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Lviv, the 'Little Paris'
Ukraine's hidden gem Lviv - CNN International
Just Lviv It! - Львів - місто для закоханих
Horrible incident / Lviv Circus ( Жесть ) / Трагедия во Львовском цирке
Львів аеровідеозйомка . Lviv (Bird's eye view) . Львов Аэровидеосъемка.
UKRN 1310 A01 - Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv, the city of lions
Oleksandr Noyok shocking simulation during Metalurg Donetsk vs Karpaty Lviv 2015
Oleksandr Noyok shocking simulation during Metalurg Donetsk vs Karpaty Lviv 2015
Mister Metro 2012 @ Metro Club Lviv
Lviv Gezisi
Behind the scenes - FC Bayern's trip to Lviv
Різдво у Львові 2015 / Christmas in Lviv 2015
Lviv - Our Beautiful City (HD)
The city of Lviv in the west of Ukraine is perhaps the best example of the stark differences between the country's main centres. Its ancient streets give the...
Святкуй у Львові разом з Just Lviv It! Lviv is the city for lovers. Celebrate in Lviv together with Just Lviv It!
Номер со львами в львовском цирке был одним из самых зрелищных и популярных. В представлении на сцене появлялись сразу шесть африканских хищников. Плохого ни...
Львів аеровідеозйомка. Коптер можно приобрести
Lviv in 7 minutes. Music, footage, and info credit provided at the end of the video. Editing, narration, and scripting done by myself. This is a term project for пані Константюк at the University of Manitoba. Consequently, this video is made purely for educational purposes. A copy of the video credits is shown below (not in order of appearance): Beautiful goal, Ukraine 9 – 0 San Marino A beautiful choir in Lviv Church Beautiful panorama of Lviv Lviv Is a wonderful city: Holi fest Cristiano Ronaldo Lviv Lviv Sweet Revenge Just Lviv It: Mister Metro: Little Paris: Lviv Springs (end): Lviv Flowers: “Lviv Ukraine Part 2” “Lviv Ukraine Part 1” Landing at Lviv: Tourism in Ukraine - City of Lviv (Cidade Lviv): Pizza Festival 1: Pizza Festival 2: Streetball Festival: Circles in Field: Leopolis Grand Prix: Lviv Naked: Lviv Ukraine Timelapse: Lviv Summer Timelapse: Best Lviv Timelapses: Lviv Aerial: Truskavets: Okean Elzy (Vse Bude Dobre / Everything Will Be Alright): Ruslana (Davai, Hrai (Oho! Oho!) / Come Play (Wow! Wow!)): Images & Info: Information on Lviv Oblast: More info about Lviv oblast: Lviv weather:,lviv,Ukraine Keep Calm image: Teaching Assistant, Solomia Ross & Helen for letting me use their images (even though I didn't end up doing a PowerPoint) It is only thanks to everyone's work and contributions that this video was possible. Дуже дякую!
American student is sharing her experience of staying in Lviv.
Oleksandr Noyok shocking simulation during Metalurg Donetsk vs Karpaty Lviv 2015 Karpaty Lviv’s Oleksandr Noyok deserves an Oscar for this shocking simulation This was a shocking piece of simulation from the Ukraine Premier League last weekend, Oleksandr Noyok shocking simulation during Metallurg Donetsk vs Karpaty Lviv 2015 In the game between Metallurg Donetsk and Karpaty Lviv, the latter’s substitute Oleksandr Noyok went down as if shot by a sniper after an innocuous challenge. Noyok then writhed around on the floor like a fish out of water, clutching his face as if he’d been subjected to an act of grievous bodily harm. It may be a week too late, but give him an Oscar! Александр Викторович Нойок шокирует моделирования в ходе Металлург Донецк против Карпаты Львов 2015 Нойок Олександр Вікторович шокує моделювання в ході Металург Донецьк проти Карпати Львів 2015
Oleksandr Noyok shocking simulation during Metalurg Donetsk vs Karpaty Lviv 2015 Karpaty Lviv’s Oleksandr Noyok deserves an Oscar for this shocking simulation This was a shocking piece of simulation from the Ukraine Premier League last weekend, Oleksandr Noyok shocking simulation during Metallurg Donetsk vs Karpaty Lviv 2015 In the game between Metallurg Donetsk and Karpaty Lviv, the latter’s substitute Oleksandr Noyok went down as if shot by a sniper after an innocuous challenge. Noyok then writhed around on the floor like a fish out of water, clutching his face as if he’d been subjected to an act of grievous bodily harm. It may be a week too late, but give him an Oscar! Александр Викторович Нойок шокирует моделирования в ходе Металлург Донецк против Карпаты Львов 2015 Нойок Олександр Вікторович шокує моделювання в ході Металург Донецьк проти Карпати Львів 2015
Der Reisetag des FC Bayern nach Lemberg - ein Blick hinter die Kulissen. Mitmachen & signiertes Trikot gewinnen! Jetzt Feedback für unsere Videobeiträge geben:
Невеличка атмосферна подорож в святковий Львів. Наповніться відчуттям Різдва. Відчуйте дух свята у вашому серці, і повірте у казку) Щасливих свят!))) Музика: Cascada - Last Christmas Львів 2015 VisionOFlife
I recently visited Lviv, Ukraine to visit the company I worked. It was hard to believe how hidden of a jewel Lviv was. Lviv is stunning, the food great and the people very friendly. The city celebrated its 750th birthday 2 years ago and it's clear why Lviv was selected to be a UNESCO (UN) World Heritage Site. It escaped being bombed, burned and destroyed by its many occupiers. I hope you enjoy this pictorial of Lviv.
