Saturday, November 6 2010 Samu’a – By David Shulman Another good day, as good days go in south Hebron. This means two relatively hopeful reports in a row; my readers may begin to lose interest, or to suspect my judgment has somehow become impaired. Certainly, the objective situation, including much violence and terror on the ground in south Hebron, is worse than ever, given this settlers’ government that is contemptuous of Palestinians, blind to the catastrophe that it itself is creating, and utterly unwilling to make even the slightest move toward peace. Then there’s the virulently anti-democratic right, well […]

Saturday, December 19 2009 Escorting peasants Ta’ayush activists were escorting peasants from Samu’a to their lands near the illegal outpost of Assah’el. Similar to previous occasions, after an hour’s ploughing’ the settlers sent army forces and Boarder Patrol to expel the Palestinians, using a Military closed zone decree, and evacuated all the Palestinians and Ta’ayush activists from the fields. The tractor driver was detained for a few hours because he did not leave fast enough, the soldiers claimed.