National Socialism (common English short form Nazism, German: Nationalsozialismus) was the ideology practiced by the Nazi Party and Nazi Germany. It is a unique variety of fascism that incorporates biological racism and antisemitism. Nazism was founded out of elements of the far-right racist völkisch German nationalist movement and the violent anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary culture that fought against the uprisings of communist revolutionaries in post-World War I Germany. The ideology was developed as a means to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism. Nazis' paramilitary organization, the Sturmabteilung (SA) engaged in violent attacks upon the movement's opponents, particularly communists, Jews, and social democrats. The Nazis promoted German territorial expansionism to be Lebensraum ("living space") for German settlers.
Nazism advocated the supremacy of the claimed Aryan master race over all other races. It claimed that Jews are the greatest threat to the Aryan race. The Nazis claimed that Jews are a parasitic race that attached itself to various movements and systems to maintain its self-preservation, such as capitalism, the Enlightenment, industrialisation, liberalism, liberal democracy, Marxism, and trade unionism. To. To maintain the purity and strength of the Aryan race, the Nazis sought to exterminate Jews, Romani, and the physically and mentally disabled. Other groups deemed "degenerate" and "asocial" who were not targeted for immediate extermination, but received exclusionary treatment by the Nazi state, included: homosexuals, blacks, Jehovah's Witnesses and political opponents.
War Machine (James Rupert Rhodes) is a fictional character, a comic book superhero appearing in comic books set in the Marvel Comics universe. The character of James Rhodes first appeared in Iron Man #118 (January 1979) by David Michelinie, John Byrne and Bob Layton. The War Machine armor, which became Rhodes' signature armored battlesuit, was designed by Len Kaminski and Kevin Hopgood.
Also known by his nickname Rhodey, Rhodes has been a featured character in the Iron Man animated series, Iron Man: Armored Adventures and The Invincible Iron Man animated film. He was first portrayed by actor Terrence Howard in the 2008 film Iron Man. Don Cheadle replaced Howard in the 2010 sequel Iron Man 2 and will reprise the role in Iron Man 3.
In addition to Iron Man and his own title War Machine, Rhodes has been featured in the ensemble titles West Coast Avengers; Force Works by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning; Sentinel Squad O*N*E; The Crew by Christopher Priest; and Avengers: The Initiative by Dan Slott and Christos Gage. Rhodes was also featured in the alternate-reality Marvel MAX imprint's U.S. War Machine series by Chuck Austen, and U.S. War Machine 2.0, by Austen and Christian Moore.
Spiegel TV Magazin - Neuköllner S-Bahn Nazi-Pisser
Encuentran Misterioso Tren Nazi luego de estar perdido 70 años | ¿Tren con oro?
Alter Nazi-Schatz entdeckt?
NAZI UNDERWORLD - National Geographic - Documentary HD
22 Surprising Facts About: Nazi Germany
Hitler in Colour( Nazi Rise to Power)
Nazi Gold Train Found In Poland
Nazi Occult Conspiracy Full Length Documentary
Inside The Nazi War Machine 1/3 - Inside The Holocaust
10 Myths about the Nazis
Nazi Mega Weapons S02 E04 Hitlers Megaships
Nazi Megastructures: Fortress Berlin - nazi documentary
Nazi Gold Train Location Revealed
In this third installment of the hit Nazi Zombie action horror movie, Outpost: Rise Of The Spetnaz, we discover the horrifying origins of these supernatural soldiers and see them in ferocious gladiatorial battle against the most ruthless and notorious of all military special forces: the Russian Spetsnaz.
Keywords: horror-movie-prequel, part-of-trilogy, period-film, prequel, sequel, third-part, world-war-two
Researchers in Antarctica are abducted by a team of masked storm troopers. They are dragged deep underground to a hidden continent in the center of the earth. Here Nazi survivors, their bodies a horrifying patchwork of decaying and regenerated flesh, are planning for the revival of the Third Reich.
Keywords: abortion, airplane, antarctic, antarctica, betrayal, blood, brain, cave, cgi, crash-landing
Dead...But Not Gone.
Based on a true story, this heart-wrenching film follows the journey of Gisella Perl (Christine Lahti), a Jewish-Hungarian doctor who manages to... Based on a true story, this heart-wrenching film follows the journey of Gisella Perl (Christine Lahti), a Jewish-Hungarian doctor who manages to survive Auschwitz. Decades later, she's applying for U.S. citizenship when she becomes accused of colluding with the Nazis. Her judge and jury are three INS investigators (played by Bruce Davison, Richard Crenna and Beau Bridges) who must decide her fate
Keywords: 1940s, abortion, auschwitz, based-on-book, based-on-true-story, concentration-camp, doctor, emaciation, holocaust, holocaust-survivor
Cyrus, the leader of the most powerful gang in New York City, the Gramercy Riffs, calls a midnight summit for all the area gangs, with all asked to send nine unarmed representatives for the conclave. A gang called The Warriors are blamed for killing Cyrus as he gives his speech. They now have to cross the territory of rivals in order to get to their own 'hood. The Warriors slowly cross the dangerous Bronx and Manhattan territories, narrowly escaping police and other gangs every step of the way.
Keywords: anti-hero, baseball-bat, based-on-novel, battering-ram, beach, bottle, bra-less, brawl, bronx-new-york-city, bronx-zoo-new-york-city
These are the Armies of The Night. They are 60,000 strong. They outnumber the cops three to one. They could run New York City. Tonight they're all out to get the Warriors.
They are 60,000 strong.
They outnumber the cops three to one.
Can you dig it!
They could run New York City.
Tonight they're all out to get the Warriors.
Orphan: We're gonna rain on you, Warriors!
Luther: [clicking beer bottles together] Waaaarrrrrriiiorsss, come out to pla-ay!
Cyrus: Can you dig it?
[At the big conclave/street gang meeting, Cyrus, the boss of the street gang appears]::Cyrus: [yelling] Can you count, suckers? I say, the future is ours... if you can count!::[a couple of soldiers cheer for Cyrus]::Cyrus: Now, look what we have here before us. We got the Saracens sitting next to the Jones Street Boys. We've got the Moonrunners right by the Van Cortlandt Rangers. Nobody is wasting nobody. That... is a miracle. And miracles is the way things ought to be.::[Few more soldiers cheering for Cyrus]::Cyrus: You're standing right now with nine delegates from 100 gangs. And there's over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore members. Forty-thousand, counting affiliates, and twenty-thousand more, not organized, but ready to fight: 60,000 soldiers! Now, there ain't but 20,000 police in the whole town. Can you dig it?::Gang Members: Yeah.::Cyrus: Can you dig it?::Gang Members: Yeah!::Cyrus: Can you dig it?::Gang Members: YEAH! [shouting and Cheering]
Cyrus: Now, here's the sum total: One gang could run this city! One gang. Nothing would move without us allowing it to happen. We could tax the crime syndicates, the police, because WE got the streets, suckers! Can you dig it?::Gang Members: YEAH! [shouting and Cheering]
Cyrus: The problem in the past has been the man turning us against one another. We have been unable to see the truth, because we have fighting for ten square feet of ground, our turf, our little piece of turf. That's crap, brothers! The turf is ours by right, because it's our turn. All we have to do is keep up the general truce. We take over one borough at a time. Secure our territory... secure our turf... because it's all our turf!
Luther: There he is! That's him! That's... the Warrior! He shot Cyrus!::Cleon: Man, you crazy! I din't do nuthin'!::Luther: We saw 'im!::Cropsey, Rogue Lieutenant: Yeah, that's him.::Luther: He's the one! He's the one! The Warriors did it! [starts charging Cleon] The Warriors did it! The Warriors did it! The Warriors did it!
Masai: Riffs!::Gramercy Riffs: [shouts] Yeah, right!
Cropsey, Rogue Lieutenant: [at the candy store] We set?::Luther: We're set alright. Somebody should pick their ass up. The Riffs sent out the word. They want 'em alive. We don't.::Cropsey, Rogue Lieutenant: Sooner someone grabs 'em, the better.::Luther: What's the matter? Ya afraid the Warriors are gonna shoot their mouths off before they get wacked?::Cropsey, Rogue Lieutenant: Yeah, right! I'm worried! I just don't want the Riffs down on my head!::Luther: No sweat. They're lookin' for the Warriors, remember? We can do some lookin' too... Oughta make you feel better.
Ajax: [to Swan] Since when are you a fuckin' diplomat?
Are Nazi Prisoners in America Scheming for World War III?
Following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, America was rife with rumors about the size of Japan's armed forces and how well-equipped they were to wage war against the U.S. Using animation, the first part of this film dispels these rumors by showing that the U.S. had more raw materials and more fighting ships. The narrator also cautions moviegoers against spreading rumors (which are often initiated by enemy infiltrators to create fear and dissention) and believing everything they read in the newspapers. Just because "they say" something, that doesn't make it true.
Keywords: barbershop, fbi, narration, part-animation, propaganda, rumor, world-war-two
Spiegel TV Magazin - Neuköllner S-Bahn Nazi-Pisser
Encuentran Misterioso Tren Nazi luego de estar perdido 70 años | ¿Tren con oro?
Alter Nazi-Schatz entdeckt?
NAZI UNDERWORLD - National Geographic - Documentary HD
22 Surprising Facts About: Nazi Germany
Hitler in Colour( Nazi Rise to Power)
Nazi Gold Train Found In Poland
Nazi Occult Conspiracy Full Length Documentary
Inside The Nazi War Machine 1/3 - Inside The Holocaust
10 Myths about the Nazis
Nazi Mega Weapons S02 E04 Hitlers Megaships
Nazi Megastructures: Fortress Berlin - nazi documentary
Nazi Gold Train Location Revealed
TOP 10 Horrible Nazi Human Experiments (Disturbing Content)
Nazi Mega Weapons S02 E06 The Siegfried Line
Exploring the 'Nazi Village' of Jamel
Post WW2 Nazi Guerillas
5 EVIL Nazi Human Experiments!
The Path to Nazi Genocide
Secrets Of The 3rd Reich - Secret Nazi Research in Alien Technology
Where is Nazi gold? [Full documentary] 720p HD
Nazi gold train exists 'with 99% certainty' | DW News
This LOVE Maroon 5 cover By Nazi
Russia's neo-Nazi problem
World War 2 Nazi Germany The Secrets Of Nazi Germany In World War II EBOOK PDF REVIEW
Wonderful Tonight cover By Nazi
Gefährliche Nazi Gangs in den USA - Doku 2014 (NEU in HD)
Quran Chapter 079 An Nazi'at Those Who Drag Forth Recitation by Shaykh Shuram
Nazi Zombie Army 3 ITA #07 - Tutto di pompa - NAZI3
Meez Coin and cash hack Nazi HAcKz
Nazi scum banana run Liverpool 'white man march'
UFO Controversial Documentary Could UFO be Secret SS aircrafts NAZI Conspiracy
EL SUSTO MAS TONTO!! | Cod Waw Nazi Zombies
''Reclaim Australia'' :Nazi movement
Gmod Nazi Zombies: Ep1
7/11 Bathroom Nazi's
Nazi Agent Full Cinefilm
Download PDF The Secret Space Age Secret Space Programs Breakaway Civilizations Nazi UFOs SDI and Al
Nazi Zombie Army 2: "How did we live through that!?" (playthrough part 1)
UFO - NAZI Documentary 2016
Download PDF Secrets of the Unified Field The Philadelphia Experiment The Nazi Bell and the Discarde
Download PDF Nazi International The Nazis Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science Finance Spac
Full Documentary Amazing SECRET NAZI WEAPONS
Latest World Breaking News Today Neo Nazi group calls off march in Liverpool after rival protests
Johnny Racković ::: Nazi Punk Fuck Off (Live ~ Bitef Teatar)
Nazi Documentary | Hitler's second man [Chapter 1/3]
Nazi Documentary | Hitler's second man [Chapter 3/3]
national geographic nazi underworld hitlers family
Albert Speer: The Nazi who said Sorry
Full Documentary - Amazing SECRET NAZI WEAPONS
Neo-Nazi Biker Gangs: VICE INTL (Germany)
NAZI Zombie Army Trilogy con Duxa y Tum Tum Ep. 2 "Tum Tum estas grabando?"
Milenio 3 - El enigma Nazi
Nazi Megaestructuras T2 II - Los grandes buques nazis.
Nazi Megastructures ~ V2 Rocket Bases 2 of 6 (Full length documentary)
Ocultismo: La Religión Nazi 1/2
La Última Resistencia Nazi
Look here see
Pretty Mike shanked Two-Face Al over some gal
Found the body dead in the isles
Death by strangulation
Microphone cord, a dirty broad
Guess they'll never play it again Sam
Damn that was my jam
Now she's on the lamb
She made it out with 200 grand
What a scam
While these two compete on who's the star of the show
Golden legs there makes off with the dough
I read the paper there with Joe the Butcher
He said one glance is all it took ya
She's a real looker
They say her old mans a bootlegger
Transporting in any weather
And at this rate we'll never get her
Fellas, think it's time to call it a night
All this talk of this mystery dame's gettin' me tight
Thought I saw her in my eyesight, right
Hate to spoil the party
What are you guys havin', the same?
Waiter another round for the gang
It's strange how I always felt outta place
Joe The Butcher's my ace, but in comes Freckle Face
So I said see you later
'Fore I hurt him and his two ugly thumb breakers
He met them in Louisiana wrestling gators
An idiot can tell they're involved with the caper
So I pulled the revolver on my waist up
Between the patrol car and the gray truck
Behind the street lamp was a silouhette
White gloves and a real long cigarette
What do ya know all this time she's got me in her scope
She spoke says the devil got you guys by the throat
Your conspiracy theories won't work without evidence
That's the reason why Eric B is not president
Well what do ya say
Ya see?
Look here see
I know you got soul your trying to hide it
How did you kill a man out in cypress
One Eyed Charlie
He only hangs with the criminal minded
Says you guys did it doggy style is he lyin'
She says, (Walk This Way) I'll tell you a (Children's Story)
We hit the bodega got her a few 40's
We jumped in my ride we drove and she cried
Twisted off the cap there and opened her mouth wide
Swallowed it, whole bottle's half empty
Drinks like a fish now she's past tipsy
The truth came out as we got to her suave house
(Chopped and screwed) her mouth and sat me on the couch
I said it's gettin late c'mon give it to me straight
Who's ya sponsor lady? She says Bill Gates
What are ya born 77 or 78?
She says, Nah it goes way to an earlier date
Slave times, claims the slaves said rhymes
But she fell in love with some fella named Clive
Who? Clive Campbell from Sedgwick Ave, the Bronx
Now she shows me the cash
I said who's Clive, don't play with me skirt
She said Clive Campbell
He's Kool Herc
Ah ha! Ah ha!
Listen up sweetheart
Now we gettin somewhere
As she's talkin, she starts vanishing in thin air
But before she drops the money bag on the floor and died
I carry the cross, if Virgin Mary had an abortion
I'd still be carried in the chariot by stampeding horses
Had to bring it back to New York
I'm happy that the streets is back in New York
For you rappers, I carry the cross
Y'all can keep y'all weak beats, from your corny producers
There's a new king of the streets, you're gonna get used to
I was the old king of the streets, that y'all once hated
But now I reinvented myself, and y'all all waited
NAS, N.A.S. mean Niggaz Against Society
Noisy I aim not silently, noose all surroundin me
I hang 'em I string 'em up ain't no thing I just drop 'em
to which doctor you copped and you locked and it ain't what it was
I changed it up from that pop shit it's hard to see R&B;
rappers arguably, started fuckin up the game horribly
Cause, I parted the sea, then these novices targetted me
Bitches infatuated say they love me lyin to me
What I've discovered is my brother's tryin to be
the next me, yeah I support him but he's blinded I see
jealousy he love me to death am I buggin I love him for life
We both still mournin on our mother's, life
And I don't need much but a Dutch, a bitch to fuck
A six, a truck, some guns to bust
I wish it was that simple, the last emperor, hit yo' ass
with the Nasty Nas, diary, get out my path
I can't keep a bitch cause none of them come up for a little Des
I can't be too rich, too many hoes, lined up for sex
I can't rest until my niggaz in houses with pretty maids
Water and flowers in 'em
While my niggaz walk around in they trousers grinnin
Gotta keep a lot of heat; 30 cals 10 millimeters
40 cals plus the heckler, to set y'all straight
You too light? I shoot your freckles out
You too dark? The infrared show you what the tec about
Huh? I'm stressin out, need more offices for bosses
Secretaries and meetings with big sharks, who mad greedy
We can sell mo', boats on the coast
Give, coats to the po' and give, hope to the broke then live low
But that ain't reality, I look happy but under the sky
You see a nigga who know, out of three women 2 out of 3
will love you but lead you to they own, hidden evil
BITCH! You the reason niggaz be beefin, hoe get on
'Posed to be Earth, ain't worth the pussy that you sit on
From here on, it's a new day
Million dollars ain't, what it was yesterday
Many problems, many niggaz, most involved but they fake
Hope y'all relate
This is a journey into the worlds most largest
And notorious projects, Queensbridge
Listen while Nas saves his hood from the most
Cowardest rappers
He held a mass appeal and a little boy smile
Depressed has a complex his mouth was foul
You need to stay around I feel like telling some stories
First theres this arrogent fuck, his names Cory
Hung around my mans Like and Big Trevor
Trevors still locked up, Likes getting his cheddar
Cory changed his name to arr, whatever
Cornchip, Buckwheat lookalike, its Mega
Right Mega was his name sorry about that
But its so hard to put a cowards name in my rap
Always acting tough, a jokester be fronting
He got snuffed, he got shot in the thigh, he did nothing
But thats Nas always looking out for breadrin
Cause when brethren don't return love it don't stress him
Cause gangstas do gangsta shit, real recognize real
Still laughing to the bank and shit
Back to Cor, got him a deal but his rhymes was whack
Def Jam mad that he signed the contract
Now he got jealous and mad at my shine
Making silly tapes, I'm always on his mind
Nonsense, not to be obnoxious kid
Mega for the record you could suck my dick
Bitch you from around the way its sad what this do to me
But Queensbridge, we gotta have unity
They say the bridge is over, the bridge is over
Nah this is a time we destroy and rebuild it
They say, the bridge is over, the bridge is over
Nah we the strongest hood but weak niggas kill it
So they say, the bridge is over, the bridge is over
Since we on the subject of traders and flunkies
Mega aint the only faggot in my hood dummies
Theres plenty that wanna be me but cannot
Its like King Arther and Knight Sir Lance-A-Lot
Lefty and Donnie Brasco, Gotti and Paul
Before I woulda told you Prodigy's my dog
Through the ups and downs, robberies and all
Though I always knew he wanted my downfall
He would say his little slick shit and act real funny
For what nigga you're butt and it got back to me
Asking a Braveheart to get back your jewelry
You aint from my hood, don't even rep Q.B.
Nature moved to Marcy
Man dick riding Nature, nothing else to say
Man Nature moved to Marcy
Back with ass niggas in fear
Fuck them niggas go head with the progam man proceed
Old lady pocketbook snatcher, car thief
Of course we aint friends, you never stood on no blocks
Streets or corners with zombies, ghouls and gangstas
Cops, drug dealers with pools of blood anger
Just fills me when niggas let out of town to set shot
And get filthy rich, its just not
No more morals, no loyalty, no more community
Queensbridge, we gotta have unity
I put the name on the map after Marly and Shan
Q.B. before the ROC had one jam
Before the Death Row and Bad Boy beef
Had streets locked with raw talent, I laugh at the weak
So this about cleaning up house, my own backyard
Famous home of rap stars well known be getting robbed
P how many times aint you shamed that
Jungle was busting his gun to get your weak chain back
They dont respect you a checks due for me for your fame
Mega I hope you blow so I'm saying your name (Mega, Mega)
Hoes play your position cause you'll never be king
Even Jigga want the crown, ?? poor thing
I'm representing Queensbridge U.S.A.