За три дні зняли відео про різні кутки Львова. Мали на меті показати, що цікаве можна знайти не лише в центрі міста.Дякую всім хто долучився до зйомки ролика)
Львов, Украина июль 2012 Lviv, Ukraine july 2012 camera: canon 7d main lens: canon 100-400L IS canon 16-35 2.8L ii and some shots on canon 50 1.8 ii музыка: ...
Концерт Фрік-кабаре Dakh Daughters в театрі ім. М.Заньковецької у м. Львові, 17 грудня 2014 р. Режисер-постановник концерту - Владислав Троїцький Учасниці Фрік-кабаре Dakh Daughters Band: Соломія Мельник, Наталя Галаневич, Ніна Гаренецька, Руслана Хазіпова, Анна Нікітіна, Таня Гаврилюк, Наталя Зозуль Відеозйомка: Пиженков Юрій, Дмитриченко Вадим, Горбань Володимир, Шмідт Олег, Безгінський Стас, Мединський Ярема, Данкевич Юрій, Щербатий Юрій, Антон Шевченко Монтаж: Данкевич Юрій Звук: Грабовський Тарас Редактор: Мовчан Оля Режисер: Данкевич Юрій
Volunteers in the Ukrainian city of Lviv volunteers are producing drones and training Ukrainian soldiers in how to operate them. They buy parts from abroad and say their aircraft are as good as foreign models but much cheaper. Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter:
Ukraine Today broadcast the Okean Elzy concert LIVE from the Lviv Arena on Ukrainian Independence Day. One of the highlights of this unforgettable concert wa...
Ukraine , Uzhgorod - Lviv 2012.
83 people died and 199 were injured as a result of a disaster at the Sknilov aerodrome near Lvov (the Ukraine), in which an Ukrainian Air Force Su-27 taking ... Lviv (Lvov) is a stunning city in the west of Ukraine. The UNESCO World Heritage listed old town contains stunning archite...
Check out what to do and see in on a day in Lviv Ukraine -- from the old town to the green areas and viewpoints. As i already told before my stay in Ukraine was pretty cool. With this video i want to share why i had a blast in Lviv/Lvov and why this town in the western Ukraine is worth a visit. Music: "See the Sun" by Black Lab (;_MusicList=17&BandHash;=835a96cfbeeff69de8100818165ccfba) Follow me:
Subscribe to our channel! We would love to see ya ;) Check out Joshua's channel: Find him on twitter: @JoshuaPratt1 Follow us on twitter! Like us on Facebook! Instagram: @candytwinz @yanasheremet @valery_krugliak Check out Yana's Channel:
Official video for Lviv on Euro 2012
Welcome to Ukraine أهلاً بكم في أوكرانيا G T A | Global Travel Agency | Kiev, Ukraine Tel : +380 44 501 55 11 | +380 67 247 55 11 Fax : +380 44 289 48 74 Mob : +380 98 55555 71 Email : Website:
City of Lviv. Tours in/around Lviv. Европа. Downtown of Lviv. Travel.
События в Украине: Люди разоружили военный урал - ехавший из Львова в Луганск People disarmed military Ural - traveling from Lviv to Lugansk
Lviv official tourism portal ( has presented a new promotional video.
Європейський тиждень мобільності 2013 у Львові European Mobility Week 2013 in Lviv(Ukraine) Lviv supports the development of the sustainable mobility. Last year the city held European Mobility Week for the fourth time. And by the end of 2013 over 30 kilometers of bike lanes and paths were constructed in Lviv. Дізнайтесь більше / More details on: Львівська міська рада / Lviv city council (c) Lviv, 1, Rynok Sq. За підтримки / Supported by: GIZ Created by:
Розповідь про Швецію у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників". Наша група у Facebook: 1. Досвід волонтерства в Швеції 2. Як стати професійним біженцем,або розповідь про справжній табір для біженців 3. Швеція з середини 4. Стокгольм .Що, де, як? Доповідач Marjan Kkhmstr While bicycle touring across eastern Europe, I rented a small studio apartment in the center of Lviv, Ukraine. This video shows off...
Відео каналу новин 24 про запуск нового промоційного сайту Львова.
Кілька кадрів з поіздки Трек: Sunsgl x n3und3r -- Сharm
How To Balance Work And Play On The Road: Three Tips From A Travel Addicted Entrepreneur. Join me in Lviv Ukraine as I take you down memory lane - covering the top three ways to balance work and play on the road, based on my experiences building & running businesses while traveling across the world. :) Offering free 20 minute consultations (limited to 25 people) on how you can use your current skillsets to "quit your life and travel the world" - get in contact via
My First Ukraine trip with Sveta#1 We Travel from LVIV to Odessa to Sempole to Yalta.
Video created with the Socialcam app on iPhone:
Lviv it's lined with cobbled roads and features some of the world's most eclectic examples of historic architecture from renaissance to baroque to art deco. ...
