
Executive Office

Richard N. Haass

President, Council on Foreign Relations

Former State Department director of policy planning and lead U.S. official on Afghanistan and Northern Ireland (2001-2003), and principal Middle East advisor to President George H.W. Bush (1989-93). Author or editor of twelve books on U.S. foreign policy, including Foreign Policy Begins at Home: The Case for Putting America's House in Order.


U.S. foreign policy; international security; globalization; Asia; Middle East

Keith Olson

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Independent Task Force Program

Chelie Setzer

Program Associate, Washington and Independent Task Force Programs

Global Communications and Media Relations

Anya Schmemann

Washington Director, Global Communications and Media Relations

Foreign Affairs: Editorial

Gideon Rose

Editor, Foreign Affairs and Peter G. Peterson Chair

Former National Security Council official in the Clinton administration; expert on national security and terrorism. Author of How Wars End (Simon & Schuster, October 2010).


International conflict; Middle East, Persian Gulf, and South Asia; terrorism; economic sanctions.

Jonathan Tepperman

Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs

Former deputy editor of Newsweek International and director at EurasiaGroup.


U.S. foreign policy, national security, international law, the UN, and the Middle East.

Foreign Affairs: Publishing

Clifford Hunt

Special Assistant to the Publisher, Foreign Affairs, and the Chief Digital Officer

CFR Digital

Clifford Hunt

Special Assistant to the Publisher, Foreign Affairs, and the Chief Digital Officer

CFR Editorial

Creative Innovation

David Rockefeller Studies Program: Director of Studies Office

James M. Lindsay

Senior Vice President, Director of Studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg Chair

Award-winning coauthor of America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy and former director for global issues and multilateral affairs at the National Security Council. Author of the blog The Water's Edge.


U.S. foreign and defense policy; international security; globalization; Congress; domestic politics of U.S. foreign policy; public opinion.

Janine Hill

Director, Fellowship Affairs and Studies Strategic Planning

Former corporate lawyer and banker with expertise in international law and conflict prevention.


Corporate finance; corporate law; international law; and conflict prevention

Aliya Medetbekova

Program Coordinator, Fellowship Affairs and Studies Administration

David Rockefeller Studies Program: Fellows

Elliott Abrams

Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies

Former senior director for democracy and human rights, senior director for the Near East, and deputy national security adviser handling Middle East affairs in the George W. Bush administration. Former assistant secretary of state for UN affairs, human rights, and Latin America in the Reagan administration. Author of Tested by Zion, winner of the 2013 Washington Institute for Near East Policy's bronze prize.


U.S. policy in the Middle East, Israel-Palestinian affairs, democracy promotion, human rights policy, U.S. foreign policy.

Edward Alden

Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow

Former Financial Times Washington bureau chief. Co-directed the Independent Task Force on U.S. Trade and Investment Policy (2011) and directed the Independent Task Force on U.S. Immigration Policy (2009). Latest book, The Closing of the American Border, examines U.S. visa and border policies in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.


U.S. economic competitiveness; U.S. trade policy; visa and immigration policy.

Alyssa Ayres

Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia

Former deputy assistant secretary of state for South Asia, with more than two decades of experience working on the region across the nonprofit, private, and government sectors. Author of Speaking Like a State: Language and Nationalism in Pakistan. Currently writing a book about India.


India; Pakistan; Bangladesh; South Asia; nationalism and political movements in South Asia; economic development; fragile states; emerging markets; business and foreign policy.

John B. Bellinger III

Adjunct Senior Fellow for International and National Security Law

Former legal adviser for the U.S. Department of State and National Security Council. Currently directing a roundtable series on international and national security law. A partner at Arnold & Porter, LLP.


International law and international criminal justice; international humanitarian law and human rights law; international tribunals, including the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court; treaty law and treaties, including the U.N. Law of the Sea Convention; foreign sovereign immunity and official immunities; international and domestic law applicable to use of force and counterterrorism operations, including detention and prosecution policies; intelligence law and covert action; espionage statutes; U.S. national security organization and process; U.S. national security statutes; foreign investment in the United States, Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).