Where two sk's go off every day new flesh lay
All you little roaches and rats
Besides my man Ricky, Nas the true ruler is back
So haters say
The bridge is over my dick, Bridge'll never be over
Long as I'm alive and breathing, Braveheart to the graveyard
I'm the William Wallace of this shit
Ayo P, Prodigy I got love for you man, I love you man
You know what I'm saying, just get them unloyal niggas
From out your circle, you can't save everybody
Niggas invited you to the hood, rep it right my nigga
Be untouchable my nigga, so it be Mobb for life for real
And thats real, ayo Nature I can't hold your hand through this shit man
I'm not your father man, be your own man, stand on your own two
I believe in you, believe in yourself nigga or dont even rep this
Ayo Mega you wanna be a gangsta? Theres real gangsta
Shit going on in the streets man, yo niggas is in the grind
Where you be at man? Niggas be bucking
Why you never bucking, where you be at man?
All of a sudden you the motherfuckin Neo Brown of the fucking hood
Its disgusting man, stay out the magazines
Keep my name out your motherfucking mouth
Theres no more room for jealousy, we destroying and rebuilding
That means the cowards get out and the real niggas stay
Niggas been hating me since I been nine, shining
with suede motherfucking balles on in silks
I'ma always be the young don, dont be like the niggas on the other side
Hating me cause I'm beautiful, real niggas in Queensbridge
You niggas come up and get this money and move on baby
Yeah yeah yeah yeah y'all... New York City...
Tryna to see where I'ma go tonight...
The most famous town in the whole fuckin' world...
The other night, nigga was at Lotus...
I hit P and them I was Dom P'ed up in there, you know...
But I found this new spot we went to the other night, yo
Check it out check it out how it went
It was just cool like, smooth night wit' my jewels bright
Goons left goons right, coupe wit' blue lights
Bad girls in black pearls, gave us cat calls
Took 'em back to the crib to break they ass off
In the loft mixin' hash and 'dro
Honey spreaded that asshole like a wide mouth bass
Sippin' wine out the glass, Teddy Pendergrass blast
When the phone ring, the house lights flash
Turned down the sound, let's get down to bidness
Shit about to go down wit' some foul niggaz
What the voice said, "what up pop? Who want it?"
I put the guap up, get the boy popped
He say "son stop, it's dudes you feedin'
Who feedin' other dudes, but they really not eatin'"
Dog, why you callin' me? This our food
You, handle the mouths that it trickles down to
Niggaz want beef, I want some of that cow too
But I'm in my princely robe, simply rich
Don't bother me wit' silly shit, call Rico
He said "it IS Rico, of all people
Gave his moms furs, called up the mayor
To get his crime pardoned, his son's godfather"
Said the nigga shot up my cars
Last night he laid for me to come out my doors?
Niggaz always on that bullshit
To make a nigga wanna open up a full clip
Niggaz always on that bullshit
Now ya funeral, the preacher's at the pulpit
Niggaz always on that bullshit
To make a nigga wanna open up a full clip
Niggaz always on that bullshit
Now ya funeral, the preacher's at the pulpit
You can't kill me
High, fly, send a fella loaf or glass?
Fold up cash, you ain't heard the soldier's half
You speakin' hogwash, silly shit, ??? to dash
I got the live sparked, Phillies lit, smoker's jacket on
The son of a Cap-ricorn, my dad's a don
What you think that he spawned? A slacker? Nah
Packed the nines, yo this nigga's asinine
Smack ya mom, relaxed and calm, then mack ya mom
In a casket, you'll get ya fashion on
You'll be in a suit and tie, you'll die
You'll make maggots turn to flies, fuckin' wit' Nas
Remember anyone can get it at anytime
Lames'll swear by ya name, when they lie
Get hit wit' the lone star, ripped where ya bones are
So tell me how yo' ass gon' run, from a C-Z-P-O-1?
In the midst of real steel movers, you a loser
Merk you wit'cha own shooters
All you want is a name, pissed and insane
My security system, my playspot a fireplace, listen
Then it goin' off, start spittin'
Niggaz try to bring it where I live in
Trustin' you, knew where all of the cribs at
So we waited wit' the cigs blat, blat, blat!
Ayo its poison, ecstacy, coke
You say its love, it is poison
Schools where I learned they should be burned, it is poison
Physicians prescripting us medicine which is poison
Doctors injecting our infants with the poison
Religion misoverstood is poison
Niggas up in my hood be getting shot giving poison
In hospitals, shots rittle the block
Little children and elderly women run for their lives
Drizzling rain come out the sky every time somebody dies,
Must be out my fucking mind, what is this, the hundreth time?
Sending flowers to funerals, reading rest in peace
You know the usual, death comes in threes
Life is short is what some nigga said
Not if you measure life by how one lives and what he did
Its funny how these black killer companies is making money off us
Fast food, colas, sodas skull and bone crossers
Sisters up in my hood trying to do good given choices
When pregnant drop out of school or have abortions
Stop working hoping that they find a man that will support them
Up late night on they mothers cordless, thinking a perm or
Bleaching cream will make better when they gorgeous
White girls tanning, lypo suction
Fake titties are implanted, fake lips thats life destruction
Lightskin women, bi-racial hateful toward themselves
Denying even they blood
I don't judge Tiger Woods but I overstand the mental poison
Thats even worser than drugs
Radio and TV poison, white Jesus poison
And any thoughts of taking me down is poison
Who want beef now, my heat shell annoyed them, plaow
Never to worry, all the wrong doers got it coming back to em
A thousand times over
Every dog has its day and everything flips around
Even the most greatest nation in the world has it coming back to em
Everyone reaps what they sew that's how it goes
Innocent lives will be taken, it may get worse but we'll get through it
Yall be strong
The China-men built the railroad
The Indians saved the Pilgrim
And in return the Pilgrim killed em
They call it it Thanksgiving, I call your holiday hellday
Cause I'm from poverty, neglected by the wealthy
Me and my niggas share gifts every day like Christmas
Slay bitches and party everyday like this is the last
I'm with my heckles connecting and we hitting the lad
This is my level, fuck if it get you mad
It's all poison, all of my words to enemies it is poison
Rappers only talk about ki's, its all poison
How could you call yourself emcees you ain't poison
Think about the kids you mislead with the poison
And any thoughts of taking me down is all poison
Who want beef now, my heat shell annoyed them, plaow
What goes around comes around my nigga
And what goes up it must come down my nigga
The soldiers found below the ground my nigga
Just hold it down we older now my nigga
What goes around comes around my nigga
And what goes up it must come down my nigga
The soldiers found below the ground my nigga
Just hold it down we older now my nigga
This nigga Ike with the Iverson jersey
Light skin with herpees
Fuckin' sisters in Harlem, Brooklyn and D.C.
This is the problem cause he never tell em he got it
From letting fags suck him off Rikers Island in nine-three
Drives in Benz, hangs in all the parties
All the concerts, backstage where the stars be
Rocking their shirts in bitches faces like clockwork
Whats your name, where you from, chain blinging
Thinking girls everywheres dumb, taking powder ruining their lives
So they could never have babies, and they could never be wives
He never used a condom, give him head he got ya
Met the wrong bitch and now he dead from the monster AIDs
I contemplate, believing in karma
Those on top could just break and wont be eating tomorrow
I know some bitches who be sleeping on niggas dreams
They leave when they nigga blow she the first bitch on her knees
Knowing dudes thats neglecting their seeds
Instead of taking care of em they spending money on trees
I pray for you deadbeat daddies
Cause when them kids get grown its too late for you
Now you old and you getting shitted on
Its all scientific, mystic, you know the Earth and the stars
Don't hesitate to say you heard it from Nas
What is destined shall be
George Bush killer til George Bush kills me
"Two-thousand-four, yeah. L, whattup?"
"Prophesy baby!"
Disciple, Disciple (What?!) Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (Let's go!)
Word to mama, any lineup of rhymers
Could bring any drama, anytime, the city's mine
Nas Is Like, Love Undying, Money's My Bitch
In Thugz Mansion, thugs dancin' around the fly shit
Pharaoh garment's Prada, Egyptian camelback-riders
Pyramid architects, Perignon bottles, money, jewelry want me to come
Get me, hit me but don't miss me, you history
Lead flowin' around like a Frisbee, Italian dons from Sicily kiss me
This ain't 50, this ain't Jigga, this ain't Diddy, this ain't Pretty
Pain, power, pussy and pistols, lyrically no one, hold none near me, hear me
Kids cheer me like The Count of Monte-Cristo
Steady poundin' soundin' like G without the lisp though
My big bro told me plain and simple, "Nas do not look back"
Watch where you took rap, no bookbags and trucker hats
Just army jacks and diamonds that's flashin'
What the fuck is that, freestyle
Disciple, Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (Esco!)
Like Paul, Michael and Matthew, Peter, James and Andrew
Phillip, Simon and Judas -- I'm disciple of music
Street beats is the main thing minus the traitor
And I'm not a dictator, I'm the righteous invitin' you haters
Inside the life of the greatest, it'll take you through something real
Get a smack in your face, 'cause I hurt up, trauma-tize, llama
Bust shells, destroy yet try'ta prevent violence
If I present iron somebody dyin', don't even worry 'bout it
Then dress warm for the cemetery climate
When I speak I need cemetery silence, terror
See me, gold Hummers, Lamborghinis, man who stole the summer
Hand straight gleamin', if I don't know you toe-tag you
Drag you through the cement, fo-fo maggie
Body parts in my man's Maserati car, then party hard in Madagascar
While rigor mortis'll grab ya, him retarded, I'm pass that
Gloves on, where the mask at? Too many love songs
All the thugs gone, what happened? Where's the passion?
Rappers battlin' non-rappers, carryin' on backwards
Laughin' sayin' Nas thinks he's Farrakhan preachin' blackness
Hell yeah, awareness is my alias
Word to the 'Braveheart' written on my bare chest
The realest, HERE IT IS!
Disciple, Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (Street's!)
Disciple (Street's!)
Uhh,Uhh, Where am I going?
Where am I? Yo, it's ill
Yo my wife's tired of fucking me
Life tries ducking me
Luckily I find 'em just at the right time
Mack in my right arm, Tequila bottle in
My left arm like Cristian
Watching my life go, keeping myself in
Wolves in the night yo, hells men
Two revolvers I can let twelve spin
Hop in my Benz, push it to the limit
Buck-sixty, who wit' me? My (?) to well
Twisted blunts and inner conscience
Telling me that I aint shit
No matter how much cash I sit with
Still gotta ask the lord for forgiveness
My precious baby girl came like forty nights of rain
To replenish my adolescent brain
Blessed be her name, before her birth I was insane
So I drive the cooler pressure down, delay the pain
I ate from these poisonous, fucked up streets
Tasted larceny, it was sweet, I starved for more to eat
Though I took, that was to live, hope God will forgive
As odd as it is, the more I gain the harder it is
To maintain, bitches playin' games
Niggas snitchin', I aint saying names
But y'all niggas better watch how y'all slang
Lost so many close niggas, drunk almost crashed
I'm going too fast, highway patrol will just flash
Lights in my rearview, if they stop me I hope they lock me
Instead they speed ahead
Yo nigga watch me
I'm drunk by myself, gun under my seat
I don't want none of my peeps caught up in none of my beef
I'm a ride to the end of the road if I have to
Praying no car speeds by for me to crash to
Steering wheel in my hand
Trying to hold it steady
Anything in my way is dead
Cause that's the way I feel, I am already
When I'm drunk by myself alone in the zone
Drunk by myself
Heard niggas hate me, but I hated too once
Been in the shoes of a Wolf in the night when he hunts
For every shell niggas bust, we bust at ourselves
Can't tell them niggas nothing though, bullets wak'em up well
Take them to hell
Stick up niggas once ran up on me
My deckited lifestyle attracted sharks on me
I aint your mark homey
It's hard to look straight, my foot on the brake
Spilling my bottle not even shook of the Jakes
Could hardly look both ways, put out the hayes blurry vision
Think about the time in my life before I was in televison
Hella women, jealous niggas up in my vision
Since we all hood niggas expect kilos
For what they not seeing is police expect Rico
Only if I could take care of everybody, intoxicated
Windows up blastin A.C. going wherever instinct takes me
I hate it when I'm like this
The bottle's my accomplice
The reason that I want to be alone
Tired of all the things that went wrong
That would have went right if I would have did it on my own
Take another swigg
The more I drink, the more I think bad thoughts
Fake friends who hung around who wanna bring you down
Not knowing who to trust, runors about niggas coming through
Supposedly to shoot at us, not knowing what was true
Or what to believe, that's why I'm on the low lately
Choosing a Henny bottle over a friend, lost again
To keep my mind off that weak shit
There's love through it all, things to live for
I swerve, almost crash into a wall
Think about the good, find myself laughing
Turn the cell off, no way to be reached
Know I'm near my crib, trying to see my way through the streets
Reminded of the positive, I take my drunk ass home
Start feeling out of it, can't wait to get out of this whip
Bring my ass to the crib
"Two-thousand-four, yeah. L, whattup?"
"Prophesy baby!"
Disciple, Disciple (What?!) Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (Let's go!)
Word to mama, any lineup of rhymers
Could bring any drama, anytime, the city's mine
Nas Is Like, Love Undying, Money's My Bitch
In Thugz Mansion, thugs dancin' around the fly shit
Pharaoh garment's Prada, Egyptian camelback-riders
Pyramid architects, Perignon bottles, money, jewelry want me to come
Get me, hit me but don't miss me, you history
Lead flowin' around like a Frisbee, Italian dons from Sicily kiss me
This ain't 50, this ain't Jigga, this ain't Diddy, this ain't Pretty
Pain, power, pussy and pistols, lyrically no one, hold none near me, hear me
Kids cheer me like The Count of Monte-Cristo
Steady poundin' soundin' like G without the lisp though
My big bro told me plain and simple, "Nas do not look back"
Watch where you took rap, no bookbags and trucker hats
Just army jacks and diamonds that's flashin'
What the fuck is that, freestyle
Disciple, Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (Esco!)
Like Paul, Michael and Matthew, Peter, James and Andrew
Phillip, Simon and Judas -- I'm disciple of music
Street beats is the main thing minus the traitor
And I'm not a dictator, I'm the righteous invitin' you haters
Inside the life of the greatest, it'll take you through something real
Get a smack in your face, 'cause I hurt up, trauma-tize, llama
Bust shells, destroy yet try'ta prevent violence
If I present iron somebody dyin', don't even worry 'bout it
Then dress warm for the cemetery climate
When I speak I need cemetery silence, terror
See me, gold Hummers, Lamborghinis, man who stole the summer
Hand straight gleamin', if I don't know you toe-tag you
Drag you through the cement, fo-fo maggie
Body parts in my man's Maserati car, then party hard in Madagascar
While rigor mortis'll grab ya, him retarded, I'm pass that
Gloves on, where the mask at? Too many love songs
All the thugs gone, what happened? Where's the passion?
Rappers battlin' non-rappers, carryin' on backwards
Laughin' sayin' Nas thinks he's Farrakhan preachin' blackness
Hell yeah, awareness is my alias
Word to the 'Braveheart' written on my bare chest
The realest, HERE IT IS!
Disciple, Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (STREET'S!)
Disciple (Street's!)
Disciple (Street's!)
Uh, light somethin',
stop frontin'
how much money's enough, think maybe like a trillion' figures
pray my daughter don't wild like them Hilton sisters,
that'd kill me yo, filthy rich, my daughter pass it onto the next generation,
throwin' carnations
at my tombstone,
in my new home,
meet mom's in my east st. laurent suit on,
then we do a dance like my man
luther dan,
but my verse came first,
i stole change out her purse,
now i wanna dig her up outta the earth,
two more but lean forward, toward a new paragraph,
blue carrots, D-class,
strictly that Kush in the weed bags,
tryna' figure out what Barry Gordie (?) had,
put in production,
studio's smokey now, hard like Davin Ruffin,
hit a spliff through a seance,
and I, play on playa
Finest females, i spit game on, i spray tha, gotta' get your papes on, playa on playa,
before it's all gone, sip don, tip weight up, do y'all thing when i swing, baby,
spend dub's on yeh rugs(?), gotta' live crazy,
finest females, i spit game on, i spray tha, get your papes on,
playa on playa, get your papes on, play on playa, get your papes on..uh
Ruby red grapefruit juice
with grey goose,
rubies in the Jesus
pimped out like Snoopy,
but a East Coast thing,
my girl's stocking,
tied up in a knot top a' my beanhead,
billion dollar dream head,
went from triple beams to digitals,
servin' fiends to minimal,
sixty g's no criminal,
no mo',
jus mo' doe,
my motions pouring,
Oprah's earrings,
on fingers while your girl performs cunning lingas,
cause' there's big money a rumour lingers,
barber cleans his blade,
then they give me a fade,
hot towel on the face,
hot models who vommit after they eat so they can stay lightweight,
swallowin' my protein like an ovaltine shake,
come thru' like mo green from Godfather,
so clean where i step i 'Clorox it',
keep twenty g's on both sides of the thighs,
that's four pockets, eighty thousand, browse for the nicest price,
but we ain't into buyin' conflict ice,
that's the shit they stole from the Congo,
and other block soil,
true mack foil,
nappy hair jus spinnin',
hunny gave me a massage with the happy ending,
finest females i jus came on,
and sprayed uh, gotta get yeh papes on, play on playa
It's kinda hard for a playa like you,
but let me show you how a nigga like me, get revenue,
what ya never do
is punk out whatchu better do,
never let the game get ahead of you,
get a better view,
better yet, a better clue,
praise God, imma marry you,
get your hoe to, carry you,
bury you,
slowly, roll me another blunt,
stuff it,
lick it,
puff it,
tuck it,
fuck it,
that man,
that game,
that thang
it busts,
in D.O Double G we trust!
yup, yup, young roll with the two steps,
he creepin' with tha two tec's,
they sleepin' with two chicks,
right before we blast all you heard was two clicks,
end of existence,
for instance,
replay it,
re-chop it,
remix it,
we twist it,
goddamn D.O Double G, cuz we missed it,
travel slow,
im an indian, but not a navajo, i
smoke the big leaf
end all the big beefs,
my hair in two braid's, im the big chief,
ladda da' beep bah baddda!
yeah, break that down, how fresh yeh are,
the king from Queens, Mr.Escobar,
connect with the best from the west, yes yes, yah are,
oh my god, it's Snoop Dogg and Nas,
playa play on, play on, play on,
(What?) Ever been in love? (C'mon)
Yeah.. are you ready? (uhh) For somethin real?
(Say what?) Cause it can't be fake
This ain't no game (C'mon)
You gotta be wit me, for real (uh-huh)
cause it's real out here (uh-huh)
So make up your mind, cause I ain't got no time
Y'know? (C'mon)
I'm the most wanted baby fathe, save the drama
We toast when I wine and dine ya -- all you need is me
I won't stress you but bless you
Mentally and sexual, we both intellectual
Can't forget how I met you;
you thought I was a boxer -- Prince Nasim
but I'm the mobster -- Nas from Queens
And when I gotcha - you ridin with me
You keep askin, "When do you have time for me?"
I'm never free always on the move, bidness oriented
Lifestyle expensive, attract women
You wanna search my pockets, and act all wild
Say I hurt your heart - ask how could I smile?
Wanna call back all my numbers - star 6-9 me
Check my car for rubbers, but quit tryin
before you find what you lookin for and get to cryin
You always sayin what you gon' do if you catch me lyin
You won't see me tonight {Yeah right} (Say what? Say what?)
You won't see me tomorrow {uh-huh} (uh-huh)
I'll be gone by daylight {Doubt that} (What?)
And you'll be so full of sorrow {Yeah right}
You'll go tell all your friends {That's right} (Say what?)
how you called and I follow {They know it}
But you won't see me tonight {You don't believe that}
No you won't see me tomorrow
Caramel kisses of Jezebel's sister
I feel no guilt when I twist ya
Turn the other cheek when I see the next freak witcha
You got your name on his lease, copy his key
That's your lil' spot where you rest your wig peice
Go 'head and live baby, I know you his lady
You page me, when you got the day free
but I be out with my peeps in them system jeeps
You wanna lay up in the sheets of presidential suites
like I'll massage you while you massage me, mami
But can you hang with a young man who's doin his thang?
