Featured News


The Democratic party is teetering on the brink.  The green/peace/social justice community needs a Plan C.  The Republicans have one.  The Democrats don’t.  The impacts could be...

With the recent release of Hillary Clinton’s emails by Wikileaks, the public now knows exactly how the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) went from a collective defense organization to the...

PHOENIX – During Tuesday’s primary election in Arizona, voters confronted lines lasting as long as ...


17 February 2016


Your new movie, Where to Invade Next, is very powerful, your best so far for certain.

Get well.


We need you....

11 April 2016


The Democratic party is teetering on the brink.  The green/peace/social justice community needs a Plan C.  The Republicans have one.  The Democrats...

02 April 2014
OKCupid members arriving at the site via a Firefox browser today are being asked to make a choice and stand up against anti-gay bigotry. At the center of the...
Close up of Qaddafi in sunglasses
31 March 2016

With the recent release of Hillary Clinton’s emails by Wikileaks, the public now knows exactly how the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) went from a...