Richard K. Betts

Adjunct Senior Fellow for National Security Studies

Former commissioner to the National Commission on Terrorism and former staff member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Current work examines the U.S. national security agenda. Author of American Force: Dangers, Delusions, and Dilemmas in National Security and Arnold A. Saltzman professor of war and peace studies in the political science department, director of the Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, and director of the international security policy program in the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.


Intelligence and U.S. defense policy; military strategy; political and military intelligence; international conflict; terrorism.

Stephen D. Biddle

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Defense Policy

Award-winning author of Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle. Former associate professor and Elihu Root chair of military studies at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies. Current work examines U.S. defense policy and strategy.


U.S. national security policy; military strategy and the conduct of war; technology in modern warfare; recent operations in the war on terror.

Jamille Bigio

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Women and Foreign Policy

Former director for human rights and gender on the White House National Security Council and senior advisor to the first U.S. ambassador-at-large for global women’s issues. Researcher focused on gender, security, women’s leadership, and economic development. 


Security and the role of women; peacebuilding; peacekeeping; counterterrorism; gender-based violence; human rights; civil society; LGBT equality; and women in the economy.

Robert D. Blackwill

Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy

Former deputy assistant to the president, deputy national security adviser for strategic planning, and presidential envoy to Iraq under George W. Bush. U.S. Ambassador to India from 2001 to 2003. Author of Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master's Insights on China, the United States, and the World and Revising U.S. Grand Strategy Toward China. Editor of Iran: The Nuclear Challenge. Current work focuses on American foreign policy writ large as well as China, Russia, the Middle East, South Asia, and geoeconomics. 


U.S. foreign policy; transatlantic relations; the United States and Asia; Russia and the West; the United States and the Middle East.

Thomas J. Bollyky

Senior Fellow for Global Health, Economics, and Development

Expert on global health and international trade, investment, and regulatory policy. Adjunct professor of law, former U.S. trade negotiator. Currently directing the first Independent Task Force at the Council on Foreign Relations devoted to a global health matter, which focuses on noncommunicable diseases.


Global health, international trade and investment, and international law, regulatory policy, and intellectual property.

Max Boot

Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies

Award-winning author, historian, and military strategist. Author of The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power, War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History, 1500 to Today, and, most recently, the New York Times best-seller Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present.


U.S. foreign policy; defense policy; military history; terrorism and guerrilla warfare.

Reuben E. Brigety II

Adjunct Senior Fellow for African Peace and Security Issues

Former U.S. Ambassador to the African Union; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African affairs; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for refugee and migration affairs; Dean of the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University


African political and security affairs; international humanitarian assistance; refugee affairs

Esther Brimmer

Adjunct Senior Fellow for International Institutions

Former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations with over 25 years' experience in global issues, UN affairs, European Union and transatlantic relations,  and human rights. She is currently examining cooperation and competition in the global commons.


U.S. foreign policy; United Nations and international organizations; the European Union and transatlantic affairs; global commons;  international human rights.

Karen B. Brooks

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Asia

One of the top Southeast Asia experts in the United States, with a long career in the region that spans academia, government and business. She was a leading architect of U.S. policy toward Southeast Asia during the Clinton and Bush Administrations and focuses on economic policy making in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Myanmar.


Asia; Southeast Asia; Indonesia; Thailand; Philippines; Myanmar; US-Asia policy; economic policy making in Southeast Asia.

Willem H. Buiter

Adjunct Senior Fellow

Global Chief Economist at Citigroup.  Formerly Chief Economist at the EBRD and external member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England.  Taught at Princeton, Bristol University, LSE, Yale and Cambridge.


International economics; (de-)globalization, open economy macroeconomics, international finance, monetary economics, European Political Economy; public finance.

