Open Thread, 1-10-2016

So Taylor Swift looks scary to Koreans? A couple of the guys seem to have been unaware that Beyonce Knowles is black (one of them commented on being ambivalent about her dark tan, only to be surprised when told that that wasn’t a tan, that she’s black).

51sdHZvYfTL._SX334_BO1,204,203,200_I’m done with Joe Henrich’s The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about the field of cultural evolution (the author is one of the major people behind the idea of WEIRD psychology). For myself, one of the main upsides was that the book had a lot of empirical illustrations I wasn’t familiar with. Unfortunately some of the references to genomics are out of date, because he was writing the book in 2014. Also, I found the chapter on language somewhat unsatisfying.

The best passages so far that I recall. Page 234:

…Even ultra-verbal academics frequently use air quotes, an iconic gesture derived from the use of scare quotes in writing, to imply some disagreement with their terminology or its implications. I’ve seen many a humanities scholar, with a latte in one hand and a book in the other, struggle to communicate, unable to deploy air quotes to shield themselves from any undesirable implications of their words.

And from page 95:

…What we need is a more evolution-grounded science on genes, culture, ethnicity, and race, not less.

These insights will continue to fuel the spread of a new social construct: the view that all people, perhaps some other species as well, are endowed with certain inalienable rights-we call these human rights. No new facts about genes, biology, or culture can alienate a person from these rights.

Though Henrich is skeptical about the utility of the race construct, his thinking is in line with A.W.F. Edwards’ in his essay Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin’s Fallacy. Grounding human rights in empirical facts which are subject to change is…problematic!

41Ryk7GgnlL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The emphasis on collective intelligence in The Secret of Our Success is an interesting complement to Hive Mind: How Your Nation’s IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own. Though I was familiar with the model of technology loss because of drift, I was surprised how much return to population size there is in relation to the rate of innovation.

Glenn Reynolds often links to Amazon Kindle “Daily Deals”. I mostly ignore these though I’m a bit of a Kindle-holic. It’s for the same reason I canceled Kindle Unlimited, so many of the books on offer are just crappy (albeit, from my own subjective perspective). But on a lark, I clicked, and found some good stuff by drilling down to the subject categories.

61XC3xuXP2L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_I purchased John Darwin’s The Empire Project: The Rise and Fall of the British World-System, 1830-1970. Since I enjoyed After Tamerlane I’m expecting to not regret ponying up $2.99 or whatever it cost (“for the price of a Starbucks coffee….”). I also got a biography, Elizabeth Cady Stanton: An American Life. I’ve always been sympathetic to her, but my knowledge of her views and life are rather superficial (sometimes you get unfortunately surprised, R. A. Fisher: Life of a Scientist seems to confirm that he was a major league asshole). Speaking of biography, some reviewers were irritated that Constantine The Emperor read less like a narrative about his life, and more like a monograph of the culture of the Roman Empire of the time.51YhNdG3q3L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ Of course all that did was induce me to purchase it! Finally, I got two science(ish) books. Longitude by Dava Sobel, and To Explain the World, a history of science by by Steven Weinberg. In general I find Weinberg’s quasi-scientistic social and historical analyses rather uninteresting, but it was cheap, and the summary indicates that he begins in Miletus, a city whose role as the midwife for proto-science has always been near to my heart.

PAG is going on. If you are interested in genomes not human, I recommend the you check out the #PAGXXIV hash-tag on Twitter. There is lots of good science being done, but if you are interested, check out my friend Dave’s poster, Genetic Characterization of Indicators for Diazotrophic Recruitment in Zea mays.

Speaking of posters, I’m trying to get my data analyzed well enough to have a poster for BAPG XIII in Berkeley on February 13th. #Excited

New dietary guidelines. Frankly, the US government doesn’t have a good track record on this. My main qualm is that Average is Over.

41f8rXshBRL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Rounding out my personal population genetics library, I purchased An Introduction to Population Genetics Theory, by James F. Crow and Motoo Kimura. This book was published in 1970, so 45 years ago, but pretty much everyone on Twitter who would be in a position to know stated that it was a worthy purchase for more than historical reasons. It goes to show the value of old theoretical books in the field. I also purchased a copy of Male, Female: The Evolution of Human Sex Differences, because the topic isn’t something that I take for granted anymore in the sort of society we live in, where “cis-heteronormative binaries” or whatever considered “problematic.” 51UUhrJMhpL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_For more purely historical interest I also got a copy of The Monk in the Garden: The Lost and Found Genius of Gregor Mendel, the Father of Genetics About 15 years ago I read the first 1/3 of this book, but I never finished before I had to return it to the library. At this point I’m much more invested in genetics, so I figure I should give it a second go.

I watched Idiocracy. It was OK. My wife was disappointed by the lack of world-building. One thing to observe: no one is looking at their phone in the future, and there are still payphones around. The film was made in 2005, before that particular revolution.

CYQeUxuUwAAoelXSomeone on Twitter asked me to take the Political Compass test. I’m not a big fan of it, as I think it lacks subtly, and its libertarian-centric orientation is pretty obvious. But you can see my results. Probably not a big surprise. I’m moderately skeptical of democratic populism, so I’m not sure if many of these quizzes capture my own orientation correctly. But then again, everyone thinks they’re a special snowflake.

Screenshot from 2015-12-31 13:56:34There’s a new book, The South African Gandhi: Stretcher-Bearer of Empire, which got an interesting review in The Wall Street Journal. The subhead: “Gandhi fought for Indian rights in South Africa, but his concern for the black majority was minimal.” This has been known for a while, so why is this portion of Gandhi’s life so eternally controversial? I think it’s because Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi has gone through the apotheosis, and the reality that he was a man of his time is uncomfortable for many. The past today is populated by gods and devils, not men. But Gandhi was a man.

Like Slate I’m skeptical of Twitter’s latest moves. I’ll be pretty sad if Twitter turns into a form of Tumblr, and I might have to move on to something else. Which would be lame as I’ve invested a lot in my Twitter presence. As I’ve noted before at this point when I go to a scientific conference people know me more for my Twitter than my blog. Turning Twitter into a more full-fledged blogging platform is totally useless and counter-purpose for me, since I already have a blog….

Opinions on the best Szechuan in San Francisco?

The pull-up tower I purchased last week? It’s been awesome. My motivation remains pathetic, but the activation energy of just walking up to it and doing pull-ups and chin-ups is so minimal that I work-out every day now as a matter of course. Though as the New Year’s crowd clears out I’ll probably venture back to the normal gym, the tower is a great supplement and keeps me at a good baseline.

Why are Northeast Asians white-skinned?

koreanI am wont to say that the genomics of human pigmentation are solved. Arguably this has been one of the major successes of the early GWAS era. In 2005 the postscript to Mutants: On Genetic Variety and the Human Body alluded to the fact that the genetic architecture of pigmentation in humans was relatively mysterious. A year and a half later reviews such as A golden age of human pigmentation genetics where being published. What happened?

First, and foremost, the genetic architecture of human pigmentation variation is characterized by the reality that most of the variation is due to a handful of loci. In other words, skin color is not Mendelian, but neither is highly polygenic in the same fashion as height or IQ, where variation is distributed across so many loci that alleles have nearly an infinitesimal effect size. The small sizes and simple methodologies of aught era genomics were sufficient to capture the relatively large effect variants segregating in many populations. A second major aspect to pigmentation genomics is that the pathways seem strikingly conversed across vertebrates. That means that pelage color research could inform human genetics, and vice versa. In fact some of the most interesting confirmation of the power of loss of function mutations in humans occurred by inducing a similar change in zebrafish! One inference that I think one might take away from this is that ancient human populations likely exhibited variation due to polymorphism around the same set of loci as modern humans.

But, and there’s a big but, is that though the set of loci which are responsible for pigmentation variation across human populations are familiar, finite, and well characterized, the particular mutations responsible within a given locus varies quite a bit. Because derived mutations which result in reduced pigmentation are mostly loss of function all you need to do is “break” the functionality in some manner. Therefore, you might target a regulatory element, or, the exonic sequence itself, but the possibilities are rather numerous. Heather Norton’s publication from 2007, Genetic Evidence for the Convergent Evolution of Light Skin in Europeans and East Asians is still rather relevant. For various reasons the pigmentation of Europeans has been well elucidated. That means that to a great extent the variation in West and South Eurasians more generally (and North Africans) is well understand because most of the same variants seem to be at play. The big lacunae, as pointed out by Norton et al., concerns East Asians. This is a population which is both light-skinned, but lacking in the typical set of European “light” alleles.

Unlabeled_Renatto_Luschan_Skin_color_map.svgThe title of the post is “white-skinned”, and not “white”, because the conventional understanding is that East Asians are not white. That term is reserved in world-wide usage for people of European descent (or to a lesser extent related peoples, such as Turks) for historical and cultural reasons. But it is a recent development. From what I am to understand historically the peoples of Northeast Asia did refer to themselves as white in contrast to the browner people of Southeast Asia. Additionally, when Europeans first encountered Northeast Asians in large numbers in the 16th century they observed that physically the people of nations such as Japan and Korea were white in color. Only with total domination of the globe by Europeans in the 19th century did the identification of white and European become such as that Northeast Asians were classed among the “colored” peoples. But both quantitative empirical evidence and simple visual inspection can remind us that many Northeast Asians are as light in complexion as many Europeans, albeit never as pale as many Northern Europeans.

A new paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution, A genetic mechanism for convergent skin lightening during recent human evolution, goes a major step toward pinpointing what is going on in a functional sense in relation to East Asians. In fact they’re doing what occurred ten years ago from Europeans. First, they’re finding the variant through GWAS, and second, they are confirming through molecular methods and animal models that the variant of interest is actually the causal mechanism. And, they are also attempting to establish a temporal narrative by adducing signatures of selection.

rs180014The major finding is that variation on a particular SNP in OCA2 is responsible for differences in pigmentation across many groups in eastern Eurasia. You should remember OCA2, since the region that spans it and HERC2 accounts for the pattern of blue and brown eye variation in Europeans. The SNP, rs180014, is in the ancestral state in Europe and Africa, but derived in Northeast Asia. The results from the left are from the HGDP browser. The only thing is that I can’t find the SNP on the browser. So I looked for that particular SNP on my own HGDP data sets, and couldn’t find it. The SNP is in ALFRED, and you can see that the results are somewhat different. OCA2_labels_SThe HGDP results (which for whatever reason I can’t replicate) show that the derived allele is modal in Northeast Asia, and, that it is present in the New World. In contrast, the ALFRED map shows that the derived allele is modal among more southerly groups (including indigenous non-Han groups in South China), and absent in the New World. The 1000 Genomes has fewer populations, but large sample sizes. The allele frequency in Japan in the 1000 Genomes matches Alfred more than the HGDP results.

All that being said, the general stylized facts are in alignment. The derived allele is common on the eastern coastal region of Eurasia, and nearly absent in Africa, Europe, and West and South Asia. But a curious aspect to me is that in the 1000 Genomes data the allele is nearly as absent in the Bangladeshi samples as it is in other South Asians. In contrast, the derived variant of EDAR, which is diagnostic of East Asian or Amerindian ancestry, is present at 5% frequency in Bangladeshis, about what you would expect assuming the attested levels of gene flow from an East Asian population. While the authors in the above study found that the effect of the allele is additive, it is curious that in the 1000 Genomes there is no variation across Japanese, North and South Chinese, and Vietnamese. The implication is that the average between group differences across these populations has to be due to variation on other loci. The indigenous Dai people in fact had the highest frequency of the derived allele in the 1000 Genomes.

Austroasiatic-en.svgA final issue that is important to note is that the phylogenetic framework the authors are using is probably wrong. The major value-add of this paper is that added several Austro-Asiatic populations to the data set, and compared individuals phenotypically between the Austro-Asiatic group and among the Han Chinese. Because the supplemental information isn’t online I don’t know which Austro-Asiatic groups they included in China, but there aren’t too many, so one can guess. The main problem though is that they presume these Austro-Asiatic are basal to the Han. This probably isn’t true. Rather, there was probably a migration of early rice farmers from what is today China proper southward, that resulted in the spread of the Austro-Asiatic languages to Southeast Asia and further west toward India. Vietnamese and Cambodian are two numerous languages which are Austro-Asiatic. Bringing together all the genomic evidence, it seems that a substantial minority of the ancestry of these Austro-Asiatic people are from the descendants of hunter-gatherers who were resident in Southeast Asian during the Pleistocene, but the majority of their ancestry derives from farmers who pushed south.

These details matter because the authors estimated how deep the selection sweeps around this locus must be in terms of time. Using two methods they arrive at a figure between 10 and 15 thousand years (one method is closer to 10, another to 15). That implies that selection began before the Holocene. The interpretation the authors put on these results is that the northern East Asian groups experienced selection as they migrated up from Southeast Asia during the Pleistocene, with the Austro-Asiatic groups being basal and reflecting the ancestral state. The problem, as I suggest above, is that the Austro-Asiatic populations are a compound of genuinely basal groups (their minority ancestry) to the Northeast Asians, and to a population to which other Northeast Asians may be basal!

One thing Eight thousand years of natural selection in Europe tells us using ancient DNA is that a history of admixture is important to understanding the specific dynamics of selection. Though the haplotype based methods were roughly correct, they did not exhibit the granularity necessary to make fine-grained inferences, and did not totally predict what the empirical ancient DNA is telling us about allele frequencies across time. For example, earlier attempts to infer the selection sweep which resulted in high frequencies of SLC45A2 in Europe arrived at a figure a bit north of ~10,000 years. But it seems that a great deal of selection on this locus has been occurring more recently than 5,000 years.

