Mindenki Joga Radio Show, Civil Rádío Budapest 98fm
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Mindenki Joga

redjade Csü, 2010-06-24 01:41

Iraq War, 10 Years Later — Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment, a CEU Discussion— Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2013-03-18 14:32
Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment: a CEU Roundtable discussion, Mar

Topics for 18 March 2013
Episode 93:
• The USA Invasion of Iraq, 10 years later
• BBC Documentary: 'James Steele: America's mystery man in Iraq' (full video online!)
• Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment: a CEU Roundtable discussion, March 13 2013

Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment: a CEU Roundtable discussion — Mindenki Joga

redjade Mindenki Joga Csü, 2013-03-14 15:34

Hungary after the 4th Constitutional Amendment:
a CEU Roundtable discussion, March 13 2013

Refugee Protest at the Hungarian Parliament - Video Reports — 26 November 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-11-26 18:26

Topics for 26 November 2012
Episode 84:
• Intro to the show and background info on the Afghan refugees interviewed.
• Interviews with two Afghan men and two Afghan women in front of the Hungarian Parliament, November 20 2012.
• Zoltán Somogyvári, migrant rights activist discusses the issues and demands of the protesters and the needs of refugees in Hungary in general.
• Democracy Now!

Voices of Peace Activists: Gaza 2012 — 19 November 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-11-26 15:56

Topics for 19 November 2012
Episode 83:
• Interview with Palestinian Peace and justice activist and journalist Majed Abusalama currently in Gaza.
• UK Reporter Activist Harry Fear reporting from Gaza Palestine
War! sung by Edwin Starr
• Ofer Neiman, Israeli Peace and Justice activist in Jerusalem
• Democracy Now - Gaza situation, Interview with Israeli Negotiator Gershon Baskin, Oliver Stone talks about his 'Untold History of the United States' documentary series.

US Elections » Vote for Democratic Alternatives? No, You Can't. — 5 November 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-11-26 15:13

Topics for 5 November 2012
Episode 82:
• Chris Capps-Schubert, Deserted US Soldier now living in Kaiserslautern, Germany and Peace activist discusses the 2012 US Elections
• Democracy Now!'s '3rd Party' Presidential debates

Noam Chomsky 'Who Owns the World?' — TGM beszéde A Város Mindenkié 56-os megemlékezése — 29 October 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Pén, 2012-11-02 15:38

Topics for 29 October 2012
Episode 81:
• Noam Chomsky new lecture 'Who Owns the World?' at University of Massachusetts in Amherst
• Az 56-os forradalomban - csakúgy mint a többi magyar szabadságharcban - a romák is áldozatot hoztak. Az Ide tartozunk! Roma Közösségi Hálózat évente megemlékezik a hősökről.
• A Város Mindenkié 56-os megemlékezése - Tamás Gáspár Miklós beszéde
• Rekviem Dokumentumfilm Fesztivál — Tömeggyilkos hatalmak: történelem és emlékezet a 21. században » Beszélgetés: Szenesné Brodt Erzsébet, holokauszt túlélő, Závada Pál, író, Daróczi Ágnes, kutató

MP3: Tömeggyilkos hatalmak: történelem és emlékezet a 21. században — 26 October 2012

redjade Mindenki Joga Szo, 2012-10-27 10:54

Rekviem Dokumentumfilm Fesztivál
Tömeggyilkos hatalmak: történelem és emlékezet a 21. században

Szenesné Brodt Erzsébet, holokauszt túlélő
Závada Pál, író
Daróczi Ágnes, kutató
Időpont: 2012. október 26-28.
Helyszín: Uránia mozi

Hungarian Roma in Toronto — a Roma Parlament jövőjéről tartott sajtótájékoztató — 22 October 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-10-22 11:23

Topics for 22 October 2012
Episode 80:
• Miscolc Report by Balazs Turay about the 'A hazáért, a demokráciáért!' protest
• Discussion with Gina Csanyi-Robah, Toronto Roma Community Centre about Hungarian refugees in Canada
• Zsigó Jenő és Horváth Aladár a Roma Parlament jövőjéről tartott sajtótájékoztatót. (magyarul)

Does the European Union Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize??! A Discussion with Jan Oberg — 15 October 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-10-15 08:59

Topics for 15 October 2012
Episode 79:
• Small Court Victory for Hungarians Occupying Library, involved in Occupy London
• #globalNOISE Budapest / Zajong a világ! — Interviews from the Budapest Bank Centre
• EU Receives the Nobel Peace Prize??!! Discussion with Jan Oberg, Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
• Uranium Mining on Navajo Nation American Indian Land, and more

'Real Democracy' a report from Spain — 08 October 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-10-08 10:31

Topics for 08 October 2012
Episode 78:
• Duncan reports from Barcelona about the recent protests and police violence in Spain and historical meanings of the demands for 'Real Democracy'
• Freedom from Guantánamo, Extradition to the US for Julian Assange? and Italian convictions against CIA agents involved in Rendition flights within the EU.
• The 2,000th US soldier killed in Afghanistan, and other news