John Campbell

Ralph Bunche Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies

Former ambassador to Nigeria (2004–2007) and career Foreign Service officer. Other tours included deputy assistant secretary for human resources, dean of the Foreign Service Institute's School of Language Studies, and director of the Office of UN Political Affairs. Author of Nigeria: Dancing on the Brink. He writes the blog Africa in Transition and edits the Nigeria Security Tracker.


Nigeria, South Africa, U.S. policy toward Africa, HIV/AIDS in Africa.

Jared Cohen

Adjunct Senior Fellow

Former member of the policy planning staff under both Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. Director of Google Ideas, Google Inc. Author of The New Digital Age.


Terrorism; radicalization; impact of connection technologies on 21st century statecraft; Iran.

Jerome A. Cohen

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Asia Studies

Internationally renowned expert on the Chinese legal system and professor at NYU School of Law. Current work examines the rule of law in Asian countries.


Legal and business transactions in Asia; international relations of East Asia; international law.

Steven A. Cook

Eni Enrico Mattei Senior Fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies

Author the of award-winning book The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square and Ruling But Not Governing: The Military and Political Development in Egypt, Algeria, and Turkey. Directed the Independent Task Force Reports U.S.-Turkey Relations: A New Partnership (2012) and In Support of Arab Democracy: Why and How (2005).


Middle East; Politics in the Arab world; U.S.-Middle East policy; Turkish politics; civil-military relations in the Middle East; Arab-Israeli conflict.

Heidi Crebo-Rediker

Senior Fellow

Former chief economist, U.S. Department of State. Former chief of international finance and economics, Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Prior to government service, spent nearly two decades in investment banking running a range of businesses. Research, publications, and events examine the role of economic statecraft in U.S. foreign policy and on infrastructure as a driver of U.S. competitiveness.


Economic statecraft; economic competitiveness and infrastructure investment; international finance and markets; women and economic growth

Robert Danin

Senior Fellow for Middle East Studies

Former head, Office of the Quartet Representative, Tony Blair, in Jerusalem. Former State Department and National Security Council official with over twenty years government experience specializing in the Middle East. Currently researching and writing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Arab uprisings, and U.S. interests in the Middle East.


Middle East, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan; Israeli-Palestinian affairs.

Thomas E. Donilon

Distinguished Fellow

Former national security adviser to President Barack Obama and assistant secretary of state and chief of staff at the State Department during the Clinton administration. Prior to his government service, he was a partner at the international law firm of O'Melveny & Myers and served as a member of the firm's global governing committee. Also a non-resident senior fellow at Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.


U.S. national security, foreign policy, intelligence, and military affairs

James P. Dougherty

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Business and Foreign Policy

Currently directing a roundtable series on technology, innovation, and American primacy. A corporate executive with extensive experience in high technology and international political economy.


American economic competitiveness; technological innovation and foreign policy.

Richard A. Falkenrath

Shelby Cullom and Kathryn W. Davis Adjunct Senior Fellow for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security

Expert on counterterrorism and national security issues. Former deputy assistant to President George W Bush and deputy homeland security adviser. Also former deputy commissioner for counterterrorism with the New York City Police Department.


Foreign policy and U.S. national security affairs; biological, chemical, and nuclear terrorism; critical infrastructure protection; government reorganizations and merging of agencies; intelligence and information sharing; crisis and risk management; cybersecurity.

David P. Fidler

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Cybersecurity

Professor of international law, cybersecurity, national security, and global health at Indiana University. Currently working with CFR’s Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program. Editor of the forthcoming The Snowden Reader (Indiana University Press, 2015).


International law, international law and cyberspace, cybersecurity policy and law, national security law, weapons of mass destruction, counterinsurgency operations, and global health

Jendayi E. Frazer

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Africa Studies

Former assistant secretary of state for African affairs, U.S. ambassador to South Africa, and special assistant to the president and senior director for African affairs in the George W. Bush administration. 


Africa; Africa policy, U.S. foreign policy, regional security affairs, conflict resolution, civil-military relations, international development policy and governance, political development.

