Reporters Without Borders

Arbitrary arrest


Journalist and netizen face incompetent, secretive court

Reporters Without Borders is disturbed by the way the Latvian judicial system is treating investigative journalist Leonids Jakobsons and netizen (...)

Published on 29 April 2014 Read


Is Latvia eyeing a Hungarian-style Media Council?

Reporters Without Borders is deeply concerned by the unprecedented interference by Latvia’s National Council for Electronic Mass Media (NEPLP) in (...)

Published on 29 June 2012 Read


Investigative journalist badly injured in targeted attack

Reporters Without Borders is horrified by an attack on investigative journalist Leonids Jakobsons yesterday in Riga, in which he was badly beaten (...)

Published on 30 March 2012 Read


Website editor arrested after publishing emails linking mayor to spying and corruption

Reporters Without Borders strongly condemns yesterday’s arrest of Leonīds Jākobsons, a news website owner and editor who for the past month has been (...)

Published on 16 December 2011 Read


Anti-corruption police steal newspaper’s files

Reporters Without Borders today expressed “outrage” at yesterday’s invasion by Latvia’s KNAB anti-corruption police of the offices of the daily paper (...)

Published on 27 May 2011 Read


Satirical film censored on the eve of national elections

Reporters Without Borders today condemned censorship that has been slapped on the short film The Last Bearslayer made by film-maker Jānis Vingris (...)

Published on 1 October 2010 Read


Judicial authorities urged to end harassment of netizen and TV journalist

Reporters Without Borders calls on the Latvian authorities to abandon a criminal investigation into netizen Ilmārs Poikāns and journalist Ilze (...)

Published on 25 August 2010 Read


Newspaper owner gunned down in apparent contract killing

Reporters Without Borders is stunned to learn that media owner Grigorijs Ņemcovs was the victim of an apparent contract killing on 16 April in (...)

Published on 18 April 2010 Read

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