And on a final note, I would point out that the intermediate frequencies of the derived allele in much of East Asia are suggestive to me that the genuine target of selection here is not skin color, but a dominant trait. The fact that the derived allele is nearly absent in Bangladeshis indicates that either the sweep up in frequency is very recent, so that not all East Asian populations experienced it, or, more likely to my mind, there is constraining selection on the trait which is the genuine target of interest in other genetic backgrounds. To decrypt what I’m saying, the derived allele is probably useful in East Asia, but entails some cost. South Asians may already have another allele which gains the same function, and so the cost resulted in purification of the derived allele in Bangladeshis (who are ~10% derived from a group very similar to the Dai).

As should be clear, this paper has some issues and confusions. But it’s a taste of things to come. There are many Chinese who are interested in the genomics of their region, and ancient DNA should begin to unveil the past in the next few years.

Admixture vs. introgression, is there a difference?

plant-introductions-evolution-hybrid-speciation-and-gene-transfer-18-728nature09103-f3.2Is there a difference between admixture and introgression? I think there is. Or have always assumed there is. But of late I’m wondering if a distinction is widely accepted, and what sort of distinctions people make. That is, in some cases it seems clear that admixture and introgression are used interchangeably as meaning the same thing. I’ve seen this in scientific papers, and often just do a mental substitution. But in other cases I’m wondering if people are using the terms in a different sense than I am. Probably the latter is more worrisome.

The figure to the left was generated by Admixture, a software package which takes population genetics assumptions (models) and data, and shows you the best fit of the data to a particular model. In this case the bar plot shows you the admixture of a given individual when you posit them to be a combination of K ancestral populations. The individuals are clustered by population, so you see population-wide profiles. The details of the model, and whether the model accurately captures reality (i.e., were there actually K populations at any time in the past?), is less important for this post than the fact that Admixture is reflecting admixture on a genome-wide scale between two or more populations. The input data are represented by hundreds of thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms distributed across the whole genome. The question of interest is whether a population can be represented as a pulse mixing even between two hypothetical groups, which were at some point phylogenetically distinct.

Introgression in contrast focuses on the question of genetic variants which are penetrating one population from another, and becoming common in the target population. A classical method of generating introgression in plant genetics was to engage in extensive backcrosses of mixed lineages with a trait of interest against a parental population. If one continued to select for a particular trait among the progeny one could introgress the trait and allele in a daughter population which was almost identical to one of the parent populations on a genome-wide scale, but identical to the other at one gene of interest. The practical reason for this is obvious. Imagine you have a variety of cold adapted rice which is susceptible to a particular type of fungal infection. Then, you have a heat adapted rice which is resistant to the fungal infection. All you want is fungal infection resistance, maintaining all the other characteristics that keep the cold adapted rice optimal for its climate. So you cross the two, and continue to cross progeny against cold adapted rice while selecting for the resistance phenotype. Eventually you’ll get the allele you want introgressed while maintaining the genetic background you want. In contrast, if you just allowed for admixture between the two lineages, you might get a population which was in between on a whole host of phenotypes which make them suboptimal for any climatic regime.

An example from human population genomics can be found in the paper Altitude adaptation in Tibetans caused by introgression of Denisovan-like DNA. What occurred here is that a very common variant in Tibetans implicated altitude tolerance and adaptation seems to be phylogenetically closer to those you find in the Denisovan hominins than in other human populations. This, despite the fact that Denisovan ancestry is nearly nonexistent in Tibetans (the latest work suggests admixture in East and Southeast Asia on the order of 0.1 to 0.5%, with the highest fractions being among certain Southeast Asian and South Asian groups).

nature13408-f3The network plot to the right illustrates the issue. On a genome-wide admixture plot Tibetans look like any East Asian population. They seem to be a mix of farmers related to the Han to the east and indigenous groups long resident at these high altitudes. But on the region around EPAS1 their genetic variation matches not modern humans, but the Denisovan hominin, which diverged ~500,000 years ago from the population gave rise to 90 to 99% of the ancestry of our own lineage.

So what happened? We know that there were low levels of hybridization between very diverged human lineages in the past. Because of genetic incompabilities it seems that in fact there was some selection against distinctive alleles from archaic lineages in our own genome. That is, the percentage of Neanderthal ancestry on the genomic level is probably lower than you’d get from doing a genealogical analysis of all lines of ancestry back to 100,000 years ago, because there has been selection against Neanderthal variants in the dominant human genetic background. But not in 51r8Ph-vcaL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_all cases. In a minority of instances the Neanderthal and Denisovan variants were not less fit, nor were they neutral, but rather, they were favored!

So, imagine a scenario where in the initial generation admixture between a large human population and a small Neanderthal population leads to admixture on the order of ~5% in the descendants. Over the generations due to selection against Neanderthal alleles the genomic ancestry from this group converges upon ~2.5%. But, on a subset of loci the Neanderthal alleles will have increased in frequency, and in some cases introgressed to high levels. This could be due to randomness; in a genome with billions of base pairs and tens of millions of nucleotide polymorphisms some alleles will drift up to higher frequencies randomly. But it is in the set of high frequency alleles from Neanderthals that you might find variants that have become common due to adaptive introgression. See this paper in AJHG, Introgression of Neandertal- and Denisovan-like Haplotypes Contributes to Adaptive Variation in Human Toll-like Receptors. Immunological variation is always an excellent candidate because genetic diversity at these loci are highly favored, and long resident populations often have local adaptations.

Because my focus is generally in microevolutionary process, the sort of thing population geneticists are interested in, I’ve really not been talking about species-level dynamics (though the hominins are arguably distinct species). Much of the work on admixture and introgression is done by biologists focused on inter-specific differences, but the general framework holds I believe (in fact, questions of admixture and introgression and more clear and distinct across diverged lineages). In plants in particular hybridization and introgression are common in wild and domestic lineages.

I’m not putting this post up as definitive. When I read papers where there is talk about “introgression of ancestry” it is clear that today people are merging and bleeding the definitions. I actually checked for definitions of introgression and admixture in . Principles of Population Genetics and Elements of Evolutionary Genetics. There wasn’t anything, because debate on this issue isn’t/wasn’t very live in these fields. At this point I’m really curious what other biologists think. I still find the distinction important, and more critically, useful. If one doesn’t, I’d like to hear opinions. If one has different definitions, I’d like to hear opinions.

Open Thread, 1/3/2016


The Goat?

A friend of mine, a man-in-tech of eminently WASP background of moderately liberal orientation in case you care, has been bemoaning the downstream consequences of the floundering of Marissa Mayer of Yahoo!, the confused direction of 23andMe under Anne Wojcicki, and finally, there is Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos. These are three separate cases. I don’t believe that Mayer ever had a high probability of success at Yahoo!, it was a legacy of the late 1990s that had never managed to pivot and find a new direction. Even a company with as many resources as Microsoft has been having difficulties finding domains where it can both be dominant and produce growth. Yahoo! never had the success of Microsoft, and so doesn’t have as much margin.

Of course long odds does not mean that a turnaround was impossible. I’m old enough to remember when Steve Jobs came back to Apple and many people shrugged, as it looked inevitable that the firm’s future was in diminishing returns on the margins of the consumer and educational PC market in the shadow of Microsoft and PCs (at one point Microsoft was making more profits on sales of Apple computers than Apple because of the Office productivity suite from what I recall). Obviously it didn’t work out like that. If Marissa Mayer had turned around Yahoo! she’d be a genius. If she failed, as she seems likely to at this point, there will be some sort of exit strategy where she will save face, and there will be no threat to her firm position among the firmament of American oligarchs. The likes of Mayer are seeking glory like the Roman Senators of yore. Only a few will go down in history as men or women of renown, but all will die rich and comfortable.

As Marissa Mayer is a beautiful and intelligent woman who will reproduce above replacement, of course I was always rooting for her. Beauty and intelligence are good. In some measure ambition is as well. And when was being coldly analytic an insult? I could care less about Yahoo!, as it’s irrelevant to the American economy as a whole. But I cared a bit about Mayer’s success, though I was always pessimistic. Probably some of the same dynamic applied to my attitudes toward Elizabeth Holmes, who seemed smart and attractive, though I didn’t pay attention closely to her claims or business. The issue which many, including Steve Sailer, have suggested, and which my friend agrees with, is that because of the cultural expectation that the tech sector promote “diversity”, Holmes went somewhat under the radar due to dampened due diligence. An extreme case of this sort of thing occurred with Jayson Blair at The New York Times, where Howell Raines admitted that as a liberal white Southerner he was inclined to treating Blair “gently”. Ballooning of reputations and media hagiographies of tech visionaries are not without precedent (it’s a substantial proportion of the copy of glossy business magazines), but some have wondered if Elizabeth Holmes’ story was just too good to inquire too closely. Not only did she fit the stereotypical motif of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs (e.g., Stanford dropout attempting to “disrupt” a sector with innovation), but she also served as an exemplar of a young woman who falsifying the idea that the sector was doomed to remain a man’s game.

With 23andMe and Anne Wojcicki, I have no idea what’s going on, but it is, and always has been, confused. I found out from inside sources what happened with the initial FDA letter, and what I can say is that it wasn’t part of the plan in any way but a total f**k up. 23andMe has a high valuation, and an incredible database, and seems totally pivoting to the health market, shaking off its past in recreational genetics (read: genealogy, etc.). But from what I’ve heard Ancestry has surpassed, or is close to surpassing, 23andMe’s database (speaking of, as of this writing Ancestry has a 20% of sale, on checkout at Amazon). I wonder if 23andMe isn’t getting a bit overconfident, as Ancestry is going to shift into the health space too.

Obviously biases are real. CEOs tend to look a certain way. They’re far taller than average. And in Silicon Valley they’re disproportionately white males, as in the rest of corporate America (though less so). The die is probably loaded in favor of white males in relation to getting to the top of management. I’ve had enough experience in “industry” (i.e., the real world), as they would say in academia, to know that “corporate culture” often does have connotations which exclude particular groups naturally. If, for example, you area business person in South Korea, the marathon drinking sessions are going to disadvantage many women and teetotalers. I think one of the reason that Asian Americans, and in particular East Asians, are under-represented in management roles in Silicon Valley in relation to their representation in engineering positions has to do with personality, cultural norms (e.g., Asian parents not emphasizing sports and the sort of comradeship that it engenders and translates into the business world), and just the “look” (too many Asian American engineers are short and not fit).*

But I think the example of Elizabeth Holmes suggests that shifting the playing field a bit in business journalism does no one a service. The next time a young blonde attractive woman makes a pitch to investors no doubt one prior that is going to rattle in their brains is going to be “is she going to be another Elizabeth Holmes?” That’s just a cognitive bias. Though privately people will likely state this openly.

51sdHZvYfTL._SX334_BO1,204,203,200_Speaking of cognitive biases, I’m about halfway through The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter. Yes, it’s as good as readers have told me. But, I’ll be honest and state that I knew most of it already in the generality, though not the ethnographic details (for example, I did not know that Inuit ate deer feces like “berries”; thanks for that Joe!). Part of this has to due with the fact that I’ve kept up on the author’s research since 2004, when I encountered his models of skill decay in Tasmanian Aboriginals. And, I’m familiar with the fields of cultural evolution more broadly. Additionally, I’ll bring it up in my review, but I think that he wrote at an unfortunate time when it comes to drawing lessons from human genomics, because some of his assertions have been falsified! (he wrote the the preface in January of 2015, a year ago).

Reading The Secret of Our Success after I finished Consciousness and the Brain was also pretty lucky, as some of the assertions made in the former book seem much stronger and robust after the background provided by the latter. In the near future I plan to re-read both Origin of Mind: Evolution of Brain, Cognition, and General Intelligence and The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability. Sometimes re-reading is about refreshing, but I don’t feel that in this case I understood human evolution well at all when I read these previously.

Steve Pinker has something out in The Wall Street Journal, Steven Pinker on New Advances in Behavioral Genetics:

But new studies looking for small effects of thousands of genes in large samples have pinpointed a few genetic loci that each accounts for a fraction of an IQ point. More studies are in the pipeline and will link those genes to brain development, showing that they are not statistical curiosities. The emerging picture is that most behavioral traits are affected by many, many genes, each accounting for a tiny percentage of the variance.

51Y4n2TIgiL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_When Pinker says that studies are in the pipeline, he’s thinking of concrete studies which are in review, and which will blow your minds (though the usual suspects will obfuscate and ignore).

In relation to Steven Pinker, he gets a lot of hate and dismissal. Even Joe Henrich in The Secret of Our Success uses him as somewhat of a foil, though in a good-natured manner (Henrich and Pinker are now colleagues at Harvard, so collegiality is probably for the best). I still think that for writing The Blank Slate alone Steven Pinker will go down in history as an important thinker (though The Language Instinct was the most revelatory book of Pinker’s for me).

When I run TreeMix I often get gene flow edges from Africans or to Africans from a region of the graph basal in eastern Eurasians. I ignore these because they don’t make sense. But they don’t make sense because I’m missing something in the bigger picture. I’m sure a year or two years or three years from now it will all make sense. Just filing this away as results which I can’t make heads or tails of, but which are telling us something with Delphic clarity.