Laurie Garrett

Senior Fellow for Global Health

Author of bestselling books The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance and Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health, as well as I Heard the Sirens Scream: How Americans Responded to the 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks. Currently writing a book examining microbiomes and globalization.


Global health systems; chronic and infectious diseases; bioterrorism; public health and its effects on foreign policy and national security.

Gordon M. Goldstein

Adjunct Senior Fellow

Currently managing director of Silver Lake, the world’s largest investment firm in the global technology industry. Former international security advisor to the executive office of the United Nations secretary-general and Wayland Fellow and visiting lecturer at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, as well as a visiting lecturer at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. He currently serves on the board of advisors of the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs.


Internet governance; cybersecurity; global technology; U.S. foreign policy and national security.

Philip H. Gordon

Senior Fellow

Former special assistant to the president and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf Region. Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Author of numerous books and articles about the Middle East, Europe, and U.S. foreign policy.  


U.S. foreign and national security policy; U.S. policy in the Middle East; Israeli-Palestinian issues; Middle East Regional issues; Europe and European Union; Russia; Turkey; nuclear weapons; intelligence; terrorism; international economics.

Jennifer M. Harris

Senior Fellow

Former member of the State Department policy planning staff and a leading architect of Secretary Hillary Clinton's Economic Statecraft agenda. Former member of the National Intelligence Council Staff, with deep experience in geoeconomic issues, energy and climate security, and U.S.-China relations. Harris is the author of the forthcoming book, War By Other Means: Geoeconomics and Statecraft (Harvard University Press, April 2016), co-authored with Robert Blackwill.


U.S. foreign policy; economic statecraft; energy and climate security; state capitalism; U.S.-China relations; U.S. competitiveness.

Yanzhong Huang

Senior Fellow for Global Health

Author of Governing Health in Contemporary China, a new book that looks at the health system transition in post-Mao China. Currently researching the roles of emerging powers and non-state actors in shaping global health governance. Founding editor of the journal Global Health Governance.


Global health governance; health diplomacy; public health in China/East Asia.

Miles Kahler

Senior Fellow for Global Governance

Senior fellow for global governance at the Council on Foreign Relations and distinguished professor at the School of International Service, American University. His research centers on global and regional governance, particularly international economic institutions and Asia-Pacific regionalism. His current work examines the growing influence of emerging economies on global governance and the response of the United States to their new role.


Global and regional governance: international economic and financial institutions; Asia-Pacific regional institutions; role of the United States and the emerging economies in global and regional institutions

Robert Kahn

Steven A. Tananbaum Senior Fellow for International Economics

Macroeconomist with substantial experience in public policy and markets. Current focus is on G-7 monetary and fiscal policies, financial markets, and crisis resolution.


U.S. and international macroeconomic policy; debt restructuring and debt policy; financial markets.

Robert K. Knake

Whitney Shepardson Senior Fellow

Former Director for Cybersecurity Policy at the White House. Focused on cybersecurity and Internet policy.


U.S. cybersecurity policy; Internet governance; homeland security.

Karen Kornbluh

Senior Fellow for Digital Policy

Former U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, currently writing about digital policy and consulting on public policy.


Digital policy, international economic policy, women's issues, anti-bribery/rule of law, social policy.

Joshua Kurlantzick

Senior Fellow for Southeast Asia

Former foreign correspondent and journalist covering Southeast Asia. Current research focuses on reinvigorating U.S. policy toward Southeast Asia; China's strategy toward Southeast Asia; Myanmar's transformation; and the growth of state capitalism, particularly in Asia. Author of Charm Offensive: How China's Soft Power is Transforming the World and Democracy in Retreat, and of numerous articles and briefs on Southeast Asia, China, and democratization in the developing world. Author of a forthcoming book on the growth of state capitalism.


Southeast Asia, China; Asian regionalism; public diplomacy; democratization in the developing world.

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

Senior Fellow for Women and Foreign Policy

Journalist and researcher focusing on U.S. foreign policy, international development, women and economic development, and global entrepreneurship. Contributing editor-at-large at Newsweek/Daily Beast and author of the New York Times bestsellers Ashley's War and The Dressmaker of Khair Khana.


