The Vanguard

A history of Vanguard

A history by Andrew Cornell of Vanguard, an anarchist journal produced during the 1930s in New York. Taken from Cornell's excellent “For a world without oppressors: U.S. Anarchism from the Palmer Raids to the Sixties"

Sidney Solomon, in his own words

Sid and Clara Solomon

A short autobiography of Sidney Solomon long-time anarchist and painter who lived in New York. Member of Vanguard Group, the New Trends Group and the Libertarian Book Club

Vanguard: a libertarian communist journal

Issues and articles of Vanguard, an anarchist publication based out of New York during the 1930s.

A new anarchism emerges, 1940–1954

A history by Andrew Cornell of the American anarchism movement from the beginning of the Second World War until the mid-1950s.

A memoir: some anarchist activities in New York in the thirties and forties - Clara Freedman Solomon

Clara in her 20s

A lookback at the efforts of anarchists in New York City during The Great Depression, written by Clara Freedman Solomon, a participant.

No more compromise - Pierre Besnard

An article by former IWA secretariat Pierre Besnard about avoiding the mistakes of the CNT during the Spanish Civil War.