Speak up, I wanna know if you can keep up
Timberland boots for girls, with the tree stump
Baggy sweatsuits, mystery what's underneath them
They for my eyes only, you call me when you lonely
but I like to make the baddest girls wait, I got G baby
Call you on a Monday
I'll call you back baby
Call you on a Tuesday
My cell is off baby
Call you on a Wednesday
I'm out of town baby
You won't be back til Thursday
I'll page you back baby
Call you on a Monday
I'll call you back baby
Call you on a Tuesday
I'm out of town baby
Call you on a Wednesday
My cell is off baby
You won't be back til Thursday
I'll call you back baby
You won't see me tonight (Say what?)
You won't see me tomorrow (Say what?)
I'll be gone by daylight
And you'll be so full of sorrow
You'll go tell all your friends (What what?)
how you called and I follow (Say what?)
But you won't see me tonight
No you won't see me tomorrow
Thinking of me you gettin the chills
Like a rush through your body when you think how it feels
Give me a call and my voice give you butterflies in your tummy
Tell your friends you in love with Nas not his money
And I'll prove I'm a man of my word - handed you furs
Iceberg - everything on this planet Earth a woman desires
You make a good wife to most men
I know I got you open; but -- you just my close friend
Get it baby?
You won't see me tonight (uh-huh)
You won't see me tomorrow (Say what?)
I'll be gone by daylight {Dayyyy-light}
And you'll be so full of sorrow {.. Word?}
You'll go tell all your friends {Tell your friends what?} (Say what?)
how you called and I follow {Uhh, uhh}
But you won't see me tonight {Not tonight baby}
No you won't see me tomorrow
The God, The God, The God, Nasir (You won't see me tonight)
The Queen, The Queen, The Queen, Aaliyah (You won't see me tomorrow)
Nah nah (I'll be gone by daylight)
(And you'll be so full of sorrow)
Uhh uhh (You'll go tell all your friends)
Tell your friends (how you called and I followed)
How you followed me (But you won't see me tonight)
Not tonight baby (No you won't see me tomorrow)
C'mon, c'mon c'mon
Tomorrow, what?
Daylight, ghost
Say what, say what? Yo (You won't see me tonight)
You won't see Timbaland tonight baby
Ohhh, or Nas Esco', check it
Let it ride
Uh uh, yo
They plan was to knock me out the top of the game
But I overstand they truth is all lame
I hold cannons that shoot balls of flames
Right in they fat mouth then I carve my name
Nas - too real, Nas - true king
It's however you feel, g'head, you swing
Your arms too short to box with god
I don't kill soloists only kill squads
Fame went to they head, so now it's "Fuck Nas"
Yesterday you begged for a deal, today you tough guys
I seen it comin
Soon as I popped my first bottle I spotted my enemies tryna' do what I do
Came in with my style, so I fathered you
I kept changin on the world since "...Barbeque"
Now you wanna hang with niggas I hung with
Fuck bitches I hit, it's funny I once said...
If I, ever make a record
I take a check and put something away for a rainy day to make my exit
But look at me now, ten years deep
Since the project, ??
I never asked to be top of rap's elite
Just a ghetto child tryna' learn the traps of the streets
But look at me now
"You're the man" "You're the man"
"You're the man" "You're the man"
"You're the man" "You're the man"
"You're the man" "You're the man"
"You're the man" "You're the man"
But wait a sec', give me time to explain, women and fast cars
And diamond rings can poison a rap star
It's suicidal, how I smoke in so much la'
I saw a dead bird flyin through a broken sky
Wish I could flap wings and fly away
To where black kings and Ghana stay
So I could get on my flesh right away
But that'll be the day when it's peace
When my gat don't need to spray
When these streets are safe to play
Sex with death, indulge in these women
Vision my own skeleton swimmin in eternal fire
Broads play with pentagrams in they vagina
Like the Exorcist, then they gave birth to my seeds
I beg for God's help, why they love hurtin me?
I'm your disciple, a thug certainly
I'm the N the A to the S-I-R
If I wasn't I must've been Escobar
Forty-five in my waist, starin at my reflection
In the mirror, sittin still in the chair like my conception
When everything around me got cloudy, the chair became a king's throne
My destiny found me
It was clear why the struggle was so painful
Metamorphosis, this is what I changed to
Still somehow I believe, we always survive.. but why?
To my dogs.. wherever you are
Whattup Big? You know shit is rough after you slid
You in God's hands now, keep a place for me kid
Ain't nuttin changed -- still _Party and Bullshit_
We used to +Fuck R&B; Bitches+ and see who rhyme sickest
For every hit you made, more rappers afraid to come out
_Machine Gun Funk_, from Queens I came through to smoke blunts
You came to my hood, we was broke
I wonder if we stayed that way, would there have been gunsmoke?
Still on the block around fiends numb from coke, I guess so
Cause now with paper, shit is still ghetto
But fuck it black, you livin your life, though your loved ones
Peace to your daughter and your newborn son
It used to be fun, makin records to see your response
But, now competition is none, now that you're gone
And these niggaz is wrong -- usin your name in vain
And they claim to be New York's king? It ain't about that
It's more serious, I plan to toast it up with you
Joke with you, happy we on top, the most official
Ain't too many real ones out there; I feel some
but doubt they're, capable, to take it where you took it to
I missed your wake not cause I'm fake
cause I hate to see somebody so great in that way
I woulda stayed so long with so much to say
I had to put it in writin to keep me and Brooklyn from fightin
Tellin me to pay my respects and move to the side
But I probably wouldn't have got off my knees to let people by
You can't kill nothin that's _Ready to Die_
You was like God to us in the form of Allah
Still somehow I believe, we always survive.. but why?
Still, we, will survive
No matter what, my people just stay alive
Still, we, will survive
No matter what, my people just stay alive
Thug Life never die..
Dear 'Pac, every thug sheds a tear drop -- and use teeth
to bite off beer tops, and _Pour Out a Lil' Liquor_
You was more than just the wildest nigga
+2Pacalypse+, I understand your style nigga
It's goin on the third year, since you've been gone
On the East and West Coast the same shit is goin on
The industry be talkin, offendin me often
They don't believe you dead, wanna see you in your coffin
I can relate, shootouts and court dates
+All Eyez on You+, niggaz in your face invadin your space
You asked if I could trade in your place, how would I hold up?
How long would I ride, before I fold up?
How did you know through your rhymes it was your time to go?
You predicted it in every line, all in your flow
There could _Never Be Peace_ I have to quote
Can't believe I heard my name on "the realest shit you ever wrote"
We had words cause the best supposed to clash at the top
but kept it brotherly, when we seen each other and stopped
in NYC, at MTV, people watched
We was both deep, after you left, I got no sleep
Think about how us real niggaz would be
If we united, a nation of thugs, who could fight it?
You was caught in a wild homicide, or were you crucified
like the son of God, when Lucifer lied
and make the world think, young blacks should be extinct?
But Thug Life'll never die, we stay high and just link
Will there ever be another MC as nice?
Will you return to us like the resurrection of Christ?
Still somehow I believe, we always survive.. but why?
Still, we, will survive
No matter what, my people just stay alive
Still, we, will survive
No matter what, my people just stay alive
I wonder what the Commodores went through on tour?
Did Smokey Robinson, have to shoot his way out a war?
What has Al Green seen, that made him religious?
Was it the drugs -- put an end to the music business?
If so, should I put out the indo right now and write down
a plan and pursue my dream turn my life around
Cause I'm bound for the movie screen, cuties that scream
I'll need a extra Uzi riding through my own hood in Queens
It be the ones you always knew, that want it on
Tellin everybody it was him, that you fronted on
Thought we walked a million miles it was just twenty
Not used to walkin in the path of legit money
I thought I made it but we only took baby steps
Up the success ladder, where they pay me checks
To my clicks when I got it I said "Baby bless"
That was the 80's, but now look at this crazy mess
We in the 90's, and finally it's lookin good
Hip-hop took it to billions, I knew we would
A lot of ups and downs in the game, could lose or gain
a couple pounds tryin to maintain -- one day you here
the next you not; when you around niggaz, check 'em out
Some is bout it, most individuals plots
and run the spots, some choose to stay to theyselves
While others have no cares and stay in jail
More than fifty percent of us
endin up with holes through the chest
through the head, through the gut it shows
The future for us young shooters and old killers
Who become rich as dope dealers?
Nothing left for us but hoop dreams and hood tournaments
Thug coaches with subs sittin on the bench; either that or rap
We want the fast way outta this trap
Whether it be 9 to 5 or slangin crack
To my deceased Gods wishin I could bring you back
But life is a dream and y'all taught me that
.. always survive.. but why?
Always survive, always
Still, we, will survive
No matter what, my people just stay alive
Still, we, will survive
No matter what, my people just stay alive
Still, we, will survive (no matter what)
Still, we, will survive (no matter what)
Still, we, will survive
"This ain't for everybody. Y'all know who y'all are
Yeah you, y'all know who y'all are. These are our heroes."
Let's hear it, one for the coons on UPN 9 and WB
Who 'Yes Massa' on TV, what ever happened to Wheezy? The Red Fox's?
Never got Emmy's but were real to me
Let's hear it, two for the spooks who do cartwheels
'Cause they said they played they parts well
Now they claim caviar, hate that oxtail
Lambda Sigma Phi badge on lapel
Whitey always tell him, "Ooh, he speak so well"
Are you the one we look to, the decent Negro?
The acceptable Negro -- hell nah
But they say, "These are our heroes"
Uh, Massa used to breed us to be bigger to go play
Athletes of today in the NBA, make me proud
But there's somethin' they don't say
Keep gettin' accused for abusin' White pussay
From OJ to Kobe, uh let's call him Tobe
First he played his life cool just like Michael
Now he rock ice too just like I do
Yo, you can't do better than that?
The hotel clerk who adjusts the bathroom mat?
Now you lose sponsorships that you thought had your back
Yeah, you beat the rap jiggaboo, fake nigga you
You turn around then you shit on Shaq
Who woulda knew, Mr. Goodie-Two-Shoes
He love a little butt crack, got enough cash
Little kids with they bus pass who look up to you
To do something for the youth, stupid spoof
But you let them use you as an example
They would rep, but our heroes got they hands full
You Homey The Clown, bowtie, apple pie, Bo Jangles
But we love Bo Jangles, we know what he came through
But what's your excuse, duke? You talk Black
but your album sound like you give your nuts for a plaque
You don't ride for the facts like um, say Scarface
You don't know what you feel, y'all too safe
Election done came and went, y'all worked so hard for it
Huh, and in the end we all got dicked
These are our heroes, thanks a lot public school systems still rot
Still harassed by cops, snitches on blocks
Sellin they peoples out - some real folks with clout
Tavis Smiley, Michael Eric Dyson
Stokely Carmichael, let's try to be like them
Nicky Giovanni poetical black female
Jim Brown to the people who sing well from
Fela to Miriam Makeba
The mirror says you are the next American leader
So don't be, acceptin new 'We are the World' records
These pickaninnies get with anything to sell records
Cause it's trendy to be the conscious MC
But next year, who knows what we'll see?
Ha-Ha, these are our heroes
"Yeah, I wanna give a special shoutout to the -- y'know
the crew doin' they thing out there reppin' us hard
Big up to Tiger Woods. Yeah, ya don't stop. Big up
to Cuba Gooding Jr. Y'know, yeah, y'know. Tay Diggs
what up my nigga. Yeah, ha-ha. And you don't quit
and ya don't quit, and ya don't stop and ya don't quit."
"Yeah-Yeah, what you doin' for the hood though
homie? What you doin' for the hood, man? Look at
all that paper. Drivin' around like a playboy in
my hood. What type of shit is that?"
"I'm outta here. Please, excuse me, 'xcuse me -- please
Let me get to my limousine, I'm outta here. I know, I
got a plane to catch. And I love you back. Ha-Ha
yeah yeah -- And I'm outta here. A-ha-ha -- PEACE."
"Come on nigga, give back to the hood. Cocky
It was a murder
Jake just hit the corner people swarming
Three in the morning I jumped out my cab like "Fuck,
niggaz is buck," mega bloodshed, the tapes red
I heard some bird whisper, "Yo he should have ducked"
I puffed the lilla, just before I hit the scene for rilla
I'm all high it's late I'm looking down at the fella
Shit's pushed in, ambulance placed him on some cushion
His mom's had a stare I wouldn't dare second look when I murk
It hurt, kind of took it as a brief reminder
that the street's designed to stop your life, plot
The beast in time yeah, cell to cell suspect ass nigga you fell
First time locked in crime stop my mind blocks the frail
Bursting blasting at your forty cal shell, split your dry cell
My niggas never snitch why tell
We roll with no regrets, destiny's, fifty's and equities
Queens'll be the death of me
To the suspect witness don't come outside
You might get your shit pushed back tonight
(Suspect witness don't come outside
You might get your shit pushed back tonight)
Dear God, I want the riches, money hungry bitches infested
Giving the jealous niggas sickness, the witness
My crew dresses, in vest-es, feel the essence
Try to test this, scientist, able and reckless
Slaughter, Nautica'd down, frames look petite
Ten millis, mix designed just for my physique
I keep a low pro as if I owe, bless the flow lovely
My pants hang low while I'm dancing, sipping the bubbly
Hey, me no worry, hashish keep my eyes Chinese
Rollin two Phillies together make blunts Siamese
I meant it, I represent it, descendant made of
early natives that were captured and taught to think backwards
Trapped us in a cracker psychiatric, it's massive
A Million Man March, alert the masses
Ten glocks, Armani in small print, upon my glasses
Don assassins, armageddon, the wettin'
Never freakin the beast, seven heads, got the righteous threatened
Life Was Written, the plot curves behind the settin'
Comprehend the grammar, Manfrione -- are you the type of nigga
to shoot a leg to get your name known? I flip the brain tome
Niggaz get hit and wrap the plastic
The mic I strike in vain givin the pain of what a Mack is
What you with? Luchi or drama, no sleep means insomnia
No need to check the clock, the streets are timin you
It justifies, Nas Escobar's leavin shit mesmerized
Mega live, like the third world
Decipher my deceiver make him a believer
Spitting jim stars, words in my mic ttype receiver
Bond is my life so I live by my word
Never fraudulent Queensbridge don't make no herbs
Spread my name to deacons, politicians while they speakin
Nasir bin Olu Dara bis do Allah
Fisk full of dollars in a dice game god
D & D glass cloth Kangols guided by angel with white wings
Nas the Viking fresh from my ankles thankful
Gangster see gangster do I'm Langston Hughes predecessor
Gun on my dresser slang I use upset college professor
More knowledge than Webster dictionary obituary column plus sign 'em
the first fake rapper murdered for rhyming
The jig is up gut 'em like fish swiss cheese 'em up
My wrist is freezing up sick of these ducks on my hiatus
Poking out their chest like they tall as sky scrapers
But they small as a shanty in a African village
Soft as cotton candy we assassins and killers
Let shottie off in club floors pellets spraying your familia
You screaming like you love war
Everybody's crazy
Somebody's gonna get shot get rob get done get stomp get drop
Ladies love thugs and my thug love hip hop
Thugs love ladies and ladies they love hip hop
Peace fuck you with a fist in your ass
You pussy with yeast, you shook of the streets, you a Sisqo fag
You know blood baths I makes 'em fake thugs I hate 'em
8 slug I'm bustin' no discussion or waiting
Cause now Instead of coke rhymes it's laying
No analog it's digital criminals turned rapper times is changing
niggaz get flashier houses more plusher
Bitches giving ass up at ages more younger
Hands on the clock keep turning, hands on a glock they keep squeezing
Bullets stop in your sternum they stop you from breathing
I'm light year far your mouth get all white
when I'm near you I frighten your heart
I want you to watch me notice stare look closely
Feel I'm who you posed to be real I know it hurts you
Soldiers approach you, you want to squash it, you older than most dudes
Although Nas did you and your whole crew, but
I know where niggaz sleep; it's too many schemes too many plots
War plus money man I got too many spots
Hungry niggaz get tutored to thinking new shit to come up
Killers fuck with killers you sleeping you getting stuck up
Not me your not ready I'm low but I be watching
We all connected so your man know my man
Your man knows my fam' they was cool when they was locked up
Beat cases and now niggaz back on the block what
Bothers is taking secret routes when they drive
Tinted windows ears to the street stay on their job
Peep niggaz that go t prices on their head so high
Their own my will take the contract surprise
So we play a mental game intimidation
Got pussy niggaz get pressed up on and paying
I wish these niggaz would step up wait for the day an
Since I'm famous they thinking assault rifles won't be spraying
Who ever thinking coming to my vault for the safe
I got some niggaz with acid get it thrown in your face
Play dirty catch your moms in J-30
Honies, cash, weed, cars
Ghetto celebrities, hood movie stars
Gat slingers now rap singers are who we are
Went from Nasty to Nas, to Nas to Escobar
The path we all walk, starts out long it's like a boardwalk
Monopoly, some make it around, some go down, it's prophecy
Happy days balancing with life's atrocities
Hoppin' in V's, knowin' some day I got to lead properly
High up in a five realizing the price paid
For this life laid in the light shade
One might say, top of the world's two whips, a crib and a girl
Quick to celebrate it, poppin' corks like they made it
Pretentious, arrogant niggas is senseless
Pro-ball players with white wives, peep they night lives
While you could catch me in a crisp white five
Dark tinted, dijon-scented, with Al Green on, my theme song
Love and happiness, how can it seem wrong?
I mean before this, I used to rock a taurus with the donuts
Now I grown up, got it chromed up
Got the rap game sewn up, sho-nuff
Niggas acting cool but it's really no love
I feel a slow buzz, off the dutch
This is everyday, every second
Got to make it pay, every lesson I learnt
Got me open while most of these rappers'll stay burnt
Honies, cash, weed, cars
Ghetto celebrities, hood movie stars
Gat slingers now rap singers are who we are
Went from Nasty to Nas, to Nas to Escobar
Money, cash, weed, cars
Ghetto celebrities, hood movie stars
Gat slingers now rap singers are who we are
Went from Nasty to Nas, to Nas to Escobar
With so much drama in QBC
It's kinda hard being Escobarro
Elderado Red, sippin' Dom out the bottle
My life is like a Donald Goines novel
We wave glasses like bravo
Drunk niggas with mad problems, and shot pockets
My niggas from the block rock this
Box cocaine, cook it and chop it
Looking to profit, in different ways
Goin' through this difficult stage, called life
But each year my physical's praised
Some fell beyond the reach of help
Cut in the street, thinkin' they could teach theyself
When all we wanted was a piece of wealth
And randomly, feed our family, the streets are insanity
Amply, living in this thug's fantasy
Richest nigga in show biz is what I plan to be
Heavy chain and my QB sway, living this king's life
Magazines write about me, in this dream it's all tight
Honies, cash, weed, cars
Ghetto celebrities, hood movie stars
Gat slingers now rap singers are who we are
Went from Nasty to Nas, to Nas to Escobar
Money, cash, weed, cars
Ghetto celebrities, hood movie stars
Gat slingers now rap singers are who we are
Went from Nasty to Nas, to Nas to Escobar
Now the main thing that boggle my brain be all the bottles of pain
Iced the chain and all the followers came
They tried to throw me off track but I caught that
They thought I lost that but I'm continuing to make more stacks
Halftime, New York state of mind, it was written was hittin'
Trips overseas, southeast, diamond and riches
Sleepin' on the plane wake up when we land
Feelin' real scared, on the ground
Rollie flush, princess cuts, and large rounds
The crews up, findin' time to shine rocks
It's real, you violate, be in a pine box
If it go there, I lay you before you lay me, it's crazy
I didn't make the game, the game made me
Records for the babies so they raised up in mansions
Haters keep hating, and ladies'll keep glancing
[Chorus 2X: Nas]
(I'm cryin gangsta tears) Only a few can feel my pain
(I'm cryin gangsta tears) Only if I could show you
(I'm cryin gangsta tears) Only if you was in this game
(I'm cryin gangsta tears) You'd feel the whirlwind blow you
My daily dose is ferocious
I smoke dope, just as strong as opium
Hopin I'm close to just breakin frustration;
speakin on podiums
Facin this cold world head-on, dead on arrivals
Young black, poor education guns crack
The gang violence done that
Nighttime, the guns blow, streets got snitches
dealers, bitches, killers and blunt smoke, clubs open
Benzes, Jeeps, dubs pokin out tires
Thugs with heat, pay security, to let them slide in
Huh, I'm at the corner driftin, sippin, Cognac
To' back, know dat soldiers is packin no secret
Though I'm broken hearted women done left me hopeless in darkness
Smokin, driftin in sickness, stand by oceans watch the sun glisten
I'm soul-searchin, I'm soul-hurtin
What happens when money don't make you happy
I wish this on no person
Ate at the classy places, made all my fashion statements
I got no friends I'm lonely, don't want no pity save it
Yo, ride in the nighttime, I'm high, got on my flight suit
Hood with the night sign, dark colors on
Pull up the block my brother's on
I hug him and we blow trees (sup nigga?) Scopin for police
Guns on our hip, fiends want a fix, stumblin tricks (right here)
We left the drug game alone
Brothers is jealous cause we still call the hood our home
What could you tell us?