Economic growth and development; development and the role of women; Afghanistan; women in Afghanistan; entrepreneurship and role of business environment; women and nation-building; military and economic development; economics and fiscal policy; maternal and reproductive health; role of international institutions in women's empowerment.

Michael A. Levi

David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment and Director of the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies

Author of studies and books on energy security, climate diplomacy, energy innovation, nuclear terrorism, and arms control. Most recent book, The Power Surge: Energy, Opportunity, and the Battle for America's Future, was published in May 2013. Book By All Means Necessary: How China's Resource Quest is Changing the World, co-authored with Elizabeth Economy, was published in February 2014.


Climate change; energy policy; weapons of mass destruction; homeland security; arms control and proliferation; technology and foreign policy; science and technology in the Islamic world.

Robert E. Litan

Adjunct Senior Fellow

Lawyer and economist, former director of research at the Kauffman Foundation, Bloomberg Government, and the Brookings Institution. Overseeing CFR seminar series on and writing about what cities can and should do to promote entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurship, innovation, financial policy, general economic policy.

Daniel S. Markey

Adjunct Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia

Former State Department policy planning staff member. Current work focuses on U.S. policy in South Asia, especially Pakistan and India. Author of No Exit From Pakistan.


South Asia; U.S. foreign policy; international security; international relations theory.

Shannon K. O'Neil

Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow for Latin America Studies and Director of the Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Program

Former assistant professor of political science at Columbia University. Author of Two Nations Indivisible: Mexico, the United States, and the Road Ahead. Expertise includes U.S.-Latin American relations, North America, energy policy, trade, political and economic reforms, immigration, and security.


Latin America, Mexico, Brazil; policy reform; security; trade; energy; immigration.

Meghan L. O'Sullivan

Adjunct Senior Fellow

Former deputy national security adviser for Iraq and Afghanistan, former adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad, former member of State Department policy planning staff handling Northern Ireland peace process, Iran, Syria, and relations with the Muslim world. Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs at Harvard University's Kennedy School.


U.S. foreign policy and national security strategy; counterinsurgency; nation-building; the geopolitics of energy; Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

Farah Pandith

Adjunct Senior Fellow

Former first-ever special representative to Muslim communities and senior advisor to the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs at the U.S. Department of State, director for Middle East regional initiatives at national security council and chief of staff for Asia and the Near East at the U.S. Agency for International Development. Served in Bush and Obama administrations. Hosts a roundtable series on countering violent extremism, is writing a book, and building a movement to counter extremist ideology.


Countering Violent Extremism; Culture and Foreign Policy; Radicalism and Extremism; Terrorism and Technology; Millennial Muslims; Terrorist Organizations and Networks

Stewart M. Patrick

Senior Fellow and Director of the International Institutions and Global Governance Program

Former State Department policy planning staff member. Author of Weak Links:Fragile States, Global Threats, and International Security, released in May 2011. Current work focuses on U.S. policy toward global governance and how to address transnational threats.


Multilateral cooperation, international institutions and global governance; United Nations; weak and failing states; foreign assistance and post-conflict reconstruction; transnational threats; U.S. foreign policy; diplomatic history.

Catherine Powell

Fellow for Women and Foreign Policy

Former policy planning staff member under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (on gender, human rights, and international organizations) and national security staff director for human rights in the Obama administration. Professor of international law, human rights, constitutional law, and comparative constitutional law at Fordham Law School. Currently working with CFR's Women and Foreign Policy Program.


International law and organizations, human rights and democracy, gender, comparative constitutional law, human rights and law reform

Carla Anne Robbins

Adjunct Senior Fellow

Award-winning journalist and national security writer. Former deputy editorial page editor for the New York Times and chief diplomatic correspondent for the Wall Street Journal. Directing a roundtable series focused on national security in an age of austerity.