On to genetic data sets. I’ll post on this soon. But the 1000 Genomes are a disparate bunch when it comes to South Asians. The Tamils and Telegu speakers have three Brahmins each in them. Also, both groups have rather endogamous low caste populations as a small subset, distinct from the broader mass. The Gujaratis are highly structured, with a large cluster of Patels, but also various other groups in the mix in a cline out toward Northwest Indians (so I assume middle castes and Guju Brahmins). The Punjabis, sampled from Lahore, are also strange, because they exhibit a very extreme cline, from near the Gujaratis all the way toward West Asian/European populations as far as Pathans. Does this have something to do with people of Muhajir background or mix identifying as Punjabi? Finally, the Bengalis are curious, because they are different from the other South Asian groups in exhibiting minimal structure. These were people sampled in Dhaka, but the cluster is very tight, except five individuals who are closer to the South Indian groups. Two of these five have sample numbers adjacent, so I wondered if they were collected together. Unlike the other Bengalis these individuals don’t seem to have substantial East Asian admixture. I have no idea what group this might be, but I have a hunch that they’re derived from an endogamous caste (probably Hindus) who migrated to the area of Bangladesh in the last few hundred years from another region of South Asia. Finally, I have to note that the Bengali populations exhibit far fewer individuals with long runs of homozygosity than the other South Asian groups. Less than the Punjabis or South Indians, which stands to reason since these groups engage in high levels of consanguinity. But also lower than Gujaratis. The implications of this later….

Xinjiang Seethes Under Chinese Crackdown. I wish the media would explore the relationship of Uighurs, and Hui Muslims, in Xinjiang (the latter are called Dungans in Central Asia). That would get at the ethnic vs. religion tensions. Though in China proper the Hui are often proud of their Islamic identity, in Turkestan their affinities to the Han group, both physically and linguistically, become salient. Because of their Muslim religion and martial character the Hui/Dungans were often used as enforcers of Chinese hegemony by the Manchus. A somewhat greater number of Muslims in China are Hui than Uighur.

10403266_10153388206137984_3744690303848345018_nI stole my kids’ candy-canes. It was for their own good! Am I bad person? Christmas was fun. My wife read Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids, but I did not (aside from a chapter Bryan Caplan asked me to read to check for any issues). I don’t need selfish reasons to have more kids. I like kids. Christmas was fun when I was a kid. But it’s more fun when you have kids by far. sequencedOneWatching my ~1.5 year old son sit down with his new board book is pretty awesome. The world is his oyster. Or at least toy truck.

I haven’t read the GCTA isn’t all that paper in PNAS. Yes, it’s not titled that, and also, am I a bad person? Yaniv Erlich is a good person, as he has read and responded. The Twitter reaction seems to be skeptical, but cautious. The reality is when the great Alkes Price or Michael Goddard weighs in we’ll know if this is simply a pretender to the throne.

A big deal at some point: phenopredict21.

Uncovering the genetic architectures of quantitative traits. On my “to-read” after the GCTA-sucks papers. (if you don’t know what GCTA is, shame on you! Read this: GCTA: A Tool for Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis).

Edge, 2016 : WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST INTERESTING RECENT [SCIENTIFIC] NEWS? WHAT MAKES IT IMPORTANT? To some extent if it doesn’t match =~ /CRISPR/ somewhere I’m underwhelmed. Did you see In vivo genome editing improves muscle function in a mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

Michael Shermer: Murdering the facts about Homo naledi? Shermer also parrots those who criticize the H. naledi team for not publishing in Nature or Science. I happen to have been in Washington, D.C., when Lee Berger gave a private presentation on the findings over two years ago. And he already told me that the key was getting this research out quickly, and, dumping the data out there so that others could have access to it. It’s not just about H. naledi, it’s about changing how palaeoanthropology is done.

For those of you in Houston, I know that Cooking Girl has better Yelp reviews than Mala. Doesn’t deserve it in my opinion, though I’ll have to sample Cooking Girl more than once….

Also, I’ve spent some time in Austin, TX, recently. I lived in Portland, OR, years ago. Those who say that Austin is like the Texas version of Portland seem to totally capture it.

* I say Asian Americans, because internationals have obvious cultural handicaps in an American corporation.

The Dravidian migration theory vindicated!

ncomms9912-f451IZQjMbVlL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_Sometimes you see things in fragments, disparate threads, which only snap into focus in hindsight. In this post I will hazard to make a prediction of results which are going to come out of remains from Indus valley sites in South Asia, which will confirm that there were two major demographic pulses which entered the subcontinent from the Northwest over the past 10,000 year. The first wave was the dominant one in comparison to the second genetically, and began at Mehrgarh 9,000 years ago. Its locus of origin was in the highlands of Western Asia, between the Caucasus and the Fertile Crescent. The second wave though left its mark culturally, as it is associated with Indo-Aryans, and likely derives ultimately from the trans-Volga steppe societies. The genetic signatures of the former people are found in nearly every indigenous South Asian group, as they amalgamated with a deeply entrenched local group of peoples who were distantly related to those of Oceania and eastern Eurasia. In short, the latter are the “Ancestral South Indians” (ASI) and the former are the “Ancestral North Indians” (ANI, see Reconstructing Indian Population History).

Screenshot - 01022016 - 09:46:36 PMThe figure above is from Upper Palaeolithic genomes reveal deep roots of modern Eurasians (open access), which found that ancient DNA from two samples in the northern Caucasus region are representatives of a population which contributed to the origins of the steppe people who swept into Northern Europe ~4,500 years ago. It shows how contemporary populations are best modeled as admixture events between reference populations. What you see is that most South Asian groups are well modeled as a mixture between “Caucasian hunter-gatherers” (CHG), and another element which is labeled “South Asian” because it is mostly restricted to the subcontinent. But wait there’s more! In the supporting materials the statistics show that though most South Asian groups have more potential mixture from the high quality CHG sequence, Kotias, a subset, unspecified Gujarati groups and Tiwaris, share more drift with the Afanasevo culture, which flourished in the Altai region of Central Asia between 5,500 and 4,500 years ago. We have enough ancient DNA to infer that the Afanasevo basically the same people as the Yamna culture, who were present between the Volga and Dnieper, far to the west. The Tiwari are an upper caste group which is present across Northern India. The second wave component is clearly strongest in the Northwest, as indicated by the Kalash sharing so much drift with Ma’lta. Before subsequent waves  of gene flow into the steppe people, which brought dollops of European farmer and hunter-gatherer ancestry into the mix, they had a higher fraction of Ancestral North Eurasian (ANE) than any contemporary Northern European population. Their contribution to South Asian groups on the Northwest fringe of the subcontinent explains then the presence of high fractions of ANE there.

A final aspect which needs to be mentioned is that the Z93 subclade of R1a1a is found across much of South Asia. Though it is correlated with higher caste, and Indo-Aryan speaking, populations, it is not exclusive to them. In fact it is found in substantial fractions among notionally primal tribal people in South India who traditionally practice primitive slash and burn agriculture and engage in extensive hunting and gathering. Ancient DNA results from the Sbruna culture of Central Eurasia have yielded Z93 among buried males. This subclade is rather rare in this region today, and, it succeeded groups which were carrying R1b, today dominant across Western Europe. The details are to be worked out, but, I believe that are associated with, but more expansive than, the Indo-Aryans. Beyond the limits of the folk migrations were outrider groups of males who integrated themselves into indigenous societies, often taking elite positions as members of a dominant patrilineage. If there was a strong bias for male descendants of a small number of these individuals, but not female ones, to have higher reproductive fitness, than over time their Y chromosomes might be far more common than their total genome contribution (to illustrate what I’m talking about, a recent paper in Australian Aboriginals admits that 56% of their Y chromosomes introgressed over the past 200 years from Europeans!).

Bringing it together one implication of the above is that the Dravidian languages of the Indian subcontinent were probably brought by the West Asian farmers (perhaps confirming an ancient link to Elamite?). Therefore, the language(s) of the Indus valley civilization was probably a form of Dravidian. Another aspect to consider is that no South Asian population lacks the genetic imprint of these West Asian farmers. It seems likely that as in Europe the farmer populations which entered the subcontinent via the northwest totally marginalized most of the hunter-nihms137159f3gatherer groups, which were numerically less substantial in any case. But, why do all South Asian groups also exhibit ASI ancestry, which is deeply rooted in the subcontinent? Just as in Europe the initial populations of farmers on the fringes of the subcontinent mixed with the local hunter-gatherers, producing a synthetic population which over time evolved its cultural toolkit to become more well adapted to South Asian geographies. Once the crucial cultural adaptations occurred then the synthetic population underwent a phase of massive demographic expansion beyond its delimited ghetto on the fringes, where West Asian climatic parameters allowed for the initial phase of near total cultural transplantation. As in Europe the expanding South Asian farmer groups absorbed hunter-gatherer substrate, accruing greater and greater ASI fractions on the wave of demographic advance, and so generating the ANI-ASI cline evident in genetic analyses. The presence of ASI in groups like the Pashtuns in Afghanistan is probably due to the fact that the synthetic populations, what we now term “South Asians” or “Indians” or “desis”, exhibited enough cultural hegemony and influence to reach deep into the plateau of modern Afghanistan and impacted both the pre-Iranic and East Iranic people of Afghanistan (also, note that Indians were very common as slaves in the cities of Afghanistan during the early Islamic period).

The reason I took time to put this post up now is that it looks like the publication of ancient South Asian genomes from the Indus valley period is imminent. From The Guardian on December 30th, Rakhigarhi: Indian town could unlock mystery of Indus civilisation:

One has stood out: who exactly were the people of the Indus civilisation? A response may come within weeks.

“Our research will most definitely provide an answer. This will be a major breakthrough. I am very excited,” said Vasant Shinde, an Indian archaeologist leading current excavations at Rakhigarhi, which was discovered in 1965.

Shinde’s conclusions will be published in the new year. They are based on DNA sequences derived from four skeletons – of two men, a woman and a child – excavated eight months ago and checked against DNA data from tens of thousands of people from all across the subcontinent, central Asia and Iran.

They looked somewhat like a recent Miss America!

They looked somewhat like a recent Miss America!

I predict that the Y chromosomal haplogroups will be H or J2. Both these are common in Dravidian speaking groups of Southern India, and, are found at some fractions in West Asia. I predict that these individuals who share gene flow with Kotias, and not with Central Eurasian groups. I predict that these individuals will not be enriched for ANE ancestry. I predict these individuals will have mtDNA lineages present in modern Indian populations, probably M. Though excavated in a region of South Asia where today lactase persistence (LP( is common, none of the individuals with carry the common derived Eurasian haplotype conferring LP. They will segregate for the derived variant of SLC24A5. On a PCA plot these individuals will cluster with non-Brahmin upper/middle caste South Indian populations, such as the Reddys of Andhra Pradesh.

Note: I’ve been told by friends for two years and more that there are efforts to sequence and type Indus valley individuals. But I have no inside information. If you are an individual in the media who has early access feel free to send me a PDF with the understanding that I will honor the embargo! (if you don’t send me the PDF I’m mildly confident I’ve already hit the major themes you are safeguarding)

George R. R. Martin confirms the great fork

A-Game-of-Thrones-Bantam-SpectraI’ve been talking about A Song of Ice and Fire as long as I’ve been blogging. I purchased the first book as a paperback in December of 1998 because of the cover and some blurbs from authors that I found credible (Tad Williams?). In 2000 I ordered the British edition of A Storm of Swords because it came out earlier than the US one by a few months. So in a little over three years I read the first three books of A Song of Ice and Fire. Over 15 years later we’ve gotten through the next two books!

Back when I read Usenet I recall someone observing that there was something like Egwene’s rule in the Wheel of Time novels of Robert Jordan. Basically as the series progressed Egwene and her entourage moved toward the White Tower of the Aes Sedai at slower and slower pace, so World_of_Ice_and_Fire_coverthat it was as if Jordan was trying to illustrate Zeno’s Paradox in his plotting often(I stopped reading after book six). I hate saying this, but Martin may have out done Jordan in that his books four and five had less narrative progress (Martin’s characters and world-building exhibit much more verisimilitude, so I cut him some slack; Jordan admitted that all the primary female characters in his books were extrapolations of his wife). Instead of a gradual exponential decay A Song of Ice and Fire crashed after 2000.

And now we have the television shows, to the point where I almost wrote A Game of Thrones to label the series, as the show is named after the first book, though its narrative arc covers the whole series. Yesterday George R. R. Martin explained on a blog entry that his books were going to definitely be outpaced by the HBO series. For years there were those of us who read the books who ignored the television series, or at most laughed and rolled our eyes as people who watched the HBO depiction without prior exposure were shocked, appalled, and amazed. Sean Bean’s Eddard Stark will always be Boromir to me! Martin confirms now that the shoe is on the other foot. But, he does note that the show and books will diverge in many ways. Because the television series will go first I can not but now wonder if it will influence the trajectory of the books (e.g., Martin might consciously or unconsciously deviate from the HBO series in future installments in ways he might not have otherwise done so). Honestly the whole situation strikes me as worthy of a short story, as it’s really unprecedented. Books are turned into television shows or films. Or, shows or films are novelized. What is going to happen now is a synthetic hybrid process.

ISIS will win many battles but lose the war

51OZQR9XHsL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Aeon Magazine has published a 11,000 word essay by Scott Atran, ISIS is a revolution. Atran is one of my favorite thinkers, and his book In Gods We Trust: The Evolutionary Landscape of Religion, is one of the more influential in shaping my understanding of cultural phenomena. Over the last ten years Atran has focused on the phenomenon of radical Islamic terrorism, using his anthropological and evolutionary scholarly toolkits to decompose the problem. More recently he’s been doing “field work” on the front-lines of the battle against ISIS in Iraq. Literally the front lines!

