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Ile trzeba zmienić by pokochać Łódź?
Łódź niepowtarzalna / Lodz - unique city
Violetta Live Łódź - Polska cz.1
Łódź 1920 - 1939
Nowa Łódź Fabryczna - Bud. dworca - Tunel - 10-03-2015
Alarmowy przejazd karetką "P" przez Łódź - czyli korki, remonty i bałagan...
violetta live łódź
Skrót meczu 23. kolejki I Ligi: Stomil Olsztyn - Widzew Łódź 1:3 (0:0), 28.03.2015 r.
Łódź - ostatnie nieodkryte miasto / Lodz - last undiscovered city
Happy Lodz - Łódź IS ALSO HAPPY (Pharrell Williams - Happy)
50 People 1 Question - Łódź, Poland
PRL 1962 Łódź. Letni wypoczynek.
Widzew Łódź - najpiękniejsze chwile wielkiego klubu
Łódź zmienia się na naszych oczach. Choć obecnie bardziej kojarzy się nam z wielkim placem budowy niż nowoczesnym miastem, już niedługo proporcje zostaną odw...
Fotografie / Photos: Robert Zapędowski / Dark Frame / All photos taken in Lodz, Poland: Muzyka / ...
Koncert Violetta Live w Polsce-Łódź 29.03.15r , g.14.30 .
Animacja zdjęć Romana Wajnikonisa z okresu 1920 - 1939 wykonanych w Łodzi. Wszystkie zdjęcia są opublikowane na profilu "Albumy z niepublikowanymi skanami" - Facebook.
Trwa montaż zbrojenia gigantycznej płyty stropowej. Setki zbrojarzy pracuje tu na 3 zmiany. Wkrótce wielkie betonowanie. Niektóre ujęcia zrobione zostały z punktu widokowego mieszczącego się na 15 piętrze Textilimpeksu.
Na filmie może tak dokładnie nie widać z czym muszą zmierzać się kierowcy pojazdów uprzywilejowanych (i nie tylko), którzy jeżdżą po Łodzi, ale uwierzcie mi,...
Skrót meczu 1 ligi: Stomil Olsztyn - Widzew Łódź, który został rozegrany w Ostródzie i zakończył się porażką Stomilu 1:3 (0:0). --------------------------------- Subskrybuj nasz kanał! Odwiedź nas na Facebooku, Twitterze oraz Instagramie:
Realization: Paweł Klepacz and Igor Majewski Music: Tarantula X - 1998 (Tarantula X Remix)
Happy Lodz - Produkcja i realizacja: Second Unit - Aleksandra Kapka, Piotr Kubiak, Jakub Woźniak www.pio...
English description below! English subtitles are available from YouTube menu! --- Pięćdziesiąt losowo wybranych osób odpowiedziało nam na jedno, to samo pyta...
Łódź 1962 roku. Niedzielny wypoczynek Łodzian.
Niezapomniane bramki i najważniejsze bramki z lat 90.
W IV odcinku Fight Travel poznajemy klub w którym została wytrenowana zawodniczka KSW oraz Invicta FC Karolina Kowalkiewicz, a także wielu utalentowanych zawodników takich jak Marcin Lasota czy Paweł Pawlak prowadzeni przez świetnie wyszkolonych instruktorów pod okiem posiadacza czarnego pasa w BJJ Marcina Rogowskiego.
Źródło - Polska Telewizja Internetowa
Koncert Violetta Live Łódź marzec 2015 Dla wszyskich którzy z jakiś względów nie mogli tego zobaczyć na żywo. Nagranie jest w dobrej jakości i myślę że można poczuć klimat jaki panował na scenie:))) Mam nadzieję, że Wam się spodoba :))))))))))) Jak tak to łapki w góręęęęęęęęęę:)
Fragmenty przedwojennych kronik filmowych, filmu "Skłamałam" M. Krawicza oraz niemieckiej UFA z 20.09.1939 przedstawiających Łódź z końca lat 30 XX w.
