8 May 2015

General election produces political earthquake in Britain

By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, 8 May 2015

The general election has claimed the scalp of three party leaders.

Britain’s general election: The need for a socialist alternative

Bond market sell-off signals mounting financial crisis

By Nick Beams, 8 May 2015

In the last two weeks an estimated $2 trillion has been wiped off share and bond markets.

Growing warnings of another financial disaster

US Court of Appeals finds NSA phone data collection is illegal

By Ed Hightower, 8 May 2015

Avoiding the vast constitutional issues at stake, the court essentially called on Congress to provide a more robust pseudo-legal basis for unlimited warrantless spying.

NSA conducts real-time analysis of spoken communications

By Zaida Green, 8 May 2015

More on NSA spying »

Canada’s parliament adopts bill to greatly expand intelligence agencies’ powers

By Roger Jordan, 8 May 2015

The Conservative government’s Bill C-51, in the name of combating terrorism, overturns core democratic rights and legal principles.

French National Assembly passes draconian electronic surveillance law

Obama administration moves to bolster police in Baltimore

By Jerry White, 8 May 2015

In a visit to the city where Freddie Gray was killed, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch praised the Baltimore cops as the “hardest working police officers in America.”

FBI spy planes used in police-military operation against Baltimore protests

More on police violence in America »

Skelos latest veteran New York State politician indicted for corruption

By Fred Mazelis, 8 May 2015

Republican Senate majority leader Dean Skelos is just one of an endless series of politicians from both big business parties who have been charged with criminal activity.

Top New York state Democrat indicted for corruption

Netanyahu forms far-right coalition government in Israel

By Jean Shaoul, 8 May 2015

Netanyahu’s maneuvers leaves him in charge of a fractious cabinet and subject to blackmailing by his partners in pursuit of their own interests.

German train drivers’ strike: “This is about our basic right to strike”

By Marianne Arens, 8 May 2015

Freight train employees across Germany have been on strike since Monday afternoon, with passenger services joining on Tuesday.

The political issues in the German train drivers strike

Irish bus workers strike for 48 hours

By Dermot Quinn, 8 May 2015

The continued undermining of the pay and conditions of bus workers would not have been possible without the collaboration of the trade unions.

Italian parliament adopts new election law

By Marianne Arens, 8 May 2015

The reforms will provide the government with more room to act independently of the will of the electorate.

China’s Xi meets head of Taiwan’s Kuomintang

By Ben McGrath, 8 May 2015

Xi Jinping and Eric Chu met to discuss collaboration as Taiwan seeks to join international trade agreements and China’s AIIB.

Australian Greens execute abrupt leadership change

By Mike Head, 8 May 2015

Di Natale, the new leader, announced his readiness to negotiate with Prime Minister Tony Abbott on the budget and other measures.

New in Russian

Первомайский онлайн митинг 2015 года и борьба против империалистической войны

Редакционная коллегия МСВС, 8 мая 2015 г.

Митинг дал основательный анализ причин войны и сформулировал политическую программу для обновленного антиимпериалистического и социалистического движения интернационального рабочего класса.

New in Turkish

Sosyalizm ve savaşa karşı mücadele

David North, 8 Mayıs 2015

Bu perspektif yazısı, WSWS Yayın Kurulu başkanı ve Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’nin (ABD) ulusal başkanı David North’un 3 Mayıs’ta düzenlenen Uluslararası Çevrimiçi Toplantı’da yaptığı sunumun metnidir.

Saygon’un düşmesinin 40. yılı

Bill Van Auken, 8 Mayıs 2015

30 Nisan, II. Dünya Savaşı’ndan beri en büyük ABD askeri müdahalesinin kesin yenilgisini gösteren bir olaya, Saygon’un 1975 yılında düşmesinin 40. yıldönümüne işaret ediyor.

New in Spanish

El acto del Día Internacional del Trabajador y la lucha contra la guerra imperialista

Por Comité de Redacción del WSWS, 8 mayo 2015

El acto presentó un análisis global completo de las causas de la guerra y pregonó con urgencia por la restauración de un movimiento antiimperialista y socialista de la clase obrera internacional.

New in French

Les élections législatives en Grande-Bretagne: la nécessité d’une alternative socialiste

Par le Parti de l'égalité socialiste (Grande-Bretagne), 8 mai 2015

Le Socialist Equality Party et ses candidats, Kathie Rhodes dans Glasgow Central et David O’Sullivan dans Holborn & St Pancras, offrent aux travailleurs et aux jeunes la seule alternative véritable.

La crise en Amérique latine et la lutte pour une avant-garde révolutionnaire

Par Bill Van Auken, 8 mai 2015

Ce discours a été prononcé par Bill Van Auken, membre de la direction du Parti de l'égalité socialiste (Etats-Unis) au Rassemblement International en ligne du 3 mai.

New in German

Unterhauswahl in Großbritannien
Der Kampf für eine sozialistische Alternative

Socialist Equality Party (Großbritannien), 8. Mai 2015

Die Erklärung der SEP zur gestrigen Wahl in Großbritannien (die vor Bekanntgabe der Wahlergebnisse erschien) erläutert die beispiellose Krise des gesamten politischen Systems.

Kriegsgedenken und Kriegspropaganda

Peter Schwarz, 8. Mai 2015

Während die Gedenkfeiern zum Kriegsende in früheren Jahren der gemeinsamen Erinnerung an die Vergangenheit dienten, stehen sie diesmal im Zeichen gegenwärtiger Konflikte und zukünftiger Kriege.

Lokführerstreik: Stimmen aus dem Berliner Streiklokal

unseren Korrespondenten, 8. Mai 2015

Die streikenden Lokführer klagen über eine massive Verschlechterung der Arbeitsbedingungen, Stress und Arbeitsdruck, der kaum mehr auszuhalten ist.