The piece in Aeon is a necessary corrective to two vulgar and populist reactions to the rise of radical groups like ISIS. First, there is the materialist viewpoint, which holds that a lack of economic opportunities are the causal factor driving the violence. The first order issue to address is the reality that many regions of the world (e.g., non-Muslim Sub-Saharan Africa) have large portions of the population which are underemployed or unemployed, and do not serve as sources of violent politically or religiously motivated terrorism. In fact, the best ethnographic work indicates that a disproportionate number of the young men involved in violent terrorism are not from the bottom of society, but closer to the top, in particular those striving and moving up the socioeconomic ladder in cultures undergoing modernization. The rural peasantry and the established upper classes are relatively immune to radicalization, but those whose roots are in the country but attempting to situate themselves in the middle class or higher are subject to more social dislocation despite lack of material want. Most of the 9/11 bombers were Saudi,a nation which has a cradle-to-grave system of benefits for citizens. Certainly marginalization, social and economic, are necessary conditions for recruiting from the Islamic Diaspora in Europe, but they are not sufficient conditions (the Roma are more socially and economically deprived than Europe’s Muslims, but do not engage in organized terrorism).

A second extreme position is that Islamic terrorism is a natural necessary consequence of the Koran. The problem with this viewpoint is that most of those who participate in Islamic terrorism may identify as Muslims, but on closer inspection they often lack even the patina of fluency in their own religion. The vast majority of the world’s Muslims have little to no familiarity with the details of the Koran or the Hadith (the latter of which is in any case more relevant for day to day practice). Additionally, Islamic terrorism in the Middle East is to a great extent the heir of radical nationalist terrorists of the 1970s, many of whom were Marxist, or were from Christian Arab backgrounds (in particular the PFLP). Even suicide bombing, a major calling card of Islamic terrorists today, was pioneered by the Left nationalist Tamil Tigers. But just as economic and social marginalization fuel disaffection among Europe’s Muslims, so elements of Islamic religious theory and practice are easily co-opted into violent movements. Even if one rejects the proposition that Islam is the reason for violent terrorism by Muslims, one does not therefore accept that it is no part of the overall dynamic.

Finally, there is also the idea that Islamic terrorism is nihilistic. Certainly it can seem nihilistic…from our perspective. That is why it is essential to look at things from the perspective of others, and also periodically engage in Epoché and detach from individual subjectivity. Many conservative Muslims decry the Western lifestyle as without meaning, soulless and empty. Though there is some truth to this, most of us who live the Western lifestyle know that there is a fair amount of meaning, dignity, and value in our quotidian days. Some conservative Muslims who arrive in the West are surprised to observe that the sight of women walking about in shorts does not induce an orgy of mass rape. But that is because they simply do not consider any viewpoint not conditioned on their own prior assumptions. Similarly, we in the West need to consider the viewpoints of our antagonists, without it implying in any way that we accept the positions of our antagonists as necessarily meritorious.

51SrA4DFsELTwo works from the mid-2000s give us a window into Islamic terrorism as it was then, Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism by Robert Pape, and Understanding Terror Networks by Marc Sageman. Pape utilized standard social science methods to show the strong relationship between suicide bombing in the service of political ends in contexts where foreign powers with an asymmetrical advantage had historically intervened. In other words, Pape shows that rational choice frameworks are useful even for acts as individually irrational as suicide bombings. Second, Sagemen’s survey of the ethnography of the violent Salafi international punctures the perceptions of those who might suggest that global capitalism will ultimately abolish political violence in a bath of chemically flavored french fries. Many of the recruits in Salafi terror networks are from well off families like Osama bin Laden. 51QHx-ZmCHL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ (1)Or, they are well educated like Ayman al-Zawahiri. There is the recurring thread of the over-representation of applied STEM backgrounds, in particular engineers. And, converts and those from relatively globalist/cosmopolitan backgrounds are over-represented in terms of orders of magnitude in comparison to the worldwide Islamic population.

Atran’s research, like Sageman’s, has focused on detailed statistical ethnographies of those who are recruited into Islamic terrorism. What it shows that peer networks are essential, and in particular kinship ties, both fictive and real. Humans are social creatures, and much of our cognition operates through a social sieve. Our beliefs and preferences are strongly shaped by a tendency to conform to our “in-group.” This is so strong that even if it is clearly irrational humans may still engage in behaviors to maintain conformity to group norms. The Xhosa cattle killing is a clear example of this principle of adherence to majority norms despite grave consequences, but so was the continued adherence of most Germans to the Nazi regime after defeat became inevitable, or Chinese enactment of the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, which probably retarded the rise of that nation to prominence for a generation.

k10543Group solidarity around a compelling meta-narrative is the important “big picture” element of Islamic terrorism which is critical toward understanding its motivations, and which can be missed by descriptive ethnographies or econometric analyses. Palestinian nationalist terrorism of the 1970s, or Tamil Tiger suicide bombing of the 1980s, were fundamentally derivative or subordinate to a broader family of ideologies, post-colonial nationalism with a Leftist inflection (ETA and the IRA also fall into this category, even if situated in the West). In contrast, Islamic terrorism has the potential to become superordinate, and swallow up individual movements and grievances into a meta-narrative. E.g., the core actors in ISIS to this day seem to be a shadow of Saddam Hussein’s Baathist officers. It is neat to presume these individuals are using Islamic ideology in an instrumental sense, as Saddam himself clearly did. But the Islamic meta-narrative is powerful, and has historical precedent. It seems very plausible that though the trigger for the precipitation of an Islamic movement in Iraq was the defenestration of the officer core of a notionally secular national regime, the ultimate crystallization and end state of the movement may be toward a sincere and genuine Islamic nationalism. One might make the analogy here to what has occurred in Pakistan. The founder of the state, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was a religiously non-observant Shia Muslim (who had Hindus in his recent ancestry) who seems to have envisaged a secular state, albeit demographically dominated by Muslims. Today Pakistan is riven by Shia-Sunni sectarian conflicts, and adheres to a strong Islamic self-identification. Jinnah’s proximate motives in creating Pakistan could be understood in light of the nationalist sentiments of India’s Muslim ruling class, and their dispossession in the 19th century, and impending marginalization in a united India. But ultimately he set in motion a series of events which would hinge Pakistan to a de facto Sunni Islamic international, and allow it to be an incubator for violent religious radicalism which it can barely control.

518rHTN9d-L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_What Atran highlights in his piece is that young men across the Islamic world are being inspired by a powerful meta-narrative. That is, they are not being driven by dreams of material wealth and affluence. Nor are they driven by simple hatred of the West, or unthinking nihilism. As Shadi Hamid has noted it is an act of political cant to assert that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam. For the broad masses this sort of assertion will suffice. I recall, for example, a conversation with a friend of mine in 2002 who was a gay man who repeated to me the standard narrative that Islamic is actually a religion of peace. As a straight male with a “Muslim name” I could probably get some peace out of Islam, but as it is constructed today in majority terms it is rather strange for a gay man to assert this, as there is little tolerance for gay orientation in the Muslim world (though that is changing). But this is human social conformity and social cognition kicking in again. For people interested in reality one has to move beyond the artifice of social cognition, and dig deeper. Islam is a meta-narrative which arose as a cultural adaptation 1,500 years ago. First it bound factious Arab tribes together. Second, it bound Arabs and non-Arabs together in a common identity, and allowed for a period of Islamic cultural hegemony at the center of Eurasia.

communismstory1_1413028fThe reality is that we’ve seen this before, and relatively recently. Atran, and others, have made the analogy between anarchism around 1900 and Islamic terrorism today. To outsiders both movements were frightening and nihilistic, but in hindsight anarchist violence arose as a side effect of the transition toward a liberal democratic order. Atran critically observes that the wave of anarchist violence abated when Marxist-Leninism emerged to capture a nation-empire, that of Russia. International communism in its Soviet dominated period proactively smothered anarchism (e.g., during the Spanish Civil War), and perhaps more importantly deprived it of oxygen, as idealistic youths who would have been attracted to anarchist terrorism as outlets for their rebellious energies were co-opted by the dream of a universal Communist commonwealth of states.

At this point then we may have to stop talking about “Islamic terrorism,” and refer to the Islamic international, if the analogy with anarchism and communism hold. Atran also points to the example of the French Revolution, which began the process of organized political terror in the name of an ideal, and ultimately gave rise in a genealogical sense to most modern political movements which persisted into the 20th century (fascism being the arguable exception, though it was in many ways a reaction to the ideologies spawned by Revolution).



On the individual level what is appealing about the Islamic state is that it has a heroic narrative ready for those who wish it. From the perspective of most of the world, including the Muslim world, this is perverse, considering the barbarities committed by the Islamic State. But again, we must not fall into the trap of assuming that our enemies lack humanity; rather their assumptions are inverted and different. There are millions of Germans whose grandfathers were proud members of the SS, despite the fact taht some of  its killing units engaged in wholesale genocide against women and children. They thought they were heroes for their fatherland, doing dark deeds to forge a better world.

The liberal democratic “end of history” is not heroic or anti-heroic. It is banal, and heroism occurs only in the context of a job well done in the banality of existence and persistence. Being a good parent, friend, and a consummate professional. But not everyone is a parent, and not everyone has a rich network of friends, or a fulfilling profession. Ideologies like communism, and religious movements like Islamism, are egalitarian in offering up the possibilities of heroism for everyone by becoming part of a grand revolutionary story. Though John F. Kennedy’s administration has a glow and sheen today which would have been unfathomable to those who lived through it, his words about why America sought to go to the moon are remembered because they capture the essence of a heroic spirit. The reality of course is that we sought to go to the moon because America wanted to defeat the Soviet Union in the space race. But he asserted that the American nation sought to go to the moon because it was hard. And ultimately getting to the moon first brought America glory and renown. And that is what many young men crave, but few can attain in a stable liberal democratic consumer society.

51SKjCKQBrL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The Islamic State has co-opted a meta-narrative which exists within Islamic history, and offers up a heroic vision to individuals who identify as Muslim across the world. Prior to its meteoric rise many people dismissed the Islamic State, or what was then simply al Qaeda’s branch in Iraq, including president Barack Obama (and myself). After its conquest of Mosul there were many who asserted that the material structural parameters of the domains which the Islamic State ruled would make its period of rule ephemeral by necessity. In short, the Islamic State was poor and under-resourced. There was no way it could sustain itself more than six months.

Obviously those prognostications were wrong, and they were wrong because of an excessive fixation on material parameters of success or failure. In the generality Atran points out that there’s a fair amount of social science and historical scholarship which suggests that motivated minorities can capture and transform whole societies. The world religions are key examples. Most humans are conformist, so when faced with a powerful bloc which operates as a unit they often simply fall into line. This arguably occurred in Germany in the 1930s, in Russia in the 1920s, and in France in the 1790s. The transition to Protestantism in the Netherlands and England occurred despite initial apathy or resistance from the peasant majority (yet sometimes majorities remain steadfast; the Hohenzollerns did not transform their Lutheran domains to the Reformed faith, while later Saxon rulers who were Catholic were a minority in their own kingdom).

But, I am somewhat more sanguine than Atran about the impact of the Islamic State on the world in comparison to revolutionary France or Soviet Russia. He makes much of the fact that the French nation repelled massive invasions in the 1790s, and ultimately transformed the whole continent. But as documented in Azar Gat’s War in Human Civilization the French victories probably had less to do with Ă©lan imparted to the armies of the Revolution than the reality that the new political arrangement in France allowed for total mobilization of the society. In short, the armies of the French were larger, though Napoleon’s genius did seem to allow for a initial strategic bonus. The final loss of Napoleon’s empire was due to the fact that other European powers began to follow France’s lead and mobilize their whole society toward war. Similarly, the Bolsheviks in 1917 captured a very powerful state, as did the Nazis in the 1930s. Modern conflict is by necessity an economic battle, and the weight of matĂ©riel will usually adjudicate as to who the ultimate victor will be. Atran notes that during World War II German soldiers were on a per individual basis more effective than the troops of the Soviets or the Western allies, but ultimately the military-industrial might of the United States and the sheer numbers of the Soviet forces overwhelmed the Nazi regime.

OIC_mapThe gross domestic product of the nations which constitute the Organization of Islamic Cooperation is about 7 trillion American dollars. The aggregate GDP of the European Union is 19 trillion dollars. The United States of America is 16 trillion dollars. China is 9 trillion dollars. In 1790 France was in the running for the number #1 economic power in Europe. In 1913 the Russian Empire was in the running for being the #1 economic power in Europe. Though France in 1790 was far more heterogeneous than it is today, and the Soviet Union was very heterogeneous, arguably they were far more cohesive polities than anything that one might congeal out of the OIC.

41murHaheEL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_In the Aeon essay Scott Atran argues that the millenarian forces which ISIS is harnessing are here to stay. I agree with him here. There are structural demographic and sociological forces which make Islamic movements, of which ISIS is the most extreme manifestation, nearly inevitable for the next generation or so. But, there are also structural demographic and economic forces which suggest that it will not be as nearly an existential threat to the liberal democratic political order as the movements of the 20th century. The West, Russia, China, and India, are all not particularly congenial to a long term alliance with Islamic powers. Electric cars and the shale oil revolution both threaten a major point of leverage that the Islamic international in the form of Saudi Arabia have over the rest of the world. Of course some might wonder at the Islamic demographic bomb. If current trends hold by 2050 30% of the world’s population will be Muslim. And as I noted above motivated minorities can capture whole cultures. But 30% of the world’s population at that time will also be Christian, with a larger proportion in areas where religious zeal remains strong. And, the orientation of Chinese culture is such that conversion to Islam is often seen as tantamount to leaving one’s Han identity in totality (one particular issue is that pork is central to Chinese cuisine, but it is taboo for Muslims). As documented by Philip Jenkins in God’s Continent and Eric Kaufmann in Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? Europe’s Christian identified population should be far larger than its Muslim identified population as far as 2100, even in pessimistic analyses (Pew suggests that 10% of the European Union’s population will be Muslim in 2050).