At funerals my eyes swell up (damn)
Look at my dog lay in the casket
Twin shotgun barrels had blasted
And rest in peace for him, is all I could whisper
as I paid respect, kissed his face and felt hard skin
It's part of God's plan, but why so many niggaz have to die?
It's crowded in this place, let the priest and pastor by
Bandana covers my eye, I'm scopin through the room
I see killers and thieves, mob bosses and goons
And yet I feel responsible when my nigga's pronounced dead
inside the hospital, I wish there's somethin I could do, but..
1st verse:
From breaking atoms to illmatic to going platinum
niggas did change course from ripping it wit Main Source
9 1 9 2 time flew out the blue
time for a new young king to rule
younger frame older state of mind
find my name on a oage in ya Quran
I learnt that in '89 when I was slingin' cocaine & baby nines
put it in rappin' I gave y'all a way to rhyme
GOD guides us from public assistance, to high risers
condos, houses where y'all can't find us
move on ya cliques in silence, get wetted up,
my meal everyday was a slice & 7up
took advice from a street legend, I didn't even been change
too protect the innocent, witnessing, mistakes,
visits at fuckin wakes, cause jealously infiltrates,
and seals ya fate.
Look way deep inside yourself
discover the diamond inside
find ya wealth
once you get it
you gotta live it
then live it
niggas don't never wanna see you wit it
you know
can't come close enough to touch the dough
the lifestyle I live is untouchable
so we clutch a few
guns that a touch a crew
cause we learnt to what the hustlas do.
2nd verse:
Different ways to come out the hood, in cuffs or a casket
or crazy or shooting a 3-pointer basket
or maybe, its the rap shit, all types of tactics
we used to get dough
some choose kickin' in doors
I ask a reverend, my mother, and her best friend
less thean ten, years ago for me to get dough
what y'all recommend, it's outta dope, weed or blow
cause high school was slow, and jewelry was hot
duckin' crewency cops, trains I hop
to make it downtown, sisqo in my veins, pissed between trains
hit Canal St. just lookin' at rings, outside through a glass,
went in the store and asked,how much it cost?
Korean man brushing me off, for some other big time customer,
probably a hustla, who looked down at my small chain
and chuckled up,
I said I'll be just like you soon muthafucka what!
3rd verse:
Sit amongst niggas who get life and throw a smile at the judge,
wildest thugs, who blow trial, exhile from the hood,
keepin' bitches coming through on visits,
you will survive, them weak freaks think you finished
ya first tiime in you known for poppin' ya toast
by ya third year in you forgetten by most
wife cut the modenr day life, bitch now right
friends actin' like they don't be gettin' ya kife
every year niggas come home, in no time they get killed
not even home a month and they get peeled backwards
in they on backyard on the park, one shot to the head
two the heart, you should be smart
in the projects who gonna die next, hoodrats know
who let they gats blow, and who keep cash flow
like the bitch who know the rats wit the good ass blow
blunts be as good ass fold, as you twisting ya dro!
Yeah, hahaha
"Cause when I flow the for the street.." - ".. who else could it be"
Explode, my thoughts were drunken from quarts of beers
Was years back, before Nasir would explore a career in rap
As a music dude, I mastered this Rubik's Cube
Godzilla, fought Gargantua, eyes glued to the tube
Was a, long time ago, John Boy Ice
Geronimo po-lice jumpin out Chryslers, easywider paper
Pops puffin his sess, punchin his chest like a gorilla
Outside was psychoes, killers
Saw Divine, Goon and Chungo, Lil' Turkey
R.I.P. Tyrone, 'member no cursin front of Ms. Vercey
Big Percy, Crazy Paul, the Sledge Sisters
My building was 40-16, once in the blue, hallways was clean
I knew, all that I'd seen had meant somethin
Learned early, to fear none little Nas was huntin
Livin carefree laughin, got jokes on the daily
Y'all actin like some old folks y'all don't hear me
Yo I'm in my second childhood
"Cause when I flow the for the street.." - ".. who else could it be"
"N-A-S" - "Nas.."
"Resurrect, through the birth of my seed.." - "Queensbridge"
"Make everything right.." - "Get yours, nigga"
Yo, dude is 31, livin in his moms crib
Ex-convict, was paroled there after his long bid
Cornrows in his hair, still slingin, got a crew
They break his moms furniture, watchin Comicview
Got babies by different ladies high smokin L's
in the same spot he stood since, eighty-five well
When his stash slow, he be crazy
Say he by his moms, hit her on her payday
Junior high school dropout, teachers never cared
They was paid just to show up and leave, no one succeeds
So he moves with his peers, different blocks, different years
Sittin on, different benches like it's musical chairs
All his peoples moved on in life, he's on the corners at night
with young dudes it's them he wanna be like
It's sad but it's fun to him right? He never grew up
31 and can't give his youth, he's in his second childhood
Baby girl she's always talkin name droppin hangin late
Drinkin smokin hates her baby daddy, craves shoppin
E poppin Ecstasy takin, won't finish her education
Best friend she keeps changin, stuck with limitations
Lustin men, many hotels, Fendi Chanel
With nothin in her bank account frontin she do well
Her kid suffers he don't get that love he deserve
He the Sun, she the Earth, single mom, even worse
No job never stay workin, mad purty
Shorty they call her the brain surgeon
Time flyin she the same person, never matures
All her friends married doin well
She's in the streets yakkety yakkin like she was 12
Honey is twenty-seven, argues fights
Selfish in her own right, polite, guess she's in her second childhood
This is what... this what they want huh?
This is what it's all about..
What? Time to take Affirmative Action son
They just don't understand, youknowImean?
Niggaz comin sideways thinkin stuff is sweet man
Niggaz don't understand the four devils:
Lust.. Envy.. Hate.. Jealousy
Wicked niggaz man
Yo, sit back relax catchin contacts, sip your cog-nac
And let's all wash this money through this laundry mat
Sneak attack, a new cat sit back, worth top dollar
In fact, touch mines, and I'll react like a Rottweiler
Who pull the late, we play for high stakes at gunpoint
Catch em and break, undress em tie em with tape, no escape
The Corleone, fettucini Capone
Roam in your own zone or get kidnapped and clapped in your dome
We got it sewn, The Firm art of war is unknown
Lower your tone, face it, homicide cases get blown
Aristocrats, politickin daily with diplomats
See me I'm an official mack, Lex Coupe triple black
Criminal thoughts in the blue Porsche, my destiny's to be the new boss
That nigga Paulie gotta die - he too soft
That nigga's dead on, a key of her-oin, they found his head on
the couch with his dick in his mouth, I put the hit out
Yo, the smoothest killer since Bugsy, bitches love me
And Queens where my drugs be, I wear Guess jeans and rugbies
Yo my people from Medina they will see you
when you re-up on your heater all your cream go betweeen us
Real shit, my Desert Eagle got a ill grip
I chill with, niggaz that hit Dominican spots and steal bricks
My red beam, made a dread scream, and sprayed a Fed team
Corleone be turnin niggaz to fiends
U-Conn's and ninja black Lexus, 'Mega the pretty boy
with mafia connections it's The Firm nigga set it
Yo, my mind is seein through your design like blind fury
I shine jewelry sippin on crushed grapes, we lust papes
and push cakes inside the casket at Just wake
It's sickenin, he just finished biddin upstate
And now the projects, is talkin that somebody gotta die shit
It's logic, as long as it's nobody that's in my clique
My man Smoke, know how to expand coke, and Mr. Coffee
Feds cost me two mill' to get the system off me
"Life's a Bitch," but God-forbid the bitch divorce me
I'll be flooded with ice so hellfire can't scorch me
Cuban cigars meetin Foxy at Demars
Movin cars, your top papi Senor Escobar
In the black Camaro
Firm deep all my niggaz hail the blackest sparrow
Wallabee's be the apparel
Through the darkest tunnel, I got visions of multimillions
in the biggest bundle, in the Lex pushed by my nigga Jungle
He money bags got Moet, Sean Don
Bundle of sixty-two, they ain't got a clue what we about to do
My whole team we shittin hard like Czar
Sosa, Foxy Brown, Cormega, and Escobar
I keep a fat marquis piece, laced in all the illest snake skin
Armani sweaters Carolina Hebrera
Be The Firm baby, from BK to the 'Bridge
My nigga Wiz, operation Firm Biz, so what the deal is
I keep a phat jew-el, sippin Crist-ies
Sittin on top of fifty grand in the Nautica Van, uhh!
We stay incogni' like all them thug niggaz in Marcy
The Gods, they praise Allah with visions of Gandhi
Bet it on, my whole crew is Don Juan
On Cayman Island with a case of Cristal and Papa Chula spoke
Nigga with them Cubans that snort coke
Raw though, an ounce mixed wit leak that's pure though
Flippin the bigger picture, the bigger nigga with the cheddar
Was mad dripper, he had a fuckin villa in Manilla
We got to flee to Panama, but wait it's half and half
Keys is one and two-fifth, so how we flip
Thirty-two grams raw, chop it in half, get sixteen, double it times three
We got forty-eight, which mean a whole lot of cream
Divide the profit by four, subtract it by eight
We back to sixteen, now add the other two that 'Mega bringin through
So let's see, if we flip this other key
Then that's more for me, mad coke and mad leak
Plus a five hundred, cut in half is two-fifty
Now triple that times three, we got three quarters of another key
Verse One:
Yo the Lord is my shepard
The sword is my weapon
Reward is a blessin' that comes from the struggle
shoes been scuffled blood's been shed another Mother loses a son
'cause where I'm from the young chooses a gun
before they choose an education
but once dead their ain't no awakenin'
so like once said life aint for fakin
yo you wit' me when I say duct tape 'em?
fuck waitin'
got the truck outside, Benz jeep for navigation
everything in position, they'd rather be fuckin' wit' Satan
when I aim I aint missin', master of assasination'
I heard he call himself Esco, drive a Lexo
rocks his hat sideways, showin' off his waves with a chipped tooth
is this the truth?
this is what we do, sip a brew
wait around his crib until it turns around two AM
as soon as he walks in the door we slay 'em
you guys got fat while I was away, so start payin'
Chorus - Okay, you wanna play rough?!
(gun shots) (scratching - a thug changes, and love changes) repeat 3X,
Okay yo, we could play rough!
Verse Two:
Okay now, drive up to my crib, am I high enough?
who these niggas tryin' to hide in their truck
I aint order cable, why in the fuck these niggas
ducked in they seat? are they lookin' for me?
but I aint do shit, could it be that niggas thought
I slept like B.I.G. and Pac did
may they rest in peace, but while I'm alive I pop shit
P-11 glock spits 17 shot clips
put these niggas in boxes, where they Moms and Pops is
pull the strap from under the seat
back up in the street
watch these niggas thats tryin' to watch me, I carefully creep
take off my shoes, barefoot nigga poppin' my heat
empty every shell in their direction
its you, I should've guessed it!
same niggas that I was connected wit', I know sent you
now I'm'a take you off here, you dont know what you got into
Verse Three:
Walked in his house, smackin' him up, "what you talkin' about?" he said
shut-up nigga! knocked him in his head with chrome
never thought I'd be in his home
with his wife taped up for my niggas to bone
fuckin' with me, you should've known
I'll have 'em write "stupid nigga" on your tombstone
what money can do, get you hit for less than a G
for threatenin' me
I'm'a do it myself, take you to Hell, this ones for free
killin' you niggas with nothin'
left him dead, engine runnin'
you the only I'm makin' sure that gets whats comin'
look at your Woman, anal ripped out, its your fault
they gang banged your bitch out in your face and you saw it
but before I let you have it I'm searchin' your crib
for pictures of relatives, addresses to where they live
shit like that, incase a nigga wanna strike back
I'll be right up in his ass to blow 'em out with the Mac
niggas treat you like Fam, and you on it like that?
now you gotta lay flat, gettin' eatin' by rats
gettin' even's never wrong, its only right to react
eye for an eye, 'cause the sweetest part is payback
somebody kncokin', who dat?
"a cop man", let him in
and give that mothafucka one under the chin
cant believe this nigga down with the Feds!
the copped screamed out your government before he dropped dead
dont explain, I put the pound on his head
blew 'em! before that I cant remember the last time I said......
Okay, so we gonna play rough!
Uh, If I can teach somethin' so dear
And hope somebody learn somethin' from it
And give it back
They can't break me or shake me
They too fake to come kill me
Think they faith this was satan
They mistake me I'm filthy
Rich off the ghetto madness, so now they wanna dare me
It's gonna be a murder confront me, the burners are empty
Middle Passage I made it I'm from the land of David
The Nazarene of Bethlehem they had me wrapped in blankets
That bunch of backward gangsters
That sign of Alpha Davis
Snitches with smile-like faces got you blowin' trial I hear this
Hopin' my child can see through this tryna be a good daddy
I was there when she was born and she'll be there when I'm buried
Kind o' waitin' is scary
All my years have prepared me
What I fear is my temper, I subject to the center
Right through a man's soul
Straight through his eyes, straight through his heart I'm still alive how did I make it this far
'Cause I been high I been low, searchin' for a way to go
Every single night I pray
And Lord I'm on this battleground, lost just waitin' to be found
I guess it's just a warrior's way
This is the song, for my warriors
A warrior song Bravehearted and strong, definition of a warrior
Definition of a warrior
Gonna keep marchin' on, to the sound of her own beatin' drum
Like King Nasir fightin' the
British regime I can't cope my existence is hope for younger teens who lost in their world
Earlier this year I buried my queen in a gold casket
Your mother's the closest thing to
God that you ever have kid I'm askin, what would you do at your own mom's funeral
Wanna pick her up out of it, this can't be real
Tellin' my daughter grandma's gone, but
I can't keep still I can't go on, responsible for so many
Her last days at the hospital
Visits from family I'm tryin' not to bust shots at niggas
Wishin' death on other nigga's mothers ain't right but why mommy
She raised me in the projects alone
Her untimely exit from her, heavenly body
Got me ready to embody somethin' quickly
Can't be happy, fuck a party she can't party with me
So your apologies are burnin' ya own souls
To the kids with no parents at home, grab a whole
This is the song, for my warriors
A warrior song
Bravehearted and strong, definition of a warrior
(Uh, warriors)
Gonna keep marchin' on, to the sound of her own beatin' drum
Fight 'til the fight is over, for my peoples I die see
When you thought they were soldiers they turned out to be nobodies
I think they out to get me, helpless was livin' sinful If you was me
all this pain I'm feelin would bend and killed you
(I'm a Warrior)
It only made me stronger
But in my head it gets darker who wishin' evil on ya
Sometimes I wish I was dead
But I took heed to the cause
(I'm a Warrior, yeah)
'Cause I been high I been low, searchin' for a way to go
Every single night I pray
And Lord I'm on this battleground, lost just waitin' to be found I guess it's just a warrior's way
To my warriors
To all these, baby Krucial
Keys! Braveheart y'all
This to all my warriors, who breathe with the heart of a lion
To everybody that lost their mother, their father
Rest in peace moms!
My mother's last words:
Never give up
A true warrior, who raised me in the hood, in a war
Love ya girl, y'kno keep marchin'
Yea yea yea, you never give up
To all my warriors, haha
Braveheart, Braveheart
They never realized, how real Nas, is so decisive
It's just the likeness, of Isrealites mist, that made me write this
A slight twist, of lime rhyme, be chasin down your prime time
Food for thought or rather mind wine
The Don Juan, features the freak shit, my thesis
on how we creep quick, fuckin your wife that ain't so secret
It's mandatory - see that pussy, they hand it to me
I got no game, it's just some bitches understand my story
There ain't no drama that my niggaz never handle for me
My gator brand is Maurry, walkin through rough land before me
where the snakes put a smile on they face, hopin and prayin I'm stuck
Scopin they lay in the cut, weighin my luck
Player haters play this in cell blocks and rock stages
Winkin at some females cops with cocked gauges
Really it's papers I'm addicted to, wasn't for rap then I'll be stickin you
The mag inside the triple goose
Face down on the floors, the routine
Don't want hear nobody blow steam, just cream or it's a smoke screen
Imagine that - that's why I hardly kick the braggin raps
I zone, to each his own and this ghetto inhabitant
Watch dem niggas that be close to you
And make sure they do what they supposed to do
Cause you know they be thinkin about smokin you
Never personal, nowadays, it's the ways
Now how can I perfect this (uhh, what)
livin reckless, die for my necklace
Crime infected, drivin a Lexus with a death wish
Jettin, checkin my message on the speaker
Boppin to Mona Lisa brown reefer, ten G's, gun and my Visa
CD crankin, doin ninety on the Franklin-D-Roosevelt
No seat belt, drinkin and thinkin
My man caught a bad one son, niggaz is frightened
Secret indictments, adds on to one seekin enlightment
My Movado says seven, the God hour, that's if you follow
traditions started by the school not far from the Apollo
My "Fuck Tommorrow" motto through the eyes of Pablo
Escobar the desperado - word to Cus D'Amato
Got to watch dem niggas that's close to you
And make sure they do what they supposed to do
Cause you know they be thinkin about smokin you
Never personal, nowadays, it's the ways
Watch dem niggas that's close to you
And make sure they do what they supposed to do
Cause you know they be thinkin about smokin you
Never personal, nowadays, it's the ways
Some niggaz watch you (uh) see you when you think on the low
Ain't hard to spot you, you swore to keep it real after you blow
Three ki's, new V's, went to Anguilla with your hoe
Stayed around the hood, smoothest cat, gettin the dough
Them old timers, advise you to them problems that's ahead
Drama with the Feds, not listenin just bobbin your head
Your Roley shinin, thinkin to yourself nobody's takin mine
At the same time, your hoe is gettin snatched from behind
Put in the van, where's the hundred grand, script in her hand
From all the ice, wouldn't you know -
- you knew these niggaz all your life
What made them mark you victim, you fucked up somehwere down the line
now they had to target your Wisdom
She took em to your place, straight to your safe
You doubted it could happen sick of yappin
Dump in your ride, headed to your side
Puffin ganja get to your crib, can't find her
Just a reminder shit and have your stash house where you crash out
Coulda passed out, your coke was gone, now you assed out
Dead bitches tell no lies, you should use your eyes
Got to watch dem niggas that's close to you (uhh)
And make sure they do what they supposed to do (what, hah)
Cause you know they be thinkin about smokin you (mmm)
Never personal, nowadays, it's the ways
Watch dem niggas that's close to you (uhh)
And make sure they do what they supposed to do
Cause you know they be thinkin about smokin you (uh-huh)
Never personal, nowadays, it's the ways
Braveheart for life
So y'all wit me? Yea, What, Yea
Why don't y'all blast on these niggas, man
Tuck in your chain put your watch in your pocket
Here come the Braveheart straight out the projects
We live the life where the blood spills
Same thing that get you cash nigga, get you killed
Warnin', Jungle always keep a gun on him
Pull out, {*shooting sound*}, four head gone 'n
Sloppy, droppin' you birds
Close range so my bullets don't swerve, curve
No bullshit
Back in ya hand, find me
Call Earl, death is the ways of the world
Y'all made criminals
Tryin' to wild out there so crack, bust guns at Bow Wow's age
Fightin' in jail, lookin' for heaven, livin' in hell
Fuckin 'em hos, born to cope since I was 12
Way too foul walk around all the time
With a gray Mack 10 and a pocket full o' dimes
Braveheart to the graveyard, let's go niggas
Scared straight, but FUCK them hos
Keep it, dead serious
Believe it don't believe us, until you see me creepin',
Now you sleep with them fishes
G-W-I-Z, so delicious
To all them ghetto and solo bitches in 'burban districts
I'm movin on passin' chumps, and very thoroughly promoted by God's Son
And this is the military turn it up
My uzi weighs a ton, your son less thump nah
Heat talk feet walk you run uh
Rat ta-tat, Hear them shots come
Drop son, pull out
You better send 'em back son, or feel that casket
The peeps be like one (one)
I'm movin on passin' chumps, and very thoroughly promoted by God's Son
G-O-D S-O-N I S-O-O-T-H-E a female's estrogen
With my testosterone, male hormone
Enough for a giant's body, science S-C-I-E-N-C-E
Don't tempt me, EMS against you, me I'm just, invincible
Like Mike Jack said, for me and Al Sharpton won't be Broke in Harlem
That's that, who made this style, solo or X
Are you TFO's doctor or Mobb Deep
Whoever, I freaked it yes, so meet ya death
I never wear Esco, I got a New Line comin' like cinemas
Remember the, original, y'all still tryina show niggas are rich
Town house niggas
I'm six cribs deep, six bank accounts in six countries
Na I'm lyin', who gives a fuck that's so tired
While pictures of Bravehearts just livin' it up
A million of us, each nigga inchin' a bus
You got a house in Virginia
The only way you sicker than us
Gettin' bagged with .22's now you's a ridiculous fuck
No need for the gun play, it's ok, 'cause you dyin' anyway
Yo, this is for them High school drop outs
Niggas who copped out
If you prefer shots over knockouts
Sniffin' coke, smokin' weed
Sellin' crack, sellin' smack
You thuggin' it, you ain't turn it back
Braveheart's gettin' money ruthless 'till the world end
Gettin' high with my enemy's girlfriend
I used to have a bike on a bench
Now I got a jeep on this trip
Coke in the pot, heat on my head
Nigga dont stop blazin' cuz ya target's movin'
Shoot 'till the gun's empty stupid, Queens
Niggas so ruthless, really excuses is
Useless to these swift executioners
And thats Queensbridge nigga, all day
Pump packs o' crack, smoke purple haze
Runnin from D's quickly knockout rookies
G Wiz you know what I'm all about
Where them gangsters at?
