Indonesian workers' demonstration during national strike for higher wages, 2013.

Article on the development of class struggle in the last few years by Wildcat Germany. Translated from Wildcat no. 98, summer 2015

I just saw Straight Outta Compton near my home, in a tiny theater that dates back to the silent era (1913) and which has miraculously survived the wrecking...

The second in a three part series examining to some of the underlying assumptions of American political thought. Part 2 looks at the market and explores why, despite what we're told by...

Football has been turned from a commons shared by everybody who loves and practices it, to big business put in service of profit. In this article are described alternatives in which the sport has...


Sid and Clara Solomon

A short autobiography of Sidney Solomon long-time anarchist and painter who lived in New York. Member of Vanguard Group, the New Trends Group and the Libertarian Book Club


Appeals to “community” in the face of anti-police riots in Baltimore and elsewhere ignore the inherent class contradictions at the root of these conflicts.