That is the optimistic angle on what awaits us. It’s not going to be as bad as Soviet communism or German fascism. I lived through the specter of the former, and many people alive still remember the latter. But the likelihood is that the core Islamic world, from Morocco to Pakistan, will be riven with conflict and tumult, and that will draw in Diaspora populations, and those from the demographically important margins (e.g., Indonesia). This conflict will spread back out to non-Muslim nations with Muslim minorities. As Atran notes all one needs are a small motivated number of young men to allow for their to be critical mass for violence. Some level of violence directed toward majority non-Muslim populations in nations with large Muslim minorities may be inevitable. For non-Muslims the fact that the vast majority of Muslims decry violence, both due to sincerity and self-interest, will be somewhat besides the point, as the violent minority are going to take center stage in national concerns. In the Muslim world the violence will be orders of magnitude worse, just as the fascist and communist regimes of the 20th century inflicted most of their terror upon the populations whom they ruled. In an almost Newtonian fashion I expect that non-Muslim societies under attack from Islamic international will exhibit a more self-conscious cultural identity than before in reaction.

Over the long run the flames will die down as a cycle of inter-cultural conflict abates. The future beyond 2050 is difficult to predict. Technology will have changed a great deal, and technology effects change on culture. What it means to be human will shift. Perhaps humanity will again focus on space travel, channeling some of its heroic energies outward, though this will always be a small demographic slice due to the constraints of physics. The vast majority might turn inward, and disappear in a vacuous virtual reality realm. Far better than projecting violence outward. But, I do think it points us to the reality that Islamic violence is a horrible answer to a real question. What should we do? And why should we do it?

Happy New Year!

Screenshot from 2015-12-31 13:56:34One of the major takeaways from earlier fitness related threads was how useful body weight exercises are. In fact, at this point I’d put a rank order as so: body weight > free weight > machines. So I ordered myself a tower that I could do pull ups and chin ups on at home in case I don’t make to the gym. Yes, yes, I know I could just do push ups, but I really like the rapid strain of pull ups, and putting the equipment somewhere salient will probably motivate me more in the morning. And honestly one thing that I worry about in winter is how sick so many of the people in a university gym seem to be, so working out at home seems more advised.

The above video also illustrates one reason I’m wary of the gym: early January is always packed. Not looking forward to that.

The Gaels were from Scythia

ireland9780688069469Several years ago I read a book, The Origins of the Irish, by the famed archaeologist J. P. Mallory. Unfortunately, I remember very little of this work, and recall thinking that it was published just a bit too early, as archaeogenetics was clearly going to revolutionize our understanding of the prehistory of Northern Europe, though no clear results were on hand at that moment. In contrast, I recall much more clearly the novels of Irish historical fiction author Morgan Llwelyn, which I read over twenty years ago, Red Branch, a retelling of the legend of Cú Chulainn, and Finn Mac Cool, tales of a semi-legendary hero. Cú Chulainn is a mythical character, resembling Indo-European archetypes of awesome warriors who were inevitably arcing toward a tragic end. I term Fionn mac Cumhaill semi-legendary because his notional descendants intersect with the life of Niall of the Nine Hostages, who most presume to have been a real figure, though cloaked in legend.

531042The lives of Cú Chulainn and Fionn mac Cumhaill exhibit many dissimilarities despite the fact that both suffer tragic fates, Cú Chulainn in a violent death, and Fionn mac Cumhaill in some infamy. Cú Chulainn is a much more fantastic figure, who seems to have been born of a god and a daughter of the Gael aristocracy. Llwelyn, in keeping with the majority, but not exclusive, tradition, depicts him as physically atypical for a Bronze Age Gael warrior, small, beardless, and very dark haired. In battle though he transforms into a monster. He is a Superman for his age. In contrast Fionn mac Cumhaill is fair haired, and scion of a people conquered by the Gaels, the Fir Bolg. His rise to power occurred as much through his wiles in ascending the ranks of the fianna militia, as much as his martial skills, and despite his pedigree rather than because of it. Fionn mac Cumhaill is perhaps the Batman of ancient Ireland, a dark hero despite exterior appearance.

This rich corpus of myths makes the Irish distinct from the English, as observed by Norman Davies in The Isles. Ireland did not need a J. R. R. Tolkien to create its own epic cycle, it always had one. Not because of the foresight of one man, such as Snorri Sturluson, but the peculiar organic and gradual transformation of Ireland into a Christian nation, where local elites and sub-elites were organically co-opted into the new religion, which lacked the clear patina of Romanitas it took on elsewhere. The later cycles in which the lives of Fionn mac Cumhaill and Cú Chulainn were situated draw upon the world formed by the events of the Lebor Gabála Érenn, the Book of Invasions. Assembled during the medieval period, like Beowulf the Book of Invasions interlaces a world before Christianity and Roman history with a clear understanding of its place within a Christian and Classical historiography. As suggested in Wikipedia one motivation for compiling and creating the Book of Invasions was almost certainly to give the Irish the venerable history which peoples such as the Greeks and Hebrews had.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABut these sorts of constructions aren’t created out of whole cloth. Rather, they bring together extant folklore and legend and attempt to create a coherent whole. To create his legendarium Tolkien poured into his world dollops of much of the lore of the European North. Even the geography of Beleriand recapitulates Northwestern Europe. And oral societies can preserve much detail across thousands of years. Doug Jones points out that local Indians in the Pacific Northwest have a cultural memory of the explosion of Mt. Mazama 8,000 years ago, which led to the creation of Crater Lake. Though we need not take the Book of Invasions, and the legends of pre-Christian Ireland literally, nor should we dismiss them as fiction without any historical content. The problem is that we need other avenues of exploring prehistory besides archaeology and myth.

Genetics provides that. Today an open access paper in PNAS dropped, Neolithic and Bronze Age migration to Ireland and establishment of the insular Atlantic genome, which makes much concrete about the settlement of Ireland before history. If you read Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe and Population genomics of Bronze Age Eurasia ,the general results will be unsurprising, and are illustrated above in the PCA. Here’s the abstract:

Modern Europe has been shaped by two episodes in prehistory, the advent of agriculture and later metallurgy. These innovations brought not only massive cultural change but also, in certain parts of the continent, a change in genetic structure. The manner in which these transitions affected the islands of Ireland and Britain on the northwestern edge of the continent remains the subject of debate. The first ancient whole genomes from Ireland, including two at high coverage, demonstrate that large-scale genetic shifts accompanied both transitions. We also observe a strong signal of continuity between modern day Irish populations and the Bronze Age individuals, one of whom is a carrier for the C282Y hemochromatosis mutation, which has its highest frequencies in Ireland today.

The paper is open access. You should read it. And the supplements.

Broadly speaking Ireland fits the template for much of Northern Europe. First there were hunter-gatherers. The Mesolithic people were almost certainly part of the same group which expanded rapidly out of refuges along Europe’s southern fringe during the Pleistocene. Hunter-gatherer genomes tend to exhibit indications of low population size, and are quite homogeneous.

Second, there were the Neolithic farmers, who arrived from Anatolia. The modern population which is the best “fit” for this group today are the Sardinians. In Central Europe they began as the LBK, while in southwestern Europe they were the Cardial culture. Like the hunter-gatherers this set of cultures, radiating from a common source in western Anatolia, were genetically homogeneous, with little inter-group divergence. But, unlike the hunter-gatherers their population sizes were large. To varying degrees in various regions and times these people absorbed elements of local hunter-gatherer substrate. Their genetic distance from the European hunter-gatherers was very great, initially settlements in close proximity were as distant as modern Chinese and Northern Europeans in terms of variation. Additionally, they were physically distinct externally. The hunter-gatherers were by and large carriers of alleles which today are strongly correlated with very dark-skinned people, with the exception of mutations around the locus associated with variation in eye color in Europeans. Inexplicably the hunter-gatherers may have had pale eyes set against very dark faces. The farmers had dark eyes, but their skin was certainly much lighter.

Screenshot from 2015-12-28 22:21:28Finally you have the third group, which arrives in Northern Europe during the Copper Age with the Corded Ware culture, also known as the “Battle Axe” culture, between 4,500 and 5,000 years ago. There they seem to overwhelm the Neolithic farmer groups, which had overwhelmed the hunter-gatherers earlier. Genetically the Corded Ware were a compound of three groups, one with with deep affinities to the European hunter-gatherers, another with peoples from the Caucasus, and finally lastly a genetic imprint from ancient Siberians. By the time this group began expanding toward peninsular and maritime Europe it has certainly absorbed local genetic substrate. In Ireland the Neolithic culture climaxed in the form of a Megalith building complex of cultures which seemed to be strung out along the Atlantic fringe of Europe. This ceased with the arrival of the Bell Beaker culture around ~4,500 years ago.

Two of the genomes are reasonable coverage, 10x. This might not be “medical grade,” but for population genomics this is pretty good (though I notice they didn’t run PSMC, which I think often requires more coverage). One individual is a female from a farmer culture who died ~5,000 years ago, and the other a male who died around ~4,000 years ago. The PCA above makes it clear that the female farmer is placed very near other early European Farmers (EEF), and the male (along with lower coverage confederates of similar provenance) smack in the middle of Bronze Age Northern Europeans. The admixture plot above confirms these findings.

But there are some wrinkles. PCA, Admixture, and f and D-statistics indicate clearly that the Irish Neolithic female had more hunter-gatherer ancestry than earlier LBK samples. Second, the Irish Bronze Age males had ancestry related to early European framers. At one point they give an estimate of ~40 percent hunter-gatherer ancestry for the Neolithic female. To them this establishes that the arrival of farming to Ireland was a matter of demographics, not cultural diffusion. This aligns with what we’ve seen elsewhere. The transition between the hunter-gather to farmer seems to have been accompanied by a significant demographic rupture all across Europe. As one might have inferred from earlier work, the phylogenomic character of the Irish was roughly established during the Bronze Age.

One of the primary issues with trying to make more precise analyses seems to be that the three root populations which contributed to the ancestry of modern Europeans were genetically rather homogeneous within themselves. That is, there was structure among European hunter-gatherers, but that which was not due to admixture (e.g., the Eastern European hunter-gatherers clearly mixed with a North Eurasian group) was subtle, probably due to rapid expansion from a small founder group after the Ice Age. The two other components had larger effective populations, but they too underwent rapid expansion, almost isotropically in some cases (e.g., along the North European plain), so there was little time to accumulate internal structure not due to admixture with local substrate.

51WCMXOk9IL._SX382_BO1,204,203,200_But some inferences can be made with various techniques, the details for which you should read the supplements. The Neolithic female seems to be descended from Cardial, and not LBK, early European farmers. That is, the Irish Neolithic is connected to the Atlantic littoral, in keeping with Barry Cunliffe’s thesis in Facing the Ocean. Second, the excess hunter-gatherer ancestry in the Neolithic female exhibits greater affinities with the Loschbour hunter-gatherer from Luxembourg than hunter-gatherers from Central or Eastern Europe. This indicates that as with the the situation in Spain there was local admixture with hunter-gatherers over time. In Mexico indigenous population structure persists in mixed regional mestizo groups. The same is likely true then in Europe if the above results hold (in the supplements you see a fair amount of evidence that Loschbour-like populations contributed to the ancestry of contemporary Western Europeans more than Eastern Europeans who may have more aggregate hunter-gatherer ancestry).

Naturally this leads one to wonder if the early European farmer ancestry in the Bronze Age Irish samples was from the same group as that of the Neolithic farmer. The surprise is that there isn’t any strong evidence of admixture! Rather, there are better candidates for donor populations on the European continent. The most parsimonious explanation then is that the Bell Beakers mixed with early European farmers, and then rolled over the descendants of the Megalith builders in Ireland. But confidence in this sort of conclusion is weak, as the number of populations is finite, and one should be cautious about making too many inferences from a few samples (though modern Irish are actually a decent proxy for the Bronze Age Irish). The broader point here is again that though there are three broad populations coming together in any given target group, we don’t have a good sampling of all the constituent populations of the three source populations, nor a good grip on the internal substructure across these groups, in part because the structure itself was minimal to begin with due to recent demographic expansion.

Whatever the details may be, the fact that dramatically different peoples were interacting during Irish prehistory should make us reconsider the veracity (or our dismissal) of legends pieced together from folklore and oral history. The Neolithic Irish female likely had a complexion similar to modern Southern Europeans (she was homozygous derived on both SLC24A5 and SLC45A2, so she was likely brunette white, rather than olive or brownish). But she and her descendants were possibly notable darker and physically different in mien from the Bell Beaker people, who were well on their way to becoming truly “fair and delightsome.” And yet it seems plausible that deep into the Neolithic period there were relic hunter-gatherers persisting in out of the way locales, inappropriate for agriculture. They may have looked very different indeed. It is easier to dehumanize when the Other looks different by their nature.

The Greeks in the centuries after the fall of the great kingdoms of their Bronze Age Mycenaean forebears referred to the constructions of that period as cyclopean, as if only creatures of myth could have wrought such architecture.  And yet the Greeks knew that the Mycenaeans were their ancestors, and the two groups shared a common language and broader culture! Oral history preserves memory; Troy was real, and it was part of the fringe of the Greek world. But it also distorts and confuses. The men of yore become legends, giants, monsters. What would the Bell Beakers have thought when they arrived to an Ireland where the civilization of the Megalith builders was collapsing, both due to exogenous shocks (the Bell Beakers!) and endogenous forces. In subsequent centuries perhaps the fairy folk had withdrawn to their own world, leaving their coarse but imposing constructions as a testament to their powers in the days of old, as they faded into mythology and legend. And it may be that Cú Chulainn, the son of the god Lugh, who was a Tuatha de Danann, is a recollection of the emergence to maturity of am an who fused the blood of the old people with the new, and whose dark features bore testament to a race whose legacy was fading in the land?

