Socialist Party

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Socialist Party video

Hannah Sell, Summer camp 2014

Revolution and counter-revolution in the world today - Hannah Sell speaking at summer camp

The Socialist Party says

We need real jobs with a living wage, photo Paul Mattsson

Fourfold rise in youth on poverty pay

3 September Fight for £10 an hour now! Don't be young. Not if you want a house or enough to live on. A new study out this month details the continuing decay of youth wages and home ownership More...

3 September 2014

Stop the Con-Dems destroying our NHS!

Workers' action can stop NHS cuts and privatisation, photo Paul Mattsson

Cameron's government is destroying the National Health Service by privatising huge swathes of it. Last year Simon Stephens was appointed chief executive of NHS England. Stephens used to run US firm UnitedHealth's European arm More...

3 September 2014

Pre-election Britain - crisis brewing on all fronts

Some of the headlines indicating the state of Britain

The 2015 general election is a mere eight months away yet impossible to call. But, as Hannah Sell, Socialist Party deputy general secretary writes, what is clear is that none of the capitalist parties hold any real attraction for working class voters More...

3 September 2014

Rotherham: Council and police cover up abuse

There has been widespread revulsion and outrage at the findings of the report by Professor Alexis Jay into the horrendous abuse of children and young people in Rotherham, published on 26 August More...

More news and analysis...

4/9/14 Cardiff

Communities determined to protect remaining leisure facilities  Cardiff council is threatening massive cuts to leisure services in the south of Cardiff More...

3/9/14 Salford

Campaigners lobbying Salford City Council, photo Andrew Carss

Victory for disabled transport campaign  Salford City Council forced to continue, for the time being, transport for adults with disabilities More...

1/9/14 Kirklees

Council proposes worst cuts in living memory  Last week, the Labour Cabinet in Kirklees introduced a cuts package of £70 million for so-called public consultation More...

1/9/14 East London

Construction walkout in Romford following sackings of union reps  Agency workers demanded direct employment by contractor company T. Clarke.
2.9.14 update: victory achieved! More...

29/8/14 Youth Fight for Jobs

Fast Food Rights: ‘Get the lady in the pink T-shirt out of here!’  Activists from the BFAWU union and Youth Fight for Jobs took part in a Fast Food Rights day of action More...

20/8/14 Newport

London Gaza demo 19 July 2014, photo Paul Mattsson

Capitalism means war: Join the Socialists!  Nato, the war-machine of Western capitalism, will descend on Newport in September More...

19/8/14 Telecoms

BT CWU members vote for strike action in latest consultation  In a consultation ballot, 57% voted for a ballot for industrial action now. More...

More reports and campaigns...

The Socialist newspaper, weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party:

The Socialist newspaper, 3 September 2014, issue 823

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The Socialist newspaper, 20 August 2014, issue 822

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The Socialist newspaper, 6 August 2014, issue 821

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The Socialist newspaper, 30 July 2014, issue 820

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The Socialist newspaper, 16 July 2014, issue 819

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The Socialist newspaper, 9 July 2014, issue 818

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The Socialist newspaper, 2 July 2014, issue 817

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The Socialist newspaper, 25 June 2014, issue 816

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The Socialist newspaper, 18 June 2014, issue 815

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The Socialist newspaper, 11 June 2014, issue 814

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Click here for more issues of The Socialist newspaper

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Socialist Party and CWI

Committee for a Workers' InternationalThe Socialist Party is part of the Committee for a Workers‘ International (CWI) which fights for socialism world wide.

Socialism Today

ST cover 181

Socialism Today is the monthly magazine of the Socialist Party
Click here to subscribe

- In this month's issue:

Socialism and national rights

The stakes are raised in pre-election Britain

Engels and women’s liberation

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN)

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN)

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)

Youth and student

Youth Fight for Jobs

Click here for our youth and student pages

- See also:

Youth Fight For Jobs website

Socialist Students website

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Marxist guides

Karl Marx Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

Communism, grotesque caricature: see Soviet Union. See also What About Russia?


Dialectical materialism

Genuine communism: see Marxism, What is it?

Historical materialism

How would a socialist economy work?

Lenin Lenin: On Marxism

Marxism: What is it?

Philosophy, Marxism

Russian Revolution

The State and Revolution

Socialism: What is it?

Socialist Countries?

Socialist Party manifesto

Soviet Union

State, The

Terrorism: Marxism Opposes Terrorism

Trotsky Trotsky: On the Russian Revolution

What about Russia?

What is Marxism?

What is Socialism?

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September 2014

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