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Format Change: 'K-Rock' WXRK to '92.3 Now' WNOW [NYC] (03-11-2009)
WXRK K-ROCK New York 1997
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern First Day - 1985 (1-5)
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock - New York - Howard Stern First Day - 1985 (2-5)
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern First Day - 1985 (3-5)
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern First Day - 1985 (4-5)
1010 WINS Sandy Coverage on WXRK "92.3 Now" 10/31/12
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern - March 1990
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern - March 1990
WXRK One Night Stand: New Boyz
Format Change: 'Free FM' WFNY to 'K-Rock' WXRK [NYC] (05-24-2007)
Lover You Should've Come Over (Live WXRK) - Jeff Buckley
This audio is posted for reference/research purposes and historical record. March 11, 2009: 5pm WXRK 'K-Rock' changed to CHR 92.3 Now FM. 'Now's' idea of cle...
Sluggo--Doug the Slug--...SlugMonkey...Slugpcedes Benz....We guess any of the above would work for the guy originally hailed from KZZP, Phoenix. Remember the...
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern First Day - 1985 pT 1 Months after getting the boot, Howard went to 93.3 K-Rock to host the afternoon show. Sorry ab...
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock - New York - Howard Stern First Day - 1985 (2-5)
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern First Day - 1985 Sorry about quality. As I drove away from NYC, could no longer recieve on Walkman, so I had to put ...
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern First Day - 1985 Sorry about the audio quality.
Here is an aircheck of 1010 WINS from my Auvio HD Tuner broadcasting on 92.3 WXRK-FM "92.3 Now" on Wednesday October 31, 2012 because the 1010 transmitter wa...
Tema de Il Iscariote y D.Rodriguez producido por JDSBEATS grabado en Millionarios Records para Black Diamond Inc. DESCARGAR:
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern - March 1990 Howard talks about new management at WPLJ New York.
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern - March 1990 Howard discusses The MLB lockout & William Hurt's child support court case.
New Boyz perform @ WXRK 9.23 NOW FM: One Night Stand @ Roseland Ballroom NYC April 17th 2010.
Available for download: Facebook: | Twitter: Subscribe: | Share on Fac...
This audio is posted for reference/research purposes and historical record. May 24, 2007, 4:57 PM an apology from general manager Tom Chiusano, who apologize...
Just listen to this man's voice.
WXRK 92.3 K-Rock New York - Howard Stern First Show - 1985.
- I'ma grow into a Man, Never be like my dad. Visual Creds x Chaz Freeman || Prod x Superstaar Beats _____________________________________________ Twitter x @Dopekiid93 || Facebook x @Dopekiid613 ||
Vin Scelsa Yitzhak about Yitzhak-Rabin Rabin assassination. ( Nov 4th 1995)
25 years ago, before Howard went national, he was a local NYC personality, and this is from his early days when he had just picked up his 2nd city. Howard wa...
Awesome episode by Wxrk, with a great edit by NC who has currently quit unfortunately. Hope you enjoyed this episode and more to come! ►People who supported this video: Player: Editor: Song: Virtual Riot - Idols (EDM Mashup) ►Follow us to keep up with our latest news! ►Check out our editing channel -
The comic makes a pitch for "NY's rock station".
A quick sample off our debut project. @vxdedxv 's remixxx of 2 Chainz and Kanye's Birthday Song. download your sample of our project at
live like your dyin' 2day...
Eye have officially lost the plot with this film, It all started with an idea to make something very trip'd out and hallucino-phonic without using any drugs....
Madonna made her first appearance on the Howard Stern Show to promote her new album #RebelHeart. It's the interview you don't want to miss! Buy #RebelHeart out now!
PART 1 The Howard Stern Show - 03/18/2015 FULL SHOW The Howard Stern Show - 03/18/2015 FULL SHOW The Howard Stern Show - 03/18/2015 Part 1 2 3 4 Howard Stern Show 14 FULL SHOW . Nick Cannons Hot Girlfriend And The Mars 100. 03/18/15. 7:00am Bobos Very Important Question. 03/18/15. 7:05am Malcolm The Dolphin Lover Calls In. 03/18/15. 7:20am New Bits, Staff Last Meal. Howard Stern Show 3/18/2015 FULL SHOW Howard Stern Radio Show 3/18/2015 FULL SHOW March 18 Howard Stern Show Howard Stern Today Show 3/18/2015 FULL SHOW. Howard Stern Show .
