Florida map
Clearing up Florida's Electoral Swamp
Best fit of Mitofsky data
Frequently Asked Questions
What Went Wrong in Ohio
Trends in Florida voting. A brief report.
Elections Research
Mission Statement
In Response to Douglas Jones' "Mark Sense Ballot Design: Human Factor Lessons from Florida Election 2000"
The letter Tom Paine eventually printed
From the New Deal to the Dirty Deal

Recommended websites

Carter: No doubt Gore won


New Scientific Paper: Exit Poll Discrepancies


John Conyers' Blog


Our mission

To obtain a just reckoning of election results, particularly in Florida, through the development and application of fair, consistent, and statistically sound methods of electoral analysis.


Elections Research
John Conyers, Jr.
  • What Went Wrong In Ohio: The Conyers Report on the 2004 Presidential Election
    By Oliver Dawshed
  • From the New Deal to the Dirty Deal: Doubtful Elections in George Bush’s America
  • Trends in Florida voting (why the "Dixiecrat hypothesis" is wrong)
  • In Response to Douglas W. Jones' "Mark Sense Ballot Design: Human Factor Lessons from FL 2000"
  • Bush's Fifth Ace: A Crooked Panhandle
  • A Model for Analyzing Voting with Application to Florida
  • The Letter TomPaine Won't Might  Eventually Did Print: A Response to Russ Baker's "What Didn't Happen in Ohio"
    By Paul Lukasiak
  • What the NORC Data Will Show
  • A Call for Justice
  • The Evidence for Ballot Tampering in Escambia County, Florida
  • How the Miami Herald Lied About Their Own Recount
  • The Miami Herald Overvote Analysis, Part 1: Choose Your Conclusion, Then Skew the Facts to Fit
  • Racism on Nightline: Analysis of Nightline's Coverage of Duval County Florida Election Controversy

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