Saturday, January 16 2010 Protest outside of court Today some 150 men and women gathered outside of the courthouse to protest the arrest of 17 activists at the previous day’s protest vigil in Sheikh Jarrah. Despite the police’s demands, the judge released all the activists without any conditions.

Saturday, December 12 2009 Mass demo outside the courthouse Following the multitude of arrests on Friday’s demo in Shekh Jarrah the following announcement: In the last few weeks every Friday , a demo takes place protesting the expulsion of residents of Sheikh Jarrah from their homes. During yesterday’s demo the Police used excessive force against the demonstrators, injuring over 10 people and arresting 27 of them. The arrested demonstrators spent the night in custody, and tonight will be brought in front of a judge to prolong their arrest. We believe the Police’s response is premeditated, in order to suppress […]