Where them dumbs at?
Where where them gangsters at?
Where them dumbs at?
Where them gangsters at?
Where them dumbs at?
Where where them gangsters at?
Where them dumbs at?
Where them gangsters at?
Where them dumbs at?
Where where them gangsters at?
Where them dumbs at?
Where them dumbs at?
Where them dumbs at?
Where where them dumbs at?
Where where them dumbs at?
I slow dance with the Devil
Snow setting in the bezzle
Mo' sipping, phantom bumping Aaron Neville
Polo black scented, eyes squinted
Air Force One's, with my own patent in it
Fresher than a star, glowing up in the galaxy
Pagan holidays, are way far from my reality
Far through Evisu jeans, lethal green
Oliver peoples shades when I creep through Queens
With no AKs, I'm the ambassador
Robin Hood in the Aston Mart.
Lotta blood gonna splash in war
Task force homicide, federalies gonna arrest
But y'all ain't never seen nothing
Not a word not a hint, on the kid from the Project Bench
That went Sony-BMG, to that new conglomerate
Island Def Jam, guess how many dollars was spent
To get the best man, yall niggaz ain't silencing shit
Ya bench been wanna police the dick
The big Benz, Imma model ya chick
Was that posing, cash froze her
Cats stroke her, once I smash it's over
Cold like ice, more chains than slaves
Dangerous ways, Poltergeist change the channel
Roll the dice, I bring change when I gamble
I could sell sand to a Arab, hot and my gun handle
The ill whip pusher, my spit wet ya
If you stand close to the woofer
Betcha get sprayed by my lecture
Any club with ladies or dimes, I'm a regular
Give it up smooth, I ain't beggin ya
Intelligent brainiac, brains maniac
Back of the Maybach, taste that, don't waste that
Eat with my elbows top of the table
Street etiquette with speech impediments
And s'til see presidents, no matter who paid
Cause you ain't take the last dollar made
Long as they keep printing it, there's chances of getting it
Money's my bitch, and we stay intimate
Ask about Nashwan, could ask about Jung
Ask about Bravehearts, and ask where I'm from
Q Boro, specifically The Bridge
Don't ask no more question, ya know what it is
Whether chrome sparking or loan sharking
Busting rachets or numbers rackets or drug traffic
My funds are wrapped up, no concerns who has what
Financer, skull doo wrapped up
Mob life, prizefights, plasma tvs or first floor
Diversified all my circle
Amid the most sickest groom the proof swiftness
Numero uno, annuit coeptis
That's the language of our Latin ancestors
On the back of a dollar, the plan and the message
In the Rolls Royce like the King of Nigeria
My criteria, smoke cigars
Change rap like Jimi Hendrix changed Rock And Roll
With a broke guitar, diamonds flashing
Almost put a million cash in, in my mommy casket
("HIT MEH!!")
Redhead Kingpin, Tim Dog, have you seen 'em?
Kwame, King Tee or King Sun
Super Lover Cee, Casanova Rud
Antoinette, Rob Base never showin up
You see Black Sheep, Group Home, Busy Bee?
Ask Ill and Al Skratch, (Where My Homiiies?)
Leave it to y'all, these niggaz left for dead
Last week my man swore he saw Special Ed
Rap is like a ghost town, real mystic
Like these folks never existed
They the reason that rap became addictive
Play they CD or wax and get lifted
I recommend when your kid turn ten
Let him hear Spice 1, made plenty noise
.. Positive K, Father MC, the Skinny Boys
Where are they now?
(HEY!! Where are, where are they nooooooow, huuuhhhhhooohhhh HEY!)
Where are they now?
(HEY! Hit me! Where are they nooooooow?)
("HIT MEH!!")
See I remember them forever
The original Spinderella
Lakim Shabazz, 9 MM
Fu-Schnickens, Buckshot, Finesse, and Sequence
..Who was a (Rappin' Duke?) Da-ha!
Silk tie and leather was cute
Body and soul was Dee from Pump It Up's group
Oaktown 357, J.J. Fad too
had pop hits and gold ropes
Where my man Young MC and Tone Loc?
Kris Kross, the BO$$, Divine Styler
Def Jef of course let's break it down ta
Mic Geronimo, Pharcyde and Coolio
I heard Craig Mack back in the studio
Have you seen these lost MC's?
Funky Four Plus One, Force M.D.'s
Miss Melody, I hope she packin' a bankroll
As well as educated rap for ice and Kangol
Shante, she from around my way yo
EPMD, K-Solo, where are they now?
(HEY!! Where are, where are they nooooooow, huuuhhhhhooohhhh HEY!)
Where are they now?
(HEY! Hit me! Where are they nooooooow?)
("HIT MEH!!")
First off this ain't no diss record
This for some of my homies that were misrepresented...
Legends of the game, y'know?
What up to Moe Dee the legend? Rest in peace Cowboy!
Yeah, all the rappers...male, female, DJ's, e'rybody!
Rest in peace Jam-Master Jay, the whole crew, word up...
Juice Crew All-Stars, MC Shan, Tragedy, Craig G...
Yeah nigga, yeah nigga...
Shan whaddup baby?
Featuring: Pete Rock
Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? It's yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this?
I sip the Dom P, watchin' Gandhi 'til I'm charged
Then writin' in my book of rhymes, all the words pass the margin
To hold the mic I'm throbbin', mechanical movement
Understandable smooth shit that murderers move wit
The thief's theme, play me at night, they won't act right
The fiend of hip-hop has got me stuck like a crack pipe
The mind activation, react like I'm facin' time like
'Pappy' Mason with pens I'm embracin'
Wipe the sweat off my dome, spit the phlegm on the streets
Suede Timbs on my feets, makes my cypher, complete
Whether crusin' in a six-cab, or Montero Jeep
I can't call it, the beats make me fallin' asleep
I keep fallin', but never fallin' six feet deep
I'm out for presidents to represent me
I'm out for presidents to represent me
I'm out for dead presidents to represent me
Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? It's yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this?
To my man Ill Will, God bless your life
To my peoples throughout Queens, God bless your life
I trip we box up crazy bitches aimin' guns in all my baby pictures
Beef with housin' police, release scriptures that's maybe Hitler's
Yet I'm the mild, money gettin' style, rollin' foul
The versatile, honey stickin' wild, golden child
Dwellin' in the Rotten Apple, you get tackled
Or caught by the Devil's lasso, shit is a hassle
There's no days, for broke days, we sell it, smoke pays
While all the old folks pray, to Jesus' soakin' they sins in trays
Of holy water, odds against Nas are slaughter
Thinkin' a word best describin' my life, to name my daughter
My strength, my son, the star, will be my resurrection
Born in correction all the wrong shit I did, he'll lead a right direction
How ya livin' large, a broker charge, cards are mediocre
You flippin' coke or playin' spit spades in strip poker
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? It's yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? Yo, the world is yours, the world is yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? It's yours
It's yours
I'm the young city bandit, hold myself down singlehanded
For murder raps, I kick my thoughts alone, get remanded
Born alone, die alone, no crew to keep my crown or throne
I'm deep by sound alone, caved inside in a thousand miles from home
I need a new nigga, for this black cloud to follow
'Cause while it's over me it's too dark to see tomorrow
Trying to maintain, I flip, fill the clip to the tip
Picturin' my peeps, now the income make my heartbeat skip
And I'm amped up, they locked the champ up
Even my brain's in handcuffs
Headed for Indiana stabbin' women like the Phantom
The crew is lampin' big Willie style
Check the chip toothed smile, plus I profile wild
Stash through the flock wools, burnin' dollars to light my stove
Walk the blocks wit a bop, checkin' Danes plus the games
People play, bust the problems of the world today
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? It's yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? Yeah the world is yours, the world is yours
It's mine, it's mine, it's mine
Whose world is this? It's yours
Break it down
Yea aight? To everybody in Queens, the foundation
The world is yours, to everybody uptown, yo, the world is yours
The world is yours to everybody in Brooklyn
Y'all know the world is yours
The world is yours
Everbody in Mount Vernon, the world is yours
Long Island, yo the world is yours
Staten Island, yea the world is yours
Third grade, singin Star Spandled Banner
Using proper manners, learned to handle anger
Animal behavior
Later on my block rockin wit my jocks on
Eating Bon Ton cheese popcorn, hummin a KISS rock song
Socks long to my knees
Summer breeze runnin through the leaves
Playin freeze tag, can I stay out, please dad?
Can I hang wit my little gang out?
Hearin shots rang out, heard my moms call my name out
Come upstairs, run up stairs
Take a bath, shit stained underwears
Wipe yourself wit paper
Bad little ass in my bed at 8:30
Wash my plate, ate dinner up late
Gazing at the wall, prayin basketball
Was my future for this young one
Hooping in the sun, proud to be where I come from
Later shootin guns fantasizing
Fascinated by gold rope chains
Looking back at my hood days but things ain't change
[Chorus] *all Nas samples* 2x
"Nasty-Nasty-Nasty Nas is a rebel to America"
"Lyrical professor, keep ya under pressure"
"It's like that, you know it's like that"
"Nas-Nas'll catch wreck", "You got the mad fat fluid"
Bumpy Johnson style, old timers, crocodile shoes
Pinky rings, bank robbers wit two's, boss of wild crews
Slacks overlapsed, apple jack hats, quarter field coats
Cadillacs wit white walls and chrome wheel spokes
They was organizing, investing in a piece of the hood
They had drugs, bettin numbers, police understood
They played the Cotton Club, red carpet, hoes on they arm
Plush minks, pimped out gangstas, civil rights wasn't won
E'ry Christmas they was Santa Claus
Nixon was the anti-christ
Bitches ass was bigger than sniffin nose candy white
Listenin to Malcom speak, talcum powder shaving cream
Layin back, barber chair, straight razor clean
Babies is born, big families started to blossom
Mad people just applied for apartments and got em
Used to be rules to this game of hustlers and dealers
From tommy guns to mac 10's
QB's new born killers (shit is changed)
Chorus 2x
Yo everytime I turn around, niggas shot, niggas stabbed
Winter nights, pregnant girls strugglin to get a cab
Fiends lurkin, D's searchin, pat pockets
Kids quick to bed but they heads from gats poppin
Queensbridge slingers hoppin out Benzes, don status
Dope fiends got syringes, poppin out they arms sractchin
I remember park jams
Gazelles, perfect wave shell
Adidas, smellin reefer way before purple haze
Private stock bare, niggas wit ill walks like Mark Clare
Hats tilted, wild niggas lickin shots in the air
Me and Pop was there, through the years our names would switch
Ain't nuttin changed but the names Nastradamus and Blizz
What project is this?
QB, Vernon and Tenth
12th Street, murderous pimps, hot as hell's heat
What could you tell me, nigga's seen it all in this game
When it's all said and done, just remember my name
Peace king
Peace king
Listen, they wrote a book on your life
You think anybody'll read it?
No fuckin doubt!
Let's make history homey
Aight then
You know we brought the hoes clothes and money rolls to the table
No, fuckin, doubt
It's time to manifest this
Shit we the flyest nigga
Bring it to a whole, y'know?
Gangsta nigga
Niggaz better watch ya back, it's so cold
Pinky rings shinin, so act like y'don't know
Bitches in heat for niggaz that got dough
We the flyest gangsters
What you don't got is my natural glow
Countin out stacks and mackin out hoes
Pushin big dicks and packin our chrome
We the flyest gangsters
Follow, I'm like a Lamborghini green Diablo
Coupe VT, it's like DVD when I flow
Feel me, I'm loved like the great late Malik Sealy
The one the player haters hate dearly, but can't near me
Homicide can't scare me
I o-bide by the laws of these streets sincerely, a real nigga
The type that can build with ya
Verbalize bring life to a still picture, it's God-given
Been blessed with Allah's vision, strength and beauty
Truly my only duty is to dodge prison
Play wit me, I'm modest 'til them strays hit me
Regardless the circumstances I'ma stay filthy
Dough forever, the live stay low forever
And fuck niggaz, cause it's hard to keep them close together
One dependant, no wife, one co-defendant
No forms of weakness, I flow with vengeance
I do what I can do when I can do it
Feel how I feel when I feel what I'm feelin
Live how I live it's only cause I been through it
Learn to try it like to eat it and shit it's nuttin to it
Burn it light it weed it and off the liquor, while drivin outside
I'll never catch a vehicular homicide
My music is a description of my vibe of course
My life, my sites, my thoughts, what I like on my fork
Cause you are what you eat, you eat what you can
You pray to bless the food but first you wash your hands
to wash away them bad spirits, don't bring it in your home
Once you let them in they stayin, evil be gone, say it
I'm proud of Mase for givin himself to the Lord
Wanted his Faith, think about Big anymore
Of course my nigga Horse got married, see shit is changin
We ain't these little niggaz no more, runnin dangerous
I like to bone, I'm a peaceful brother
Eat up so much the girls call me seafood lover
Be havin they legs shakin, stab 'em, break 'em
I'm Hercules Hercules when havin relations, the flyest
We put this on the, soul of our born
As we hold the Qu'ran
Kamikaze style
Older cats coachin us on
Yo it's kill or be killed
Understand, real'll be real
Identity sealed, protected by
our energy shield
And fuck a drop, cause that's that shit that got Kennedy killed
Close the books
Was taught never expose a crook
Between the knight and the bishop
Wanna knock ya rook; I'm a rare breed never had a fair to lead
I ain't light niggaz recite
Too impaired to breathe
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that"
Yo; I never brag, how real I keep it, cause it's the best secret
I rock a vest, prestigious, Cuban link flooded Jesus
in a Lex watchin Kathie Lee and Regis
My actions are one with the seasons
A tec squeezin - executioner, winter time I rock a fur
Mega popular, center of attraction
Climaxin, my bitches they be laughin
They high from sniffin coke off a twenty-cent Andrew Jackson
City lights spark a New York night
Rossi and Martini sippin, Sergio Tachinni flippin mad pies
low price, I blow dice and throw em
Forty-five by my scrotum, manifest the "Do or Die" slogan
My niggaz roll in ten M3's
Twenty Gods poppin wheelies on Kawasaki's
Hip-Hop's got me on some ol', sprayin shots like a drumroll
Blankin out and never miscount the shells my gun hold
I don't stunt, I regulate
Henny and Sprite, I seperate, watchin crab niggaz marinate
I'm all about tecs and good jooks and sex
Israelite books, holdin government names from Ness
MC's are crawlin out, every hole in the slum
You be aight like blood money in a pimp's cum
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that"
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that..
.. for, you wack MC's"
Currency is made in trust of the Messiah
I'm spending it to get higher
Earth, Wind, and Fire singing reasons why I'm
up early, trustworthy is a nine that bust early
Sunshine on my grill, I spill
Remi on imaginary graves, put my hat on my waves
Latter Day Saints say religious praise
I dolo, challenge any team or solo
You must be buggin out, new to my shit, home on a furlough
Ask around, who's laid up, sharp and straight up
Mafioso, gettin niggaz wigs sprayed up
Skies are misty, my life's predicted by a gypsy
I'll one day walk into shots drunk off champange from Sicily
This be the drama, I'ma pause like a comma
in a sentence, paragraph's indented
Bloodshot red eyes, high, yellow envelopes of lye
Openin cigars, let tobacco fly
Condos are tuneproof, we're looking out the sky's moonroof
Shittin like gin and prune juice
Yo the system wants the coon's noose, hang em high
Courtrooms filled up, it's off the hook while I
just wrote a statement, like I'm facing twenty years
in the basement - chilling on the via with Mumia
for wearin chrome - I told the judge snakes slither
like Sharon Stone, but like Capone I'm thrown (yo)
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that"
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that..
.. for, you wack MC's"
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that"
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that..
.. for, you wack MC's"
Lyrical, ly-lyrical mission..
Yo the time is wastin, I use the mind elevation
Dime sack lacin, court pen pacin
Individual, lyrical math abrasion
Psychic evaluation, the foulest nation
We livin in, dangerous lives, mad leak and battered wives
A lifestyle where bad streets is patternized
Wise men build and destroy
While the real McCoy dopefiend, named Detroit is still dealin boy
Coke suppliers actin biased
Cause rumors say that niggaz wear wires and we liars
But every night the gat's fired, and every day a rat's hired
I still remain the mack flyest in the phat Kani, it's --
-- just the killer in me, slash drug dealer MC
Ex-slug filler, semi mug peeler
Demi, bottles of Mo', yo simply follow me flow
Put poetry inside a crack pot and blow
rough holes for cracked out pussies and buttholes
Bring the G's and the D's roll, they can't touch those
Why shoot the breeze about it, when you could be about it?