Photos of beautiful Ukrainian city Lviv in December 2014 by Michael Babich Music: Pink Martini - Shchedryk (Ukranian Bell Carol)
Olá, o meu nome é Nadiya Kyryk! Este vídeo foi realizado no contexto da PAP - Prova de Aptidão Profissional, no âmbito de 3º ano do curso Técnico de Turismo, cujo objetivo é promover a cidade Lviv, existente na Ucrânia. Com este vídeo por mim realizado e pelo fotografo Ivan Kyryk pretendo dar a conhecer a população portuguesa, o património existente na cidade Lviv. Muitas das pessoas tem uma ideia errada sobre a Ucrânia, com este vídeo pretendo fazê-las mudar de opinião. Neste vídeo irei demonstrar as seguintes atrações turísticas existentes em Lviv: - "Casa de Lendas" (Дім легенд); - "Casa dos cientistas" (Будинок вчених); - "Igreja de Santa Olga e Elizabeth" (Церква святих Ольги і Єлизавети); - "Kryjivka" (Криївка); - "Oficina do Chocolate" (Львівська майстерня шоколаду); - "Parque Castelo Alto" (Парк високий замок); - "Praça do Rynok" / (Площа Ринок); - "Shevchenkivs'kyi Hai" (Шевченківський Гай); - "Teatro de Opera" (Оперний театр). Apesar de ter posto apenas estes recursos turísticos no vídeo, a Ucrânia tem muito mais para ver! Está a procura de algo novo? É simples. VISITE A UCRÂNIA! Se tiver dúvidas ou sugestões pode me contactar pelos seguintes meios: - - OBRIGADA POR VEREM! SE GOSTAREM PONHAM LIKE!
Filmik z krótkiego wyjazdu do Lwowa w kwietniu 2014 ;)
Just a stroll around town on Election weekend. We now have a new, duly and properly elected (by the people) President in Ukraine. Congratulations to Petro Po...
Ahoj friends of music! You are listening to and watching Armin Van Buuren LIVE at Arena Club, Lviv, Ukraine. I film this with my iPhone 5. In the Czech Repub...
Lviv is a city with long history which is closely intertwined with cultures of different nations. Stormy and extremely interesting history of this unique Ukr...
Škoda 14Tr, Škoda 15Tr, ЛАЗ 52522, ЛАЗ Е183, Богдан Т601, Tatra KT4, Електрон T5L64.
Євгеній Варава: "Як не потонути в океані фрілансу? Головні помилки"
Розповідь про те як мандрувати світом у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників". Наша група у Facebook: Anastasiya Chmil розповідала про те, як: - загубити і повернути паспорт в Гонконгу, - жити на острові на Байкалі, - медитувати з Монахами у Тайланді, - розмовляти з китайськими поліцейськими - і чому Казахстан то не тільки пустеля, а й неймовірні люди
Musztra paradna orkiestry dętej Fanfares of Lviv (Lwów, Ukraina) XII Europarada Orkiestr Dętych w "Centrum Europy" - Suchowola 2014, 28 czerwca 2014 r.
Incanto Somewhere Memory ??? Canzone Per Te Tous Les Vosages de l'amour(Toi) Rosa che stai nascendo Luna tu Il nostro concerto La Nave Va Noche De Ronda So ...
Юрій Козій – Project Manager at GlobalLogic Ukraine. 10 років в ІТ-аутсорсингу в ролі проектного менеджера, менеджера продукту, маркетинг-спеціаліста, бізнес-аналітика. Досвід власного стартапу з венчурними інвестиціями. На даний момент керує кількома проектними командами в київському офісі GlobalLogic. Основні тези: Із аутсорсингу в стартап, і назад. Мій шлях. Керування проектами в стартапі і в аутсорсингу. В чому різниця? Чи можуть великі компанії бути такими ж інноваційними, як стартапи? Інновація на робочому місці. З чого почати прямо зараз? Сайт конференції Презентація: Спільноти в Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter:
Setlist 01.New Intro 2014 02.Mr.Dj 03.Навпаки 04.Фейдери Догори 05.Смак Отрути 06.Лише у моїх снах 07.Не Вона 08.Віскі і Шоколад 09.Зловживай 10.Не Залишай 1...
Лише одна лайка і жодного фа-фа =). Один таксіст не дав мені закінчити маневр.
Solomia Krushelnytska Festival-2013 Lviv Aida Aida - Beatrice Greggio Radames - Roman Koren Amneris - Maria Berezovska Ramfis - Yuri Trycecki Il Re - Sergiy ...
Дата проведення: 18-19 вересня 2014 року Місце проведення: Україна, м. Львів, «Дністер Прем'єр готель», вул. Матейко, 6 Прогнозована кількість учасників: 120-150 чоловік Про Форум: Основна мета Форуму - обговорення найбільш значущих для інвестиційної спільноти питань, надання зручних можливостей для спілкування з широким колом професійних співрозмовників. Одним із ключових питань Форуму буде питання активізації випуску та обігу цінних паперів муніципалітетів. У програмі Форуму заплановані виступи експертів з ряду тем, актуальних для розвитку українського ринку капіталу і пов'язаних із можливими шляхами підвищення привабливості української юрисдикції, інтеграції національного фінансового ринку та його інфраструктури з розвинутими європейськими ринками капіталу, напрямами активізації муніципальних запозичень з врахуванням міжнародного досвіду. Понад те, передбачено обговорення шляхів розвитку окремих ринкових сегментів – насамперед, ринків боргових фінансових інструментів та деривативів з метою захисту прав інвесторів та хеджування ризиків. Залучення широкого кола експертів має дозволити учасникам Форуму сформувати помірковане бачення стимулів для розвитку фінансового ринку України. Серед учасників Форуму очікуються представники регулюючих організацій (Національний банк України, Національна комісія з цінних паперів та фондового ринку, Міністерство фінансів України, Міністерство економічного розвитку і торгівлі України та інші), найбільших банків, інвестиційних компаній, емітентів та інституціональних інвесторів з України та Європи. За прогнозами організаторів, у роботі Форуму візьмуть участь близько 120-150 учасників. Організаторами передбачена вільна програма, під час якої ви зможете в невимушеній атмосфері поспілкуватися зі своїми друзями, колегами, обговорити питання, що накопичилися, і просто відпочити.