U.S. national security policy; politics and foreign policy; Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs; nonproliferation and arms control; the nuclear complex and budget; Cuba

John D. Rockefeller IV

Distinguished Fellow

Former U.S. senator from West Virginia with more than fifty years in public service, including thirty in the Senate. Served as Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from 2007 to 2009 and Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation from 2009 to 2015. 


Cybersecurity, intelligence, Japan, and East Asia.

Kenneth S. Rogoff

Senior Fellow for Economics

Kenneth Rogoff is a senior fellow for economics at the Council on Foreign Relations and currently Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics at Harvard University. From 2001–2003, Rogoff served as chief economist and director of research at the International Monetary Fund. 


International finance; political economy; macroeconomics; international financial crises, exchange rates, current account imbalances; political budget cycles.

Adam Segal

Maurice R. Greenberg Senior Fellow for China Studies and Director of the Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program

Adam Segal is the Maurice R. Greenberg senior fellow for China studies and director of the Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). An expert on security issues, technology development, and Chinese domestic and foreign policy, Dr. Segal was the project director for the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force report Defending an Open, Global, Secure, and Resilient Internet. His book Advantage: How American Innovation Can Overcome the Asian Challenge (W.W. Norton, 2011) looks at the technological rise of Asia. His work has appeared in the Financial Times, The EconomistForeign PolicyThe Wall Street Journal, and Foreign Affairs, among others. He currently writes for the blog, “Net Politics.”


Technology and development in China and India; East Asian security; Chinese domestic and foreign policy; cyberconflict, cybersecurity

Stephen Sestanovich

George F. Kennan Senior Fellow for Russian and Eurasian Studies

Former U.S. ambassador-at-large for policy toward the states of the former Soviet Union. Author of Maximalist: America in the World from Truman to Obama (Knopf, February 2014). Professor at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs.


Russia and the former Soviet Union; Caucasus and Central Asia; U.S. foreign policy.

Brad W. Setser

Senior Fellow

Applied international economist with experience at the U.S. Treasury and the International Monetary Fund. Currently examining central bank reserve growth, sovereign wealth funds, and the political implications of emerging market financing of the United States. Author of the recent Council Special Report, Sovereign Wealth and Sovereign Power.


Central bank reserves and sovereign wealth funds, IMF policy, emerging market economies.

Varun Sivaram

Douglas Dillon Fellow

Former senior advisor for energy and water policy to the mayor of Los Angeles, energy consultant with McKinsey, and physicist developing solar technology. Currently researching the impact of disruptive technology on U.S. energy and security.


Renewable energy technology; physical science entrepreneurship and innovation; U.S. utility strategy and regulation; sustainable urbanization; energy and national security.

Matthew J. Slaughter

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Business and Globalization

Former member of the Council of Economic Advisers. Coauthor of the Council Special Report, Global FDI Policy. Paul Danos Dean of the Tuck School and the Earl C. Daum 1924 Professor of International Business at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.


The economics and politics of globalization, multinational firms and capital markets, immigration, technological innovation, and the causes and consequences of the globalization backlash.

Sheila A. Smith

Senior Fellow for Japan Studies

Author of Intimate Rivals: Japanese Domestic Politics and a Rising China (Columbia University Press, 2015) and Japan's New Politics and the U.S.-Japan Alliance (Council on Foreign Relations, June 2014). Currently researching how geostrategic change in Asia is shaping Japan's strategic choices and working on a new project on Northeast Asian Nationalisms and Alliance Management.


Japanese domestic politics and foreign policy; Northeast Asia regional security; international relations of the Asia Pacific

Scott A. Snyder

Senior Fellow for Korea Studies and Director of the Program on U.S.-Korea Policy

Former senior associate at the Asia Foundation and Pacific Forum, Center for Strategic & International Studies. Founder of the Center for U.S.-Korea Policy. Coeditor of North Korea in Transition: Politics, Economy, and Society, editor of CFR's Global Korea: South Korea's Contributions to International Security, editor of The U.S.-South Korea Alliance: Meeting New Security Challenges, and co-author of The Japan-South Korea Identity Clash: East Asian Security and the United States.