Video: „Es geht um die Verteidigung des Streikrechts“
Lokführer demonstrieren in Berlin

Julian Fischer, Hiram Lee, 8. Mai 2015

Am Mittwoch demonstrierten hunderte Lokführer und Zugbegleiter vor dem Berliner Hauptbahnhof.

Siemens kündigt erneut massiven Arbeitsplatzabbau an
Insgesamt 13.500 Beschäftigte müssen gehen

Dietmar Henning, 8. Mai 2015

Offensichtlich ist die Salamitaktik – die scheibenweise Ankündigung von immer mehr Arbeitsplätzen, die abgebaut werden – zwischen Gewerkschaft, Betriebsrat und Vorstand abgesprochen.

Die Unterhauswahl in Großbritannien und die Verschärfung der Klassengegensätze

Chris Marsden, 8. Mai 2015

Diese Rede hielt Chris Marsden, Nationaler Sekretär der Socialist Equality Party (Großbritannien) auf der Online-Kundgebung zum International May Day am 3. Mai.

Die Krise in Lateinamerika und der Kampf für revolutionäre Führung

Bill Van Auken, 8. Mai 2015

Diese Rede hielt Bill Van Auken, ein führendes Mitglied der Socialist Equality Party (USA), auf der Online-Kundgebung zum International May Day am 3. Mai.

Other Languages


Kerry in Riyadh: A meeting of war criminals

8 May 2015

The visit by Kerry underscored Washington’s reliance on the most tyrannical and blood-soaked regimes to pursue its predatory interests in the region.

Earlier Perspectives »

International May Day 2015

Speeches to the International May Day Online Rally

The US “pivot to Asia” and the drive to war against China

By Tom Peters, 8 May 2015

This speech was delivered by Tom Peters, leading member of the Socialist Equality Party group in New Zealand, to the May 3 International May Day Online Rally.
Link to audio

The fight for the political independence of the working class in China

By James Cogan, 8 May 2015

This speech was delivered by James Cogan, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), to the May 3 International May Day Online Rally.
Link to audio

Socialism and the struggle against war

By David North, 4 May 2015

The 2015 May Day Online Rally and the fight against imperialist war

By the WSWS Editorial Board, 5 May 2015

More on International May Day 2015 »


The cost of military domination

By Jeff Lusanne, 8 May 2015

The US federal government’s expenditures on roads, bridges, and education research is a mere fraction of what it spends maintaining the world’s deadliest military.

Record number of internally displaced people globally in 2014

By Niles Williamson, 7 May 2015

Three more Republican candidates join US presidential race

By Patrick Martin, 7 May 2015

Massive payout for US hedge fund chiefs in 2014

US-Jordan war games prepare wider Mideast conflict

The “Fight of the Century”: An orgy of wealth and profit

Arts Review

Jean-Michel Basquiat at the Art Gallery of Ontario: Graffiti, fame and the art market

By Lee Parsons, 8 May 2015

Rapacious art speculators in the 1980s took a particular interest in Basquiat, who was well suited and, sadly, willing to play the part of the latest darling of the art world elite.

Statues of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Bradley Manning unveiled in Berlin

By Stefan Steinberg, 7 May 2015

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

8 May 2015

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Socialist Equality Party (UK) Election Campaign

The UK general election and the growth of class antagonisms

By Chris Marsden, 7 May 2015

The rotten record of the UK Green Party

By David O’Sullivan, 7 May 2015

Public Meetings: The way forward after Britain’s general election

7 May 2015

Russell Brand performs volte face and urges Labour vote

By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden, 7 May 2015

London’s housing crisis demands a socialist solution

By David O’Sullivan, 6 May 2015

Glasgow Care Crisis hustings: Pseudo-left make overtures to the Scottish National Party

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2015 General Election manifesto: No to war and austerity! Fight for socialism!

More on the SEP (UK) election campaign »

New in Persian

WSWS publishes Persian translation of the foreword to The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By David North

Posted here is a translation into Persian of the foreword to The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

Socialist Equality Party (Australia)

A second open letter to the vice chancellor
Further on political censorship at the University of Sydney

By James Cogan, 6 May 2015

University of Sydney meeting discusses attacks on democratic rights

By Oliver Campbell, 5 May 2015

Australia’s Anzac celebrations and the fight against war

By Nick Beams, 28 April 2015

More details emerge over sacking of Australian journalist for challenging Anzac myth

More on the banning of SEP (Australia) anti-war meetings »


For freedom of speech at Humboldt University

By the Socialist Equality Party (Germany) and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 29 April 2015

Socialism and historical truth
A lecture delivered at the Leipzig Book Fair

Scholarship, not war propaganda!
The IYSSE’s campaign against war and historical falsification at Humboldt University

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

The political struggle against war and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party
Perspective resolution of the First National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

30 April 2015

25 years ago: Greyhound bus strike enters third month

As the bitter nationwide Greyhound bus drivers’ strike entered its third month, the company presented an offer that was worse than the one originally rejected by the 6,300 drivers.

More »

50 years ago: US Congress in near-unanimous vote to fund Vietnam War

The US House of Representatives and Senate voted on May 5, 1965 and May 6, 1965 respectively, to approve a special $700 million funding request to drastically increase US military operations in Vietnam.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi Germany invades Western Europe

On May 10, 1940 German imperialism launched its invasion of Western Europe with a blitzkrieg assault on Holland, Belgium and northern France.

More »


100 years ago: German torpedo sinks RMS Lusitania

On May 7, 1915, a torpedo fired by a German U-boat struck the RMS Lusitania, sinking the ship in the Atlantic off the coast of Ireland.

More »