Howard Stern Show 3/18/2015 FULL SHOW Howard Stern Radio Show 3/18/2015 FULL SHOW March 18 Howard Stern Show Howard Stern Today Show 3/18/2015 FULL SHOW
Howard Stern Show 3/17/2015 FULL SHOW Howard Stern Radio Show 3/17/2015 FULL SHOW March 17 Howard Stern Show Howard Stern Today Show 3/17/2015 FULL SHOW Dancing With The Stars Review. 03/17/15. 7:00am Phone Calls And Ronnie's Sex Tips. 03/17/15. 7:05am David Arquette Story And Howard's Clubbing Days. 03/17/15. 7:40am Jesse Ventura Calls In. 03/17/15. 8:00am Dolphin Sex Guy Clips And Some Calls. 03/17/15. 8:50am Like It Or Not... A Benjy And Elisa Update. 03/17/15. 9:10am JD's Beef Of The Week. 03/17/15. 9:35am Biggest Asshole Brackets. 03/17/15. 9:40am Baba Booey Shout Outs, Top 5 Songs And More. 03/17/15. 9:45am Robin's News. 03/17/15. 10:10am Wrap Up Show - Rob Corddry Sits In. 03/17/15. 11:05am Wrap Up Show - Jesse Ventura, JD And More. 03/17/15. 11:25am Wrap Up Show - Baba Booey Shout Outs And More. 03/17/15. 11:35am
Howard Stern Show 3/17/2015 FULL SHOW Howard Stern Radio Show 3/17/2015 FULL SHOW March 17 Howard Stern Show Howard Stern Today Show 3/17/2015 FULL SHOW Dancing With The Stars Review. 03/17/15. 7:00am Phone Calls And Ronnie's Sex Tips. 03/17/15. 7:05am David Arquette Story And Howard's Clubbing Days. 03/17/15. 7:40am Jesse Ventura Calls In. 03/17/15. 8:00am Dolphin Sex Guy Clips And Some Calls. 03/17/15. 8:50am Like It Or Not... A Benjy And Elisa Update. 03/17/15. 9:10am JD's Beef Of The Week. 03/17/15. 9:35am Biggest Asshole Brackets. 03/17/15. 9:40am Baba Booey Shout Outs, Top 5 Songs And More. 03/17/15. 9:45am Robin's News. 03/17/15. 10:10am Wrap Up Show - Rob Corddry Sits In. 03/17/15. 11:05am Wrap Up Show - Jesse Ventura, JD And More. 03/17/15. 11:25am Wrap Up Show - Baba Booey Shout Outs And More. 03/17/15. 11:35am
Howard trashes Ari Shaffir over his recent comments on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Audio is the property of SiriusXM, sign up for a 30 day free trial of SiriusXM at
Howard Stern Show 3/11/2015 FULL SHOW Howard Stern Radio Show 3/11/2015 FULL SHOW March 11 Howard Stern Show Howard Stern Today Show 3/11/2015 FULL SHOW. Howard Stern Show 3/11/2015 FULL SHOW Preparing For Madonnas Visit. 03/11/15. 1:00pm Phone Calls, Wrap Up Show Clips And More. 03/11/15. 1:15pm More Dr. Drew On Wrap Up Show Clips.
Howard Stern Show 3/11/2015 FULL SHOW Howard Stern Radio Show 3/11/2015 FULL SHOW March 11 Howard Stern Show Howard Stern Today Show 3/11/2015 FULL SHOW
So it's all the same crap you've already heard. What I did was take pretty much all of them, put them together and edit out most of the talking over it. It's over four hours of just the pranks. Mainly doing this so I can listen over and over again at work and on the drive home.