Сразу предупреждаю! Съемка велась в очень тяжелых условиях! Держать камеру в одной руке, а зонтик, который вырывал ветер - в другой, было очень тяжело!. + вК...
condensed game
Philharmonic Hall Lviv Symphny Orchestra conductor. Oskar Kucharski (17yo) Final concert of the Conducting Masterclass with M° Ferdinado Nazzaro (by KLK New ...
music used in video is Gai Barone - Mr. Slade (Solarstone Pure Mix) You can buy & download this track at the link below: all rights reserved to their respective owners.( Afterglow Recordings, Gai Barone, Solarstone)
Цирк "Кіліманджаро" у Львові 22.02.2015 (фрагмент вистави)
When you stay at Park Hotel Drevny Grad in Lviv, you'll be in a provincial park and within the vicinity of High Castle and Dominican Church. This hotel is within the vicinity of Pharmacy Museum and Armenian Cathedral. Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the 68 guestrooms. Rooms have private balconies. Complimentary wireless Internet access is available to keep you connected. Bathrooms feature bathtubs or showers, complimentary toiletries, and slippers. Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities Enjoy recreation amenities such as a sauna or take in the view from a garden. Additional features include complimentary wireless Internet access, gift shops/newsstands, and a hair salon. Dining Enjoy a meal at a restaurant, or stay in and take advantage of the hotel's 24-hour room service.Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include a business center, complimentary newspapers in the lobby, and a 24-hour front desk. This hotel has 2 meeting rooms available for events. Free self parking is available onsite. . Details: Check-in: 1:30 PM Check-out: 12:30 AM 350722
Created with Magisto ( Magically turn your everyday videos into beautifully edited movies, perfect for sharing. It's free, quick, and easy as pie!
When you stay at Ramada Lviv in Lviv, you'll be in the business district and within the vicinity of Lviv Polytechnic National University and St. George's Cathedral. This hotel is within the vicinity of St Anna's Cathedral and Palace of Bielskis. Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the air-conditioned rooms featuring flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wired and wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming provides entertainment. Private bathrooms with bathtubs or showers feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include desks and coffee/tea makers, as well as phones with free local calls. Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities Make use of convenient amenities such as complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and tour/ticket assistance. Dining Grab a bite to eat at the hotel's restaurant, which features a bar, or stay in and take advantage of room service (during limited hours). Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at a bar/lounge.Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include a business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. Planning an event in Lviv? This hotel has 2281 square feet (212 square meters) of space consisting of conference space and meeting rooms. For a surcharge, guests may use a roundtrip airport shuttle (available on request) and a train station pick-up service. . Details: Check-in: 2:00 PM Check-out: 12:00 PM 414568
via YouTube Capture
Сцена, звук, світло від West Sound на відкритті ТЦ "Роксолана" у Львові. Світло звук від WestSound
With a stay at PANORAMA Hotel in Lviv, you'll be minutes from Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet and Armenian Cathedral. This 4-star hotel is within close proximity of Church of the Transfiguration and Lviv State Natural History Museum. Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the 51 guestrooms featuring minibars and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access is available to keep you connected. Conveniences include safes and desks. Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities Take advantage of recreation opportunities such as a fitness center, or other amenities including complimentary wireless Internet access and concierge services. Additional features include babysitting/childcare (surcharge) and tour/ticket assistance. Dining Enjoy a meal at a restaurant, or stay in and take advantage of the hotel's 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at a bar/lounge.Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include complimentary newspapers in the lobby and a safe deposit box at the front desk. This hotel has 2 meeting rooms available for events. . Details: Check-in: 2:00 PM Check-out: 12:00 PM 351985
Nothing special, but its a pity to delete.
Львівські студенти, об'єднавшись, висловлюють свої переконання, не зважаючи на пари, на заборони та окупаційних бандитів, які засіли у владних кабінетах.26.03.2013
Latest Hot News from Ukraine, New Russia (Donetsk DPR, Lugansk LPR), Crimea! Subscribe to the channel:
Працюю гідом у Львові. Займаюся проведенням екскурсій, організацією поселення та харчування туристів. З радістю відповім на Ваші питання та надам максимум інформації щодо перебування у Львові. Работаю гидом во Львове. Занимаюсь проведением экскурсий, организацией поселения и питания туристов. С удовольствием отвечу на Ваши вопросы и предоставлю максимум информации по пребыванию во Львове. Ich bin der Stadtführer in Lwiw(Lemberg).Ich führe die Exkursionen und biete andere Dienstleistungen denTouristen. Sehr gerne beanworte Ihre Fragen. I am tour guide in Lviv. I conduct tours. I'll answer all Your questions
Працюю гідом у Львові. Займаюся проведенням екскурсій, організацією поселення та харчування туристів. З радістю відповім на Ваші питання та надам максимум інформації щодо перебування у Львові. Работаю гидом во Львове. Занимаюсь проведением экскурсий, организацией поселения и питания туристов. С удовольствием отвечу на Ваши вопросы и предоставлю максимум информации по пребыванию во Львове. Ich bin der Stadtführer in Lwiw(Lemberg).Ich führe die Exkursionen und biete andere Dienstleistungen denTouristen. Sehr gerne beanworte Ihre Fragen. I am tour guide in Lviv. I conduct tours. I'll answer all Your questions
Працюю гідом у Львові. Займаюся проведенням екскурсій, організацією поселення та харчування туристів. З радістю відповім на Ваші питання та надам максимум інформації щодо перебування у Львові. Работаю гидом во Львове. Занимаюсь проведением экскурсий, организацией поселения и питания туристов. С удовольствием отвечу на Ваши вопросы и предоставлю максимум информации по пребыванию во Львове. Ich bin der Stadtführer in Lwiw(Lemberg).Ich führe die Exkursionen und biete andere Dienstleistungen denTouristen. Sehr gerne beanworte Ihre Fragen. I am tour guide in Lviv. I conduct tours. I'll answer all Your questions
VIP hospitality packages cover the remaining Ukrainian League matches* of the Orange abd Blacks at the Arena Lviv:
noodls 2015-03-21(Source: JSC FC Shakhtar Donetsk ) ... The meeting will be held at the Arena Lviv on March 31 ... Ukraine, Lviv, Arena Lviv ... com.