Hungary's New Church Law and the History of Islam in Hungary — Refugee Julian Assange — 20 August 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-08-20 09:49

Topics for 20 August 2012
Episode 74:
• Part Two of the interview with Munif Abdul-Fattah from the XI District Budapest Mosque, discussing Hungary's new 'Church Law' and the history of Islam in Hungary...
• Julian Assange speech from the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London UK
• Democracy Now about Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Video » FREE Pussy Riot - Budapest Hungary (FLASH MOB) az Erzsébet téren — 2012.08.17

redjade Mindenki Joga Vas, 2012-08-19 11:25

'FREE Pussy Riot - Budapest (FLASH MOB) az Erzsébet téren a szökőkútnál'
»» https://www.facebook.com/events/186797388120561/

Food and Community — Ramadan in Budapest — Romani Platni — 13 August 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-08-13 15:35
Ramadan in Budapest 2012

Topics for 13 August 2012
Episode 73:
» Theme: Food and Community
• Feeding the Poor while Fasting: Ramadan in Budapest @ Szena tér
• The meaning of Ramadan and fasting in a community: a discussion with Munif Abdul-Fattah
• Romani Platni: an 'Apartment Restaurant' to bring Hungarian Roma/Gypsy food & culture to the public
• Democracy Now

2012 Roma Holocaust Megemlékezés — 06 Augusztus 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-08-06 11:46
Roma Holocaust Megemlékezés

Topics for 06 Augusztus 2012
Episode 72:
• Roma Holocaust Megemlékezés - Daroczi Agnes, Phralipe Független Cigány Szervezet
• Megemlékezés a Roma Holokauszt Emléknapon - Magyarország Holokauszt Emlékközpont

Discussing Roma/Gypsies in Europe, The World, Spain, and Hungary — 30 July 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-07-30 12:22
Roma/Gypsy International Flag

Topics for 02 July 2012
Episode 71:
• Spain: Anthropologists Liria de la Cruz and Paloma Gay y Blasco talk about school segregation in Madrid
• Roma citizens of Europe and the World: A talk with Valery Novoselsky, founder and editor of Roma Virtual Network
• Discussion with Photographer Balázs Turay discusses the 2008/9 serial murders of Hungarian Roma and the situation to for the families of the survivors
• Roma Holocaust Megemlékezés/Commemoration - August 2nd Budapest

Budapest Pride Week: Queers, Jews and Sluts — 02 Július 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-07-02 12:10
Slutwalk Budapest 2012

Topics for 02 Július 2012
Episode 69:
• Ármin Langer talks about the July 7 LGBTQ-friendly Jewish service, supported by three progressive congregations (Bet Orim, Dor Chadash and Sim Shalom) of Budapest Pride 2012.
• A Slutwalk utáni 90 perces kerekasztalbeszélgetésről készült hanganyag a Pepita Ofélia, Bárban Szabó Mónika (szociálpszichológus, gender-kutató), Kuszing Gábor (pszichológus, a Patent Egyesület és a Stop-Férfierőszak Projekt képviselője) és Kiss Nóra (szervező) részvételével!
• After the SlutWalk march there was a Hungarian-language 90-minute discussion at Pepita Ofélia Bar. Participants of the discussion: Mónika Szabó (social psychologist, gender theorist - Patent Egyesület), Gábor Kuszing (psychologist, representative of the Association Against Patriarchy and the Stop Male Violence Project - Stop-Férfierőszak Projekt) and Nóra Kiss (Budapest SlutWalk organizer).

Interview with Israeli Military Draft Resisters, Noam Gur and Alon Gurman — 16 April 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-04-16 18:22

Topics for 16 April 2012
Episode 64:
• Mindenki Joga Interview with Israeli Military Draft Resistors, Noam Gur and Alon Gurman.
• International Law professor Francis Boyle discusses the Obama Era and the damage done.
• Democracy Now episode about the Tuareg revolution in Northern Mali.

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Beszélgetés a magyarországi menekülthelyzetről — Why is a Yemeni journalist in jail? — 19 March 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-03-19 16:22

Topics for 19 March 2012
Episode 63:
• Magyarul: beszélgetés a magyarországi menekülthelyzetről
• In English: Why is President Obama Keeping a Yemeni Journalist in Prison?

» Have you subscribed to the Mindenki Joga Newsletter?... please click subscribe!

Mindenki Joga Newsletter

redjade Mindenki Joga Pén, 2012-03-16 13:43

Please subscribe to the weekly email newsletter of the Mindenki Joga radio show - updates will include blog updates, activist news, and other commentary. Thank you! —jd

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TGM discusses Roma Hip Hop — No TAV and Radical Gardening — 12 March 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-03-12 15:06
Gáspár Miklós Tamás / Tamás Gáspár Miklós

Topics for 12 March 2012
Episode 62:
• Budapest activist Maria talks about the No TAV movement and Radical Gardening in Europe
• Gáspár Miklós Tamás (TGM) discusses Roma Hip Hop at Budapest’s Roma Parlament

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  Mindenki Joga Radio Show, Civil Rádío Budapest 98fm
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