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Another murder



Two journalists murdered in 2 days in Oaxaca state

The latest victim in Oaxaca province was Reinel Martínez Cerqueda, 43, who presented musical programmes for community radio station El Manantial. (...)

Published on 29 January 2016 Read


Law protecting journalists goes into effect in Mexico City

Reporters Without Borders hails a new law protecting human rights defenders and journalists now in effect in Mexico’s federal district (Mexico (...)

Published on 14 August 2015 Read


Photojournalist slain in Mexico City after fleeing threats in Veracruz

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is appalled to learn that photojournalist Rubén Espinosa Becerril has been found murdered in Mexico City, to which (...)

Published on 3 August 2015 Read


Mexican president urged to rein in violence against journalists

Read the letter: here President Enrique Peña Nieto Residencia Oficial de Los Pinos Manuel Acuña 144, San Pedro Iztacalco 08220 Ciudad de (...)

Published on 13 July 2015 Read


Three journalists murdered in one week in Mexico

Sánchez, who worked for La Favorita 103.3 FM, had reported receiving threats, during elections last month. In a Facebook post on 6 June, he wrote: (...)

Published on 3 July 2015 Read


Attacks on journalists mar Mexico’s elections

The Radiover news website reported that two of its journalists, Elena Anell and José Francisco García Reyes, were attacked in Xalapa, in the (...)

Published on 10 June 2015 Read


Mayan journalist released after nine months

Reporters Without Borders is relieved by Mayan journalist and activist Pedro Canché’s release after nearly nine months in prison and hails the (...)

Published on 3 June 2015 Read


Radio journalist kidnapped in Guerrero state

Reporters Without Borders is alarmed by a wave of violence against journalists in Mexico in which the latest victim, radio presenter Bernardo (...)

Published on 12 May 2015 Read

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