Saturday, November 19 2005 The Israeli government is turning the eastern neighborhoods in Jerusalem into the largest prison in the land. The work on the eastern part of the wall – between East Jerusalem and Ma’ale Adumim and the 1E area has begun. The result: 80,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem will be completely surrounded by walls and fences and will be cut off from the villages and cities of the West Bank. The villages of Al-Azaria, Abu Dis, Swachra A-Sharkia, and Shaich Sa’ad are slowly being closed on the western side by the separation wall, which is cutting them off from East Jerusalem’s city center. The government is now beginning to […]

Sunday, September 11 2005 The Dar El-Hanun struggle continues In the Summer of 2001 we held a large voluntary work camp in the unrecognized village of Dar El Hanun, in Wadi Ara. The village exists since the 20′s of the last century but the State of Israel refuses to recognize it and to supply it basic facilities: no electricity, telephone, paved road and social facilities, and the residents of the village are forbidden from improving their living conditions. During the work camp we, together with the villagers, constructed a children’s playground and paved a short entrance road to the […]

Saturday, March 12 2005 Tree planting in Falame The unconcealed goal of Sharon is to annex the territory between the green line and the fence establishing a new border for Israel. It is conceivable that his appetite is larger, but with the current methods it is a large part. The fence and the limitations imposed by the military on passage of farmers and equipment pose a threat to the agriculture and the land may become desolate. The Palestinians show admirable vigorousness and resourcefulness in clinging to their land and cultivating it, in spite of all the difficulties. As […]

Saturday, January 8 2005 Let the people live in Dar ElHanun! On Saturday we demonstrated – 100 – 150 people, in Barta’`a junction. We demonstrated against a clear threat of demolition of the home of Mustafa Abu Hilal, and a threat to destroy the road whose end we covered with asphalt with our own hands in the working days in Dar ElHanun, in the summer of 2001. The demonstration was well noticed by the passangers along Wadi ‘Ara road, many of them live in the region. After the demonstration we went up to the village, to sit under the shade of […]