The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the Champaign County area. We foster the creation and distribution of media, art, and narratives emphasizing underrepresented voices and perspectives and promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.

Fires in the Sky: Closing Reception


Stars and movie cultures.

2x2 Closing Reception


Peggy Flavin: Closing Reception

Closing Reception for String Installation by Peggy Flavin 6-8pm Friday January 30th. 

Peggy Flavin is a mixed media artist and student at U of I. Generally, digital tools play a large role in geometric patterns- this installation instead relies on the organic formation of patterns that comes from the physical process of creating tension between strings.

Artist in Residence Travis Hocutt selected as City of Urbana Artist of the Corridor

I am very honored to announce that I have been selected to be Artist of The Corridor by the City of Urbana. Urbana is my home town and its been a wonderful year of working as an artist here and reconnecting to the local art's community. My work will be on display both in the lobby of the City of Urbana Building, and in the cafe area of the Urbana Public Library. The show includes images from my Micrometeorite Collector Experiment, and my newer Orion project. 


Urbana Public Arts Program Announces

an Artist of the Corridor Exhibition by Travis Hocutt

Centum Cellulosa

Join us this Saturday for the Opening Reception of Centum Cellulosa; one hundred cellular drawings by artist Elizabeth Boyd Hartmann.

While formally a jeweler by training this collection of drawings is an important part of Hartmann’s studio practice and the drawings have led to another body of drawings and objects: Cellula Praecursoria. The body of work focusing on cellular forms was one of the artist’s ways of processing her husband’s journey through his diagnosis and recovery from bone cancer.


See more of her work here on her website:

IMC Gallery is supported by the Urbana Arts Grant

Friday Night: Victory Party for Prison Phone Justice Campaign at IMC

On Friday night, Dec. 4, there will be a victory party for the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice as the Independent Media Center.

The event will be this Friday 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Independent Media Center (202 S. Broadway, old Urbana post office).

On October 22, the FCC ruled to cap the cost of phone calls at jails and prisons in the U.S. This will bring relieve for thousands of individuals incarcerated and their families. For years, predatory phone companies have profited off of our most vulnerable members of society.

To find out more about this important victory, you can listen to this NPR story, or read UCIMC's own Brian Dolinar’s article at Truthout.

Annual IMC Membership Gathering and Meeting

Please join us for the Annual IMC Membership Gathering and Meeting, Sunday December 6th from 2-4:30pm in the Sunroom of the IMC.

During the meeting we will build friendships, celebrate our work from this last year, vote on board members and structure changes, brainstorm adventures for the next year - and sing!

Food from the Red Herring with be provided. The space is wheelchair accessible from the south entrance.

Date and Time: 
December 6, 2015 - 2:00pm - 4:30pm

Bernie Sanders Debate Watch

Champaign Urbana for Bernie Sanders hosts the Bernie Sanders Debate Watch on Saturday, November 14th from 7:00pm - 9:30pm in the Stage Room at the IMC.

This event is free and open to the public.

Date and Time: 
November 14, 2015 - 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Contact Name: 
Nick Gordon
Phone Number: 
Email Address:

Opening Reception: Chen Shen - Garden Metro

Opening Reception

This is a series dedicated to my hometown, Changping, usually called the garden of Beijing; a suburb of eighteen districts. During the summer 2013, I went along the Changping metro line tracks. As proof of the compelling ambition and overwhelming speed of the development of the country, Changping metro line took only one year to complete, and became the fourteenth line in Beijing.

China has recently exhibited a resurrection of the industrial revolution. A booming capitalist economy has shaken the old system of wealth, as rapid technological developments cannot wait to replace traditional living habits and the decline of ethical standards tolls the death of parting days. My series is not meant to be simply an elegy for a loss of naturalism in modern society. China’s changes are even more fundamental and drastic. Socialism and its countless variations leave this land with an undeniable legacy, and an unbearable spiritual debt. However, this series is not merely a judgment of a certain scheme that tries to benefit the people but ultimately results in the exact opposite. It’s an epitome and allegory for the dilemma of the country.

Date and Time: 
November 7, 2015 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Contact Name: 
Travis Hocutt

FCC Votes To End Prison Phone Profiteering

The FCC will make a historic vote Thursday 9:30am Central TZ to lower the cost of phone calls from jails and prisons. Please join us in watching the FCC hearing online. You can follow it on Twitter at the hashtag #PhoneJustice.
For more, you can listen to an NPR story featuring Miguel Saucedo, who has a brother incarcerated in Illinois, and is a PHD student at the University of Illinois. You can read this story in Truthout with a video by Annette Taylor, who works with Ripple Effect in Champaign.

Thanks to the CU activist community for following this story, which the IMC has covered locally since 2004-5 when we renegotiated the phone contract for the Champaign County Jail.

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