BTLS Wedding Discussions
Conan O'Brien On Howard Stern Show 02/25/2015,Conan O'Brien On Howard Stern Show 02.25.2015,Conan O'Brien On Howard Stern Show February 25,2015,Conan O'Brien On Howard Stern Show 25 February 2015
Howard Stern Show Mark Cuban Interview 02 20 13 P 1 2014 Howard Stern Show Mark Cuban Interview 02 20 13 P 1 FULL, For More Inspirational Videos visit Howard Stern Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howard Stern Show 2014 Howard Stern Show 2013 Howard Stern Show 2012 Howard Stern Show 2011 How. Howard Interviews Lena Dunham October 1, 2014. Marc Cuban shooting jumpers in practise (VINE) Mark Cuban Unabashed Part 1 of 4 - YouTube ▻ 9:46▻ 9:46 May 27, 2010 - Up. Listen as Mark Cuban calls into the Adam Carolla Show and discusses the NBA / Donald Sterling controversy, patent trolls, technology, privacy, shark tank and.
Howard Stern Clips.
The Howard Stern Show 02/25/2015 FULL SHOW (3 HOURS)
Howard Stern Show Interviews Rude Jude 03/23/2015. Rude Jude On Howard Stern Show 03/23/2015. Rude Jude in studio Part 2 Howard Stern Show 03 23 2015 Rude Jude in studio Part 2 Howard . Howard Stern Show Interviews Rude Jude 03/23/2015. Howard Stern Show - Rude Jude Interview 03/23/2015.
Ben Stiller On Howard Stern Show 03/25/2015 PART The Howard Stern Show - 03/25/2015 FULL SHOW The Howard Stern Show - 03/25/2015 FULL SHOW The Howard Stern Show - 03/25/2015 tags:tags: Part 1 2 3 4 Howard Stern Show 14 FULL SHOW 2015 Wrap up Show The Follow us, Facebook: Twitter: artie howard stern,artie lange howard stern,howard stern show stream,howard stern radio schedule,howard stern podcast download,cheap satellite radio,,,howardsternshow,howardsterntv,howardsterntwitter,,,on demand radio free,radio siriusxm,satalite radio,satelite radio,satellite radio,satellite radio deals,satellite radio reviews,satilite radio,sattelite radio,siriusxm,siriusxm radio,sirus radio,sirus xm,xm radios,xmradio,???????????? ????? ???????,howard stern tv,howard stern radio,satellite radio,howard stern show,howard stern video,howard stern episode,howard stern birthday bashhow do i get howard tv,howard,howard stern,howard,,howardsternshow,howardsterntv,howardsterntwitter,,,on demand radio free,radio siriusxm,satalite radio,satelite radio,satellite radio,satellite radio deals,satellite radio reviews,satilite radio,sattelite radio,siriusxm,siriusxm radio,sirus radio,sirus xm,xm radios,xmradio,???????????? ????? ???????,howard stern tv,howard stern radio,satellite radio,howard stern show,howard stern video,howard stern episode,howard stern birthday bash TAGS: howard stern 2014 howard stern interviews howard stern billy joel howard stern prank calls howard stern interviews 2014 howard stern birthday bash howard stern artie howard stern march 2014 howard stern full show howard stern sal howard stern howard stern interviews howard stern show howard stern 2013 howard stern interview howard tv howard stern 2014 artie lange howard stern sal howard stern artie howard stern fight howard stern prank beetlejuice howard stern tv eric the midget prank calls lady gaga carmen electra norm macdonald stern richard christy opie and anthony private parts bill maher jimmy kimmel prank call sal and richard iron sheik gilbert gottfried howard alex jones howard stern vs eminem jesse ventura david letterman letterman richard and sal george takei charlie sheen pamela anderson joe rogan howard stern show 2014 howard stern show full howard stern show march 2014 howard stern show fights howard stern show april 2014 howard stern show interviews howard stern show 2014 full show howard stern show artie lange howard stern show march 24 2014 howard stern show march 10 2014 howard stern show twitter howard stern shows howard stern show youtube howard stern show cast howard stern show salaries howard stern show wiki howard stern show schedule howard stern show phone number howard stern show email howard stern show 2014 howard stern show recap howard stern show youtube howard stern show twitter howard stern show phone number howard stern show staff howard stern show 2014 howard stern show schedule 2014 howard stern show salaries howard stern sho
Todays Show Podcast [ UP ] Fuck fat Artie .. Hi Fred Who dis?? -Crazy Alice Visit the Howard Stern forums by clicking on Howard Stern Discussion, you can go ...
