7 April 2016

Panama Papers revelation triggers political crises around the globe

By Jordan Shilton, 7 April 2016

As pressure builds on Britain’s Conservative government over the tax arrangements of Prime Minister David Cameron, it is becoming clear that the Panama Papers are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Imperialism, political corruption and the real face of capitalism

Tax avoidance scandal racks Iceland

By Jordan Shilton, 7 April 2016

Iceland’s Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson announced his resignation Tuesday, before subsequently declaring that he had merely stepped aside temporarily.

Panama Papers highlight nexus between wealth and power in China

By Peter Symonds, 7 April 2016

Family members of current and former Chinese leaders, including President Xi Jinping, have set up offshore companies in tax havens such as the British Virgin Islands.

Fiat Chrysler axing 1,400 jobs at Sterling Heights, Michigan plant

By Shannon Jones, 7 April 2016

The company is permanently eliminating one shift at the passenger car plant in suburban Detroit due to slumping sales.

St. Louis autoworkers bar UAW vice president from their Facebook page

UAW seeks to ram through contract at Volvo

More on autoworkers struggles »

Alabama police gun down bipolar woman after family calls for help

By Shelley Connor, 7 April 2016

Melissa Boarts’ parents called 911 hoping someone would intervene to keep her from harming herself.

Notes on Police Violence
Minneapolis police officers who shot and killed Jamar Clark will not face prosecution

More on police violence in America »

Former Massey CEO Don Blankenship sentenced to one year in prison

By Clement Daly, 7 April 2016

Former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship was sentenced yesterday to one year in prison and a $250,000 fine for conspiring to willfully violate federal mine health and safety laws.

Former Massey CEO escapes most serious charges for role in mine disaster

Amnesty report: Executions worldwide at highest level in 25 years

By Thomas Gaist, 7 April 2016

Last year saw the highest rate of state killings since 1989, with at least 1,634 prisoners killed, a more than 50 percent increase over 2014’s official number.

Austria rejects all refugees

By Markus Salzmann, 7 April 2016

The Austrian government has announced it will turn away refugees at the border after conducting summary hearings.

Greece’s Syriza: Full partner in historic crime against refugees

More on the refugee crisis »

German military to station combat drones in Mali

By Johannes Stern, 7 April 2016

The defence minister’s visit to troops in Mali is part of the return to an aggressive foreign policy.

Global military spending increased in 2015

Junior doctors face political fight to save National Health Service

By Paul Mitchell, 7 April 2016

Junior doctors have demanded more effective action after Health Secretary Hunt announced he would impose a new contract by August 1.

UK Junior doctors dispute at a crossroads
Statement by NHS Fightback

British junior doctors speak from the picket lines

More on NHS Fightback »

Concern over Australian banks’ stability if housing bubble bursts

By Nick Beams, 7 April 2016

The official position is that the Australian housing market is sound but it is becoming increasingly clear that this view is not shared internationally.

New in Spanish

El cambio de alianzas de Obama en América Latina

Por Bill Van Auken, 7 abril 2016

En caso que los ataques de Macri contra la clase obrera provoquen levantamientos, no cabe duda que el gobierno argentino revivirá los métodos dictatoriales de represión, y Barack Obama descartará su falsa preocupación por los derechos humanos.

New in French

Sanders gagne avec plus de dix pour cent d'avance dans la primaire du Wisconsin

Par Patrick Martin, 7 avril 2016

La grande majorité des jeunes électeurs, dont 55 pour cent d'électeurs des minorités âgés de moins de 45 ans, ont apporté leur soutien à un candidat dont ils pensent qu'il est socialiste.

Après quatre jours de combats, l’Azerbaïdjan et l’Arménie appellent à un cessez-le-feu dans le Haut-Karabakh

Par Kumaran Ira, 7 avril 2016

Des doutes persistent sur le temps que durera la trêve alors que dans le Caucase et au Moyen-Orient les tensions ont été exacerbées de partout par l'escalade des guerres impérialistes et la crise économique.

New in German

Imperialismus, politische Korruption und das wahre Gesicht des Kapitalismus

Von Andre Damon, 7. April 2016

Die Veröffentlichung der „Panama-Papiere“ enthüllt, wie kriminell die Finanzelite und ihre politischen Vertreter sind.

Europäische Stahlarbeiter stehen vor gewaltigen Angriffen

Von Dietmar Henning, 7. April 2016

Tata Steel und die Stahlsparte von ThyssenKrupp erwägen den Zusammenschluss. In der europäischen Stahlindustrie steht ein massiver Angriff auf Arbeitsplätze und Renten bevor.

Italien drängt auf Krieg gegen Libyen

Von Marianne Arens, 7. April 2016

Fünf Jahre nach dem Nato-Krieg von 2011 bereiten die Westmächte die nächste Intervention in Libyen vor. Am vergangenen Mittwoch installierten sie eine Marionettenregierung in Tripolis.

Weltweite Rüstungsausgaben 2015 gestiegen

Von Thomas Gaist, 7. April 2016

Angesichts zunehmender geopolitischer Konflikte in Osteuropa, Asien und dem Nahen Osten haben die Regierungen der Welt ihre Rüstungsausgaben im Jahr 2015 auf insgesamt 1,7 Billionen Dollar erhöht.