noodls 2015-03-20Igor Kuzyo, a nightclub bouncer from Lviv, received a draft notice last summer. But rather than join ...
The Guardian 2015-03-20(Source: ... Assistant referees - Yevgen Danilchenko (Lugansk) and Viktor Kravchenko (Lviv). Fourth official - Yuriy Grysio (Lviv).
noodls 2015-03-19Lviv's bid went abortive as a result of the political and economical instability in Ukraine.
Xinhua 2015-03-19In the summer of 2013 she travelled to Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv and Donetsk to conduct her field research.
CounterPunch 2015-03-19Igor Kuzyo, a nightclub bouncer from Lviv, received a draft notice last summer. But rather than join ...
The Guardian 2015-03-19... 24 with Ukrainian Ministry of Interior troops near Lviv, in western Ukraine near the Polish border.
Fox News 2015-03-18... has left Crimea," says a Crimean software expert, now based in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv.
Bloomberg 2015-03-17... was having to play 1,200 km away in Lviv because Donetsk was occupied by pro-Russian separatists.
The Irish Times 2015-03-16... to play 1,200 km (750 miles) away in Lviv because Donetsk was occupied by pro-Russian separatists.
Reuters 2015-03-16... were having to play 1,200km away in Lviv because Donetsk was occupied by pro-Russia separatists.
The Guardian 2015-03-16The PM stressed on the need to ensure 112 emergency system operating all over the regions of ...
noodls 2015-03-16Lviv (Ukrainian: Львів L’viv, IPA: [lʲwiu̯] ( listen); Polish: Lwów, pronounced [lvuf]; Russian: Львов, L'vov; German: Lemberg and Yiddish Lemberg, לעמבערג; Latin: Leopolis; see also other names) is a city in western Ukraine. The city is regarded as one of the main cultural centres of today's Ukraine and historically had also been a major Polish and Jewish cultural center; as Poles and Jews comprised a demographic majority of the city for a period leading up to the outbreak of World War II, the Holocaust, and Polish population transfers (1944–1946) that followed. The historical heart of Lviv with its old buildings and cobblestone roads has survived World War II and ensuing Soviet presence largely unscathed. The city has many industries and institutions of higher education such as the Lviv University and the Lviv Polytechnic. Lviv is also a home to many world-class cultural institutions, including a philharmonic orchestra and the famous Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet. The historic city centre is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lviv celebrated its 750th anniversary with a son et lumière in the city centre in September 2006.
Pretentious persons
Who are bothering me
And hurting my feelings
All those people
Who are using me
And abusing my trust
There's a reason why you keep callin my name out of the blue
If it's because you love me, then I love you too
We heard it through the Grapevine and now we know it's true
Just tell me that you love me, I'll say I love you too
Yo yo, I love my life; I love my wife
I love my daughter; and I love my mic
If you love me, I love you, I'm humble
I won't do things to bug you and start trouble
If you want an autograph, I'ma sign it
I don't care if the plane's leavin and I get left behind it
I'm not that simple-minded
If I had the time, I'd probably type it, or get Stan to write it
You don't shower Canibus with kindness cuz he's the nicest
You do it cuz you genuinely like him
Sure I'll talk to you in private
You might get backstage tickets or ice cream for your politeness
Shake my hand if you like Bis
But you can give me a hug if you got love, try it
Extend ya arms around me, then bend ya arms
Spread the love, a virus created by God
I'm really speakin from the heart cuz I'm touched by you
And I'm glad that you love me, cuz I love you too!
Ah-ha, ah-ha! We found out that you got love for us!
Ah-ha, ah-ha! We found out that you got love for us!
Yeah I know you got love, when you see me you wanna hug me
All excited, hoppin around like the Easter Bunny
I'm like a puppy, all I wanna do is lay down and cuddle
That's why I'm happy that you could finally say that I love you
Nothin wrong with showin feelings to me, cuz I'ma G
And so I can tell you overwhelmed by the way that you breathin
Know you ran up here to see me, wishin that you could be me
Callin people at home while they watchin me on the TV
I'm a household name, with the power to spit flames
Then I flip and give the children somethin they can get with
You love me, then why you got that look in ya eye?
Why every single time you see me you be actin surprised?
No it ain't all for nuttin somethin got to be somethin
And I ain't givin you no paper, so you got to be frontin
What was you doin at ten shows I tore down overseas
And it's funny how you was at the album signing in Queens
Ain't hard to tell you lovin anything connected with Pak
And once I recognize I be the type to give it back
Don't try to fool me, been doin this, I'm no dummy
On a mission to get it, and I'm winnin, you gotta love me!