Subskrybuj: Face: Koszulki: Instagram: Top 20 filmów: Komu chce pan zaimponować? Co się wyprawia? Co to za trzepanko? Podkradanie zakupów Narkotyki w McDonald's Poszło bokiem zesrałem się Sklepowe obserwacje Wek i raus Co to za targowisko? Zakupy z nieznajomym Ma w McDonald's Paweł przepraszam Bułka za jaranko Co to za hołubce? Marchewkowa wymiana Ziemniaki Podkładanie zakupów w markecie Zasypianie podczas rozmowy Podkładanie świni Podrywanie w parku
archiwalne ujęcia z niemieckich kronik i filmów propagandowych. 0:01 Plac Wolności 0:10 Piotrkowska 272 0:13 0:15 Hotele Savoy i Grand (po prawej w głębi), w...
Fragmenty jednej z możliwych tras egzaminacyjnych w WORD Łódź na ul.Maratońskiej: Maratońska,W.Janke,Pienista,Sumowa,Króla,Obywatelska,Maratońska,W.Janke,Bra...
Time lapse przedstawia nasunięcie poprzeczne wiaduktu o długości 141m i masie 7000 ton w czasie 68 godzin zamknięcia torowego. Wiadukt został wykonany w cało...
Filmy Reportażowe/Okolicznościowe/Zaproszenia/Relacje/Reklamy oraz inne. Studio Filmowe 888 097 451 Link do filmu z zaproszenia motocyklowego na ślub: http:/...
Film z inauguracji Festiwalu Kinetycznej Sztuki Światła w Łodzi. Na kilka magicznych dni jesieni impreza zmienia szare centrum miasta w spektakularne widowisko świetlnej animacji. To jednak nie tylko atrakcja turystyczna, ale i szansa by odkryć na nowo potencjał miasta i zakochać się w jego pięknie.
During our first stop on our visit of Łódź my guide Anna and me stopped at the palace of Karol Scheibler, one of the big industrial textile magnates of the m...
During our first stop on our visit of Łódź my guide Anna and me stopped at the palace of Karol Scheibler, one of the big industrial textile magnates of the m...
During our first stop on our visit of Łódź my guide Anna and me stopped at the palace of Karol Scheibler, one of the big industrial textile magnates of the m...
During our first stop on our visit of Łódź my guide Anna and me stopped at the palace of Karol Scheibler, one of the big industrial textile magnates of the m...
Urocza ul.Piotrkowska, z zabytkowymi pięknymi kamienicami których elewacje zachwycają, to reprezentacyjna ulica Łodzi. Jedna z najdłuższych handlowych ulic E...
Lodz Poland Travel - Lodz Poland part 2 - Łódź [wut͡ɕ] is the third-largest city in Poland. Located in the central part of the country, it had a population of 753,192 in 2007. It is the capital of Łódź Voivodeship, and is approximately 135 kilometres (84 mi) south-west of Warsaw. The citys coat of arms is an example of canting: depicting a boat, it alludes to the citys name which translates literally as boat. ( wikipedia) Enjoy Your Lodz Poland Travel!
Here is a quick glimpse @ one of the main tourist attractions in Lodz, Poland.
Piotrkowska Street (Polish: ulica Piotrkowska), the main artery of Łódź, Poland, is one of the longest commercial thoroughfares in Europe, with a length of 4...
a short clip about Lodz (PL) made Fujitsu. twitter : @ceepackaging twitter : @ceepackaging My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland. I have produced over 2,320 original films. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects. Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating! I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers. Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine! Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!
Urocza ul.Piotrkowska, z zabytkowymi pięknymi kamienicami których elewacje zachwycają, to reprezentacyjna ulica Łodzi. Jedna z najdłuższych handlowych ulic E...
Student's survival guide is a pocket book guiding an erasmus student around city Łódź (Poland). Made for students of Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź.