Of course that is all speculation, but it is no longer unfounded. The book of Europe and ancient DNA is coming to a close in regards to outlines of the tapestry. We are in the phase of filling in details, and scholars need to truly become interdisciplinary, and marry what genes are telling us about demographics, with linguistics, archaeology, and folklore. The synthesis may be the closest to a time machine we get.

Cultural appropriation and cultural (d)evolution

Madame_Jeanette_and_other_chilliesThe venerable journal The Atlantic is now publishing pieces with these headings: The Dos and Don’ts of Cultural Appropriation: Borrowing from other cultures isn’t just inevitable, it’s potentially positive. “Potentially positive”? The very fact that that needs to be specified suggests how far we’ve come. Whole cuisines are based on borrowing from other cultures. When I was visiting Bangladesh in 1990 my cousins were surprised to find out that potatoes were indigenous to the New World. I didn’t even want to bring up the history of the chili pepper. The same people who assert that race is a fluid incoherent arbitrary social construct can render judgments about the boundaries and values of cultures, often not their own, and act as if they’re Platonic timeless ideals (all the while asserting that they don’t hold to this model, when admitting to realistic flexibility about the fluidity of culture and identity would render their Maoist jeremiads toothless).

Sacred object to Hindus being appropriated as food

Sacred object to Hindus being appropriated as food

Brass tacks: the idea of “cultural appropriation” is an academic term that has bled into mainstream discussion as a way for various elites to police people and put them in their place. By creating an academic construct whose boundaries and criteria are known (OK, honestly, made up ad hoc on the spot) only to the initiate they can deign to provide lists of “dos and don’ts” to the plebs. It is 21st century abracadabra. You feel uncomfortable with something, and generate the appropriate academese to justify your feelings post hoc. The whole project would seem farcical if it weren’t so serious. Oberlin’s cafeteria cultural appropriation fiasco shows what happens to this sort of cultural tool; pedantry is drafted to serve prosaic needs. Basically, the food was shitty, so the students started making recourse to the garden variety ideological levers that they’re taught to take seriously. In the 1960s privileged students at elite universities taught Marxist theories realized that they were the oppressed class which needed to ignite the revolution. How far campus radicalism has fallen! Oppressed by shitty mystery meat modern day students are offended and declare that it’s “Not OK.”

Everyone knows about Facebook now

Screenshot from 2015-12-28 03:14:11

It looks like people are searching for Facebook less often on Google over the past 3 years. Probably because everyone knows about Facebook now. People have been looking for signs of decline for many years. I was in that game too. It seemed inevitable. But perhaps Facebook is going to be the boring and persistent “climax ecosystem” of the social web for the next generation or so?

Epigenetics does not a revolution make

51x-WwY-sAL._SX387_BO1,204,203,200_Periodically I get frankly stupid comments that seem to imply that the incredible swell of results coming out of molecuar genetics and genomics are revolutionizing our understanding of evolutionary and population genetics. Over the past generation it’s been alternative splicing, then gene regulation and evo-devo, and now epigenetics is all the rage. The results are interesting, fascinating, and warrant deeper inquiry (I happen to see graduate school admission applications for genetics, and I can tell you that conservatively one out of three applicants mention an interest in epigenetics; the hype is grounded in reality).

But these fields don’t tear down the bigger picture of evolutionary and population genetics. It is not a revolution (see Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life for a dissenting take, but note that the authors are minority voices). Unfortunately the belief that everything has changed is widely held. I can understand why and how social scientists who wish to downplay classical heritability of traits would latch onto epigenetics, but even biologists outside of genetics have told me in conversation that they assumed that the fields of evolutionary and population genetics has been “revolutionized” and the textbooks had to be “rewritten” (these are real words/phrases).

My patience with this sort of thing is minimal at this point. I’ve had to deal with it so much that I’ve written several “why genetics has not been revolutionized” posts. And here’s another. The media certainly isn’t helping by hyping so much. Rather soon we’ll see someone writing about how epigenetics is “disrupting” evolutionary biology like Uber is disrupting transportation! About ten years ago I remember talking a producer on a public radio show out of doing something about how epigenetics was changing everything we knew about evolution. I just didn’t believe it was the case. He was frustrated, but thankfully he didn’t just go and just find people who wanted to say what he would have preferred to have been said on air.

The most recent edition of the closest thing that I know of to a Bible of population genetics, the venerable Hartl and Clark text, is nearly ten years old. In the last edition there was a chapter on “population genomics,” a field which really didn’t exist for the earlier editions. But I doubt that “population epigenomics” will be added for the next edition. Not because it isn’t potentially something important or research-worthy, I just don’t think that it will be a necessary part of every population geneticist’s toolkit (in contrast, pretty much all population geneticists who work with empirical data are going to become genomicists, if they aren’t already).

41PHSZN6AELIn science the world “revolutionary” is a big deal. Genomics has not revolutionized evolutionary and population genetics, so I definitely don’t think epigenetics has revolutionized these fields. There’s a reason that The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, written by R. A. Fisher in the 1920s, is still useful reading for someone interested in evolutionary and population genetics. Fisher’s fusion of Mendelian genetics with evolutionary theory (along with the efforts of Sewall Wright and J.B.S. Haldane) allowed for the development of a formal field which could extend beyond verbal logic and empirical description. Perhaps the second major revolution to identify in the 20th century would be the emergence of molecular methods in assaying genetic variation after the work of Lewontin and Hubby. Though genomics has resulted in a quantitative increase of data on the orders of magnitude beyond what was available with allozymes in the 1960s, my own judgment is that the top-level inferences from the earliest results using coarse molecular markers have not been overturned as much as refined and specified. Genomics allows for a scaling up of the empirical possibilities, but it is a matter of extension more than doing something new under the sun.

5190MX7FYQL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_As with many things much of the confusion has to do with semantics. In his book The Darwin Wars Andrew Brown makes a distinction between thinkers who conceive of an ‘analytic gene’, as opposed to the more concrete sort favored by molecular geneticists  today. By the latter, I mean a specific sequence mechanistically bound together in what we would today term a ‘genic region,’ transcribed and (a subset in many cases) translated into proteins. Though those with a fidelity toward the latter definitions often imply that their views are more concrete and adhere more to reality, it is important to note that the foundations of Mendelian thought are fundamentally about analysis as opposed to mechanism. There is a reason that a core textbook for introductory genetics is titled Genetic Analysis. Genetics began as inferences about the nature and character of inheritance from observed patterns, not by understanding molecular biological mechanisms. Mendelian genetics flourished 50 years before the final understanding of its molecular basis in DNA. Evolutionary biology emerged as a field 50 years before genetics as we understand it emerged.

Why? Let me quote two passages. First, from Dan Dennett in Darwin’s Dangerous Idea:


Darwin’s ideas about the powers of natural selection can be lifted out of their home base in biology. Indeed, as we have already noted, Darwin himself had few inklings (and what inklings he had turned out to be wrong) about how the microscopic processes of genetic inheritance were accomplished. Not knowing any of the details about the physical substrate, he could nevertheless discern what if certain conditions were somehow met, certain effects would be wrought. This substrate neutrality has been crucial in permitting the basic Darwinian insights to float like a cork on the waves of subsequent research and controversy, for what has happened since Darwin has a curious flip-flop on it. Darwin, as we noted in the preceding chapter, never hit upon the utterly necessary idea of a gene, but along came Mendel’s concept to provide just the right structure for making mathematical sense out of heredity (and solving Darwin’s nasty problem of blending inheritance). And then, when DNA was identified as the actual physical vehicle of the genes, it looked at first (and still looks to many participants) as if Mendel’s genes could be simply identified as particular hunks of DNA. But then complexities began to emerge; the more scientists have learned about the actual molecular biology of DNA and its role in reproduction, the clearer it becomes that the Mendelian story is at best a vast oversimplification. Some would go so far as to say that we have recently learned that there really aren’t any Mendelian genes. Having climbed up Mendel’s ladder, we must now throw it away. But of course no one wants to throw away such a valuable tool, sill proving itself daily in hundreds of scientific and medical contexts. The solution is to bump Mendel up a level and declare that he, like Darwin, captured an abstract truth about inheritance. We may, if we like, talk of virtual genes, considering them to have the reality distributed around in concrete materials of the DNA)….

51k+5+6j9OL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The Origin of Species is a rich and worthwhile read even today 150 years after its publication. Evolutionary ideas are as old as Western philosophy, and they were in the air during Darwin’s time. The reason we remember his theory is that it had a precise rigor and mechanism attached to its explanations of the empirical reality around us. In particular, the concept of natural selection driving adaptation upon heritable variation. A major lacunae, as noted above, was that Charles Darwin did not posit any plausible mechanism of maintaining variation. The attempts in The Origin of Species were reaches, and from what I recall there were multiple shifts in emphasis across the editions of this book. Without discrete particulate Mendelian inheritance the variation that was the raw material for natural selection disappeared. But observe that all that was necesssary was a system of inheritance where variation was maintained. If on an alien planet the substrate of inheritance was different in fundamental molecular configuration from DNA one would still be able to posit a theory of evolution in whose general outlines are Darwinian, because the ultimate input of heritable phenotypic variation would remain the same.

Second, W. D. Hamilton in Narrow Roads of Gene Land: Volume 1:

…I had made the decision that I would not even try to come abreast of the important work that was being done around me on the molecular side of genetics. This might well be marvelous in itself: I admitted the DNA story to concern life’s most fundamental executive code. But, to me, this wasn’t the same as reading life’s real plan. I was convinced that none of the DNA stuff was going to help me understand the puzzles raised by my reading of Fisher and Haldane or to fill in the gaps they had left. Their Mendelian approach had certainly not be outdated by any of the new findings.

51XHYubQzNL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_If case you are not aware of who W. D. Hamilton was, he was arguably he most influential evolutionary biologist of the second half of the 20th century (there are other contenders, but Hamilton’s name has to be in the mix). The idea of inclusive fitness was the fruit of his inquiry into the “problem of altruism” (a problem that the famed medical geneticist Lionel Penrose summarily dismissed as worthy of financial support according to Hamilton, who had a project relating to chromosome biology lined up for his potential mentee). As it happens molecular genetics, or more precisely its descendant, genomics, has taken some interest in Hamilton’s ideas even if he didn’t take quite an interest in it. The ubiquity of selfish genetic elements may be understood as an extension of Hamiltonian inclusive fitness dynamics at the intra-genomic level (there are other arguments, see Michael Lynch’s Origins of Genome Architecture). And many of the predictions that Hamilton’s formalism made in regards to the nature of the origins of sociality and sex are best explored with molecular genetic assays.

51zeajUmWhL._SX316_BO1,204,203,200_Finally, I want to bring to your attention R. A. Fisher’s 1941 paper Average Excess and Average Effect of a Gene Substitution (the link is not gated). Fisher was writing before DNA. His conception of a gene was analytic by necessity (though by his period it was understood that genes were resident on chromosomes). That is, he was imagining a unit of inheritance characterized by alleles. Today we often think of a defined genetic sequence as this unit of inheritance, and alleles are usually assumed to be changes on a single base pair of DNA, a single nucleotide polymorphism (though there are other types of genetic variants, such as copy number variants). But these are not necessary to work out the basics of evolutionary genetics, as is clear from the fact that Fisher, Haldane and Wright managed to do so before comprehension of mechanistic details (though as a physiological geneticist Wright thought more mechanistically, and that might explain why he was right and Fisher was wrong in regards to the reason for the existence of genetic dominance). Fisher used terms like “allelomorphs”, and many of the characters he was familiar with would have been tracked through correlations of phenotypes. In an abstract and fundamental sense an allele is just a variant segregating in the population. It could be a SNP, or a CNV, a microsatellite, or an indel. Or it might also be a regulatory element. For Fisher and many of his colleague they only postulated the allele after seeing the phenotypic marker; they were often ignorant of the detailed biophysical basis for the variation.

41ZhyEU5lGL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Average effects and average excesses, keys to quantitative genetics, and underlying Fisher’s model of evolutionary change over time, have within them the richness to absorb the myriad mechanistic details cascading out of modern molecular genetics and genomics. If you read him closely it is clear that Fisher did not assume the sort of deterministic relationship that some of his critics impute to him. He understood penetrance, as did all geneticists long before the vagaries of gene expression and epistatic interaction were elucidated in their mechanistic details. But over the long haul the average effect of a substitution in the population is critical. Understanding the nature of the average effect gets you much of the way in this game, if not all the way.

There are some Christians who assert that their religion is the natural completion of Judaism and Greek philosophy.* There are others who rather argue that Christianity was a radical revolution against all that came before. Historically the latter has been a minority view. The Marcionites failed, and the Jewish origins of Christianity were sewn into the fabric of its foundational scripture in the form of the Old Testament. And despite periodic revolts, the reality is that intellectual Christianity speaks with a Greek philosophical voice. Ultimately this debate is of purely academic interest for me. But it exhibits a similarity with academic arguments and debates. In Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo Sean B. Carroll takes a traditionalist approach which suggests that novel 61DFNJkqyGL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_results from the new field of evolutionary developmental biology firmly supports and extends the Neo-Darwinian Synthesis. Carroll’s book is under 400 pages. It’s elegantly written and economical of prose, and it proposes a evolution in our thinking about the nature of the variation which serves as the raw material for natural selection. Contrast that with the late Stephen Jay Gould’s The Structure of Evolutionary Theory, which came in at nearly 1,500 pages. Published in the early 2000s, much of it was written earlier. There are only two references to epigenetics within it. If Gould had not died in 2002 he would probably have come out with a new revised edition by now, and I’m rather confident that epigenetics would loom very large indeed. Though Sean B. Carroll is a very eminent scientist, he remains a bit player on the intellectual scene. That’s because he does not promise revolution, he come bearing a twist on the orthodoxy. In contrast, Gould’s prolix prose was rich with the promise of paradigms shattered and lost, and grand visions of heretics risen up to prophetic status, as the statues of the grand old men of the Neo-Darwinian orthodoxy were torn down to make way for the new.