My degrees are routed, toward the peasy haired brick houses
instead of the fake medallions
Rich niggaz transport in thousands
Foreign cash exchange amountin to millions
Doors is locked, rocks is chopped, watch the cameras in the ceilings
Trick bitches catching mad feelings
Peelin off in the Lex Jeep, techniques is four-wheelin
I bet it be some shit when we connect with Stretch
When we catch them sex niggaz with the tecs you blessed, word
So now it's on, never wasted a slug,
Time is money when it comes to mine, take it in blood
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that"
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that..
.. for, you wack MC's"
Yeah, Capone-N-Noreaga
Yeah, yo, offical Queensbridge murderers
Mobb Deep keep it real though
Motherfuckin AZ yo
'Mega, 'Mega, whatever
Scarlett O'Hara
Yo, Fox Boogie
East New York
Gambo, Brownsville
Wizard, Fort Rockaway
Big Jersey
Connecticut, D.C., Sudan
V.A. ?? N.C., L.A.
So on and so on...
Big Ha, Houston Fifth Ward
Yo Nas..
I don't think they wanna FUCK with this
Gangsta shit.. fo' sho'
("Danger.. danger..")
Check it out
It's on, and once again I bring niggaz the rough
Fuckin with us, that get you motherfuckers touched
Hit in the darkest alleys, where the super sports Rally
Beatin up the block, leavin these motherfuckers shot
They ain't ready for the Nakamici
I flip this shit like I'm Kamaneze
Now dey a motherfuckin see me
They try to breeze me, but I got niggaz in New York
comin kama-kize, sparkin this shit that keep me off the heezee
Jay-Hovah, he with my man came over
to scoop me, blowin dukey, in the black Range Rover
Nasir, tell these motherfuckers what we came for
Tell these niggaz why we here
Nuttin but the New York to Texas connection
Nuttin but some real shit, what y'all expected
Spaz out, some times dreamin, think I'm awoke
Harsh realities of life, hit me after I smoke
Money satisfy half of my mood, then there's a part of me
that's distant, quiet, the most dangerous side of me
I'm twisted like, Dr. Death, Kevorkian
Flip shit, white gun handle, made of porcelain
My, Houston niggaz, come through for niggaz
Scarface get a call and we shootin niggaz
Favor, for a favor, that's how we do business
Tryin to make future figures, we two of the illest, what?
You wet who I want wetted, I'll wet who you want wetted
Any nigga can get it (a favor for a favor)
I'll wet who you want wetted, you wet who I want wetted
Any nigga can get it
You say you got a problem? Then tell a nigga where he at
So I can study his motions and peel his motherfuckin cap
Where his brother go to school at? Find out some more information
bout that bitch and hit a nigga right back
Cause when it come down to the come down;
I'ma pull the motherfuckin plug on him
Walk up to his face and then gone
Set a example, send these hoes a little message:
They need to be more careful who they mess with, don't even stress it
Leaded, I pull these capers all the time
With the ugliest AK, I blow his motherfuckin mind
Him and whoever standin by, I'll tell these niggaz, "Let's go"
And then we fin' to ride, and he fin' to die
He fin' to die, throwin up his own blood
With a slug in his motherfuckin mug
I do this outta love, cause your money ain't no good here
Just consider that as favor, until I need a favor
A killer code, secret untold, how we bury beef with a rose
To his wake we send a wreath that explodes
Beneath us sleep with the Reaper, they sleep eyes closed
That's how real Brad Jordan keep it, to him I owe
Five fo-fo's ready, five masks, five mercedes
Attack em like Freddie, then we toastin over spaghetti
I share withcha drama, you share with mine
That's how we killin two birds at the same time
Send my enemy's ear, I'll send your enemy's finger
with a pinkie ring, that's just a present my nigga
Either way the heat is grave, fuck with 'Face we bring war
Either, you feel these bullets or the Texas chainsaw
Not for popularity reasons, but for the love of the art
And you my heart, I leave casualties bleedin
Cause we keep it death for a death, life for a life
Murder for a murder, and I got you it's vice versa
Dunn you fam to me, and only family
that can get that close to me
Keep it type strong
Blowin green that's keepin us goin
Allah Havoc gettin right, on them 747
Dunn you fam to me, and only family
that can get that close to me
Keep it type strong
Blowin green that's keepin us goin
Unconditional love showin
Yo, yo, yo, yo
Forty decide, on the First side right
Me and my Dunns come from the slums
You can't take the slums out my Dunns
and that's how it is, that's how we live
Sometimes I find myself wearin the same shit for days
not carin, bout what they gon' think or say
I got that, "I don't give a fuck" in me, it's stuck in me
That's how I 'vantage over y'all niggaz, y'all too pretty
We too gritty, like Sanford and Son (what)
Too grimy like Pigpen with jewels on
See we the top rap niggaz, the Q-Dogs
You got a lot of nerve, puttin out them songs
knowin that my niggaz come strong, so let's get it on
We just gettin warm, Operation "Quiet Storm"
Silent wars or we silence the fours
Half P and I's got it in the smash for sure
Now it's movies and soundtracks
This is where your career stop at
Aiyyo I drink to that
I'm like a dictionary, y'all rappers exam me
You ballet? They read your obituary, in front your family
You should idolize Nas in the flesh
Don't wait til I'm dead, to say I was the best, no doubt
We shot hoops with coathangers, got loot with dopeslangers
Sold soap to strangers, joked with danger
Rob prostitutes, dodge cops in hot pursuit
Bought weight from rosters, travel hot routes
O.T. commute back and forth
Tell shorty get that package off
Fuck bein trapped up North, being told where to eat and shit
Caught a case then I beat the shit
Theives on the block flash badges, nylon jackets
Big white boys with guns yellin, "Freeze black kids!"
Got my niggaz in the pen, eatin octopus
Wishin they was on the blocks with us
to watch me and P do it (uh) put the heat to it (uh)
Put it out, first day, the whole street knew it
Bitches, hold they pussies and bop to the music
and think deep to it, now who the truest?
Dunn you fam to me, and only family
that can get that close to me
Keep it type strong
Blowin green that's keepin us goin
Allah Havoc gettin right, on them 747
Dunn you fam to me, and only family
that can get that close to me
Keep it type strong
Blowin green that's keepin us goin
Unconditional love showin
Yo you fam to me, and only family
that can get that close to me
Keep it type strong
Blowin green that's keepin us goin
Unconditional love showin
Are you fam to me, and only fam to me
that can get that close to me
Keep it type strong
Dirty fingernails, reachin in my pocket pullin knots out
I daydream of better days, in different ways
out this lifestyle we live, iced out with the big fifth
That's why the burnt leather lean to the left
Even though we gained cash on fish
I'm trapped on reason bein we ain't all rich
And I'ma be that same nigga for the door
And I'ma still walk the same path, we soon clash
We get stacks, you do the math
We pound niggaz out, walk away and laugh
Fresh from out the lab, P and Nastradamus kid
Rap niggaz shit they drawers
Yo they probably did
I aircondition y'all niggaz, my prediction is you rewind this
Your highness, Q-Boro's finest
Click your Timbs three times, the wizard is Nas
Grant you a wish, you get rich while listenin hard
To my thugs in the prisonyard, bench-pressin 200 pounds and up
Feelin like you down on your luck
Raise up, I feel your pain, hit the law library
Appeal the game, all eyes on me
Restrained from, bein looked at, as uncivilized
We epitomize thug song, y'all niggaz get mad
Jealous rappers is puss, ain't got no style
no heart and no look, shook
Get stole on, my niggaz move right in the moonlight
Y'all niggaz get done, I pee on them son, they a small issue
We too official, blue steel pistols
Teflon vests, it's no contest we hit you
Dunn you fam to me, and only family
that can get that close to me
Keep it type strong
Blowin green that's keepin us goin
Unconditional love showin
Yo, yo, yo, yo
Forty decide, Forty-First side right
Yeah youknahmsayin? Not for nuttin baby
Knahmsayin wanna give a shout out to my peoples
YouknowhatImean? Gamble, Ill Will
Killa Black, my brother
It's never gonna be another
Word up..
Uhh... yeah... uhh...
Blessings in life to the children
They say life is like 5 days
Words of a old man with silver hair in his wheel chair
His eyes were bloody while describin' what lies before me
Said evil bitches and jealous men would try to destroy me
It occurred to me, this old nigga's words couldn't be realer
I'm on top now, slightest drama, I'll have ta kill ya
Cuz animals sence weakness, sharks smell blood in water
Ishmael, Moses and Job, moved a divine order
Shit is plastic material, havin' no life
I crash whips and leave it no matter the price
As long as I survive, coppin' the five
Circle the block where the beef's at
And park in front of my enemy's eyes
They see that it's war we life stealers
Hollow tip, lead busters there's no heaven or hell
Dead is dead, fuckers
And your soul is with God
Your mind keeps lurkin' to earth
Watchin' your own murder reoccur
For ever struggle, every strip, and every ghetto
For every nigga toned in the pain and heavy metal
For every child that's born
And every nigga gone
And for every brotha breathin'
Live to see another mornin'
It's Blitz nigga the streets glory many die for me
Got knocked refused 3 to 9's, went to trial for me
Basically I'm just reality loaded with vast stories
Of lust, greed, and contempt no street is exempt
Extended clip shots hoods barricaded for 6 blocks
I sip shots, watchin' em hustlers pitch rocks
All you paintin' pictures of my pain
Illustrate the city in vain
Fallin' deep into the pits of the game
This is for the sickest state of mind
In these fatal times, vesh crimes
Nickel play the nine and niggas for the dime
Hear the sounds of them baby's cry
Still I'm sayin' why do we reside
In the ghetto with a million ways to die
Stayin' high to relieve the pain
Breathin' in the game, exhalin'
Guilts and the shame, misery and strain
What the fuck will tomorrow bring
Look at anthrax, I stand back through
Hopin' I make it tomorrow
My skin is a art gallery, right
With paintings of crucifixes
Hopin' to save me from all the dangers in the music business
Was once a young gangsta hangin' with youth offenders
But since I tasted paper it started losin the friendships
Watchin' kids freeze in winters, they still poor
How could I tease them with Benz's and feel no remorse
Drivin' past them in the lively fashion, diamond colors clashin'
Red stones, blue stones, red bones and black ones
Fuck did I expect with bucket seats in a Lex
And spendin' time in Chuckie Cheese with Little Des
Got guns when I'm with my daughter
Hate to bring a violent aura in her presence
She knows what daddy taught her, it's lessons
Black princess it's a ugly world
I put my life up for yours, see I love that girl
Could you believe even my shadow's jealous
My skin is mad at my flesh, my flesh hates my own bones
My brain hates my heart, my heart makes the songs
Though my songs come from the Father
I'm lonely...
("Fuck Jay-Z")
What's up niggas, ay yo, I know you ain't talkin 'bout me dog
You, what?
("Fuck Jay-Z")
You been on my dick nigga, you love my style, nigga
("Fuck Jay-Z")
(I) Fuck with your soul like ether
(Will) Teach you the king you know you
(Not) "God's son" across the belly
(Lose) I prove you lost already
Brace yourself for the main event
Y'all impatiently waitin
It's like an AIDS test, what's the results?
Not positive, who's the best? Pac, Nas and Big
Ain't no best, East, West, North, South, flossed out, greedy
I embrace y'all with napalm
Blows up, no guts, left chest, face gone
How could Nas be garbage?
Semi-autos at your cartilege
Burner at the side of your dome, come outta my throne
I got this, locked since '9-1
I am the truest, name a rapper that I ain't influenced
Gave y'all chapters but now I keep my eyes on the Judas
With Hawaiin Sophie fame, kept my name in his music
Check it
Ay yo, pass me the weed, pour my ashes out on these niggas man (no doubt)
Ay, y'all faggots, y'all kneel and kiss the fuckin ring
I've been fucked over, left for dead, dissed and fogotten
Luck ran out, they hoped that I'd be gone, stiff and rotten
Y'all just piss on me, shit on me, spit on my grave (uh)
Talk about me, laugh behind my back but in my face
Y'all some "well wishers," friendly actin, envy hidin snakes
With your hands out for my money, man, how much can I take?
When these streets keep callin, heard it when I was sleep
That this Gay-Z and Cockafella Records wanted beef
Started cockin up my weapon, slowly loadin up this ammo
To explode it on a camel, and his soldiers, I can handle
This for dolo and it's manuscript, just sound stupid
When KRS already made an album called Blueprint
First, Biggie's ya man, then you got the nerve to say that you better than Big
Dick suckin lips, whyn't you let the late, great veteran live
"God's son" across the belly, I prove you lost already
The king is back, where my crown at?
(Ill...will) Ill Will rest in peace, let's do it niggas
Y'all niggas deal with emotions like bitches
What's sad is I love you 'cause you're my brother
You traded your soul for riches
My child, I've watched you grow up to be famous
And now I smile like a proud dad, watchin his only son that made it
You seem to be only concerned with dissin women
Were you abused as a child, scared to smile, they called you ugly?
Well life is hard, hug me, don't reject me
Or make records to disrespect me, blatent or indirectly
In '88 you was gettin chased through your buildin
Callin my crib and I ain't even give you my numbers
All I did was gave you a style for you to run with
Smilin in my face, glad to break bread with the god
Wearin Jaz chains, no tecs, no cash, no cars
No jail bars Jigga, no pies, no case
Just Hawaiian shirts, hangin with little Chase
You a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a Stan
I still whip your ass, you thirty-six in a karate class
You Tae-bo hoe, tryna' work it out, you tryna' get brolic?
Ask me if I'm tryna' kick knowledge
Nah, I'm tryna' kick the shit you need to learn though
That ether, that shit that make your soul burn slow
Is he Dame Diddy, Dame Daddy or Dame Dummy?
Oh, I get it, you Biggie and he's Puffy
Rockafeller died of AIDS, that was the end of his chapter
And that's the guy y'all chose to name your company after?
Put it together, I rock hoes, y'all rock fellas
And now y'all try to take my spot, fellas?
Philly's hot rock fellas, put you in a dry spot, fellas
In a pine box with nine shots from my glock, fellas
Foxy got you hot 'cause you kept your face in her puss
What you think, you gettin girls now 'cause of your looks?
Ne-gro please
You no mustache havin, with whiskers like a rat
Compared to Beans you wack
And your man stabbed Un and made you take the blame
You ass, went from Jaz to hangin with Caine, to Herb, to Big
And, Eminem murdered you on your own shit
You a dick-ridin faggot, you love the attention
Queens niggas run you niggas, ask Russell Simmons
Ha, R-O-C get gunned up and clapped quick
J.J. Evans get gunned up and clapped quick
Your whole damn record label gunned up and clapped quick
Shawn Carter to Jay-Z, damn you on Jaz dick
So little shorty's gettin gunned up and clapped quick
How much of Biggie's rhymes is gon' come out your fat lips?
Wanted to be on every last one of my classics
Pushin drop-tops, Stacy Lattisaw tapes, the 80's had us all apes
Youngest gorillas up to bat at home plate
That was a uncanny era, guns in my pants
Yeah X-Clan hair, with dreads at the top of my fade
Homicide and feds on the blocks where I played, b-ball
That's when I wondered was I here for the cause, or be-cause
Cause Ray Charles could see the ghetto
Was told to stay strong and I could beat the Devil
Cause yo, I used to play Apollo balcony seats
Watchin niggaz swing razors in the front row, then out in the streets
The car show, 560's, chemical afros
Acuras pumpin Super Lover Cee and Casanova
Live chicks be, asses bustin out of they clothes
Wearin lip gloss, big door knockers pealin they earlobes
So where them years go? Where the old gold beers and cheers go?
But now them shorties here doe, so
The doo rags are back, fitted hats, snorkels and furs
Riker's Island bustin, still packed, what's the word?
The drinkers stay drinkin, or puffin they herb
And I'm, still enjoyin life's ride; one mo' time
The doo rags are back, fitted hats, snorkels and furs
Riker's Island bustin, still packed, what's the word?
The drinkers stay drinkin, or puffin they herb
And I'm, still enjoyin life's ride; right?
Political thugs in shark suits persuade us to pull triggers
in army boots, yellin "Join the armed forces!"
We lost the Vietnam War, intoxicated poisons
Needles in arms of veterans instead of bigger fortunes
There's still a lot of nigger callin in the coorporate offices
War in the ghetto, we crabs in a barrel, they torture us
They won't be servin the beast too long
The murderers wearin police uniforms, confederate flags I burn
Beat Street breakers were dancin to the music I chose
And Peachtree Atlantic crackheads was tootin they nose
in frozen corners of Chicago, loaded up Llama's children
with fo'-fo's, and double-revolvers
We devil incarnates, headed for jail
Where Shell gas company in South Africa be havin us killed
Your paper money was the death of Christ
And all these shorties comin up just resurrect your life
It's like a cycle
Niggaz used to wear rags on they hair when it was fried up
That's when we were lied to, buyin hair products
Back before my generation, when our blackness started disintegratin
'til awareness started penetratin
The styles come from prison, they used potatoes makin liquor
just to prove we some creative niggaz
Turnin nothin into somethin, is God work
And you get nothin without struggle and hard work
War is necessary to my niggaz in chains
From Greene to Sing-Sing, I'm wantin y'all to know one thing
The hardest thing is to forgive, but God does
Even if you murdered or robbed, yeah it's wrong, but God loves
Take one step toward him, he takes two toward you
Even when all else fail, God support you
I done it, got God Son on my stomach
My heart and my lungs was affected from Henny's and gettin blunted
Do your body right and it loves you back
You only get one life, and yo because of that
I'm still blazin, goin out for the cause
Still rockin stockin caps, not for the waves, obeyin no laws
QB the whole NYC
We gonna bounce to this
To all my niggaz (yeah yeah)
To all the ladies
Sometimes I wonder
Will a nigga go under because of his hunger
This game is risky
If a nigga slips six deep
Will these niggaz really miss me
Dead partners too soon
All these niggaz flipping on me
Cause I won't give no loot to them
Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I...
Top of the world is what I'm aiming at
These niggaz is flaming gats at my circle
I catch you, my first reaction is to hurt you
I hit your bird too, two in your scalp then you out
Your thug crew is out, blood oozing out
Some serving caine
Knowing nothing about this murder game
Its easily told but hard to hear
When niggaz finally find out its real
Thats when they heart pumps fear
The real remains the weak will disappear
My words is 20/20, my vocals are crystal clear
911 style sits on your mind like chrome
Lets say your brains is V12, put it in drive let it roam
What color? Might as well make it same as your dome
You need your thoughts together, that means destination is unknown
As we travel on this road, an infinite path, I get into this math
Drop and get intense for this cash
Will I be subject to kill, live my life by a gat
Just when I think I made it out, the street is calling me back
I know a lot of fiends by they first name
Living in Queens, a lot of cats getting stuck for they chains
Holding dirty guns, the young owe dirty ones
Running wild, niggaz I raise hell above ground
Live in sin, holding rocks, benjamin grin
Figure once I got knocked, it would end
Never that
They try to tell me I don't love my own
The thugs know, they ride my zone
Like the cyclone trademark
For coney isle, yeah you know me now
I'm giving fake hugs, phoney smiles
Stack profits, you know how the niggaz on the block get
Try to give you dap to stare at your pockets
Cruise advance nothing new just the rules of the land
You could tell if they wolves or lamb
You could fight a few, there's a few that ran
Or you could feed them and lose your hand
What you wanna do?
Blessing be to the ones who left us
Transcend into spiritual essences
In Allah's arms you rest in
To him we pray for my peeps
Floyd, Twin and Taiyeh, Mr. Sunny back in the day
Get the money yam, he use to say not only nice with hands
But streetsmart he was twice a man
I try to understand life's deep plot
I think of Weewop, Shikeisha they both was mad nice on the rocks
They could have went pro but only God knows why not
Like my nigga Bing, let your sneakers not be clean
He'll start snapping on you, making a scene
Kept the lye, a cool nigga warm heart and stayed fly
You still alive, I see you in your sister's face
Are you there pa? Or looking on from a distant place?