Baby gorilla roasted
George Takei Interview Howard Stern Show 03.23.2015 The Howard Stern Show (03-16-2015) Full Interview ,Video, all Video, Howard,Howard Stern, The Howard Stern, The Howard Stern video, Best Of Howard Stern, Best Of Howard Stern video,Howard Stern Full Interview, Howard Stern full Episode, Howard Stern Episore, Howard Stern Interview,2015 Howard Stern, Howard Stern 2015, Howard Stern all Stars, All Stars Howard Stern
Howard Stern Show - Kathy Griffin Interview 03/16/15. Howard Stern Show 3/16/2015 FULL SHOW Howard Stern Radio Show 3/16/2015 FULL SHOW March 16 Howard Stern Show Howard Stern Today Show 3/16/2015 FULL SHOW. Howard's Future ... Kathy Griffin on Howard Stern Full Interview New 2015. Howard Stern Show Interviews Kathy Griffin 03/16/15. Shannen Doherty is an American actress, producer, author, and television director best known for her roles as Brenda Walsh in Beverly... Howard Stern Kathy Griffin Interview 2014 2014 Howard Stern Kathy Griffin Interview 2014 FULL, Kathy Griffin on Howard Stern Full Interview 2014 Kathy Griffin on Howard Stern Full Interview... Howard's Future Discussed. 03/16/15. 7:00am Gary's Birthday, Gene-Gene The The Howard Stern Show - Full Kathy Griffin Interview (March 16, 2015) The Howard Stern Show - Full Kathy Griffin Interview (March 16, 2015)
Video, all Video, Howard,Howard Stern, The Howard Stern, The Howard Stern video, Best Of Howard Stern, Best Of Howard Stern video,Howard Stern Full Interview, Howard Stern full Episode, Howard Stern Episode, Howard Stern Interview,2015 Howard Stern, Howard Stern 2015, Howard Stern all Stars, All Stars Howard Stern
Howard Stern Anderson Cooper Interview 2014 2014 Howard Stern Anderson Cooper Interview 2014 FULL, Howard Stern Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howard Stern Show 2014 Howard Stern Show 2013 Howard Stern Show 2012 Howard Stern Show 2011 How. Howard Stern Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howard Stern Show 2014 Howard Stern Show 2013 Howard Stern Show 2012 Howard Stern Show 2011 How. Anderson Cooper on Howard Stern Full Interview 2014 Anderson Cooper on Howard Stern Full Interview 2014 Anderson Cooper on Howard Stern Full Interview 2014. Gossip Anderson Cooper reveals he won't inherit mother Gloria Vanderbilt's millions: 'There's no trust fund' Cooper insisted his family's money is not import.
Howard Stern Sasha Baron Cohen Interview 2013 Please Subscribe! Howard Stern Sasha Baron Cohen Interview 2013. Howard Stern Sasha Baron Cohen Interview 2013. (5-8-12) Howard Stern interviews Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat on the Howard Stern Show Howard Stern Show / Howar. Howard Stern interviews Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat on the Howard Stern Show Howard Stern Show / Howard TV / Howard Stern On Demand. Howard Stern Sasha Baron Cohen Interview 2013. Howard Stern Sasha Baron Cohen Interview 2013. (5-8-12) Sasha Baron Cohen on Howard Stern Full Interview 2014 Sasha Baron Cohen on Howard Stern Full Interview 2014 Sasha Baron Cohen on Howard Stern Full Interview .
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Hall & Oates Interview on The Howard Stern Show 02.18.2015,Hall & Oates on The Howard Stern Show February 18,2015,Hall & Oates Interview on The Howard Stern Show 02.18.2015
Howard Stern: Suge Knight interview (2002) 2014 Howard Stern: Suge Knight interview (2002) FULL, So fresh out of jail (I believe), Suge Knight former CEO of Death Row Records, comes in to the Stern show for a good ol' interview. He's one of the few who r. go to go to So fresh out of jail (I believe), Suge Knight former CEO of Death Row Records, comes in to the Stern show for a good ol' interview. He's one of the few. So fresh out of jail (I believe), Suge Knight former CEO of Death Row Records, comes in to the Stern show for a good ol' interview. He's one of the few who r.