Ah-ha, ah-ha! We found out that you got love for us!
Ah-ha, ah-ha! We found out that you got love for us!
This is the operator, I have a collect call from
Hey this yo' potnah main
Who is an inmate in a California State prison
To deny charges, hang up now
To accept charges, press five now
Well, 1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well, well, well
1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well, well, well, well
Remember that game Fat Bank Take Skinny Bank?
Well now we play Skinny Bank Take Fat Bank
That's because it ain't no work bein' offered main
They act like they ain't even thinkin' 'bout us main
I promise I swear the po-po threw my homey in the slammer
Did him bad, wish I had my candid camera, made me mad
Vanilla be swarmin' like bees surveillance binoculars hidden in trees
Reliable sources copying keys, oh please
One for the life and two for death, three damn strikes no chances left
Let me tell ya lil' 'bout me E-40 and the C L I C
We used to have to use sheets for curtains, socks for wash towels
I was happy as hell when my cousin gave me his hand-me-downs
This ain't no happy Shirley Temple talleistic crap
This here is serious more Realistic than Radio Shack
Observe as I strike a nerve, reach out and touch my kind
Open up your photo album man and I bet you find
Folks that passed away, potnahs that been blasted away
I miss you steal some liquor main, who got some tissue
1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well, well, well, well
1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well, well, well, well
Everybody wanna shoot 'em up bang bang
Way I was raised we had to knuckle up and throw them thangs
We got 'em up and you know I had to check 'em swell
'Cuz if I ran home and didn't fight back my mom'd beat that tail
Just received word from my folks upstate
They said, "They tryin' ta, they tryin' ta take away our weights
And no more beef and pork just Muslim books and fish fork"
And laps around the yard with my Walkman bumpin' this
Now I'm 'bouts ta get married, is it clever?
Thought it was, till I got the Dear John letter
Been down for ten bucks and got a eight year stay
And I just found out she had her baby yesterday
Ain't nobody been to see me yet but I ain't gonna worry
Man ya out there ballin' main can you drop a twenty upinmy commissary
My family thinks that I'm a thug homie
When you see my momma man give her a hug for me and tell her
1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well, well, well, well
1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well, well, well, well
Huh, thinkin' back, you gotta watch your back and play it well
Enjoyed myself when I was out there tryin' ta get in that mail
We used to kick it at the waterfront the whole Vallejo
Watchin' the pervin' contestses between E-40 and Del
That's what we did up under the bridge fools posted up
Choppin' game conversatin' gettin' toast up
Leanin' against my seamless convertible tops and boosted cleaners
Them Click boys mobbin' deep in cuts, actin' meanest
The good times, they gone, here in the can is my new phone
Guess in order to do some right I had to do some wrong
Picked up a package yesterday and I was happy
It was a box and full of goodies from my pappy
Tripped me out ain't seen or heard from Poppa Duke in years
Sent me a picture and some fetti dang they sheadin' tears
See first you born then you live then you die
One day soon I'll get another try, 1-luv
1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well, well, well, well
1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well, well, well, well
1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well, well, well, well
1-luv, yeah yeah yeah yeah
1-luv, oh
1-luv, well, well
Laugh now,
Man are from heaven,
Laugh now,
Laugh now
Laugh now,
We're coming together,
Laugh now,
Laugh now
If wishes were horses,
The beggars would rise,
And raise up their voices,
To golden red skies
I'm moving up further,
I'm swimming upstream,
I'm digging my best, I'm holding onto the tree
Laugh now,
I'm waiting forever,
Laugh now,
Laugh now
Laugh now,
Travelling farther,
Laugh now,
You know that I want you
You know that I need you
I don’t wanna live without you
Ooh you got a way about you
And I been alone for so long
Now the summer’s here and winters gone
So I just gotta say to you
I want you to know, love you heavy
You know I love your attitude
You really got me in the mood
I gotta deal me a better hand
No, no it ain’t a one night stand
And there ain’t a drug that’s strong enough
There ain’t a cure for this kinda love
Cos I love everything you do and
Baby you know, love you heavy
So tell me your mine all mine
As long as stars above
Oh I got me a girl so fine
I’m getting ready for this thing called love
You know that I want you
You know that I need you
I don’t wanna live without you
Ooh you got a way about you
And I love the things that you say
Your kind of love really blows me away
And this time baby love is true and
Baby you know love you heavy
So tell me your mine all mine
As long as stars above
Oh I got me a girl so fine
I’m getting ready for this thing called love
You know that I want you (early in the morning)
You know that I need you (later in the evening)
I don’t wanna live without you
Ooh you got a way about you (and I think about you
And I been alone for so long (yeh I hang on every word
you say)
Now the summer’s here and winters gone (baby over you)
So I just gotta say to you
I want you to know, love you heavy
Damn baby, I need to tell you something
I know I treated you bad, but I'm willing to change... listen
Let me take a minute girl and say what's on my mind
Said I been wanting you and needing you
Il be the first to say that I have been so blind
Gotta admit it now
Cause I dunno how to live without you
Don't really wanna waste your time
But I gotta say what's on my mind
Before you go, gotta let you know
Girl your the only one for me
What can I do to make you see
I need you girl
I just wanna luv u
I just wanna luv u forever more
I just wanna kiss u
Baby why can't u see your the one I want
Baby u just wanna hold you
I just wanna prove to you my love
Il love you all your life
Promise girl il make it right
Luv u, luv u babe
See the truth is girl I can't tell no lies (no lies)
Girl I have enough of...