Politics and foreign policy of South Korea and North Korea; U.S.-Korea relations; Northeast Asian security; and U.S.-Asia relations

Paul B. Stares

General John W. Vessey Senior Fellow for Conflict Prevention and Director of the Center for Preventive Action

Expert on emerging sources of regional instability and violent conflict. Currently focusing on U.S. preventive strategies to meet future challenges to international peace and security. Coauthor of the Council Special Reports Partners in Preventive Action: The United States and International Institutions and Enhancing U.S. Preventive Action.


U.S. national security policy; early warning issues; contingency planning; conflict prevention strategies; transnational threats; weak/fragile states; Northeast Asia security

Benn Steil

Senior Fellow and Director of International Economics

Award-winning writer, and editor of the scholarly journal International Finance. His most recent book, The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order, was called "a triumph of economic and diplomatic history" by the Financial Times.


International finance; financial markets; economic policy.

Matthew M. Taylor

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Latin America Studies

Associate Professor at the School of International Service, American University. Currently writing a book on the political economy of democratic Brazil.


Latin American politics and economics, corruption and accountability.

Rachel B. Vogelstein

Senior Fellow and Director of the Women and Foreign Policy Program

Former advisor to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on global women's issues. Currently an adjunct professor of women's human rights at Georgetown University. Research focuses on the relationship between women's advancement and prosperity, stability, and security.


Women and foreign policy; human rights; child marriage; global health; maternal and child health; education; development and the role of women

Matthew C. Waxman

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Law and Foreign Policy

Former State Department and Defense Department senior official and National Security Council staff member. Professor of international law and national security law at Columbia Law School. Currently working on CFR's Cyberconflict and Cybersecurity Initiative.


International law & national security law; human rights; law and terrorism; counterterrorism; international security; presidential powers and foreign policy; cybersecurity; military intervention.

Micah Zenko

Senior Fellow

Political scientist with expertise in national security, conflict prevention, and U.S. drone strike policies. Zenko oversees the U.S.-UN roundtable series. His second book Red Team: How to Succeed By Thinking Like the Enemy, was published by Basic Books in 2015. 


Conflict prevention; U.S. national security policy; military planning and operations; nuclear weapons policy

David Rockefeller Studies Program: Visiting Fellows

Michael R. Fenzel

Military Fellow, U.S. Army

Colonel Michael R. Fenzel, U.S. Army, most recently served as the chief of staff for the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Previously, he commanded the Airborne Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team and the 1st Armored Division’s 2nd Brigade Combat Team. 


U.S. national security policy, military strategy, use of force and military intervention, United States Army and conduct of war. 

Raymond W. Kelly

Distinguished Visiting Fellow

CFR Distinguished Visiting Fellow and Former Commissioner of the NYPD


national security; policing; cybersecurity; counterterrorism; technology; leadership; diversity in the workforce;

Ronald A. LaBrec

Military Fellow, U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Coast Guard officer with experience in crisis response, maritime safety and security, and mission support. Currently researching topics related to maritime commerce and security, energy, strategic communication and their relation to national security and foreign affairs.


Disaster and crisis response; maritime search and rescue; maritime law enforcement and security; military recruiting and human resources; public relations and strategic communication.

Sean P. Larkin

Military Fellow, U.S. Air Force

Colonel Sean P. Larkin, U.S. Air Force, most recently served as the director of staff for the deputy chief of staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance at the U.S. Air Force headquarters. Previously, he was the commander of the Global Exploitation Intelligence Group at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center.


Intelligence; airpower; U.S. national security policy; deterrence; weapons of mass destruction; technology in modern warfare.

Sean R. Liedman

Military Fellow, U.S. Navy

Captain Sean R. Liedman, U.S. Navy, was the commander of Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing Eleven operating the P-8A and P-3C maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft. He has twice served in the Air Warfare Division on the Chief of Naval Operation’s staff and also as the executive assistant to the deputy commander of U.S. Central Command.