Andy Cohen Interview On The Howard Stern Show 11/11/2014 Subscribe Here For More Videos! - Andy Cohen Interview On The Howard Stern Show 11/11/2014 Andy Cohen Interview On The Howard Stern Show 11/11/2014 Andy Cohen Interview On The Howard Stern Show 11/11/2014 Andy Cohen Interview On The Howard Stern Show 11/11/2014 Andy Cohen Interview On The Howard Stern Show 11/11/2014
Harvey Weinstein Visits The Howard Stern Show 01.15.14 2014 Harvey Weinstein Visits The Howard Stern Show 01.15.14 FULL, Howard Stern Interviews Harvey Weinstein 01 15 2014 - Howard Stern 2014 HD Howard Stern Interviews Harvey Weinstein 01 15 2014 - Howard Stern 2014 HD. Mandel. stern letterman alex jones funny howard stern howard stern interviews howard stern show howard stern 2013 opie and anthony Howard Stern Show -Harvey Weinstei. stern letterman alex jones funny howard stern howard stern interviews howard stern show howard stern 2013 opie and anthony Harvey Weinstein On Howard Stern S.
Howard Stern JJ Abrams Interview 2013 2014 Howard Stern JJ Abrams Interview 2013 FULL, Howard Stern JJ Abrams Interview 2013. This is excerpts from the Howard Stern Show on SiriusXM satellite radio. Director J.J. Abrams comes into the studio to promote Star Trek Into Darkness. Origi. By M076n7. Howard Stern JJ Abrams Interview 2013. Howard Stern JJ Abrams Interview 2013. By M076n7. Hi Star Wars fans!! This is the best and longest intervie. By M076n7. J.J. came by on 5-1-06. Which actresses is he dreaming about? How many miilions is he earning? Is Lost a bunch of bullshit? You will find no answers here. Bu.
Howard Stern interviews Joe Walsh (06/04/12) Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Howard Stern on David Letterman - November 22 2013 - Full Interview
Howard Stern Roger Waters interview 2013 Please Subscribe! Howard Stern Roger Waters interview 2013. Howard Stern on the Isreal/Gaza conflict and on roger waters statement. Roger in a rare talk show appearance discusses his life with and without Pink Floyd, with Howard Stern, on his radio show, Wed. Jan.18 2012. Howard Stern Roger Waters interview 2013. Howard Stern Roger Waters interview 2013. Visit: Date: 2012-01-18 Extensive and frank interview about Roger Waters lift history including the announcement that he married l.
'Are you on drug Donald Trump', replied Russell Brand Battle between the billionaire and the mad man!
Sarah Silverman on Howard Stern Full Interview 2015 Video
Howard Interviews Comedian Dave Attell who is promoting his show Daves Porn and he talks about how he became completely Broke and more howard stern ,howard s...
Howard Stern Billy Corgan The Smashing Pumpkins Interview 2014 2014 Howard Stern Billy Corgan The Smashing Pumpkins Interview 2014 FULL, Billy Corgan | The Smashing Pumpkins | Interview on The Howard Stern Show 12/9/2014. The Howard Stern Show Billy Corgan | The Smashing Pumpkins | Interview 12/9/2014. Howard Stern Interviews Billy Corgan on Sirius June 19, 2012 The Smashing Pumpkins Bullet With Butterfly Wings sound recording administered by: EMI Subscribe. Billy Corgan The Smashing Pumpkins Interview on Howard Stern Show 09 December 2014,Billy Corgan The Smashing Pumpkins Interview on Howard Stern Show 12 9 2014 Howard Stern Radio .
Rob Zombie, 50 ... In 1985, Stern moved to WXRK in New York City and became one of the most popular radio personalities.
Celebrity Café 2015-01-12That year he left for WXRK before rejoining WNEW from 1997 until he and fellow legend Scott Muni ...
Newsday 2014-05-30She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-07-30She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-07-29She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-07-23She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-07-16She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-07-11She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-06-29She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-06-18She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-06-13She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-05-16She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-05-01She has a BA in Media and Cultural Studies and interned at WXRK in New York, where she wrote for the ...