Preview of Timkuli's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Learn more about these videos:
Look at the Piotrkowska street from The Liberty Square all the way to W-Z Road. From Wikipedia: Piotrkowska Street (Polish: ulica Piotrkowska), the main artery of Łódź, Poland, is one of the longest commercial thoroughfares in Europe, with a length of 4.9 km. It is one of the major tourist attractions of the city. It runs longitudinally in the straight line between the Liberty Square (Plac Wolności) and the Independence Square (Plac Niepodleglości). From the very beginning this street was the central axis, around which the city grew bigger, and its development spontaneously gave the present shape to its centre. At first the city was mainly the highway, but later it changed into the city's showcase, the leisure and shopping centre, where the life of growing industrial agglomeration could be observed. The street deteriorated remarkably after the World War II. Only after 1990 was it revitalized step by step and changed into a kind of pedestrian precinct. It has a function similar to a market square of old towns in other cities. Nowadays the buildings, town-planning, institutions, restaurants, clubs and pubs situated next to this street, create its specific atmosphere, which is said to have a "cult" character reaching even outside of Łódź Music: Marek I Vacek - Przasniczka Stanisław Moniuszko - Prząśniczka (REMIX) by SanLeo Moon Lounge Omicron Prime by Kevin MacLeod ( Wallpaper by Kevin MacLeod (
Listen to our guide - Krzysztof (Chris) talking about the history of Jewish martydom in Lodz, Poland.
Just a bit north of Piotrkowska Street we reached one of Łódź's main attraction: Manufaktura, a large entertainment and shopping centre located in the former industrial complex owned by textile magnate Izrael Poznański. In the second half of the 19th century, Poznański built an industrial empire in this location that included 12 separate factories with more than 80,000 spindles that produced high-quality cotton fabrics. The demise of Communism in the early 1990s killed the textile industry in Poland, and employment in the sector collapsed. Many of the former textile factories stood empty, but Izrael Poznański's former manufacturing empire was preserved and restored as the Manufactuktura complex, which today holds a theatre, the Museum of the Factory, the Museum of the History of the City of Łódź as well as the Alliance Française. It also has a cinema complex, a bowling alley, laser games, multiple pubs and restaurants, and art exhibition spaces. A French development company renovated this complex and created one of the most stunning architectural preservation and transformation projects in existence. Andel's Hotel Łódź is part of Izrael Poznanski's former textile manufacturing empire. It was originally erected in 1878 as a spinning mill, part of the cotton factory complex. After standing empty for decades, the former factory was transformed into a 4-star hotel with 278 designer rooms and suites, 3100 square metres of conference space, a ballroom for 800 people and fine-dining restauarants and bars with seats for more than 450 people. Our tour of Łódź on May 12, 2012 included the palace of Izrael Poznański, one of Poland's most successful entrepreneurs. Often referred to as the "Louvre of Łódź", the palace itself was commissioned in 1888 and reconstructed and expanded several times. Within its L-shaped structure there are impressive representative rooms as well as private residential quarters. With its baroque-inspired decor, the dining room is the most impressive room in the palace. Today the Museum of the City of Łódź is located here as well as a permanent exhibit about Arthur Rubinstein, the famous pianist, who was also born in Łódź. During my visit to the Poznański Palace in Łódź on May 12, 2012, I saw three exhibitions: the palace interiors with furniture from the epoch as well biographies and memorabilia of several important Łódź personalities including Artur Rubinstein, the world-renowned pianist, and Marek Edelmann, Warsaw ghetto uprising organizer and Holocaust survivor. On the ground floor we also had a peek at the Gallery of Polish Masters with paintings from the 19th and early 20th century. Finally we saw an exhibition that was part of the International Festival of Photography in Łódź entitled "Subjects of Gender and Desire. Photographs from the collection of Joanna and Krzysztof Madelski", which turned out to be a very interesting exhibit. Last but not least, my final visit in Łódź on May 12 was to the Museum of the Factory, which focuses on the history of the textile factory founded by Izrael Poznański in the mid 19th century. Anna Morkosinska, my guide, happens to be the director of this museum and provided me with great background information for this institution. With its interactive exhibits, photos, documents, architectural plans and fabric samples, the museum illustrates the production techniques (we even saw a weaving demonstration on one of the vintage looms), as well as exhibits illustrating the lives and routines of factory workers. One of the highlights is a book filled with stories of retired workers. The Museum of the Factory is not very large, but it has succeeded in illustrating the evolution and history of the factory and the people affected by it.