Military strategy, defense spending, maritime security, unmanned technology.

Christopher A. McPhillips

Military Fellow, U.S. Marine Corps

Colonel Christopher A. McPhillips, U.S. Marine Corps, served as the Marine Aircraft Group Thirteen commanding officer in Yuma in Arizona. 


Operational and strategic war planning; integrated air/ground operations.

Amy J. Nelson

Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow

Currently writing a book on modernizing arms control for the 21st century. Formerly a policy analyst at the State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, and a research fellow at the Stimson Center and SIPRI North America

Matthew T. Page

International Affairs Fellow

Former deputy national intelligence officer for Africa and longtime Nigeria analyst with the Departments of State and Defense.  Currently researching and writing on contemporary Nigeria.


Nigeria; political, military, socioeconomic, anti-corruption, human rights issues.

Elizabeth N. Saunders

Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow

Currently an assistant professor of political science and international affairs at the George Washington University. Her research and teaching interests focus on international security and U.S. foreign policy, including the presidency and foreign policy, and the politics of using force. 

Ella-May Seth

National Intelligence Fellow

Former deputy national intelligence officer for economic issues on the National Intelligence Council and senior economist at the Central Intelligence Agency. 


Economic security; international trade and global supply chains; foreign macroeconomic and energy policy; economic competitiveness.

A. Michael Spence

Distinguished Visiting Fellow

Economist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001. Author of The Next Convergence. Chairman of the Commission on Growth and Development.


Growth and development economics and policy, structural change in the global economy, impact on advanced and developing countries, informational structure of markets, growth and policy in the major emerging markets; China, India, Brazil.

Graeme Wood

Edward R. Murrow Press Fellow

Writer and contributing editor at the Atlantic and other publications. Currently writing a book on the Islamic State.


Terrorism; Middle East.

David Rockefeller Studies Program: Research Associates

Becky Allen

Research Associate, Women and Foreign Policy

Daniel Chardell

Research Associate, International Institutions and Global Governance

Anne Connell

Assistant Director, Women and Foreign Policy Program

Leslie Dewees

Assistant Director, Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Program

Naomi Egel

Research Associate, International Institutions and Global Governance

Shelton Fitch

Research Associate, U.S. Competitiveness and Foreign Policy

Sabina Frizell

Research Associate, Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Program

Allen Grane

Research Associate, Africa Policy Studies

Helia Ighani

Assistant Director, Center for Preventive Action

Lindsay Iversen

Associate Director, Climate and Resources, Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies

Amr Leheta

Research Associate, Middle Eastern Studies

Ted Liu

Research Associate, International Economics

Theresa Lou

Research Associate, International Institutions and Global Governance

Katie Lowry

Assistant Director, Center for Geoeconomic Studies

Terrence Mullan

Program Coordinator, International Institutions and Global Governance

Megan Roberts

Associate Director, International Institutions and Global Governance

Sagatom Saha

Research Associate, Energy and U.S. Foreign Policy

Emma Smith

Analyst, Center for Geoeconomic Studies

James West

Research Associate, India, Pakistan and South Asia

Cole Wheeler

Research Associate, Energy and the Environment

Amelia Wolf

Research Associate, Center for Preventive Action and International Institutions and Global Governance


Myka Carroll

Deputy Director, Education Strategy and Marketing

Meetings and Membership

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Washington Meetings

Chelie Setzer

Program Associate, Washington and Independent Task Force Programs

Washington External Affairs

Mark Collins

Program Coordinator, Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy


National Program and Outreach

Maria Casa

Director, National Program and Outreach Administration

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Kate Dinota

Associate Director, Corporate Member Relations


Lena Moy

Associate Director, Gifts Administration

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Laura Puls

Associate Director, Research, Instruction, and Digital Resources


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Human Resources

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Director, Washington Human Resources and Organizational Development

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Director of Operations and Project Management

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