My thoroughbreds, Blackhead quiet but real
Expect to see your black jeep fly over the hill
In the spirit of Richie Lou tribute
Remind the world of the crimes that NY pigs do
We miss you, Harry and Sonia
Rest in peace to Marty, a 41st side of Vernon soldier
T.J. Black better known as Killer
I can't replace you, but in me Havoc will always have a brother my nigga
My man Will till we meet again
You hold it up there, I'll hold it down here
I hope you hear my prays clear
Repeats 3x
Some of us have angels -- the kingdom, the power
Some of us have angels -- the power, the glory
Some of us have demons -- greed, and lust
Some of us have demons -- lust, temptation
Now this is you, dressed in all black, fatigue hat, ready for combat
A good nigga, you don't leave tracks
A hood nigga wantin G-stacks, do what you gotta do to get that
You feel you need that, where the jooks at?
These are your niggaz, creepin they be leavin niggaz sleep witchu
Loc' style, quiet no smile, it's the official
Sometime they grimy, speakin on they own people
They snake you if they have to, raised tattoos
Now these are your bitches, phonin lonely homey chickens
All the homies stick em, you think you own em man listen
She stab you in your sleep with a knife from out the kitchen
Put a root on you, next week they find you missin
Dead in your Expedition in the forest, fell off the cliff and
tumbled til you blew up, Feds told her and she threw up
Fake bitches, actresses, wicked witch practices
Two sides of us, negative or positive
Now this is your mom, your good luck charm
Pushin you to do no wrong, prayin for you that you live long
Nobody kill my baby, but she know her baby crazy
In and out of jail, mom's screamin, "God take me!"
This is your pop, chip off the old block that made him
The man of the house, mom and pops seperatin
Spittin image of a gangster the way pop walked
the way pop talked, got older and you thanked him now
This is your hood, poor folks drugs and robberies
Turnin into the things moms wanted you not to be
Crime followin the wrong dudes who have no values
Life's cheap as the dime in the minds of those around you
This is the test, the stress, the conflict the ups and downs of
niggaz around you make threats
They tell you keep it gangster, no matter the predicament
Even though your decision won't help you benefit
Now once again this is you, entertainin your desires
Bitches money and guns, aimin and you fire
Everyday is grief, if it ain't beef, it's feedin your seed
Tryin to eat? You form material needs
The weed make your brain sizzle, a pistol make it cool off
by stickin up niggaz, make them take they jewels off
His reputation is, bigger than his whole life span
He never planned to fail, he just failed to plan
What does it take to realize, Satan's alive, he whispers
And any chance he get, he can take niggaz
He comes in all shapes and sizes, his best disguise is
when he stand beside us, but God is inside us, within me
You are your worst enemy - my mom's words echo in my head
And if I let go I'm dead
He stepped at my door, the ? motivate my spirit
And now the body experience, so now I feel it
Lookin at my blessings, the bullets - that missed me coulda hit me
Them court cases coulda put me in the penitentiary
I never hate, that's just wasted energy
The past is gone, the present's a gift, so what's the mystery?
The future - and time only reveals, what fear is
False expectations, appearin real
We only human, love thy neighbor, so I was told
Bis-Mi-Allah A-Rahman A-Rahim
(To the Gods.. to the Gods.. to the Earths)
Pass that shit homey
Now tell me what y'all smokin
What kinda heat y'll holdin
Well is your creep move potent
I got a bunch of bullets and a bag of guns I pass 'em to my niggaz c'mon
We bi-coastin, keepin our po-ckets bulgin
We got the plan in motion
I got a bunch of bullets and a bag of guns I pass 'em to my niggaz c'mon
Zoom, from outer space he comes
Blunt in his mouth with his hand on his gun
Bitches flappin they gums, do he be clappin and shootin guys
Actor or a movie star, rapper revolutionized
What is his race nation or creed?
Is he arabic, black, latin, asian they read
Magazines say I walked on water, talked to the heavens
Spit at judges, stepped on peasants
But in reality, I just entered your galaxy
September '73, up in these wild streets
Fuckin these wild freaks, a harem of hoes (God damn)
And my mystique got 'em tearin my clothes
My nigga smoke with one lung
If he cough he might die, passin me trees
The liquor bottle's almost empty
We about to collide, with the enemy
Only way you die if it's meant to be
You fuckin with a general
No discussion is the principle we bustin it's the end of you
Now we knockin on your mama door
Like we cam to fix the sink; my kind of war
Death, angels comin for you
Spirit horse runnin from your body like Young Guns 1 and 2
Paramedics fightin for you, who's gon' win?
The hands of time, or the hands of medicine
Don't cry, witness your fate, this is your wake
Walk by your casket, spit in your face
Enter the fog dog, the light is your guide
And when you're gone all your niggaz gon' light it with Nas
Pardon but I gotta question of life now
Look at the nigga next to you right now
Is he real, fake or scared
Do it like this niggaz right hands in the air
Ball it to a fist and put it over your heart
Now let's say it all together let the ceremony start
I shall - stay real stay true stay holdin figures
Never put a bitch over my niggaz
I shall never, cooperate with the law
Never snake me I always hold you down in war
If they take one of mine, I take one of theirs
I never break the oath to the death I swear
I swear that's how we pledge alegiance, to the alliance
of underworld's killers and thugs, though the science
of a nigga still yet to be found
So light up some green, and pass it around (just pass it around)
Wanna get high, come smoke with me
Silent, silent
It's sort of like the conclusion, the color purple
Niggas is losing, confusion, with one time all pursuit moves in
Grabbing niggas up in this movement to rule shit
Cop verses the block, shorties is too quick
Lesson number one. If you're arrested and hung
Where niggas is from gotta keep a lid on your tongue
It's like silent murder, I hit blunts hard like Ray Mercer
the violent words of a prince in a palace of Persia.
The cognac plurger plus the trees,
but whose the faul one to make his nose take a freeze,
and got enough gold to rock ice in all hype.
Used to be a general but just lost his stripe
Pipe dreams and white feinds and all-nighters, collect calls from lifers
Astoria walls with cypress, since I got a problem with the law-writers,
I kick some more items just to explore horizons,
the palm lady dreamt of this day so I'ma play,
the crib close smokin' with the big toast and lay
They say the arms of Nicki Barnes would be enough to blast,
a lot of rich niggas fell and started pumping gas
Was it the mind of CIA that bumped off Malik Shabazz
Fuck what they teach in class I'ma reach the mass
Strap up, no back up, it's jungle tactics
Livin' practice, out of line niggas get smacked backwards
So wear it if the cap fits, fold it up money and mad clips
A stack right under my matress
To smoke a nigga like a Hugh Bros. motion picture
Niggas gettin' open cruise, won't be olding niggas
April fools they laugh the jokes on the benches
Cease outside my nigga spoke on his sentence
Silent, silent
My right handers never play too close to cameras
It's nighttime scanners circle that allow gamblers
Peace-making niggas pep talk
the peace-makin 'niggas walk off the hot avenues with they brew.
Time to get this loot countless, 'cuz sun it ain't no youth fountains
Niggas take cash and shoot, bounce and Pakistanians is took hostage
Locked up inside a linen closet known for spending pies up
What's the flavour when your neighbors do jake favours?
Lock them real niggas down and lettin fake players
roam around the project this lyrical logic I dilute,
the weak can object the right composite
We're plottin' all murderous schemes,
it seems I'm ghostly called by the essence of queens
the palm lady dreamt of this day, so I'ma play
the crib close smokin' with the big toast and lay
And Cain killed his brother Abel when God accepted Abel's
offering and not his.
Abel's offering showed that Cain was not giving his best to God,
and Cain's jealous anger drove him to murder -
Yo, release what's in me
Besides the Henny, it's eyes that's seen plenty
Fiends get skinny as if Queens was a Craig Jenny
Instead of diet plans it's crack 200 grams
I pump a G-pack, peeping for where the D's at
It's slow, lookin for Rambo, the cop who got grazed
Back in the days, chasin niggaz through my project maze
That cop he got a death wish
He run behind niggaz until you breathless
Everyday he makin ten arrests, sheeit
My nigga check this, I know the bitch he rest with
I even blessed it, forty-dash-ten inspect it
(Already checked it Dunn, near his ankle you could see his gun)
Peep, he parked his Jeep in the back of the slum
to check Tanisha, fat ass real fly, with the blonde caesar
Vetacini summer gear, she push the two-seater
I heard she brag about the way he eat her
A Irish man short slim with a tan, they say he laced her cheeba
She do be lookin weaker, now her teeth are foul
Speakin loud, peep her style, in and out of every reefer cloud
Fat ass dissolvin, like cotton candy in a mouth that's starvin
Rock the same gear daily, like a soldier in my squadron
I heard she let Jake investigate from her window
cause she's a nympho, suckin dick and coughin up info
So now it's set up, her and the beast to get wet up
I know he vest up, we blazin from the neck up
(Yo let me knock first) Soon as he open it your glock burst
They had the chains on, son hit the lock first
We busted in the cop jerked
Jungle popped one in his shirt
I grabbed the bitch by her tits, she tried to say she Earth
We saw the cameras, tape recorders, and the monitors
They eyein us (Nas yo he survived one from the fo'-five)
Pull his shades down, they seen his last days now
There's no way now, we can be treated just like a slave now
Two in the dome, he's laid down, aiyyo the bitch is saved now
She's living in a snitch grave now
Shootouts is similar to Wild West
Broad daylight, face to face without a vest
You know the episodes, thugs camouflage the spectacles
Please God to save the life that the Devil sold
See +It Was Written+ but was never told
Peep the jewels black man, it's even better than gold
Niggaz roll with iron, police roll in hot pursuit
tryin to stop the loot, fuck Jake, cock and shoot
Still on the streets with my peeps so deep
We threw a block party for my man goin up creek
to do his two to four, niggaz show love, from all around the board
Peace Lord, Sony Handi-Cam on record
Pop a bottle, cause when you come home we still got it sewn
We can watch the tape play back and just zone
Film all the bitches, on the benches with ill extensions
We block the streets off, only crew cars can enter
Music was loud and it was crowded
Barbecued wings we fed the fiends (gamble in the back) Killa shouted
And Frank tried to stop the bank loss, about what a Roley cost
Guzzled his drink, and staggered off
He's a Big Will, used to slang krill, now he own the hill
Couldn't take losin his cash, and I could feel
somethin in the air yeah, Frank returned with Pierre
A gun slinger, who niggaz hadn't seen in a year
I usually be holdin - 'specially this type of weekend
And everyone except for me had started reachin
They had gats in each others faces, with kids
and grandmothers around, Frank's only concern was his paper
My man Killa let off, half of them fake niggaz jet off
Police blitz quick, waitin for that to set off
Runnin the static, it got me mad cause they a bunch of faggots
Startin shit in my hood, I can't have it
Yo High, get the 40-cali stainless, Jake is still out
Let's make it real and still make them niggaz famous
Dip behind trees in fatigues and squeeze, dodge and weave
Hearin Jake retaliatin, and Wiz was up the alley waitin
We breeze, jump in the ride, heard Pierre died
featuring Noreaga
Nas talking:
Yo Nore I just can't understand
what be going through brothers minds man
Know what I'm saying!
You try to tell a brother when he going the wrong way
try to put him on the right way
he don't wanna hear that though
so you just gotta let a nigga go
Death followed'em
before it swallowed'em whole
it was signs he shoulda read
that was inside of his soul
niggas light dutchies to'em now, so long
missa muthafucka, but still
life goes on
hope I'm rich on my last day
clutching some ass,
niggas say he came and went
got a nut when he passed, an old man
laying dead on my bed, wit some young shit
screaming out FREEDOM
when I slung to her chest
after that chill, be a bitch wit a hex
every nigga she sex, be the next
put ta rest
Yo if you live, you a member in 85
when it was just bats and knives,
made men and made wives
things changed, sell the Jetta, cop the Range
sending slugs that a leave that ass cripple
as a child had nemia wit out the sickle
N-O-R-E, nore, grand markey
always wanted to be in this game since Biz Markie
we fuck it up what
light dro, throw the chalk up
ever since crack came in little capsules
we control blocks, rock flat-tops
had two spots, selling blue tops
seeing Benni cop new rocks
Four wheel flow wit the rowdy thugs
Queens out,smoke Cali budd
feened out, my thoughts leak out
I speak out, what's worth dying for
freedom,respect or both
what's worth ya tears
being broke or when ya man get smoked
it all depends if you used to having ends in his ceased
instead of cry, more see,
whoevers fly in the beef
on the other hand, if it's not ya real fam deceased
and you used to funerals, then it ain't that deep
so when you kep slingin
me myself, I do my thing in the streets
since i was young I was anxious to eat
Yo since a young sibling
had every flavor Timberland
always had jumpshot, and always dribbling
yo macarole, Jose lay
like casserole, dolomite type
the Jungle low, cut the China white
come check ya,mix henney wit the nectars
on straight flights while y'all catch connectors,
if it was up to me
the whole world would be comfortably
since it's not, y'all niggas stay fucked up
I think about y'all too much
and be bankrupt,so nigga get yours, I got mine
Sex and money go togother like techs and nine shells
swiss cheese you and cover it up like Rahswell, cartel
yo ain't seen no iller regime
the Stellarsteen profecy
project warrior, owns property
crack is hated, cops get jealous
cause I stay wit
the 98 temporary plates on my whip
the system think its not right
Arista could fuck a cops awife
cause I'm on, televisi-on
and live the pop life
I rock mics, make mils
soundscan sales, one point whatever records
professionist skills, moneys the root of evil
but it make you happy
don't wanna shoot my people
but still they might clap me
cause I talk like Dr.Malacayork
play the sidewalk, hold fort
diamond plate chaiun, gold fort
get in tune, rich like Ricky form Silver Spoon
Frank Lopez crib, elevators and living rooms
A yo we still in Queens
same place where we used to be
most people don't see us
cause we usually out touring
leave the hood, now the hood boring
NORE, you know me, we regulated
straight from Iraq to QB, affilated
it's like a Higher Learing
from 99th street down to Vernon
letting our heat burst burning
like Henney wet, throwing up my set
catch me on the Startek
bout to set the connect
Yo Sex,Drugs, Money and Murder
beers and sex, Lands and Lex
in the projects
the fourth floor, where we score through our cooker
D's shook up, hit the block
now you looker!
(Nas and Noreaga talking)
NAS: It's like the battle will symbolize the war,
and the war symbolize the winners of the battle,
no what I mean, go at ya neck!
Either you in it or you in the motherfucking way baby!
NORE: Word up, we analate ya ass!
NAS: Queens style, no what I'm saying!
NORE: Ish me Allah da men a Raheem!
NAS: Queens style, Brooklyn style!
NORE: Went from selling cracks to making raps,
to fucking hoodrats!
NAS:Lefrak and QB!
Uh, I knew a few pharmacists, fuck frozen
They kept pneumonias on their arms and wrists
The main dude, Sekou, face look hard as shit
Remember like yesterday, they were the kings of ecstacy
Kept sellin' it, he blends in everywhere, has a mixed heritage
Bitches let him hit on the reg', waterbed seats in his car
All red ferari, Florida where we met at a redlight
Homeboy bumpin' my old shit
They wildin' with some freaks from the islands
piled in behind him, limosine, Benz
He shouted, "Nas, roll with us"
I'm bored so I followed him
Nikki Beach, here's where the scene begins
He put me on to Don, nice ass with a set of mean twins
Had a pocket full of cash, Sekou wasn't lettin' me spend
I was there for the weekend, packed and prepared for anything
Then he brings me to his castle in Coconut Grove
War stories about dudes both of us know
Never heard drunken words spoken so slow
A year go by, the nigga was fly
Prada shoes, a lotta jewelry, stayed high
Got a call, he's in N.Y
Needs a couple of G's 'til tomorrow, I dips by
for a season where he's at
Greets me with a smile, told him "Here keep that"
Next week got a call from his wife
Said somebody done took son life
She said
"Who gon' hold me down now? Hold me down now
Tell me that huh -- who gon' hold me down now?
Who gon' hold me down now? Who gon' hold me down?
Tell me that huh -- who gon' hold me down now"
Forget about them other dudes, they talkin' to me rude
'Cause I always knew the truth, they hated Sekou
H2 full of holes, the drove him off the road
Left him there on this 'cain, clothes stained with his brain
My soul shattered, my man's toe's tagged up
Arrangement's a closed casket
See now a hoe has to, maintain with his fake gang
sheddin' fake tears, I won't have it
Look, this kid's Jamaican -- half Hatian, half Asian
Brag about how the streets needed a changin'
Son, you the only one a bitch could call
You remind me of my dude, help me get them all
"You remind me of my dude, help me get them all"
I gotta lay down the block, when the block is hot
I gotta use my imagination, to change the situation
I gotta lay down the block, when the block is hot
I gotta use my imagination, to change the situation
Yea, Feds feast on street dons, look at their teeth showin'
Salivatin' at the mouth, South to East Orange
Keep pourin' that liquor, but nigga don't sleep on it
You'll be givin' up your Jesus piece to your peeps to pawn it
For legal fees in the penal dorm
Screamin' on the horn with 'bout thirty years on your conscience
I'm watchin' brothers disappear, it's appallin'
Some dudes had just only a year of ballin'
Counter-intelligence found a strange evidence (When the block is hot)
Still we behind the wheel with heat on us, hangin' with predicates
Position we placed in caves in, so they got us caged in
Ways spinnin' like Mike Bivens from New Edition aging (I gotta... When the block is hot)
I got families I'm feeding 'cause my mans is bleeding
Every five seconds look in all directions
I come through prepared; I give 'em a call
I'm close, bring them guns downstairs
I gotta lay down the block, when the block is hot
I gotta use my imagination, to change the situation
I gotta lay down the block, when the block is hot (hold it down)
I gotta use my imagination, to change the situation
Uh, uh, it's beef week, Monday, murder
Two niggaz dead, Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday is hearse-day
Friday, somebody-gotta-die-day
Saturday, put the gat away
Chillin' wit your chick and a bag of haze
Wonderin' how it's all gon' end and what type of way
'Cause Sunday back to gunplay
Mo' shit start over nothin'
And get finished quick 'cause the art of repercussion
Yeah, I seen it, a G' going out indecent (When the block is hot)
Takin' a plea agreement, thinkin' he secret
Escape the crime scene, now you live straight like 9:15
Then one-time intervene (I gotta lay...)
My man ain't like me sayin' I don't care if I die
But the SIG Sauer on me now I'm scared to die
You thinkin' the one I send to clap you be a shorty
But he old school, holdin' a .38, he in his forties
I gotta lay down the block, when the block is hot
I gotta use my imagination, to change the situation
I gotta lay down the block, when the block is hot
I gotta use my imagination, to change the situation
(I gotta...) Anytime brothers can't get jobs, then they rob
(When the block is hot) A man rather die than live on his knees and starve
Cops steady askin' your man what happened
First he tell then he stop, like he not really rattin'
Guess he not really in that casket from a sawed-off (When the block is hot)
Listen, peep game from the brain of an all-star
The rain hurt niggaz bones who been shot
Metal pins in their leg, they walk with a limp-hop
The streets lie, (When the block is hot) so you better be cautious
Your man'll fry you plus, everybody talkin'
A vet, a General, don't step where I walked in
Make your own path, be a legend in your skin
(Hold down the block, when the block is hot)
Make your own cash, don't stress what I'm forcin'
Don't expect more when you put in less work than all them
Queensbridge projects has taught him, and that's for life
You heard me right, I got the block (When the block is hot)
When the block is hot
I gotta use my imagination, to change the situation
I gotta hold down the block, when the block is hot
I gotta use my imagination, to change the situation
I gotta hold down the block, when the block is hot
The phone rings
Another peaceful moment is lost
Latifah's chest jingle in "Set It Off"
I press pause in the bed as a king
I let it ring 4 or 5 times
Answer while I'm puffin' my green
It's Tamika sayin', "Hi Nas"
I caught a flashback of her askin' me was I asthmatic 'fore I tapped that
She offered me dinner under the moon
I said, "Sorry. I made plans at Ray's Boom-Boom Room"
Nine push-ups... Strength's gone at the tenth one so why hook up
The pimp's gone off the Platron Tequila
Put on my Lee's and the original Fila's
Sedated from L's, 380 cocked, naked ladies laid up in tails
Like Whodini I chose, gazelles don't lean on my nose
Drivin' by the clubs gleamin' and go
Heads turn it's a freak show
I need them to know... When will they learn
Nas need a queen not a hoe to...