Carroll’s book ended with a quotation from Charles Darwin because his espousal of a particular theory in regards to evolution was in no way contradictory to the spirit of The Origin of Species. Endless Forms Most Beautiful was a paean to Darwinism, properly conceived. Charles Darwin was no dogmatist in regards to the origin of variation, though he was blind to possibility that Mendel’s experiments provided. I doubt he would have taken much umbrage at Sean B. Carroll’s update to the canon. Some of the original Mendelians arrayed themselves against the biometrical school, which considered itself a custodian of Charles Darwin’s thought during the period when classical evolutionary theory was somewhat in decline (see The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades around 1900). But as told in Will Provine’s The Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics the conflict was short lived, and the synthesis which emerged from the debates of that period laid the basis for modern evolutionary biology, a field far richer and more robust than during Darwin’s own time. And I may be wrong here as I’m no historian of Watson and Crick’s discovery, but I don’t see that they thought of themselves as overthrowing Mendelianism, as opposed to putting it on a firmer molecular and biophysical basis. A comprehension of the biological machinery within the synaptonemal_complex only enriches and extends our understanding of the nature of Mendelian process.

Quantum mechanics was a revolution in physics because it introduced a whole domain of understanding which operates outside of the purview of classical physics, parallel to it to this day. The modern project of unification and reconciliation continues and is unfinished. In contrast Darwinian evolution, Mendelian genetics, and molecular genetics extend and complement each other. If quasi-Lamarckian heritable epigenetic patterns within the genome were so powerful and ubiquitous as to overturn a Mendelian understanding of heritability, then the Mendelian model of inheritance would not have been so persuasive and crystal clear in the first place in the analyses of the Fly Room. If our understanding of evolution and genetics was contingent on perfect understanding of the molecular mechanisms and machinery by which evolutionary processes occur, then we’d have been at a loss before 1952 (in actually, 1952 was only the start in any case). We weren’t in the wilderness, because understanding can manifest itself at multiple layers of abstraction and complexity. Just as a deeper understanding of neuroscience can only benefit psychology, so a deeper understanding of biophysical phenomena such as epigenetics will only enrich our understanding of evolutionary and population level dynamics. There is no revolution in evolution. At least until we get better with CRISPR….

* This is a general trend. Some Chinese Christians have argued that the religion completes and complements Confucianism, while Karen Christians point to similarities between Christianity and indigenous religious beliefs.

Open Thread, 12/27/2015

On_Food_And_Cooking_UScoverI mentioned On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen a few days ago. The section on irradiated meat was interesting to me as it exposes the reality that there are many things we can do to improve human existence, but that we don’t for cognitive reasons. The authors notes that meat irradiated with E. coli is edible for three months after being sterilized, but that since it is adulterated consumers wouldn’t want to consume it. Adulterated in that the E. coli is often present in feces which contaminate the meat. Myself, I would gag attempting to eat sterilized feces. This is certainly a very adaptive evolutionary reflex; a substantial proportion (more than 50% in some sources) of the solid material in human feces are bacteria. But I suppose the question is how much feces we are already consuming. In a “perfect world” food inspection regimes would make irradiation irrelevant. Because people fear radiation, and think that irradiated meat is radioactive, this method isn’t used much. And food safety in the United States is such that the public health risk is low. But a substantial proportion of illnesses in the United States today are due to contaminated food. Most estimates are probably a lower bound because many illnesses we may assume are airborne or due to contact with a physical surface may have been mediated by food handlers (which obviously irradiating meat wouldn’t do anything about!) There are major problems as a society we don’t address or can’t, but it seems that in areas like food distribution we actually have the technology in many cases, but our surfeit of supply means we have the luxury of not making recourse to it. Yet.

Please use the “open thread” for making off topic comments. Usually I check the open threads and reply in batch, but if it’s an off topic comment I’m way less likely to respond.

New Jersey School District Eases Pressure on Students, Baring an Ethnic Divide in The New York Times. The ethnic divide is one familiar to many people who live in Silicon Valley. E.g., The Tiger Parents of Silicon Valley: White and Asian students in California schools self-segregate. That’s a pity—and a problem. Though in general I sympathize more with the “white” parents (the racial aspect is salient, but the factis that most of the Asian American parents are first generation and grew up abroad in these scenarios, so there’s a major confound), this reality from the first piece rings true:

“They don’t have the same chances to get their children internships or jobs at law firms,” Professor Lee said. “So what they believe is that their children must excel beyond their white peers in academic settings so they have the same chances to excel later.”

41n4FabPOWL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_Everyone knows that the Ivy League and other elite colleges seem to have standards where students of Asian ethnic background need to have stronger academic scores and preparation to get the same consideration in “holistic” admissions. So it is natural that the parents of these students would emphasize this aspect of schooling. Additionally, first generation immigrants by and large don’t have the same accumulated social capital in this country in terms of connections, though I’m skeptical that this remains true for very long (see Greg Clark’s The Son Also Rises). But a final issue may be that by focusing so monomaniacally on proximate hurdles and metrics these students do not cultivate other, perhaps softer, skills, necessary in the professional world.

The testing culture which dominates East Asia today has its culturally contingent roots in the ideal of a meritocracy which arose in the weak of the Confucian-Legalist synthesis of the early Han, finally maturing in the Song dynasty. But the testing itself was only a means toward an ends, which was rule by benevolent and broad-minded scholar officials, rooted in a deep traditional humanism. In other words, the goal was to produce a cadre of liberally educated gentleman who would act not just in their own self-interest, but toward human betterment more broadly. In other words, arguments against the cram school culture which prizes individual excellence and success at all costs exist within societies from which these systems emerge, but these arguments are difficult to make in the context of a perception of a winner-take-all stakes in the game of life (though perhaps more thought should be given to all the Asian American kids who are not perfectly academic and don’t live up to expectations, and suffer a lot of emotional distress, and often hate, and frankly detest, their parents as adults).

More concretely, being a “bro” who can kick back with some beers is obviously a benefit in many professional contexts. Back when I worked as a programmer a lot of lunch discussions revolved around gaming. Since I haven’t played since I was 16 I was naturally excluded. Not that I’m complaining, but it goes to show how much everyday interaction revolves around tacitly shared norms and interests. And of course, at higher reaches of industry there are gains to traits like height and voice quality which can’t be overcome by a higher GMAT score.

tnapb4As a parent myself I’m thinking a bit more concretely about these sorts of issues. A few of my friends are major proponents of Unschooling. I probably won’t go that far myself, but as a major fan of The Nurture Assumption I think the key is not to engage in one-size-fits-all thinking. Individual differences matter. The variation in competencies and interests of my children are already evident, and it strikes me that these are important to consider in any system of pedagogy. An acquaintance of mine once expressed frustration that one of his two children didn’t seem academic at all, despite the fact that both his parents and older sister were. I tried to suggest that things like this just happen, that social inputs and incentives have limits, and non-zero heritability means you can’t just predict offspring from parents. Rather than being frustrated a more fruitful path would be to understand what would have best optimized the child’s skills, rather than trying to force him into becoming a National Merit Scholar like his sister (which was going to be unlikely in any case).

There should be some awesome papers in human population genomics coming out this year. Also in population genomics more broadly. Speaking of which, the next Bay Area Population Genomics Meeting (XIII) is going to be at Berkeley on February 13th.

k10543Right after finishing Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts (I’m 2/3 of the way through) I’m going to read The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter. This entails a touch of rearrangement of my stack, but not too much. Since I have stated in the public record that I believe humans are domesticating ourselves I’m probably a good candidate to receive the thesis that Joe Henrich is presenting favorably. Speaking of which, he now has an appointment at Harvard, a good indication that his research program is now ready to go into “prime time.” God knows when I’m going to have time to read fiction, but probably it will be Seveneves, though I’ve been putting off reading The Wise Man’s Fear for a while. Good book recommendations are always welcome.

Here are some books I’ll prioritize for the New Year:

Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West. I’ve heard great things about this book for years.

The Complete Works of Mary Wollstonecraft.

The Invaders. I referenced and skimmed parts of this book, but I’ll finally read it (it should be fast, I know the topic a bit).

Nexus. My friend Ramez Naam wrote a science fiction trilogy a few years back. An admirer of his nonfiction work, which I’ve read, so I’ve been meaning to check this out.

Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States. I’m often dispositionally skeptical of Michael Lind’s arguments, but often come around to seeing value in them.

The Shape of Ancient Thought: Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies

Temptations of Power: Islamists and Illiberal Democracy in a New Middle East. Shadi Hamid tends to avoid cant in his pronouncements.

From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time. There is more to science than genetics. Trying to tell myself that….

Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. An important book that I’ve been putting off reading. My friend Carl Schulman contributed a fair amount to this book as a research assistant.

Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False. I hope the author is well versed enough to characterize Neo-Darwinism correctly! The glaring problem with Darwinian Fairytales: Selfish Genes, Errors of Heredity and Other Fables of Evolution is that the author’s mastery of the material under critique was too superficial to be persuasive (i.e., often he was criticizing an argument that didn’t exist in the science).

Culture Evolution evolves in the 21st century


Though we often think of evolutionary processes as either matters of bones (i.e., paleontology) and genes (i.e., evolutionary genetics), that is not strictly true. There are other domains of study where evolutionary thinking and frameworks have been applied. In particular I’m thinking of evolutionary thought in the context of culture. This has a long history, and evolutionary models as metaphors are commonly bandied about, from Herbert Spencer to Richard Dawkins. But the reality is that there is little systematic and formal investigation of the topic. In the late 1970s to the middle 1980s six scholars attempted to change this. First, E. O. Wilson and Charles Lumsden in Genes, Mind, And Culture: The Coevolutionary Process. Arguably the most ambitious of the projects, Wilson and Lumsden have moved onto other things. Next you have L. L. Cavalli-Sforza and Marcus Feldman with Cultural Transmission and Evolution. By and large both authors have moved onto other things, though Feldman at least still produces some research in the area of cultural evolution. I asked Cavalli-Sforza about cultural anthropology’s reaction to this book in 2006. He responded:

I entirely agree that the average quality of anthropological research, especially of the cultural type, is kept extremely low by lack of statistical knowledge and of hypothetical deductive methodology. At the moment there is no indication that the majority of cultural anthropologists accept science – the most vocal of them still choose to deny that anthropology is science. They are certainly correct for what regards most of their work.

His pessimism about cultural anthropology was warranted in my opinion.

0226712842Finally, you have Peter Richerson and Robert Boyd’s Culture and the Evolutionary Process. Both these authors were explicitly influenced by Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman’s ideas (I believe they also took courses where Feldman was an instructor at Stanford to get up to speed on formal evolutionary modelling). But they’ve continued to extend the ideas they outlined in Culture and the Evolutionary Process, and given rise to a whole school of thought (e.g., Joe Henrich, author of The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter, and now a professor at Harvard, was Robert Boyd’s Ph.D. student at UCLA). A popularized version of their ideas can be found in Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution . The fact of the vitality of this research program is evidenced in part by how cheap copies of Culture and the Evolutionary Process are in comparison to the other two works. I have all three, but the first two I grabbed at used book stores where I stumbled upon them and immediately realized that they were listed far cheaper than they’d be online, because copies are so much rarer.

41CAhu6biSL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_If you are interested in the above topic, you should get a hold of at least one of the above books. For those with some background in evolutionary genetics modeling, you’ll feel very comfortable (I recommend Mathematical Models of Social Evolution: A Guide for the Perplexed for an up-to-date take). But today I bring this all up because Peter Turchin has just announced the birth of a new organization, Cultural Evolution Society. In describing the backstory of how this society came about Peter references a visit to Davis in 2014. I happen to have been there, and had good fun with with both Peters (Turchin and Richerson) dining on Korean barbecue and downing red wine. The precis for Ultrasociety was already present in Peter’s mind at that point, but I don’t recall talk about a society for the study of cultural evolution. That may be due to the fact I wasn’t privy to all the conversations, or, that I was rather inebriated soon enough as there was no way I could keep up with Peter Turchin!

I sincerely hope more students interested in evolution will begin to look to cultural processes as well. If you are a human evolutionary geneticist it strikes me as not just something that would be a bonus in terms of insight, but a necessary aspect of the field. For the past generation there has been a emphasis on culture alone, as the co-evolutionary ambitions of Wilson and Lumsden in their original groundbreaking work have been somewhat set to the side. I think that will change in the near future, as many of the thinkers who are pushing the field forward know that at some point cultural evolution and evolutionary genetics will fuse again….

Culture Evolution evolves in the 21st century


Though we often think of evolutionary processes as either matters of bones (i.e., paleontology) and genes (i.e., evolutionary genetics), that is not strictly true. There are other domains of study where evolutionary thinking and frameworks have been applied. In particular I’m thinking of evolutionary thought in the context of culture. This has a long history, and evolutionary models as metaphors are commonly bandied about, from Herbert Spencer to Richard Dawkins. But the reality is that there is little systematic and formal investigation of the topic. In the late 1970s to the middle 1980s six scholars attempted to change this. First, E. O. Wilson and Charles Lumsden in Genes, Mind, And Culture: The Coevolutionary Process. Arguably the most ambitious of the projects, Wilson and Lumsden have moved onto other things. Next you have L. L. Cavalli-Sforza and Marcus Feldman with Cultural Transmission and Evolution. By and large both authors have moved onto other things, though Feldman at least still produces some research in the area of cultural evolution. I asked Cavalli-Sforza about cultural anthropology’s reaction to this book in 2006. He responded:

I entirely agree that the average quality of anthropological research, especially of the cultural type, is kept extremely low by lack of statistical knowledge and of hypothetical deductive methodology. At the moment there is no indication that the majority of cultural anthropologists accept science – the most vocal of them still choose to deny that anthropology is science. They are certainly correct for what regards most of their work.