The city of Łódź in the middle of Poland is something of a paradox. Unlike many other major cities, it did not spring up around a major river. And yet it is because of water that it developed and grew to be the metropolis of three quarters of a million people that it is today. Every day at noon, the Łódź anthem rings out from the town hall, a song written in the 19th century in celebration of the industry that brought the city wealth - textiles. And for a place without a major water supply, it might seem bizarre that its symbol is a boat. The city's Mayor Hanna Zdanowska told euronews that there is water even though it is not highly visible: "The city of Łódź began here and developed rapidly thanks to the number of rivers that criss-cross it. In fact Łódź sits on 18 rivers." 'Rivers' is perhaps an overstatement. The biggest is maybe just 10 metres across at its widest. The others are more like streams - like the Sokołówka. With water so scarce, they have to keep it clean. Professor Maciej Zalewski, Director of the European Regional Centre of Ecohydrology described his purification system which is much cheaper and more efficient than an industrial plant. "Most of the pollution falls as sediment in this pool," he said. "The process is reinforced by these strips." "Cloth filters catch virtually all pollutants, and afterwards they're used to fertilise lawns." The water - almost as clean as a mountain spring according to the professor - feeds into a lake in a nearby park. Without a major river, Łódź grew up around its main thoroughfare - four kilometres long Piotrkowska Street is straight as a die. City guide Dominika Ostrowska told euronews: "In the 19th century as the town got richer it was everyone's proud dream to have a house on Piotrkowska Street. Like Juliusz Heinzel's house behind me, which is now the town hall. The interior has hardly changed." "The Rubinstein Alley is my favourite part," she went on. "The great pianist was born there at number 67. Today there's a sculpture of Arthur Rubinstein, sitting at a grand piano." They might not have had much water in Łódź, but what they had was exceptionally clean and so perfect for making textiles. From 1820 onwards, the red-brick mills shot up and the population exploded. "The city of Łódź came about thanks to big money," Mayor Hanna Zdanowska said. "It developed in the 19th century and at the time it was one of the three fastest growing cities in the world. In less than 100 years, it transformed from a small town of 1,500 into a city of more than 600,000 people. We want to find our roots, and we think that saving this beautiful post-industrial infrastructure is a real chance for the city." 'Manufaktura' is one of the biggest shopping and leisure centres in Europe. It was created from an old factory with private investment. The Łódź city art centre is partly completed. Work on the rest of the centre is still underway. Its director Krzysztof Candrowicz told us: "This is an old factory built in the 19th century by the industrialist Karol Scheibler. It's been transformed into an arts centre, and here we can host lots of artists, festivals and events. Most of all, when the work is finished in two years, this area will grow to 10,000 square metres and will house a new centre of creative industry called Art Inkubator." They are renovating an old power-station that supplied Łódź with electricity until the beginning of the 21st century. It is one of the biggest industrial conversions in the world. The aim is to create a new city centre. The man in charge of the project, Paweł Zuromski, showed us around: "This is the old generator hall, part of it dates back to 1907. After the works have finished there'll be a centre of cinema art here. At its heart there'll be mainly what you'd call a theatre of sound. That'll be a recording studio big enough for a large symphony orchestra and a choir. "The old machine room will house an art gallery and conference rooms. There will also be a planetarium and a 3D cinema. "And there is a part they call the new generator, built in 1930. There will be a research and technical centre. The installations are intended mainly to explain energy production." Łódź is always looking for water, to live, and for leisure like the Fala aqua park - but also to open itself up to the wider world. The Marshal of the Łódzkie Region, Witold Stępień, said: "It's clear that the city can't function well without its surrounding region. The water-treatment plant for example was built by Lodz and its neighbouring communities." euronews discover is a window into the diversity of life around the globe, bringing you reports about nature, animals, travel and amazing events - every video is a destination. Where next? Subscribe to get our latest videos: Made by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.