Point out my enemies, a girl who's into me
But not a hype chick- someone with proper energy
Someone who's into me but won't fuck with my enemies
And you can sing along 'cuz I'm feelin' ya energy
Hey Nas... How ya doin'?
Take my name... And my number
Meanwhile... We'll be groovin'
But let's take... it... slow
One for the honeys who roll blunts up but don't smoke
Two for the few who see potential in you when you broke
Three for the G they got, they game is hot I give it to you
Double life wife- play with the man that's livin' with you
Here's the issue... A woman gotta be stunnin'
Get to a man's heart through his stomach
You gotta be skilled in the culinary arts
Know a brother stay mad hungry when he spark
Hit the museum, maybe Central Park, you mentally smart
Picture we in Tiffany, you becomin' my counterpart
If I want Chinese then you buy me a wok
If you want barbeque I call Professor and Ock
'Cuz u... point out my enemies, someone who's into me
But not a hyper chick- someone with the proper energy
A girl that's into me who won't fuck all my enemies
And you could be the one 'cuz I'm lovin' ya energy
Hey Nas... How ya doin'?
Take my name... And my number
Meanwhile... We'll be cruisin'
But let's take... it... slow
Slow is the way
Holdin' hands, tongue and hickeys
Hope and I pray where I run at you run away with me
That's if my gun get busy we gotta get outta there
Hear sirens jump in the stick drop a Sedan and hide for years
Like noone else in the world did this except for us two
You gotta trust me, I gotta trust you
If coppers bust me it's me you rescue, this to the death boo
You rep me respectfully that's how I rep for you
Retired from pimpin', perspire is drenchin'
As we... suck and fuck each other's minds out commission
Time's out forbidden
Until we pass out, that's when we stop
We give it all we got, give it all we got- we hot
Give it all we got, give it all we got- we rock
Give it all we got, give it all we got
You 'bout the baddest thing
Since Michael had Billy Jean
And Prince gave you diamond's and pearls
But to be my queen you must...
Point out my enemies, a girl who's into me
But not a hype chick- someone with proper energy
Someone who's into me who won't fuck all my enemies
And you can be the one 'cuz I'm feelin' ya energy
Hey Nas... How ya doin'?
Take my name... And my number
Meanwhile... We'll be cruisin'
But let's take... it... slow
I can be... What you said
That you need... I can be...All that
(Check that shit)
Aight fuck that shit, word word
Fuck that other shit, youknowhatI'msayin?
We gon' do a little somethin like this, yaknahmsayin?
(Is they up on this?)
Keep it on and on and on and on and..
KnowhatI'msayin? Big Nas, Grand Wizard, God what it is?
(What it is like?) Hah, knowhatI'msayin?
Yo go 'head, do that shit nigga
I rap for listeners, blunt heads, fly ladies and prisoners
Henessey holders and old school niggaz, then I be dissin a
unofficial that smoke woolie thai
I dropped out of Kooley High, gassed up by a cokehead cutie pie
Jungle survivor, fuck who's the liver
My man put the battery in my back, a differencem from Energizer
Sentence begins indented.. with formality
My duration's infinite, moneywise or physiology
Poetry, that's a part of me, retardedly bop
I drop the ancient manifested hip-hop, straight off the block
I reminisce on park jams, my man was shot for his sheep coat
Childhood lesson make me see him drop in my weed smoke
It's real, grew up in trife life, did times or white lines
The hype vice, murderous nighttimes, and knife fights invite crimes
Chill on the block with Cog-nac, hold strap
with my peeps that's into drug money, market into rap
No sign of the beast in the blue Chrysler, I guess that means peace
For niggaz no sheisty vice to just snipe ya
Start off the dice-rollin mats for craps to cee-lo
With sidebets, I roll a deuce, nothin below (Peace God!)
Peace God -- now the shit is explained
I'm takin niggaz on a trip straight through memory lane
It's like that y'all .. it's like that y'all .. it's like that y'all
"Now let me take a trip down memory lane" ->
"Comin outta Queensbridge"
One for the money
Two for pussy and foreign cars
Three for Alize niggaz deceased or behind bars
I rap divine Gods check the prognosis, is it real or showbiz?
My window faces shootouts, drug overdoses
Live amongst no roses, only the drama, for real
A nickel-plate is my fate, my medicine is the ganja
Here's my basis, my razor embraces, many faces
Your telephone blowin, black stitches or fat shoelaces
Peoples are petrol, dramatic automatic fo'-fo' I let blow
and back down po-po when I'm vexed so
my pen taps the paper then my brain's blank
I see dark streets, hustlin brothers who keep the same rank
Pumpin for somethin, some uprise, plus some fail
Judges hangin niggaz, uncorrect bails, for direct sales
My intellect prevails from a hangin cross with nails
I reinforce the frail, with lyrics that's real
Word to Christ, a disciple of streets, trifle on beats
I decifer prophecies through a mic and say peace.
I hung around the older crews while they sling smack to dingbats
They spoke of Fat Cat, that nigga's name made bell rings, black
Some fiends scream, about Supreme Team, a Jamaica Queens thing
Uptown was Alpo, son, heard he was kingpin, yo
Fuck 'rap is real', watch the herbs stand still
Never talkin to snakes cause the words of man kill
True in the game, as long as blood is blue in my veins
I pour my Heineken brew to my deceased crew on memory lane
"Comin outta Queensbridge" ->
The most dangerous MC is..
"Comin outta Queensbridge" ->
The most dangerous MC is..
"Comin outta Queensbridge" ->
The most dangerous MC is..
"Comin outta Queensbridge" ->
The most dangerous MC is..
Uh, it's a new world, it's a new world,
It's a new world, it's a new world
Uh, it's a new world, it's a new world
Yo, celebrate the new life
New ways to make money
New ways to break dummies
Forge they name and take money
Computers ain't that smart
Whatever man built could be taken apart
Anything new can get old
Like dudes started rockin' platinum, some stopped wearin gold
solar-energized rides, no steering wheel, tell it how to drive
No propellers in the sky
Airplanes like many rockets
Waitin lists for the rich to get tickets to visit Mars
While the poor people starve, computers takin over they jobs
A man's forced to live off land
Now it's back to the caveman era
When we made fire, by two sticks rubbin together
The truth is, many are too scared of new data
America Online, cut off, see you later
Yo, welcome to the new world, new beginnin
A new way to play, a new way a livin
Cash is the past, a new way a spendin
New life for man, children, and women
Yo, the new Mike Tyson's Roy Jones
Bill Clinton's the new JFK, without the hole in his dome
The new Don Trump is Bill Gates
Not because his occupation, it's 'cause we respect his cake
And cake mean his stock, net gross
Young kids step it up, go for the most
New cameras in police cars takin pictures
New hustlas gettin new street figures
And US embassies overseas
almost every foreign country's under seige
Covertly startin wars, CIA, NAVY Seals
Commit larcenies that be worth over mil's
Oil in the earth spills
Girls blow they body up, birth control pills
African's pick diamonds out a dark caves
Then we wear it on our necks just so we can light up the stage
Say goodbye to the brainwashed
Say goodbye to the young kids who not smart
Say goodbye to the toasters and Pop-Tarts
Yo, it's real
Swallow a little pill, there's a four-course meal
Say hello to the one world
Say hello to the sky, somethin's out there watchin you and I
More enticin than Star Trek, StarTec phones
Your genes and DNA is used to make clones
You got CD-Rom, everythang operates by computers
Then what happens when circuit breaks
Y2K's the big scare
Scientists say we ain't prepared
What I feel is contrare
Alexander Graham Bell made telephones, yes
But now we request for your e-mail address
I might be old fashioned, stuck in my ways
Say hello to the man, goodbye to the gigolo
It was difficult for me to find a chick I want
This ain't no sucka for love shit
This ain't no Huxtable kisses and hug shit, first night we fuck shit
And don't call the next day, this a thug's wedding day
And love, will we make it? Let us pray...
In a limo, my niggas, my father, my brothers
Everybody in tuxes gettin' blunted
Hard Bottasmov costumes, this ain't no act, though
Factual, the pimp shall scoop no more
Yes, I'm absolutely sure
I know that she love me, I know that she faithful
We spoke on a prenuptial agreement cuz Will and Jada ain't need it
Spoke on eloping but then I deaded the thought
Cuz she deserves Cinderella's Ball and the whole shit
But know this, you fuckin' wit a slit ya throat quick
Behicular explosions, cigar smokin'
Dark-minded, chart climbin, well-spoken
Safer world of broke men to rich ones
Throw them phone numbers away cuz this is it, hun
Headed to the Chapel, my niggas laughin
And it's bafflin cuz just a year ago
It's weird, though, I knew I'd get married
To who? I knew not, thought of snatchin Halle up from the dreadlock
Pumpin' Sade, my head knot
Finally, I met the perfect bitch, pardon my french, rephrase that
Someone who made my heart stop, couldn't wait to blaze that
Tired of hoppin' from honey to honey
HIV spreadin', everybody bump the same bunnies
The game'll put niggas in they graves right before they part ways with the street
I want a son to greet every mornin'
Daughters and more sons tickle my feet
Wife smilin', tellin' me it's time to eat
I'm gettin' married
It was my dream for my queen to put the ring on the ride
Even Marrin Luther King had a fling on the side
That's what the negative ones say
Knew my wedding would be one day but quickly is this day
I know the hoes gonna miss me
Lookin' at old photos, sayin, "Damn, used to twist me"
Start chokin' up since I woke up
Bachelor Party was crazy, tryin' hard just to sober up
Father saw me in a daze, knudged me with his left arm
Told me how him and moms went to City Hall, dressed norm'
Said she would love me and my eyes were boating
Customized in London by guys who suit up kings
Gov', you got the ring, Jung', you behave
Maxwell, he gon' sing, invited Lauryn Hill and the gang
Baltimore, North Cacky', Mississippi
Family packed in, my nigga, L is crazy tipsy
Spilled Pepsi on the cufflinks, ginger ale got it out
Watched in the church, just all big to thug it out
My girl walked in glistenin', different stones
'Bout to go from my fiance to Mrs. Jones
That's a union nobody can touch
I gotta be cool wit' ya crazy aunts and uncles
Cuz I love you much...cuz you put up wit my shit
Court cases, baby mommas
I make an honest woman outta you yet
Everybody starin' at you, I'm at the alter, standin'
Heart poundin' out my chest like a cannon
I'm happy, one of my Groom's men
Under the music says, "Don't do it"
But they just joke, some crew shit
They playin, I'm gleeful, I'm stayin'
I'm sayin' vows that are all true
"Will you take music as your wedded wife?"
"I do."
Sike, this ain't about music, y'all know who I'm talkin' to
"Get-get.. get down!" -
Uh.. uh.. uh..
New York streets where killers'll walk like Pistol Pete
And Pappy Mason, gave the young boys admiration
Prince from Queens and Fritz from Harlem
Street legends, the drugs kept the hood from starvin
Pushin cars, Nicky Barnes was the 70's
But there's a long list of high-profile celebrities
Worldwide on the thorough side of things
Livest kings, some died, one guy, one time
one day grabs me, as I'm about to blast heat
40-side of Vernon, I turned well he asked me
"Whatchu up to, the cops gon' bust you"
I was a teen drunk off brew, stumbled I wondered
if God sent him, cause two squad cars entered the block
and looked at us, I ain't flinch when they watched
I took it upstairs, the bathroom mirror, brushed my hair
Starin at a young disciple, I almost gave my life to what the dice do
Yeah man, throwin them bones
Hopin my ace get his case thrown
His girl ain't wait for him, she in the world straight hoein
While he lookin at centerfolds of pretty girls
showin they little cooch, gangstas don't die he's livin proof
The D.A. who tried him was lyin
A white dude, killed his mother durin the case
Hung jury, now the D.A. is bein replaced
Pre-trial hearin is over, it's real for the soldier
Walks in the courtroom, the look in his eyes is wild
Triple-homicide, I sit in the back aisle
I wanna crack a smile when I see him
Throw up a fist for black power, cause all we want is his freedom
He grabbed a court officer's gun and started squeezin
Then he grabbed the judge, screams out -- nobody leavin everybody
"Get down, get down! Get down, get down!" -
"Get down, get down! Get down, get down!" -
Some niggaz fuck they enemies in they ass when they catch 'em
Weird-ass niggaz are dangerous, so don't test 'em
They make you, dissapear, this a year that I won't forget
Sold CD's double platinum, met mo' execs
Southern niggaz, independent label, real killers
Know the business, ran Tennessee for years, now they chillin
They had the coke game somethin crazy
Sold music out the trunk of they car, that shit amazed me
Put me onto heron blunts, sherm or somethin
Took a puff, what the fuck, I turned to punch them
Southern niggaz ain't slow, nigga tried to play me
I left from around them dudes, they cool but they crazy
Now I'm back around the old school that raised me
New York gangstas, we loungin, out in L.A. see
A dude wrote my dawg from Pelican Bay
The letter say, "Nas I got your back - the fools don't play"
I rolled with some Crips down to a Crenshaw funeral
Never saw so many men slaughtered and I knew the ho responsible
The nigga still alive in a hospital
Midnight they crept in his room and shot the doctor too
See my cousin's in the game, thuggin and things
He plugged me with a dame who was half-Mexicano
Gave the ass up, I'ma mack daddy Soprano
She passed me the indigo, but the imbecile
shoulda never tippy-toed, thought my eyes were closed
Openin the hotel room do', to let her goons in
But I moved in a manner, on some Jet Li shit
I let the hammers blow, wet three kids
See honey thought I had somethin to do, with all the drama
Cause I was with a crew, that had her people killed
Called up my cousin, told him I ain't fuckin witchu
He responded cool, but told me out here this how motherfuckers
"Get down, get down! Get down, get down!" -
"Get down, get down! Get down, get down!" -
All I really gotta say is that
if that's how our people gon' get down, how we ever gon' get up?
How we ever gon' get up if that's how we get down?
A shame when you ain't look at it
My folk is yo' folk, but we all kinfolk
So many niggas get fucked up in the game.
See thats where they get caught out there.
Cause its not no fuckin game.
When you hear shells comin at cha.
Hot Ones from a shotgun I betta nigga runs faster.
Loose a shoe to get away from a blaster.
Think about that casket you don't wanna be in that shit.
Quick to take his signin you takin everybodies package.
Money over Bitches was a loyal practice.
So you act is if money was no object.
Spinin 5 zues trips for your whole projects.
Epcot center linins for ya bitches roli's for dogs.
Now we in tha mall slayin by his bitches.
Everyday I reminisin how he was livin havin fun.
Cause any day could have led to prison.
Now for a short bid cause if the feds ever caught kid.
It be like 25 years conspiracy.
Another 25 for refeer snatchin up him and his people.
He had his jeep bullet proof with silencers on the desert eagle.
Flipin bricks in Gary Indiana.
He had it locked down from the streets to the slammer.
Only trusted Two things his trigger and his hammer.
Used to be a bumb till had a six month run.
Had a loss suit three G's the case was won.
Met with mexican hoya cop boya.
Bought barber shop named it after c shaday.
There where they found his body.
In a barber chair face down, bullets in his chest.
Sliced apart from the waist down.
Planned to sell his shop stick hoya for everything he got.
Take jewels and his 5.
Then his shoes where cemented.
Drop his body in the tide but hoya was wise.
Even when he ain't around he got ears and eyes.
Gotta stay a step ahead of this game to stay alive.
Chorus (X2)
Always wanted things always wanted cash.
To Live fast get the girls with tha biggest ass.
Fuck her 9 to 5 gotta drive a 5.
Now that I got it the Hardest Thing To Do Is Stay Alive.
Coke head Saundra she grew in Gruwana.
Her man was large and Saundra was his baby mama.
Stayed in drama Fightin with hood rats that he was fucking.
No job all day she did nothing.
They son was 7 years old, she really was a wifee.
First should she would transport blow overnight for a G.
He paid up front they layed up once.
She got pregnant she would dead it.
She had a boy, named her son infinite after his father who did dirt.
She didn't noses after would follow.
Capsules and bottles and crack in the back of his baga.
He let her drive while he drove the burgandy 5.
He often talked about how he wants to murder these guys.
>From off of burger street, had nat workin the street.
Lifestyle richest nigga from how he use to be.
Never thought he'd rock diamonds never took weakness for kindness.
Thats how he gradually grew.
Did a Favor for a favor now the nigga in with the crew.
And Now he live major house in dix hills next to Brook Shields.
With the cook and the maid shit was real.
Saved his first bill, maid, and his bodega.
Good Luck playa sign on the paper taped to the window.
Escaped from a would be kidnapp.
And slept and thought niggas fearless rep until he got wet.
Would had the world in his hands his girl did a scam.
The owners rich is bonin niggas to get rid of her man.
Welcome To The Game Baby.
Chorus (X2)
The Hardest Thing To Do Is Stay Alive...
The Hardest Thing To Do Is Stay Alive...
The Hardest Thing To Do Is Stay Alive...
Uhh, what, what, uhh..
Street dreams are made of these
Niggaz push Beemers and 300 E's
A drug dealer's destiny is reachin a key
Everybody's lookin for somethin..
Street dreams are made of these
Shorties on they knees, for niggaz with big G's
Who am I to disagree?
Everybody's lookin for somethin..
My man put me up for the share, one-fourth of a square
Headed for Delaware, with one change of gear
Nothin on my mind but the dime sack we blazed
with the glaze in my eye, that we find when we crave
dollars and cents, a fugitive with two attempts
Jakes had no trace of the face, now they drew a print
Though I'm innocent, til proven guilty
I'ma try to filthy, purchase a club and start up realty
For real G, I'ma fullfill my dream
If I conceal my scheme, then precisely I'll build my cream
the first trip without the clique
Sent the bitch with the quarter brick, this is it
Fresh face, NY plates got a Crooked I for the Jakes
I want it all, ArmorAll Benz and endless papes
God sake, what nigga got to do to make a half million
without the FBI catchin feelings
From fat cat to papi, niggaz see the cat
Twenty-five to flat, push a thousand feet back
Holdin gats wasn't making me fat, snitches on my back
Livin with moms, gettin it on, flushin crack down the toilet
Two sips from bein alcoholic
Nine hundred ninety nine thou from bein rich but now I'm all for it
My man saw it like Dionne Warwick
A wiser team, for a wiser dream we could all score with
The cartel Argentina coke with the nina
Up in the hotel, smokin on sessamina
Trina got the fishscale between her
The way the bitch shook her ass yo the dogs never seen her
She got me back livin sweeter, fresh Caesar
Guess, David Robinson's, Walle' moccasins
Bitches blow me while hoppin in the drop-top BM
Word is bond son, I had that bitch down on my shit like this
Growin up project-struck, lookin for luck dreamin
Scopin the large niggaz beamin, check what I'm seein
Cars, ghetto stars pushin ill Europeans
G'n, heard about them old timers OD'n
Young, early 80's, throwin rocks at the crazy lady
Worshippin every word them rope rockin niggaz gave me
The street raised me up, givin a fuck
I thought Jordan's and a gold chain was livin it up
I knew the dopes, the pushers, the addicts everybody
Cut out of class, just to smoke blunts and drink naughty
Ain't that funny? Gettin put on to crack money
With all the gunplay, paintin the kettle black hungry
A case of beers in the staircase I wasted years
Some niggaz went for theirs, flippin coke as they career
But I'm a rebel stressin, to pull out of the heat no doubt