The Examiner 2013-04-26Howard Allan Stern (born January 12, 1954) is an American radio personality, television host, author, actor and photographer best known for his radio show which was nationally syndicated from 1986 to 2005. He gained wide recognition in the 1990s where he was labeled a "shock jock" for his outspoken and sometimes controversial style. Stern has been exclusive to Sirius XM Radio, a subscription-based satellite radio service, since 2006. The son of a former recording and radio engineer, Stern wished to pursue a career in radio at the age of five. While at Boston University he worked at the campus station WTBU before a brief stint at WNTN in Newton, Massachusetts.
He developed his on-air personality when he landed positions at WRNW in Briarcliff Manor, WCCC in Hartford and WWWW in Detroit. In 1981, he was paired with his current newscaster and co-host Robin Quivers at WWDC in Washington, D.C. Stern then moved to WNBC in New York City in 1982 to host afternoons until his firing in 1985. He re-emerged on WXRK that year, and became one of the most popular radio personalities during his 20-year tenure at the station. Stern's show is the most-fined radio program, after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued fines to station licensees for allegedly indecent material that totaled $2.5 million. Stern has won Billboard's Nationally Syndicated Air Personality of the Year award eight times, and is one of the highest-paid figures in radio.
New Boyz is an American hip hop/rap group and a former jerkin crew duo consisting of rappers Earl "Ben J" Benjamin (born October 13, 1991) and Dominic "Legacy" Thomas (born October 12, 1991) from Hesperia, California. They debuted in summer 2009 with their viral hit, "You're a Jerk", taken from their debut studio album Skinny Jeanz and a Mic, released in September 2009. The song peaked in the top thirty of the Billboard Hot 100, and it was the first song to bring the jerkin' style to the national forefront. A second single, "Tie Me Down" featuring Ray J, was also successful and peaked in the top thirty. In May 2011, their second studio album, Too Cool to Care, was released. It includes the top 40 hits "Backseat", featuring The Cataracs and Dev, and "Better with the Lights Off" featuring Chris Brown. The New Boyz have also been featured on Hot Chelle Rae's song "I Like It Like That", which peaked at #28 on the Hot 100.
The two were originally rivals, but became friends over a common interest in music. Dominic began rapping at the age of eight after watching a music video by Bow Wow, but Benjamin did not have plans to pursue a musical career, instead, he intended to play football at San Diego State University. However, Benjamin decided to focus more on music after he discovered that Dominic was achieving success in rapping. With their October birthdays only a day apart, they pooled their gift money to buy recording equipment. Dominic then taught himself how to make beats for the group's songs with a computer program called Fruity Loops, saying "I had to teach myself. We didn’t want to pay for beats." After Thomas transferred to a new school, they decided to form a group. With Benjamin being "Ben J" and Thomas being "Legacy", they began performing together as the Swagger Boyz on July 4, 2008. and created a MySpace page to promote their self-published single "Colorz". In 2009, New Boyz performed at a basketball game for Bishop Alemany High School in Mission Hills, CA.
Jeffrey Scott "Jeff" Buckley (November 17, 1966 – May 29, 1997), raised as Scotty Moorhead, was an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. He was the son of Tim Buckley, also a musician. After a decade as a guitarist-for-hire in Los Angeles, Buckley amassed a following in the early 1990s by playing cover songs at venues in Manhattan's East Village, such as Sin-é, gradually focusing more on his own material. After rebuffing much interest from record labels and his father's manager Herb Cohen, he signed with Columbia, recruited a band, and recorded what would be his only studio album, Grace.
Over the following two years, the band toured widely to promote the album, including concerts in the U.S., Europe, Japan and Australia. In 1996, they stopped touring and made sporadic attempts to record his second album in New York with Tom Verlaine as producer. In 1997, Buckley moved to Memphis, Tennessee, to resume work on the album, to be titled My Sweetheart the Drunk, recording many four-track demos while also playing weekly solo shows at a local venue. While awaiting the arrival of his band from New York, he drowned during a spontaneous evening swim — fully clothed — in the Wolf River, when he was caught in the wake of a passing boat. His body was found on June 4, 1997.