
New anarchist federation and anti-fascist network form and a look to past efforts - A. Iwasa

An article by A. Iwasa about some anarchist efforts at organization and publishing in the United States during the 1990s.

How the Paris Communards made their lives luxurious

Paris Communards

An interview about the Paris Communards' ideas about changing the world. From People & Nature

Autoworkers and the working class in Brazil - John Humphrey

An analysis of the strike waves of the late-1970s Brazilian working-class movement, and the important role which car factory workers played in it.

The case of the General Union of the Jewish Workers of Russia, Poland and Lithuania

A left communist look at the Jewish Labour Bund.

1915 to 2015 - A Century of Genocide

A look back at the Armenian genocide of one hundred years ago, and other Turkish genocides again minorities such as Greeks, Assyrians and Kurds.

Cordobazo, 1969, photo gallery

Photo gallery from the 1969 Cordobazo, which saw students and workers take part in a series of strikes, riots and demonstrations in a general uprising against the dictatorship of General Juan Carlos Onganía

On anarchist colonies - Elisée Reclus

In this article published in 1900 in Les Temps Nouveaux, Elisée Reclus opposes the formation of isolated anarchist colonies and instead calls upon anarchists to immerse themselves in the wider world, where the “subterranean labors” of propaganda bear fruit under unexpected circumstances, even “in the world of the enemy”, and, insisting that anarchists do not “constitute a party separate from society”, he proclaims that “our ambition is to conquer the entire planet for the truth”.

Rebel City

Anarchist Federation London on the back of major housing struggles within the capital launched a London wide bulletin offering analysis of what was happening and coverage of various housing disputes that were ongoing.

Karl Marx and the anarchists - Paul Thomas

Karl Marx and the Anarchists examines Marx's confrontations with anarchist theoreticians he encountered at various stages of his career as a revolutionist. Paul Thomas argued that Marx's attacks on Stirner, Proudhon, and Bakunin strongly influenced his own interpretation of revolutionary politics, and are of vital importance to an understanding of the subsequent enmity between Marxists and Anarchists.

Working class protest, popular revolt, and urban insurrection in Argentina: the 1969 Cordobazo - James P. Brennan

Study of the 1969 uprising in the Argentine city of Cordoba, known as the Cordobazo, which saw students and workers rise up against the military dictatorship of General Juan Carlos Onganía with a series of strikes and urban riots.