The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the Champaign County area. We foster the creation and distribution of media, art, and narratives emphasizing underrepresented voices and perspectives and promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.

Application Deadline Extended! - Independent Media Center Seeks Part-time Operations Manager

Application Deadline Extended!

Independent Media Center Seeks Part-time Operations Manager

The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (IMC) is seeking a part-time Operations Manager.

Founded in 2000, the IMC is a grassroots organization committed to using media, arts, and technology to promote social and economic justice. We own the downtown Urbana post office building where we operate a performance venue, art gallery and studios, community radio station, media training facility, and community media space. Our projects include Makerspace Urbana, Books to Prisoners, the Public i Newspaper, WRFU 104.5 FM. The center is powered by hundreds of volunteers who come together in a do-it-yourself spirit to create media and art to transform our community and world.

Position is 20 hours a week. $12/hr. Benefits: 10 paid holidays.

Please send a letter of interest, resume, and three references (2 related to previous employment) to

Nov. 12: Understanding Mass Incarceration with James Kilgore

James Kilgore will talk about his new book, "Understanding Mass Incarceration: A People's Guide to the Key Civil Rights Struggle of Our Time." It will be Thursday, Nov. 12, 7 p.m. at the Independent Media Center (202 S. Broadway, Urbana)

Copies will be available for $15.

This event will also be a fundraiser for First Followers, a new re-entry program at AME Bethel in Champaign.

“An excellent, much-needed introduction to the racial, political, and economic dimensions of mass incarceration.” —Michelle Alexander

Both field guide and primer, Understanding Mass Incarceration is an essential resource for those engaged in criminal justice activism as well as those new to the subject.

Sponsored by: GEO Solidarity Committee, Jobs With Justice, UCIMC, Build Programs Not Jails, and First Followers.

Peace Jam

Join us for Peace Jam!, music for a world without violence!

Peace Jam is a kick-off for Domestic Violence Awareness Month featuring live music, performances, art, and a resource fair aimed at speaking out against abuse within relationships and coming together as a community to support survivors and end domestic violence. Join us for as we kick of a month-long series of events and programs aimed at ending abuse within relationships. This event is open to all ages. 

Wednesday, October 7


Uncivil Rites: Palestine and the Limits of Academic Freedom

Campus Faculty Association hosts the Steven Salaita Book Talk

Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center

202 South Broadway, Urbana, IL

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

7:00pm - 9:00pm

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The Faucet's on Fire! An evening with Roy Zimmerman

Roy Zimmerman brings the sting of satire to the struggle for Peace and Social Justice. His funny songs about fracking, torture, creationism, same-sex marriage, guns, marijuana, abstinence, ignorance, war and greed have be heard on Showtime, HBO and NPR, and he's shared stages with Bill Maher, Robin Williams, Ellen Degeneres, John Oliver, Kate Clinton and George Carlin.

...a latter-day Tom Lehrer." - Los Angeles Times

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Renegades: Storytelling in Two Dimensions

The IMC Gallery is excited to announce Renegades: Storytelling in Two Dimensions. The exhibition, Co-Curated by UCIMC Artist in Residence Travis Hocut, and Comics Scholar Carol Tilley will feature a wide array of works by three local Comics Artists: Damian Duffy, Nina Paley, and Grant Thomas. IMC Gallery is supported by the Urbana Arts Grant
Show Duration September 18th - October 1st
Closing Reception October 1st 6-8pm

For More Information about the Artists:
Damian Duffy:

Art Exhibit: Intrigued at the IMC

The IMC Gallery is excited to collaborate with the Arts of Life to present a group show curated by artist Tim Stone, of the Chicago Studio. The Arts of Life is a studio based community for adults with developmental disabilities.

Intrigued reflects both the maker and viewer in their approach to artwork.  During the creative process, artists experience fascination, maybe even fixation, on a particular idea or image.  After hours of making and re-making, their idea becomes a reality of paper, paint, collage, and canvas.  Once completed, they often hope to share that feeling with viewers through their art; to inspire that same curiosity.  

Works selected for this show represent a wide variety of creative practices and styles.  Its makers are part of an artist collective that promotes the exchange of skills and concepts. The Arts of Life creates a space where the unique identity of each member is integrated and included in the whole.

July 18: Artist and Writer Talks at the IMC: Jason Patterson & Brian Dolinar








Exploring African American History, In Illinois & Throughout The United States

DUI Judge Richard Klaus Fired

By Belden Fields of The Public i

In June, Champaign Country Associate Judge Richard Klaus was removed from his position by fellow Judges in the Sixth Judicial Circuit. This is the first time in 37 years that these judges have removed a colleague. The reason given was that attorneys and the public in the county had lost confidence in him. Indeed, the Champaign County Bar Association had urged that he not be considered for retention after observing ten years of his performance on the bench. To compound matters, County Chief Judge Difanis, a professed good friend of Klaus, had included him on the list for reconsideration even before the Bar Association had had a chance to offer its recommendations. For that, he was rebuked by the 6th District Chief Justice, Dan Flannell.

IMC Gallery Presents: Jamie Lovell The Human Endeavor

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