph edge user 2 0
Mobile graph user 2 Distant Relative
Mobile graph edge user 1 1
Mobile graph edge user 1 2
Mobile graph edge user 1 0
Mobile graph user 1
Mobile graph node
Mobile graph node
Met Once Mobile graph user icon

Contact lists on your users’ phones have the strongest, most current connections – but it can be cumbersome to build custom code to import those lists and match the contacts to create a mobile graph.

Friend Finding will automatically match both mutual or one-way connections with no coding on your part.

While social networking services give you a list of all your users’ contacts, many of those connections are outdated, weak or irrelevant to the app experience you’re delivering.

With Digits’ Friend Finding feature, you can seamlessly create your own mobile graph with your users’ phone contact list.

Mobile phone

Enhance Your App Experience

No matter the type of app, Friend Finding can help you improve your app experience.

Keep Users Engaged

By delivering an experience fit for the individual user, you can increase the adoption of your app and retention among your user base.

With Friend Finding, your new users will know immediately which of the people they know best are already using your app. Because your mobile graph create by Digits have the strongest social connections, you can drive users back to your app with the most relevant push notifications -- truly keeping users engaged with your service.

Mobile keep users phone

User Privacy Agnostic

Don’t worry. Your mobile graph users create in your app with Digits will not be shared with other third-party apps, and the service is opt-in for users – it won’t interrupt the simple sign-up Digits offers.