8 HOURS Thunderstorm in Amazone's rainforest - sounds of Jungle
Jungle Rainforest Sounds with
Thunder at
Night For
Relaxation 8 HOURS of SLEEP SOUNDS
approaching rain and thunder storm in
Amazon jungle rainforest - 8 hours of relaxing sounds for your ears.
Rainforest Sounds - Soothing audio for Relaxation,
Sleep and Meditatio,
Wonderful Paradice -
The Amazon rainforest - sound therapy, relaxation, sound of rain, sounds of rainforest, sound of thunder
Tropical Thunder, Relaxing
Music for
Meditation and
Baby Sleep, Sounds of
Nature ideal for
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Anti Stress, Massage, Spa Music,
Headache Remedies,
Noise Music, Headache
Muscular Pain Relief
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mood music instrumental, soft music
Sounds used in this video:
1. Thunder in the tropical forest of
Gran Sabana (
by felix.blume
CC0 1.0 Universal (
CC0 1.0)
Public Domain Dedication
2. Tempestade de Uma
Hora by
Roberto Berlim
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (
CC BY-SA 3.0)
The above sounds edited, the amplified and combined with the
Audacity program by 1HarryH
video © 1HarryH