Vorwahlen in Wisconsin:
Sanders siegt mit großem Vorsprung

Von Patrick Martin, 7. April 2016

Die große Mehrheit der jungen Wähler im US-Bundesstaat Wisconsin stimmte für einen Kandidaten, den sie für einen Sozialisten halten.

Other Languages


The message of Wisconsin

7 April 2016

The American working class is moving sharply to the left, destabilizing the corporate-controlled two-party system and setting the stage for the eruption of major social struggles.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016

Featured Interview

Marxism and the pseudo-left: David North interviewed at Leipzig Book Fair

1 April 2016

Following a presentation of the new German edition of The Frankfurt School, Postmodernism and the Politics of the Pseudo-Left, North was interviewed by the newspaper Schattenblick on the theoretical and political issues addressed in his book.

Hundreds attend meetings in Leipzig, Germany on the danger of war and the politics of the pseudo-left

Socialist Equality Party

The class issues in the Brexit referendum

By Chris Marsden, 7 April 2016

The following is an amended version of a report delivered March 26 by Chris Marsden, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), to a party aggregate in Sheffield.

The reality behind the “Save our Steel” campaign in Britain

SEP public meetings: For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!

4 April 2016

SEP meetings in the US: Socialism and the fight against war

16 March 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Oppose Indian government’s witch-hunt of JNU students

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Sri Lanka), 7 April 2016

The BJP government’s witch-hunt of the JNU students is part of a turn to authoritarian methods of rule.

Socialism and the Fight Against War
IYSSE meetings in Australia and New Zealand—Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

24 March 2016

Workers Struggles

Mobilize the working class to defend Caltrans workers!

By David Brown, 7 April 2016

The following statement will be distributed at tomorrow’s statewide rallies of Caltrans workers, who build and maintain highway, bridge, and rail transportation in the state of California.

As April 13 strike deadline approaches
Struggle at California State University endangered by faculty union’s alliance with Democrats

Mexican Nissan workers in two-day strike

Arts Review

Born to Be Blue and Miles Ahead: Why so much fiction when life is fascinating enough?

By John Andrews, 7 April 2016

Films based on the lives and personas of post-World War II jazz musicians Chet Baker and Miles Davis have been released recently.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice—Doom and gloom, with capes

By Carlos Delgado, 6 April 2016

UK documentary exposes Saudi role in global terror operations

2016 US elections

Double-digit victory for Sanders in Wisconsin primary

By Patrick Martin, 6 April 2016

Sanders’ primary victory and the social crisis in Wisconsin

Democrats silent as one million lose food stamp benefits in the US

By Patrick Martin, 4 April 2016

The social crisis and the US elections

War: The great unmentionable in the 2016 US elections

Clinton, Sanders clash intensifies in New York

Trump and the Democratic Party

More on the 2016 US elections »


Hundreds arrested as French police assault student protests against labour reform

By Alex Lantier and Senthooran Ravee, 6 April 2016

After four days of fighting, Azerbaijan, Armenia call Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire

By Kumaran Ira, 6 April 2016

Mexican government employing torture in US-backed anti-immigrant drive

By Neil Hardt, 6 April 2016

Mississippi governor signs anti-gay law

By Evan Blake, 6 April 2016

New Zealand university professor subjected to pro-Zionist witch-hunt

By John Braddock, 6 April 2016

Sri Lankan government imprisons Frontline Socialist Party leader

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 5 April 2016

The political agenda behind the racial politics of the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof

By Niles Williamson, 5 April 2016

The New York Times on race and art

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

Michigan governor threatens to cut aid to Flint over potential lawsuit

By James Brewer, 6 April 2016

Anger erupts at Flint public hearing

By James Brewer, 2 April 2016

Detroit Public Schools principals charged with taking kickbacks

By Marissa Ross, 2 April 2016

Newly-released email details complicity of Obama’s EPA in Flint poisoning

Why the New York Times is pushing racial politics in Flint

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »


Study warns of potentially catastrophic impacts from Antarctic ice melt

By Daniel de Vries, 5 April 2016

25 years ago: Mass workers movement defies Moscow bureaucracy

On April 10, 1991, leaders of striking Soviet workers won the right to 15 minutes of live air time in an unprecedented broadcast on Byelorussia’s television station.

More »

50 years ago: Police attack Mississippi civil rights protest

On April 5, 1966, Mississippi State Police used rifle butts, nightsticks and tear gas to brutally suppress a protest by black students, housewives and workers.

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75 years ago: Germany invades Yugoslavia

On April 6, 1941 Adolf Hitler’s armed forces launched a blitzkrieg attack on Yugoslavia after a mass rebellion against the Yugoslav government’s adherence to a pact with Nazi Germany.

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100 years ago: Mass strike of Puerto Rican sugar workers

On April 6, 1916, the Puerto Rican Free Federation of Laborers, affiliated to the American Federation of Labor, issued an appeal to workers in the US and internationally calling for support for striking agricultural workers.

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