His pessimism about cultural anthropology was warranted in my opinion.

0226712842Finally, you have Peter Richerson and Robert Boyd’s Culture and the Evolutionary Process. Both these authors were explicitly influenced by Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman’s ideas (I believe they also took courses where Feldman was an instructor at Stanford to get up to speed on formal evolutionary modelling). But they’ve continued to extend the ideas they outlined in Culture and the Evolutionary Process, and given rise to a whole school of thought (e.g., Joe Henrich, author of The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter, and now a professor at Harvard, was Robert Boyd’s Ph.D. student at UCLA). A popularized version of their ideas can be found in Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution . The fact of the vitality of this research program is evidenced in part by how cheap copies of Culture and the Evolutionary Process are in comparison to the other two works. I have all three, but the first two I grabbed at used book stores where I stumbled upon them and immediately realized that they were listed far cheaper than they’d be online, because copies are so much rarer.

41CAhu6biSL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_If you are interested in the above topic, you should get a hold of at least one of the above books. For those with some background in evolutionary genetics modeling, you’ll feel very comfortable (I recommend Mathematical Models of Social Evolution: A Guide for the Perplexed for an up-to-date take). But today I bring this all up because Peter Turchin has just announced the birth of a new organization, Cultural Evolution Society. In describing the backstory of how this society came about Peter references a visit to Davis in 2014. I happen to have been there, and had good fun with with both Peters (Turchin and Richerson) dining on Korean barbecue and downing red wine. The precis for Ultrasociety was already present in Peter’s mind at that point, but I don’t recall talk about a society for the study of cultural evolution. That may be due to the fact I wasn’t privy to all the conversations, or, that I was rather inebriated soon enough as there was no way I could keep up with Peter Turchin!

I sincerely hope more students interested in evolution will begin to look to cultural processes as well. If you are a human evolutionary geneticist it strikes me as not just something that would be a bonus in terms of insight, but a necessary aspect of the field. For the past generation there has been a emphasis on culture alone, as the co-evolutionary ambitions of Wilson and Lumsden in their original groundbreaking work have been somewhat set to the side. I think that will change in the near future, as many of the thinkers who are pushing the field forward know that at some point cultural evolution and evolutionary genetics will fuse again….

“Authentic” cheese as genuinely authentic….

On_Food_And_Cooking_UScoverUsually around the holidays I pick up our family’s copy of On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. Since I’m a bit of a science-nerd reading a chapter here and there is really fun, even when it’s a re-read. Yesterday I went over the section on cheeses. Both the science and history were rather interesting, and I particularly considered deeply the cross-cultural and generational issues.

51ZsvFndtKLGrowing up in the northeast as a kid I ate Kraft singles, but when I moved to Oregon it was all about Tillamook. I hadn’t thought about this contrast until a friend who went to graduate school in Boston brought it up as a major culinary difference. Of course the Pacific Northwest, or Wisconsin for that matter, have nothing compared to the diverse and historically ancient traditions of Europe when it comes to cheeses.

The author of On Food and Cooking attributes the rise of cookie-cutter bland American cheeses to the combination of this nation’s short history along with the rise of industrial food production in the 20th century. Since the first publication of the book though in the 1980s much has changed. I haven’t touched a Kraft singles in over 20 years, and a slab of Tillamook cheddar is my “basic cheese” now. Though there is a socioeconomic aspect to this, I think part of the change has been a genuine shift toward consuming more diverse flavors and textures. The marketplace has changed, and tastes have expanded.

61zbPp0Oe6L._SX522_In my post on Chipotle my criticism had a lot to do with the fact that I think Chipotle is to “authentic food” what Taco Bell is to “Mexican” cuisine. I’ve gone to Chipotle in the past, it’s food is fine, but the talk about locally sourced and GMO-free just struck me as so much cant (albeit, profitable for a long time). Some things are simply difficult to commoditize. Once you commoditize them then problems ensue. But when it comes to the proliferation of cheeses in America today, it’s actually the importation and spread of traditions which have a long history. They’re authentic not because they’re repackaging distinct constituent elements of authenticity (e.g., “hand-made”, “local”, “seasonal”), but are organically developed traditions which accrued through historical trial and error, and not marketing artifice. Often these cheeses cost a great deal more on a per unit basis than a slab of Tillamook cheddar, let along Kraft singles, but I think a piece of fromager d’affinois is worth it.

Norway Offers Migrants a Lesson: “No Rapin’!”

The New York Times has a very long and detailed article titled Norway Offers Migrants a Lesson in How to Treat Women. Here’s the primary issue:

Henry Ove Berg, who was Stavanger’s police chief during the spike in rape cases, said he supported providing migrants sex education because “people from some parts of the world have never seen a girl in a miniskirt, only in a burqa.” When they get to Norway, he added, “something happens in their heads.”

The statistics are pretty straightforward, and some are outlined in the article. This is a robust and replicated dynamic in Scandinavia; people of “migrant background” are over-represented in rape statistics. It’s an open secret, in that when push come to shove the authorities tend to make excuses rather than lying about it. Though Scandinavians maintain public norms of political correctness, their revealed preferences in terms of self-segregation and ubiquitous “white flight”, illustrate that everyone knows the reality even if they don’t address it out of politic.

Migrants themselves can often be quite frank and astute observers of cross-cultural differences:

“Men have weaknesses and when they see someone smiling it is difficult to control,” Mr. Kelifa said, explaining that in his own country, Eritrea, “if someone wants a lady he can just take her and he will not be punished,” at least not by the police.

Norway, he said, treats women differently. “They can do any job from prime minister to truck driver and have the right to relax” in bars or on the street without being bothered, he added.

Mr. Isdal, the Stavanger psychologist, said refugees, particularly those traumatized by war, represent a “risk group” that is not predestined to violent crime but that does need help to cope with a new and alien environment.

Unfortunately it’s not surprising that the “professionals” are making excuses for these men. All of a sudden males, who are sometimes portrayed in feminist literature as “natural born rapists,” become traumatized by war and no longer responsible for their actions (or at least not as culpable). This turns “victim blaming” on its head. But in a world where white males are the font of all evil non-white males are denied any pretense of agency to explain away their actions.

The reality is that the attitudes expressed by Mr. Kelifa are not that atypical over recent human history. What’s atypical is the sort of gender egalitarianism which is normative in Scandinavia, and to a lesser extent in much of the West and other parts of the developed and developing world. My own suspicion is that in small hunter-gatherer bands the worry of violent rape at the hands of strangers was not a concern, because there were no strangers, and women were often in the close presence of males who were either relatives, or males with whom they were bonded with (in the case of partilocal societies). Norms of extreme sex segregation and minute physical control of women by groups of men probably arose in agricultural societies where contact with strangers became more common, and where powerful patriarchies became organized and standardized.

Individualistic Western norms, which are slowly spreading throughout the world, are in some ways a reversion back to norms of the hunter-gatherer period. What we are seeing today is a slow unwinding of the institutional and social scaffolds that arose as cultural adaptations during the long period between the Pleistocene and modernity, when what had been hunter-gatherer clans where thrown together without innate cognitive tools at the scale of the individual to enable social cohesion. But the older cultural norms persist in many contexts even in the West. See the video below, which perhaps should be adapted for migrants….

Open Thread, 12/20/2015

51C57PXe4wL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_An informational note, if you’re on Twitter, you might want to follow me at Second, I haven’t had the time to contribute much content to the net besides this blog recently, but in general it is optimal to follow my total content feed, at, rather than various blogs and publications which I contribute to (I’m going to branch out a big more into more traditional writing again this year, time permitting). I automatically push author archives at other sites to that location, though I’d probably put a note into an open thread in a given week here.

I can’t say enough how much I’m enjoying Stanislas Dehaene’s Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts. This the third book by this author I’ve read. The Number Sense 15 years ago, and Reading in the Brain earlier this year. Dehaene can write, and, he’s a practicing cognitive neuroscience, and it shows. I’d recommend both.

13426114TheI think I’m going to push Dan Ariely’s The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone–Especially Ourselves up in my stack. Around ~2008 and for a few years later Ariely seemed to be everywhere. I read Predictably Irrational during that time, and immediately bought Ariely’s The Honest Truth About Dishonesty when it came out. But it strikes me that the interest in bounded rationality and behavioral economics has waned a bit. Also, I recall that The Honest Truth About Dishonesty had a blurb from Jonah Lehrer, right about at the time that his career and life was in the early stages of meltdown. Really bad timing.

The fact that someone could state that this fact is “trivia“, at a time when women are being integrated more fully into combat positions which might require physical strength, is interesting. Sex differences in morphology, physiology, and psychology, have huge implications. But there are certain sectors who deny them, or, barring that simply claim that the differences are trivial. I don’t think they are.

The American Heart Association seems totally corrupt. Their recommendations seem to exhibit an extreme stickiness, refusing to be updated to the present.

This piece in The Atlantic about incorrect or misleading results due to genetic testing is interesting. But, it needs to be kept in perspective. Consider the past 50 years of nutritional “science,” which have shaped the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Or educational and policy fads, such as whole language learning and massive freeways which cut through the heart of cities, that have wrought havoc on untold millions. Genetics isn’t special, and, nor particularly worrisome.

It seems likely in the near future Facebook and Google will be implementing massive genome-wide association studies, simply by intersecting their customer data with genomes.

I am aware that many of you have a high self-regard for your intelligence. Since you are intelligent you are probably aware that I don’t share your opinion in relation to yourself. When I ran Gene Expression as a group blog we used to have a word for people who left comments: we called them “animals.” Obviously this was simply the median commenter. Not all of them. If some of you are surprised or annoyed that I’m dismissive and insulting to you on Twitter or in the comments do understand that my prior expectation is that you probably don’t have much to say that I’d be interested in, and I may be annoyed that you think you are worth expending my time on. You could have the same prior about me, but if that’s the case I invite you not to read me, as I’m not reading you (it is notable that over the years I’m noticed that the people who have their own blogs are the least annoying and obnoxious in their self-regard, and stick to talking about what they know).

The number of people who read this blog regularly and who follow me on Twitter is simply well beyond Dunbar’s number by any definition, so I’m not able to “put a face” on many or most. Additionally, despite the current populist and demotic dispensation I think humans differ a great deal in their characteristics. I’m not interested in watching average looking leading ladies in my films (sorry Maggie Gyllenhaal), nor am I interested in having intellectual exchanges with average intelligence people (in “real life” I am very open to talking about sports, weather, and sex, with normals). Also, I have a long memory. If you talk shit about me on other blogs (like you dearieme) and continue to comment here, I’ll probably ban you because you’re just being a shady dick. Or, if you psychoanalyze me when you don’t know much about me (like you Ikram, if you don’t remember email me and I’ll tell you the incident that I remember) or my motivations (like you aeolius) I’m going to remember your presumption and be keen to delete/ban you in the future.

N of Everyone has posted my commentary in Genome Biology from last year, Dragging scientific publishing into the 21st century. I’m exciting that they’re moving along with their project. Preprints are great, but we need more tools and platforms for post-publication review. Except to hear more from them in the coming year.

I’m am not following politics too closely. Definitely out of sync with my Twitter feed. But really nothing matters until the nominations.

Alice Dreger has balls writing Gender Mad, which is going to invite accusations of her being a TERF. By balls, I don’t mean in the literal sense. For the record, I am confused by the arguments of the modern mainstream trans movement, as they seem to flip between radical social construction (i.e., we all get to choose our gender in a very conscious manner conditional on cultural norms) and implicit biological essentialism (e.g., “I was always a female brain in a male body”). Hopefully we will hit a happy medium were trans people can be physically safe and given some tolerance and accommodation, without accepting the idea that cis-heternomativity and trans identities are totally equivalent (there will always be many more of us than them!).

I had a short exchange on Twitter with Rosalind Arden about statistical education. Would it benefit people? My own sentiment is to say yes. But, I’m also deeply cynical at this point. It strikes me that many people use statistics or knowledge about specific topics to obfuscate as much as to illuminate.

ISIS is steadily gaining strength in another Middle Eastern country while everyone looks the other way. This is going to sound weird, but this reminds me of 2006, and the rivalry between Facebook and MySpace. Yes, al Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula is dominant in Yemen today. But the long term trajectory seems pretty clear. ISIS is going to win this competition, just like Nintendo edged out Atari, or the iPhone destroyed the BlackBerry.

CDS Appropriates Asian Dishes, Students Say. You should read the Oberlin story on cultural appropriation of cuisine just for fun. The weirdest quote is from a Chinese student who doesn’t understand that General Tso’s chicken wasn’t “appropriated” from China, but invented in the United States, suggesting that she was familiar with a dish that was imported (“appropriated” and modified) back to parts of China from the United States.

51VWcX2sJDL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_I watched the new Star Wars film. It was good.

Very excited to spend Christmas with my kids. They’re getting old enough to look forward to holidays and appreciate presents.

Excited by all the science which is being published in 2016. Papers in review that I’ll blog, and papers I’ve heard long rumored to finally hit the presses. I should be analyzing some very interesting data for my Ph.D. project.

The Scholars Gate blog is very good. Check it out if you haven’t.

A Hominin Femur with Archaic Affinities from the Late Pleistocene of Southwest China. A very weird paper. Not definitive.But the history of our species looks curious indeed.

One Direction is so young, and been around so long, that some of these teen idols are hard to recognize, as they’re changed styles and gong from being in their middle teens to early 20s. I find it really strange.

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