They will take place in Bełchatów, Białystok, Bielsko-Biała, Bydgoszcz, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Gdańsk, ...
noodls 2015-04-17The highlights among the hotels that the company owns, partially owns, or operates are the andel's ...
noodls 2015-04-15of Łódź hereby gives notice of the Annual General Meeting, which will be held ... Zbąszyńska 3 in Łódź.
noodls 2015-04-07(Source: Zetkama SA ) cr 3_2015. Current report 03/2015. Dated: 18.03 .2015 Subject: ... Content of report: ... z o ... based in Łódź.
noodls 2015-04-07... SA with the headquarters in Łódź (100% subsidiary of Apator SA) since the 1st February 2015.
noodls 2015-04-01(Source: ... As for now, this system is used in Poland's biggest cities, including Warsaw, Wrocław, Lublin, Bydgoszcz and Łódź.
noodls 2015-03-25(Source: Trakcja PRKiI SA ). Finishing work on the Łódź Widzew railway station pedestrian tunnel has started ... Trakcja PRKiI S.
noodls 2015-03-24(Source: Intersport Polska SA ) ... e ... e. skiing and snowboarding) ... We have reduced the area of the stores in Łódź (-1.587 ... e.
noodls 2015-03-23... projects in Kraków, Łódź and Katowice, as well as cost cuts combined with decline in interest paid.
noodls 2015-03-23(Source: Asseco Poland SA ) RB Financial Supervision Authority ... A ... , based in Łódź, and Przedsiębiorstwo Informatyczne ZETO S.
noodls 2015-03-19... for the construction and lease of a retail space building located in the Retkinia district of Łódź.
noodls 2015-03-19In addition to Wrocław, the awards are held in Warsaw, Łódź, Poznań, Toruń, Rzeszów, Szczecin, Katowice, Kraków and Gdańsk.
noodls 2015-03-06(Source: ... .2015 ... 1 ... Sp. z o. o ... 2 ... AGH UST, Łódź University of Technology, Institute for Engineering of Polymer Materials and Dyes.
noodls 2015-03-04Łódź ([wut͡ɕ] ( listen); Yiddish: לאדז', Lodzh) is the third-largest city in Poland. Located in the central part of the country, it had a population of 742,387 in December 2009. It is the capital of Łódź Voivodeship, and is approximately 135 kilometres (84 mi) south-west of Warsaw. The city's coat of arms is an example of canting: depicting a boat, it alludes to the city's name which translates literally as "boat".
Łódź first appears in the written record in a 1332 document giving the village of Łodzia to the bishops of Włocławek. In 1423 King Władysław Jagiełło granted city rights to the village of Łódź. From then until the 18th century the town remained a small settlement on a trade route between Masovia and Silesia. In the 16th century the town had fewer than 800 inhabitants, mostly working on the nearby grain farms.
With the second partition of Poland in 1793, Łódź became part of the Kingdom of Prussia's province of South Prussia, and was known in German as Lodsch. In 1798 the Prussians nationalised the town, and it lost its status as a town of the bishops of Kuyavia. In 1806 Łódź joined the Napoleonic Duchy of Warsaw and in 1810 it had 190 inhabitants. In the 1815 Congress of Vienna treaty it became part of Congress Poland, a client state of the Russian Empire.