Baby can't you see
Your the only one for me
Don't really wanna waste your time
But I gotta say what's on my mind
Just hear me out
Oh please don't shout
Girl your the only one for me
What can I do to make you see
But I have changed, I'm not the same
I just wanna luv u
I just wanna luv u forever more
I just wanna kiss u
Baby why can't u see your the one I want
Baby u just wanna hold you
I just wanna prove to you my love
Il love you all your life
Promise girl il make it right
Luv u, luv u babe
Ohh yeeh yeehhh
(girl il make it right)
Yeehheeh ohhh ohh
I just wanna luv u
I just wanna luv u forever more
I just wanna kiss u
Baby why can't u see your the one I want
Baby u just wanna hold you
I just wanna prove to you my love
Il love you all your life
Promise girl il make it right
Luv u, luv u babe
I just wanna luv u
I just wanna luv u forever more (can I be, can I be)
I just wanna kiss u
Baby why can't u see your the one I want (can't you see)
Baby u just wanna hold you
I just wanna prove to you my love
Il love you all your life
Promise girl il make it right (promise girl I'll make it right)
it takes too much to please me
attached but no real feeling
high fives and corporate anthems
nothing comes to mind
kitemarked for true low standards
where more wants all and no less
just change with no real progress
nothing comes to mind
i want higher
still nothing comes to mind
give me a low five
'cause i can't help myself
i'm a low five downsize no-one else
do you love yourself?
these altered states and egos
potential less than zero
found god in san diego
nothing comes to mind
i half expect to find myself
in full control of nothing else
last hope but learnt to hope less
nothing comes to mind
i want higher
I fought the beast and I broke his jaw
I cut out his heart and I ate it raw
I seen some people in misery
Makes all my questions seem like luxury
That's why I go to the outzone
There I can ride on a love wave
I climbed a mountain to the top
It was just a very big rock
After the up I have always found
You can count on coming down
That's why I go to the outzone
There I can ride on a love wave
I played guitar with a media star
The entire event took place in a bar
Where'd the kid go? is he in a funk?
It's not your fault they filled your head with junk ...
That's why I go to the outzone
There I can ride on a love wave
I heard some church bells toll through the woods
I thought they'd done sellin' them goods
Me, my sins are at the laundromat
And when I'm clean I'm goin' back ...
That's why I go to the outzone
There I can ride on a love wave
That's why I go to the outzone
There I can ride on a love wave
That's why I go to the outzone
La noche me sorprende en silencio
Buscando controlar sentimientos
Aun lastima tanto recuerdo
Tan lento, tan lento
El llanto es solo un triste reflejo
De todo lo que llevamos dentro
Nos falta el aire de nuestro aliento
Tus besos, mis besos
Y ahora que, solos los dos
Los sueños rotos y un estupido adios
Y ahora que, solos los dos
LLenos de orgullo y vacios de amor
Y llueve por dentro
Cada que te pienso
Me duele el silencio que dejaste en el viento
Y llueve por dentro
Cada que te pienso
A cada momento que te echo de menos
Y llueve por dentro desde el silencio
Y llueve por dentro y me muero de amor
Me muero de amor
La noche me sorprende en silencio
Buscando controlar sentimientos
Aun lastima tanto recuerdo
Tan lento, tan lento
El llanto es solo un triste reflejo
De todo lo que llevamos dentro
Nos falta el aire de nuestro aliento
Tus besos, mis besos
Y ahora que, solos los dos
Los sueños rotos y un estupido adios
Y ahora que, solos los dos
LLenos de orgullo y vacios de amor
Y llueve por dentro
Cada que te pienso
Me duele el silencio que dejaste en el viento
Y llueve por dentro
Cada que te pienso
A cada momento que te echo de menos
Y llueve por dentro desde el silencio
Y llueve por dentro y me muero de amor
Y llueve por dentro
Cada que te pienso
Me duele el silencio que dejaste en el viento
Y llueve por dentro
Cada que te pienso
A cada momento que te echo de menos
I want you to know I had no place to go
Want you to see what you done to me
Because of him you've thrown me away
You could of gone with him and chose another day
Just because your gullible ranger
You've made me feel like I'm deranged
And that seems strange cause you gave me the life
That seems strange cause you gave me the life
I'm feeling almost dead you're messing up my head
I'm in the wrong direction still no support
Because of him you've thrown me away
You could of gone with him and chose another day
The road that you have taken now
Is all because of me somehow
And that seems strange cause you gave me the life
That seems strange cause you gave me the life
Just because your gullible range
You've made me feel like I'm deranged
And that seems strange cause you me the life
And I'll love my son, like you loved one
I will become another part of you
I'll carry the weight of you
So I'll love my son, like you loved one
It's now my turn to follow a better day
Think of a better way
I'll love my son, like you loved one
I will become another part of you
I'll carry the weight of you
I want you to know I have no place to go
New lover started getting closer
my mind went on a rollercoaster
We could talk, we could laugh
And he charmed, my breath away
New lover made me downright restless
Move too fast and I'd end up vestless
We'd be rude, and be crude
And he charmed, my breath away
And then he turned around and said "I Luv Ya"
Not "I love you" but "I Luv Ya"
That's no good
What am I s'posed to think about that
When it feels so good but you're holding back
What am I s'posed to respond that
Better off in silence than to speak such crap
Not so new lover had become so tasteless
When I closed my eyes, he had become faceless
I was tense, in defense
And he choked my breath away
Not so new lover had thrown in the spanner
To the works of my life's journey planner
I was bruised so confused
And he choked my breath away
And then he turned around and said "I Luv Ya"
Not "I love you" but "I Luv Ya"
That's no good
What am I s'posed to think about that
When it feels so good but you're holding back
What am I s'posed to respond that
Better off in silence than to speak such crap
A noncommittal
Trivial way at
Pretending you care
A juvenilie
Pathetic attempt at
Pretending you care
What am I s'posed to think about that
When it feels so good but you're holding back
What am I s'posed to respond that
Better off in silence than to speak such crap
What am I s'posed to think about that
When it feels so good but you're holding back
What am I s'posed to respond that
Better off in silence than to speak such crap
What am I s'posed to think about that
When it feels so good but you're holding back
What am I s'posed to respond that
I want, I want,
I can't seem to get,
What I want,
Ought to find a peace of my mind,
That I need,
I need,
To fulfill my greed,
And I want to have it all until I succeed,
I want, I want,
It's never enough,
I dream all the big dreams,
Of all the right stuff,
That I need,
I need,
As much as I must,
'Cause when the end comes,
From dust to dust we go.
