
Refugee Protest at the Hungarian Parliament - Video Reports — 26 November 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-11-26 18:26

Topics for 26 November 2012
Episode 84:
• Intro to the show and background info on the Afghan refugees interviewed.
• Interviews with two Afghan men and two Afghan women in front of the Hungarian Parliament, November 20 2012.
• Zoltán Somogyvári, migrant rights activist discusses the issues and demands of the protesters and the needs of refugees in Hungary in general.
• Democracy Now!

'Real Democracy' a report from Spain — 08 October 2012 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Hét, 2012-10-08 10:31

Topics for 08 October 2012
Episode 78:
• Duncan reports from Barcelona about the recent protests and police violence in Spain and historical meanings of the demands for 'Real Democracy'
• Freedom from Guantánamo, Extradition to the US for Julian Assange? and Italian convictions against CIA agents involved in Rendition flights within the EU.
• The 2,000th US soldier killed in Afghanistan, and other news

The UK Royal Wedding! plus, Malalai Joya and Noam Chomsky — 02 May 2011 Mindenki Joga 98FM

redjade Mindenki Joga Ked, 2011-05-03 20:25
Május Elseje 2011

Topics for 02 May 2011
Episode 31:
• Robert Fisk interview about Syrian Uprising
• Johann Hari discusses the UK Royal Wedding
• Malalai Joya and Noam Chomsky speak at Harvard

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