Like fading scars under the sky,
You got to get to live before you die,
Before you die.
Oh today sees a dawn of a new daylight,
I know the last chance,
Put the loud to light,
But if we've got no control of the skin that we're living in,
Then tell me why I can't have another hit of that adrenaline,
Can I have another hit of that adrenaline?
Like fading scars under the sky,
You got to get to live before you die,
Know that you just take your rest,
Look around,
Let your feet touch the ground, go!
What if we're never coming down, now?
What if we're never coming down?
No price I wouldn't pay,
To take a breath away,
No price I wouldn't pay,
To take a breath away,
One more time,
One more.
Can I have another hit,
I wanna have another,
Can I have another hit,
I wanna have another,
Why can't I have another hit,
I wanna have another!
Like fading scars under the sky,
You got to get to live before you die,
Know that you just take your rest,
Look around,
Let your feet touch the ground, go!
What if we're never coming down, now?
What if we're never coming down?
Like fading scars under the sky,
You got to get to live before you die,
Know that you just take your rest,
Look around,
Let your feet touch the ground, go!
What if we're never coming down, now?
What if we're never coming down,
What if we're never coming down,
Miagetara hikou kigumo ashita e to kieta
Boku wa soredemo zutto jitensha wo kogi tsuzuketa... yeah
Noborisaka kake agaru ano sora no mukou
Itsuka oikoseru you na sonna ki ga shiteiru kara
*Haguresou na get away get away
Jounetsu wo get away get away
Nogasanai you ni te wo nobashite
Chippoke na koto ni nayanjatte
Tonikaku kimi ni aita kunatta... yeah
Umaretate no haru no nioi ni
Sakihokoru sakura no hanabira
Itsudatte makenai you ni nee
Sou waratte sotto waratte Laugh away
Sou waratte itsumo waratte
Oka no ue iki wo kirashi machi wo mioroshita
Tabun kimi no uchi no yane kurai wa mieru hazu... yeah
Mado no sotto umi ga sugu da yo nante hanashiteta
Dakara ano basho watari onaji ma kanjiteiru
*Afuresou na get away get away
Jounetsu wo get away get away
Kobosanai you ni te wo nobashite
Chippoke na koto ni nayanjatte
Tonikaku kimi ni aita kunatta... yeah
Me no mae ni hirogaru keshiki wo
Wasurete wa ikenai ki ga shita
Itsudatte makenai you ni
Never mind never mind ochikondara
Yeah yeah koko ni kite kaze ni fukaretai
Chiisa na egao ga mitai kara
Boku datte tsuyoku nareru no sa... yeah
Umaretate no haru no nioi ni
Sakihokoru sakura no hanabira
Itsudatte makenai you ni nee
Sun and silver until Umba
Little spark, smoke, flame and fire
Burn and Burn and Burn. How you Burn
Burn and Burn and Burn and Burn out
Love is : love - Lo-Fi - Red
It`s strange when boy meets girl meet wall
Floor and walls and ceiling. Sofa
Wine and Woe and Wrath and Boo-hoo
All those little ghosts a-haunting.
Hooks: Still sharp
The dog is you
Burn and Burn and Burn. How you Burn
aah kimi no kami no nioi to toiki ga kodou wo yurasu
togiresouna ishiki no mukou yaseta kata wo tsutsunda
nani mo ka mo urusarereba
kimi yo jiyuu wo sutete kurenai ka
aah kimi no hada ha sukeru you ni yami ni ukanda line
senaka ni tsuki sasatteyuku fukaku kizamareteyuku
nani mo ka mo urusarereba
ore no jiyuu wo subete sutete yaru
kimi ga hoshii kimi no subete ga
akari wo keshite ano mukou kawa he
kimi ga hoshii toketeyukitai
toki yo tomare eien ga hoshii
urunda hitomi ga sanete
kotoba nante mou iranai
bed no ue shibararete
sameru koto wasureta futari no hada
Ini rasa, yang terpendam
Selama ini dalam hatiku
Kau yang slalu, ada dalam pikiranku
Dalam mimpiku, selama ini
Ingin kukataka kepadamu
Semua yang kurasakan
Dalam hatiku...
Reff: ku menginginkanmu, tapi kutakut mengatakan
Perasaan ini, kepadamu
Hanya lewat lagu, yang bisa kuungkapkan
Perasaan ini kepadamu
I love you... I love you